Water-energy-food Roadmap

Water-energy-food Roadmap

Water-energy-food Roadmap


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CHINA’SWATER-ENERGY-FOODR ADMAPA Global Choke Point ReportBySusan Chan ShifflettJennifer L. TurnerLuan DongIlaria MazzoccoBai YunwenFebruary, 2015

AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful to the EnergyFoundation’s China Sustainable EnergyProgram and Skoll Global Threats Fund fortheir core support to the China <strong>Water</strong> EnergyTeam exchange and the production of this<strong>Roadmap</strong>. This report was also made possiblethanks to additional funding from the Henry LuceFoundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, bluemoon fund, USAID, and Vermont Law School.We are also in debt to the participants of the China<strong>Water</strong>-Energy Team who dedicated considerabletime to assist us in the creation of this <strong>Roadmap</strong>.We also are grateful to those who reviewed thenear-final version of this publication, in particular,Vatsal Bhatt, Christine Boyle, Pamela Bush,Heather Cooley, Fred Gale, Ed Grumbine, JiaShaofeng, Jia Yangwen, Peter V. Marsters, SunQingwei, Vincent Tidwell, Yang Fuqiang, ZhangChao, and Zhao Lijian.Our CEF research assistants were invaluablein producing this report from editing and finetuning by Darius Izad and Xiupei Liang, toSiqi Han’s keen eye in creating our infographics.The chinadialogue team—Alan Wang, HuangLushan, Zhao Dongjun—deserves a cheer fortheir speedy and superior translation of our reportinto Chinese. At the last stage we are indebtedto Katie Lebling who with a keen eye did thefinal copyedits, whipping the text and citationsinto shape and CEF research assistant QinnanZhou who did the final sharpening of the Chinesetext. Last, but never least, is our graphic designer,Kathy Butterfield whose creativity in designalways makes our text shine.All errors and omissions are those of the authorsand not those acknowledged here. The viewsexpressed in this report are those of the authorsand not necessarily those of the Wilson Center,Greenovation Hub, or the funders.

Woodrow Wilson International Center for ScholarsJane Harman, Director, President and CEOThomas R. NidesChairman of the BoardSander R. GerberVice ChairmanPUBLIC CITIZEN MEMBERS:James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress; John Kerry, Secretary, U.S.Department of State; Albert Horvath, Acting Secretary, Smithsonian Institution;Arne Duncan, Secretary, U.S. Department of Education; David Ferriero,Archivist of the United States; William Adams, Chairman, National Endowmentfor the Humanities; Sylvia Mathews Burwell, The Secretary, U.S. Department ofHealth and Human ServicesFred P. HochbergChairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the United StatesPRIVATE CITIZEN MEMBERS:John T. Casteen, III, Charles E. Cobb, Jr., Thelma Duggin, Lt. Gen. Susan Helms, USAF(Ret.), Barry S. Jackson, Nathalie Rayes, Jane Watson StetsonWILSON NATIONAL CABINET:Eddie & Sylvia Brown, Melva Bucksbaum & Raymond Learsy, Ambassadors Sue & ChuckCobb, Lester Crown, Thelma Duggin, Judi Flom, Sander R. Gerber, Ambassador JosephB. Gildenhorn & Alma Gildenhorn, Harman Family Foundation, Susan Hutchison, FrankF. Islam, Willem Kooyker, Linda B. & Tobia G. Mercuro, Dr. Alexander V. Mirtchev, WayneRogers, Leo ZicklerWoodrow Wilson International Center for ScholarsOne Woodrow Wilson Plaza1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20004-3027(202) 691-4000, fax (202) 691-4001www.wilsoncenter.orgii

Table of ContentsAbout the <strong>Roadmap</strong>. .................................................................. vExecutive Summary. .................................................................. 1China’s Choke Points: Where’s My <strong>Water</strong>?. ................................................ 5<strong>Water</strong> for Energy. ..................................................................... 9Coal is the Thirsty King ..............................................................11Polluting Too .....................................................................12Hydropower – China’s Energy Queen ...................................................15Natural Gas—The Emerging Energy Prince ..............................................15The Promise of Clean (but Thirsty) Energy ...............................................16Renewables ......................................................................16Nuclear Power Boom ...............................................................17Energy for <strong>Water</strong>. .................................................................... 19Re-plumbing the Nation: The South-North <strong>Water</strong> Transfer Project .............................19A Bet on Desalination to “Make” New Freshwater .........................................22Wastewater Treatment: The Forgotten Energy Intensive Industry ..............................23A Path Forward: Energy for <strong>Water</strong> .....................................................23Adding Food Choke Points to the Mix ................................................... 25<strong>Water</strong> for Food ....................................................................27High and Dry .....................................................................27Multicolored Toxic Rivers ............................................................27Energy for Food ...................................................................28Food for Energy ...................................................................29Biofuels .........................................................................29Ways Forward for Food Choke Points ..................................................29Insights from Choke Point Issues in the United States ...................................... 33U.S. Government Choke Point Activities .................................................33Regional and Basin-level Choke Point Planning and Action ..................................34Research and Nongovernmental Organization Choke Point Activities ...........................35U.S. Business Choke Point Investments .................................................35Finding Solutions in Connections. ...................................................... 37Action Area #1. Identify the Magnitude of <strong>Water</strong>-Energy-Food Issues ...........................38Action Area #2. Optimize <strong>Water</strong>-Energy-Food Nexus Management ............................40Action Area #3. Strengthen Collaborative Networks Between China and the United States ..........41China’s Opportunities to Address the Choke Points ........................................ 45Appendix A: China <strong>Water</strong>-Energy Team Itinerary ...........................................46Appendix B: China <strong>Water</strong>-Energy Team Member Bios ......................................46iii

About the <strong>Roadmap</strong>The water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> choke point is forcing anew reckoning. Three colliding trends—decliningfreshwater reserves, booming <strong>energy</strong> demand, anduncertain grain supplies—are disrupting economies,governments, and environments around the world.As the world’s most populous country and biggest<strong>energy</strong> consumer, China’s <strong>energy</strong>, <strong>food</strong>, andenvironmental security is threatened as it hits thesechoke points. How Chinese policymakers deal withthese water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> confrontations will havesignificant domestic and global consequences.In 2010, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s ChinaEnvironment Forum (CEF) teamed up with theMichigan-based Circle of Blue to launch theChoke Point: China initiative, which created a broadassessment and narrative of the water-<strong>energy</strong><strong>food</strong>confrontations in the world’s second largesteconomy. We were the first to report that 20 percentof China’s annual water use goes to produce<strong>energy</strong> from coal. Our reporting also raised soberingquestions on the large and overlooked <strong>energy</strong>footprint of water in China. Over 20 multimediareports on China’s choke points have attractedconsiderable interest from policymakers, researchers,and NGOs in and outside China, catalyzing newresearch, policy discussions, and programming.To deepen these dialogues and highlight potentialsolutions, the China Environment Forum began apartnership with the Beijing-based environmentalgroup Greenovation Hub to organize the first China<strong>Water</strong>-Energy Team (China WET) exchange in August2013. During the week-long exchange, the teamparticipated in six closed and two public roundtablediscussions in Beijing with Chinese governmentresearch institutes, think tanks, environmental NGOs,universities, and businesses.This <strong>Roadmap</strong> captures insights from the ChinaWET exchange and numerous in-depth interviewswith Chinese and U.S. environmental and <strong>energy</strong>practitioners. The three main goals of this <strong>Roadmap</strong>are to:1. Provide a snapshot of the water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong>trends and major players in China;2. Identify research and policy gaps foraddressing China’s water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> chokepoints; and,3. Propose potential solutions moving forward,with an emphasis on the role of China-U.S.collaboration to address the water-<strong>energy</strong><strong>food</strong>confrontations in both countries.The work of the China Environment Forum andGreenovation Hub aims to cross silos both within andacross the U.S. and Chinese governments, research,business, and NGO communities to inform, andhopefully catalyze, better policymaking and a greenerenvironment. We hope this <strong>Roadmap</strong> will play a smallpart in helping both countries better address thewater-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> challenge.Jennifer L. TurnerDirector, China Environment ForumWoodrow Wilson CenterLo Sze PingFounder, Greenovation Hubv

Executive SummaryThe water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> nexus is creating acomplicated challenge for China and the world.Energy development requires water. Moving andcleaning water requires <strong>energy</strong>. Food production atall stages—from irrigation to distribution—requireswater and <strong>energy</strong>. As the most populous country andthe world’s manufacturing hub, China demands allthree resources in ever increasing amounts, leadingto shortages that are creating serious choke pointsto the country’s development. Pressure on water is atthe heart of these resource constraints facing China.<strong>Roadmap</strong> for the <strong>Roadmap</strong>How China can secure enough clean water tomaintain agricultural and <strong>energy</strong> production to meetits population’s needs is a challenge that holds farreachingconsequences for the country’s future. Asa systematic attempt to summarize China’s chokepoint challenges and spark innovative thinking andpragmatic action, the <strong>Roadmap</strong> begins with anoverview of the water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> nexus trends inChina, starting with the <strong>energy</strong> sector’s thirst forwater—from coal and hydropower to renewablesand natural gas. The second section examines theoften-overlooked <strong>energy</strong> footprint of China’s watersector, and the third outlines the water and <strong>energy</strong>demands of China’s <strong>food</strong> sector. The <strong>Roadmap</strong> thenpulls in lessons from the U.S. experience dealingwith water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> challenges, and closes withsuggestions on how Chinese policy practitioners,businesses, and civil society groups could embark ona comprehensive assessment of the current situationand initiate action to address China’s choke points.This report builds on the China Environment Forum’s(CEF) extensive research in partnership with Circleof Blue, and draws heavily on a weeklong exchangewith American and Chinese water, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong>experts that took place in China in August 2013.Since 2010, CEF and Circle of Blue have raisedawareness of the water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> confrontation inChina and served as “matchmakers,” helping to buildknowledge partnerships among the government,NGOs, and the private sector to further choke pointresearch. We were greatly encouraged when, inNovember 2014, President Barack Obama andPresident Xi Jinping jointly announced—as part of anew climate accord to curb carbon emissions—thelaunch of a $50 million water-<strong>energy</strong> nexus programunder the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center(CERC). This partnership could serve as a model for1

future bilateral and multilateral water-<strong>energy</strong> managementcooperation. With this <strong>Roadmap</strong> we seek to provide acomprehensive look at the water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> challengesChina faces and highlight further opportunities for U.S.-China cooperation.<strong>Water</strong> for EnergyCoal remains China’s main <strong>energy</strong> source; according tothe International Energy Agency (IEA), about 80 percent ofthe country’s power in 2013 came from coal. 1 Initial researchinto coal’s thirst in China estimates that between 11 and 20percent of all water used in the country goes to coal mining,processing, coal ash control, and cooling of coal-fired powerplants. 2 The lifecycle of coal is water intensive around theworld, however its “thirst” presents a significant quandaryfor a country already facing a water scarcity crisis; China’swater availability per capita is only one-third of the globalaverage. 3 Moreover, most water resources are in the southwhile much of the agricultural production and coal reservesare in the north.The country’s efforts to alleviate air pollution may addpressure on water resources given a new <strong>energy</strong> strategy 4to replace some coal-fired power generation with morewater-intensive coal-to-gas plants. Hydropower is currentlythe second-largest source of electricity in China and the 12 thFive Year Plan has accelerated dam construction to increasehydroelectric generation capacity from 199 GW in 2010 to420 GW by 2020. However, increasingly frequent droughtsand damage to downstream communities could hinder thiscontinued hydropower development. 5 While nuclear, naturalgas, wind, and solar power production have a relatively lowcarbon footprint, they have significant water requirements.Electricity generation requires significant inputs of waterglobally, and in China its use is aggravated by massiveand growing <strong>energy</strong> demand and significant water useinefficiencies in agriculture and industrial production.Energy for <strong>Water</strong>While water use efficiency is gaining traction as a policypriority in China, policymakers continue to emphasizesupply-side management solutions, such as buildinglarge and highly <strong>energy</strong>-intensive water transfers (e.g.,the South-North <strong>Water</strong> Transfer Project) and desalinationplants. <strong>Water</strong> pollution is also placing pressure on China’s<strong>energy</strong> resources. As the government steps up its effortsto reduce water pollution from municipalities, industries,and agriculture, more wastewater treatment plants will beneeded, consuming even more <strong>energy</strong>.Adding Food to the Choke Point MixWhile often overlooked, the inter-linked role that <strong>food</strong> playsin the choke point must not be understated. At every stepof the process, from irrigation to processing to distribution,<strong>food</strong> production requires both water and <strong>energy</strong>. Droughtscoupled with competition over water access with citiesand power plants (especially coal plants) are reducing cropyields. Moreover, as more Chinese people adopt meatrichdiets, industrial farms specialized in animal husbandryare expanding. These farms are more <strong>energy</strong> and waterintensive, and the animal waste they produce is often leftuntreated and leaches into soil and water, creating soilpollution and toxic algae blooms.Finally, China’s shift to a more industrial agricultural model toimprove <strong>food</strong> security and raise rural incomes also requiresincreasing amounts of water and <strong>energy</strong>. China’s agriculturalsector alone uses over half the country’s water due to heavyreliance on irrigation and high levels of water wastage. 6Insights from Choke Point Issues inthe United States: Finding Solutionsin ConnectionsChina is not alone in facing the water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong>confrontation. The United States faces similar resourceclashes. A historic three-year drought in California hashammered the state’s hydropower production and forcedthe state to rely more on natural gas, wind, and solarpower. 7 California’s farming industry has been pummeled;some farmers have been forced to shrink production,switch to less water-intensive crops, or simply stop farmingaltogether. 8 Moreover, debates surrounding the U.S. shalegas “revolution” and biofuels have brought more attention tothe water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> nexus issues.2

Over the past decade, U.S. national <strong>energy</strong> laboratories,think tanks, universities, and NGOs have been at theforefront of global research on water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> chokepoints, raising the issue on policy and business agendas.These developments in the United States could offervaluable insights on a possible path forward for China.more comprehensive and integrated regulations on wateruse. In addition to mandated <strong>energy</strong> intensity reductionsand water consumption limits, Chinese planners needto strengthen integrated approaches that look at thelink between water and <strong>energy</strong> use, particularly in thebuilding and industrial sectors.Action AreasThe <strong>Roadmap</strong> identifies three main areas for chokepoint research and policy development in China that areparticularly promising areas for collaboration.1Identify the Magnitude of Choke Point IssuesFill data gaps on choke point issues, particularlyon the <strong>energy</strong> use for water. A top priority forChinese researchers and policymakers should be tocalculate the financial and environmental costs of water<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong>interactions in China. Having concrete,quantifiable numbers will help to create the case andframework for implementing comprehensive water,<strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> management policies and laws. Dataneeds to be collected not just nationally, but at provincialand municipal levels, as water resources vary significantlythroughout the country. While the water footprint of<strong>energy</strong> has gained some recognition as an importantdevelopment challenge, the <strong>energy</strong> footprint of water isoften overlooked—generally because water is seen as afree or low cost resource. Once collected, data regardingthe <strong>energy</strong> demand of water will help shape policies toachieve important water, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> savings.3Strengthen Collaborative Networks betweenChina and the United States , identifyingopportunities for China-U.S. collaboration onchoke point issues. While some U.S. researchers,NGOs, and foundations are starting to address water<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong>confrontation issues in China, the U.S. andChinese government and business communities havelagged behind in engaging on these interconnectednatural resource challenges in China. A promising stepforward was the announcement of a new water-<strong>energy</strong>nexus program under CERC as part of the November2014 U.S.-China climate accord announced at the APECLeaders’ meeting in Beijing. Institutionally, bilateral andmultilateral choke point collaboration should continueto be integrated into existing <strong>energy</strong> and environmentalprograms. Moreover, because states, provinces,and cities in the United States are some of the mostinnovative in dealing with water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> linkedconstraints, local-to-local cooperation across countrieswill be crucial. Finally, from a corporate perspective theUnited States and China are significant markets for waterand <strong>energy</strong> saving technologies, creating opportunitiesfor joint technology development in these sectors.2policies. Data revealing the costs of <strong>energy</strong> use forRamp Up Demand-Side Management Practicesand Policies, focusing on integrated planning toreshape water, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> conservationwater treatment and irrigation will likely add moreurgency to existing <strong>energy</strong> efficiency policies—such asthe Chinese Energy Conservation Law and the Demand-Side Management (DSM) Regulation. Existing policiesand projects for <strong>energy</strong> DSM should be used to shapeWhile there are no easy solutions to these water-<strong>energy</strong><strong>food</strong>issues, this <strong>Roadmap</strong> aims to spark discussionsand debates empowering Chinese stakeholders and theirpartners to explore appropriate frameworks to addressChina’s water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> chokepoints.3

China’s Choke Points: Where’s My <strong>Water</strong>?<strong>Water</strong> shortage is the most important challenge to China right now, the biggest problem forfuture growth. It’s a puzzle that the country has to solve.—Wang Yahua, Deputy Director of the Center for China Study at Tsinghua University iChina’s unprecedented economic growth over thepast three decades has relied on three inextricablylinked resources: water, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong>. <strong>Water</strong>is essential through the entire <strong>energy</strong> life cycle,<strong>energy</strong> is needed to move and clean water, and<strong>food</strong> production is increasingly demanding more ofboth resources.<strong>Water</strong> is at the center of China’s interlinkedchoke points. While the country has the fifthlargest endowment of fresh water resources inthe world, by per capita standards it is strainedat one-third of the world average. 9 As in manyother countries, China’s water resources areconsiderably undervalued leading to overuse,waste, and contamination. Consequently, thecentral government warns that despite existingwater-saving measures China’s water demand willexceed supply by 2030, 10 with much of the addedpressure coming from China’s <strong>energy</strong> sector.Climate change is further aggravating China’swater scarcity. Over the past 20 years, main stemwater flows have decreased by 41 percent in theHai River Basin and 15 percent in the Yellow andHuai river basins—these declines are particularlyconcerning because these three rivers supplywater to much of China’s populous and drynortheast. 11 Climate change has contributed to65 percent of that change in river flow 12 and therest is from the overexploitation by cities, industry,agriculture, and mining.<strong>Water</strong> quality is as dire a challenge as waterquantity in China, where the World Bank estimatesthat pollution accounts for nearly half of the 2.3percent of GDP lost annually to the country’s watercrises. 13 The Chinese government, in an effort toemphasize the interconnection between waterquantity and water quality, coined the term “waterpollution-induced scarcity.” The following soberingPhoto courtesy of Circle of Blue © J. Carl Ganter5

statistics illustrate the severity and urgency of China’s waterpollution:• Overall, water quality in most river basins in China hasbeen improving since 2009, yet in most urban areasapproximately three-quarters of the surface waterand 55 percent of the groundwater is still consideredunsuitable for drinking. 14• Nearly 15 percent of the water in China’s major rivers isnot fit for any use. 15• In 2013, Chinese environmental regulators categorized28 percent of water in China’s main rivers as so pollutedto be unfit for human contact. 16• About 4.05 million hectares (7.4 percent) of the nation’sirrigated lands are irrigated with polluted water. 17The geographic distribution of China’s water resourcesis uneven, which affects <strong>energy</strong> development choices.Eighty-three percent of the country’s water resources areconcentrated in provinces south of the Yangtze River,providing rich potential for hydropower generation there.North China, in contrast, is an arid region where 17 percentof the country’s water supply is overexploited to support41 percent of its population, 56 percent of its cultivatedland, and a majority of the country’s coal bases. 18 The HaiRiver Basin, which supplies water to Beijing and Tianjin,has just 1.5 percent of China’s water resources to support10 percent of the country’s total population (or 130 millionpeople). 19During the summer of 2014, China’s Shaanxi provincesuffered from its worst drought in a century, affecting aquarter of a million people. 20 This was the first time cornharvests shrunk in the greater North China Plain since2009. 21 Even in the traditionally water-abundant south,droughts have become increasingly frequent and intensesince 2010.China’s projected water demand for 2030—818 billionm 3 —is expected to outstrip supply, which currently amountsto 618 billion m 3 . 22 Significant industrial and domesticwastewater pollution makes the “quality adjusted” supplydemandgap even greater. 23 As some 350 million morepeople move into urban areas over the next 15 years,groundwater around urban centers is being pumped fasterthan it can be naturally recharged and water levels arefalling fast.China’s <strong>Water</strong> Crisis<strong>Water</strong> is scarce; water is dirty; water is not distributed equally in China. Supplying water,treating wastewater and transporting water requires large amounts of <strong>energy</strong>.Percentage of ground waterclassified as pollutedCompare to the global averageper capita freshwater availabilityGDP loss due the water crisisIn 2030 water demand willexceed supply by60%1/4ChinaGlobalHow much <strong>energy</strong>used for China’swater sector¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥2.3% 25%Sources: The 2030 <strong>Water</strong> Resources Group, Circle of Blue, World Bank.6

Box 1. <strong>Water</strong> DefinitionsTerminology about water can be a bit “slippery,” below is how we used thefollowing terms. 28• <strong>Water</strong> withdrawal is the water taken from a source and used forsome human need. It includes water that is consumed, as well as waterthat is not.• <strong>Water</strong> use is used interchangeably with water withdrawal in thisroadmap.• <strong>Water</strong> consumption is water withdrawn from a source and madeunavailable for reuse in the same basin, because of conversionto steam, losses to evaporation, seepage to a saline sink, orcontamination. For example, water that is incorporated into goodsor plant and animal tissue is unavailable for reuse, and thus is alsoconsidered a consumptive use.• <strong>Water</strong> footprint is the total volume of fresh water that is consumedin the production of goods and services; one can calculate the waterfootprint of a product, a city, or a country.7

<strong>Water</strong> for EnergyWhile water use in China is near its peak, <strong>energy</strong> demand will double by 2040. How to meetthis <strong>energy</strong> demand and quench its thirst is more serious than the current water crisis.— Jia Shaofeng, Deputy Director, Center for <strong>Water</strong> Resources Research at the Chinese Academyof Sciences 24Among all <strong>energy</strong> sources in China, coal is the thirstiest.Yet other growing <strong>energy</strong> sources—from hydropowerto nuclear power and natural gas—are also impactingwater supply and quality in profound ways. Windand solar power use the least amount of water permegawatt of electricity produced, but their contributionto water saving is still minimal as they only make up5.2 percent of the overall electricity generationcapacity. 25 Few countries prioritize the water footprintof <strong>energy</strong> in their development plans—an omission thatleads to investments and development that underminewater security.There is a paucity of data on water use in <strong>energy</strong>globally, underscoring the need for greater attentionand research on this issue. A recent study done atHarvard University’s Belfer Center for Science andInternational Affairs estimated China’s total annual<strong>energy</strong> production is responsible for 61.4 billion m 3 waterwithdrawals, 10.8 billion m 3 water consumption, and 5.0billion m 3 wastewater discharges in China, which areequivalent to 12.3%, 4.1%, and 8.3% of the nationaltotals for each water category respectively. 26 Our ownChoke Point China research found that coal production’sfull lifecycle accounts for approximately 20 percentof water withdrawals in the country and is driving theincreases in water use in north China to levels exceedingthe available resources. Chinese researcher Liu Peiestimated that coal’s water use was closer to 11percent. 27 These varying estimates point to the needfor more data and uniform standards for measurementand terminology. (See Box 1 on previous page forwater definitions).Photo courtesy of Circle of Blue © J. Carl Ganter 9

<strong>Water</strong> for EnergyCoal is King, Thirsty and DirtyIn 2011 China accounted for47% of global coal consumption.Currently coal supplies70% of China’s electricity.47% 70%20%of China’s national waterwithdrawals* goes to coal mining,processing, coal ash control, andcoal-fired power plants.3Hydropower -China’s Energy Queen12Hydropower is China’s 2ndlargest source of electricity22% of total installedelectricity capacityBesides changing water flows and damaging river ecosystems, the currenthydropower boom in southwest China is also fostering <strong>energy</strong>- andpollution-intensive industries such as aluminum and steel production.Clean Energy - China’s EmergingPrince - Needs <strong>Water</strong> Too48667Lifetime water requirement (tons/MW)1767494SolarPV**Wind ConcentratedSolar* lifecycle water withdrawals** mono- and poly- crystalline siliconSources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, China Country Analysis, Chao Zhang and Laura Diaz Anadon.10

Coal is the Thirsty KingChina has been the world’s largest coal consumer since1986. 29 In 2011, China accounted for 47 percent of globalcoal consumption—almost as much as the rest of theworld combined. 30 (See Figure 1). Since 2000, China hasaccounted for 82 percent of the global growth in coaldemand. 31 Coal’s contribution to air pollution has becomea major sociopolitical flashpoint, catalyzing swift responsesin Chinese policy. For example, in August 2014, Beijingannounced it would ban all coal use in the city’s six majordistricts by 2020 32 and in September 2014, policymakersannounced limits on low-quality, smog-producing coalimports. 33China’s State Council also issued an Airborne PollutionAction Plan in September 2013 with several sweepingmeasures, which includes mandated nationwide air qualityimprovements. Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli recently pledgedthat by 2020 the country will reduce its carbon intensity by40 to 45 percent from 2005 levels. On-the-ground effortsthat could support this pledge are the commitments by 12provinces that account for 44 percent of the country’s coalconsumption to control coal use; six have even includedcaps in their action plans. 34 (See Box 2).Figure 1. Energy Mix and/or Coal Consumption Figure5 BILLION SHORT TONS44.34.24.032COAL CONSUMED BY THEREST OF THE WORLDCOAL PRODUCED BYCHINACOAL69%1COAL CONSUMED BY CHINA01980 1990 2000 ‘10 1980 1990 2000 ‘10Source: Energy InfSources: Richard Martin (2014), 35 and Energy Information Administration (2014). 3611

Box 2. Cracking Down on Air PollutionIn response to mounting public outcry over the level of air pollution in major cities,China’s State Council issued the Airborne Pollution Prevention and Control ActionPlan in September 2013. The Action Plan includes a number of unprecedentedpolicy measures:• Decrease coal consumption: Construction of new coal-fired power plants isbanned in the Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou metropolitan areas. Known asthe “key-three-city clusters,” these three major metropolises must also achievenegative coal consumption by 2017.• Ramp up regional fine particulates reduction targets: The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cluster must reduce the concentration of small particulate matter (PM2.5)by about 25 percent by 2017, based on the 2012 level. The target reductionfor the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions is 20 and 15 percent,respectively.• Mandate nationwide air quality improvements: By 2017, the concentrationof PM10 in China must fall by at least 10 percent compared to 2012.• Diversify <strong>energy</strong> sources: The plan pushes the construction of another 150billion cubic meters of natural gas pipeline capacity by 2015. Nuclear powerinstalled capacity is slated to reach 50 million kilowatts, raising the share of nonfossilfuels in China’s overall <strong>energy</strong> consumption from 10 percent in 2013 to 13percent by 2017.The Action Plan is not a panacea for China’s air pollution problems, but it indicatesBeijing is serious about decreasing coal’s share in China’s <strong>energy</strong> mix. In November2013, the Third Plenum of the 18 th Communist Party of China Central Committee listedenvironmental protection as an urgent priority. The political momentum continued inthe spring of 2014 with Li Keqiang’s declaration of a “war on air pollution” and theNational People’s Congress approval of the first amendments to China’s EnvironmentalProtection Law in 25 years. The amendments include higher fines against polluters,opportunities for public interest litigation in environmental matters, and moves tostrengthen environmental tribunals. These changes are significant efforts to strengthenenforcement at the local levels, which has been typically weak in China. The high-levelpriority to take on the coal problem is underscored by the central government’s pledgeto peak coal consumption before or by 2030 as part of the U.S.-China climate accordannounced at the 2014 APEC Leaders’ meeting.The enormous water footprint of coal, however, has only recently become an area12

of interest to Chinese policymakers and internationalorganizations engaged in <strong>energy</strong> and environmental issuesin China. Freshwater used for mining and processing coalaccounts for the largest share of industrial water use in China,though statistics on water withdrawals for coal are scarce.Even partial analyses underscore the magnitude of coal’sthirst. For example, a World Resources Institute analysis of thewater footprint of China’s coal mining, chemical production,and conversion, but not water used for power plant cooling orash pond control, estimated that if all coal plants planned in2012 were built, by 2015 China’s coal sector would accountfor 10 billion m 3 of water withdrawals every year. 37 That isequivalent to one-fourth of all water available for withdrawalevery year from the Yellow River, the third longest river in Asia.(See Box 3).China’s 12th Five-Year Plan, the central government issuedsocial and economic development roadmap for 2011-2015,calls for the consolidation of the country’s coal productionand coal-fired power generation capacity in the country’snorthwest. In theory the policy would better contain pollution,promote resource recycling, and safeguard coal miners, whowork in one of the world’s most deadly mining sectors. Theplan calls for fourteen large-scale coal-mining bases andsixteen coal-power generation bases in China’s west—one ofthe most water-stressed regions in the country.Based on projections from 2012, Greenpeace Chinaestimated that by 2015 water demand in the coal sector(including mining, power, and coal-to-chemicals) in InnerMongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Ningxia will exceed currentwater consumption of the region’s entire industrial sector. 38Greenpeace China also predicted water demand in theseand other existing large-scale coal bases will reach a yearly9.975 billion m3 in 2015 39 —more than one-quarter of thewater volume of the Yellow River available in a normal year.Approximately two-thirds of this water demand will be formining, 11 percent for coal-to-chemicals, and the remaining22 percent for power plants. 40 Some of the water is usedto cool power plants and some evaporates, but much isreturned to the waterways.The coal sector can recycle water for washing and mining,however that water still needs to be available for use in thecoal industry, which limits its allocation to other sectors. Coalcompanies that operate illegally in protected areas, such asthose denounced by Greenpeace China in Qinghai, or thoseviolating regulations on wastewater management pose afurther challenge; this translates into additional withdrawals andpollution which may not be accounted for in official statistics. 41 13

Box 3. Thirsty at Every StageCoal is the most water-intensive form of <strong>energy</strong>—water is needed in every stage of itslife cycle. Circle of Blue and Wilson Center Choke Point research found that in 2010,China’s coal sector used 120 billion cubic meters of water, or about 20 percent ofthe 599 billion cubic meters that were used nationally. Other studies have placed thepercentage of water used for coal between 11 and 17 percent, highlighting the needfor more and better data. By 2020 the coal life cycle is expected to use 28 percent ofthe 670 billion cubic meters of total water used in the country. 42 <strong>Water</strong>’s role at eachstage is outlined below:• Mining: During mining, water is predominantly used for cooling equipment,reducing dust levels, and washing tunnels.• Washing: Coal is washed to reduce the levels of ash and sulfur and therebyimprove the <strong>energy</strong> content. Fifty-five percent of all coal in China is now washed,up from 30 percent a decade ago. Washing coal requires 0.11 to 0.15 cubicmeters of water per metric ton, or 178 million to 238 million cubic meters ofwater annually. 43• Generating Power: In the generation stage, power plants withdraw largequantities of water for producing steam and for cooling. Around 95 percent ofChina’s thermal power plants use water for cooling. Though most of the waterremains in the power station and is re-circulated, around 12 percent is lostthrough evaporation. 44• Disposing of Coal Ash: Coal ash control is the second most water-intensiveprocess in the coal lifecycle, following cooling. Half of a coal-fired power plant’swater use is for controlling coal ash, often in ponds or “irrigated” fields. Runofffrom such ponds contains heavy metals, and sometimes mercury, and cancontaminate surrounding surface and groundwater.• Coal Conversion: China’s growing coal-conversion sector is also increasingwater use. Depending on the product—diesel fuel, chemicals, or natural gas—forevery metric ton of coal converted, 3 to 15 cubic meters of water is used. China’scoal conversion program is currently consuming more than 5 billion cubic metersof water annually, and it will continue to expand as this use of coal is significantlymore profitable than that in coal-fired power plants. 4514

Polluting TooBesides gulping down water, the coal industry also polluteswater that is returned to nearby water bodies, often withheavy metals like lead and arsenic. Without proper treatmentor recycling, water used in power plant boilers and coolingsystems can be discharged into lakes or rivers. Sludge andcoal ash waste is often disposed in unlined landfills andreservoirs. Heavy metals and toxic substances contained inthe waste can contaminate drinking water supplies and harmlocal ecosystems. <strong>Water</strong> ecosystems are also threatenedby sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxides emitted through coalburning that create acid rain, which increases the acidity oflakes and streams.Hydropower – China’s Energy QueenHydropower has played a significant role in supporting China’seconomic growth over the past few decades. More than46,000 hydropower dams have been constructed on virtuallyevery river in the country. 46 Approximately half of all dams inChina are used to produce <strong>energy</strong>; the remainder serve fora combination of agricultural and flood control uses. 47 Todayhydropower is the second largest source of electricity in Chinaand constitutes 22 percent of the country’s total electricitygeneration capacity, 48 making it the queen of electricity. Bythe end of 2013, the country reached an installed capacity of280 GW of hydropower—just 10 GW shy of the 12th Five-Year Plan’s 2015 end goal, and well on the way to reach thegovernment’s targeted 420 GW by 2020. 49Serious droughts have plagued the country’s southwestover the past five years and are set to limit the expansionand effectiveness of China’s ambitious dam rush. In early2010, a prolonged drought gripped the flows of the Mekong,Salween, and Yangtze rivers, and nearly shut down the 6.4GW Longtan Dam, China’s second largest. At the peak ofthe spring 2011 drought, water levels at the Three GorgesDam reservoir were four meters (13 feet) below the minimumlevel required to run its turbines effectively. 50While dam reservoirs facilitate irrigation upstream andplay a role in flood control, they also have negative socialand environmental impacts. Due to high evaporation ratesin reservoirs, hydropower draws water away from othersectors and makes downstream communities, farms, andindustries less resilient to drought. 51 Changing water flowsdamage river ecosystems, which can threaten livelihoodsand biodiversity. Finally, the current hydropower boom insouthwest China is also facilitating the growth of <strong>energy</strong>- andpollution-intensive industries such as aluminum and steelproduction that contaminate water sources for agriculture,fisheries, and local communities. 52 Policymakers in Chinahave yet to adopt policies addressing the connectionsbetween hydropower and pollution.Natural Gas – The Emerging EnergyPrinceWith large conventional and unconventional gas reserves,China’s natural gas development has been heralded asa potential game changer to help the country reduce itsdependence on coal. As the government embarks on a“war on pollution,” Hengwei Liu of the Harbin Institute ofTechnology says, “A central part of the battle includescapping coal use to below 65 percent of total <strong>energy</strong>consumption by 2017, down from 69 percent in 2012. Tothis end, the central government is boosting the share ofnatural gas in the <strong>energy</strong> mix from 4.7 percent in 2012 upto an ambitious 10 percent by 2020.” This represents a178 percent increase in production volume in only eightyears—from 144 billion m 3 to 400 billion m 3 . To put this inperspective, U.S. natural gas production over the last eightyears—the so-called shale gas revolution—only increased31.2 percent, says Liu. 53As demand for cleaner fuels in China has soared andpressure has increased to reduce emissions, Chinesenational oil companies are pursuing a broad strategy in thegas sector, ramping up investments into conventional naturalgas, tight gas, synthetic natural gas (SNG), and gas importsto meet the country’s short-term demand. Though it emitsless air pollution than coal-fired power plants, productionof SNG from coal tends to be highly water intensive. Eachcubic meter of SNG produced requires 6 to 12 liters ofwater —50 to 100 times more than shale gas, which is oftencriticized for its intensive water use. 54 Only two coal-to-gas15

plants are currently in operation, but four dozen are underconstruction or planned, with five of these in arid Xinjiang orInner Mongolia. These areas already have significant watershortages, and while these plants may seem like a goodoption in the short run, eventually they could prove bothdamaging to the environment and unwise economically. 55<strong>Water</strong> availability may also be a serious constraint to themuch-hyped shale gas development in China. While thecountry is estimated to have the world’s largest technicallyrecoverable shale gas reserves, the current recoveryprocess requires large quantities of water. 56 In the UnitedStates, the amount of water used in hydraulic fracturingfor shale gas varies between 7,570 and 18,927 m 3 perwell (See Table 1). With thousands of wells drilled in eachshale play this translates to a significant growth in waterdemand. 57 In China, reaching a production target of 6.5billion m 3 – China’s stated shale gas output goal for 2015 58– would require 13.8 million m 3 of water. Although wateruse for hydraulic fracturing is modest when comparedto total industrial water usage, this increase in waterconsumption can have a significant impact locally. 59 In 2010,five relatively water-rich provinces in China’s southwest(Chongqing, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Yunnan) thathold 40 percent of the national shale gas reserve, suffereda six-month severe drought. 60 Drier areas have witnessedcompetition for water between fracking and other end uses:officials in northern Shaanxi Province temporarily cut off acity’s water supply during a shale drilling test. 61Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technology is evolving quicklyto reduce the amount of water used in shale gas operations,yet the challenge also lies in regulating pollution. <strong>Water</strong>used during fracking—often called flow back or producedwater—can contain chemicals from the fracturing fluid, saltsdissolved from the source rock, various minerals, volatileorganic chemicals, and radioactive nucleotides; all of thesepose potential environmental and public health risks. 62Despite the ambitious targets and accelerated investmentinto this sector, the Chinese shale gas industry is stillnascent and growing slowly. This slower rate of shaledevelopment is linked to the relative lack of geologicmapping of China’s basins and a fairly closed market thatdoes not encourage the entry of small and experimentalproducers—two factors that were critical to acceleratingU.S. shale gas production. In fact, China’s 100 shale gastest wells in 2013 were dwarfed by the over 100,000 in theUnited States. 63 However, this relative slowness has theupside of giving Chinese regulators time to integrate lessonslearned from the United States into their laws and practices,particularly on protecting and conserving water.The Promise of Clean(but Thirsty) EnergyWhile China leads the world in coal and hydropowergeneration, it has also, since 2010, become the world’slargest and fastest growing market for nuclear, wind, andsolar power. The 12 th Five-Year Plan promotes furtherincreases in clean <strong>energy</strong> in China’s <strong>energy</strong> mix, settingtargets of 11.4 percent of primary <strong>energy</strong> consumption fromnon-fossil sources by 2015 and 15 percent by 2020. 64RenewablesThough most non-fossil <strong>energy</strong> sources require far lesswater than coal-fired power plants, the extensive scaleof planned deployment of renewables translates intoburgeoning water use. 65 According to Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory researchers, the projected 813 millionm 3 of water needed for wind and solar development from2010 to 2030 in China is roughly a year’s worth of totalwater supply for all Beijing residents—a population greaterthan that of the entire state of New York. 66 <strong>Water</strong> is usedboth in the actual production of wind and solar equipment,and for cleaning panels at solar farms.The life-cycle water requirement (water use) of an on-shorewind turbine is 1,767 m 3 per MW, and that of solar PVranges from 25 m 3 per MW to 615 m 3 per MW dependingon the specific cell technology. 67 Most of the water is usedin manufacturing and production of wind turbines and solarpanels, thus as these two industries grow, so will theirwater consumption.Unlike the molten salt technology recently deployed in theUnited States, China’s concentrated solar power (CSP)16

projects are still using water to generate steam and spinturbines. Consequently, they require by far the most wateramong renewable technologies, with a lifetime average of48,000 m 3 of water per MW. 68 While CSP is still in its pilotproject stage, future plans are big—China’s current 50 MWcapacity is projected to increase to 1 GW by 2015 and to3 GW by 2020. 69 CSP is a promising type of large-scaledistributed generation that can supply power to local usersand feed into the grid; however water consumption shouldbe a critical factor determining whether and where the CSPtechnologies used in these pilot projects should be scaled up.Both wind and solar resources are heavily concentrated inChina’s dry northwest. The four leading provinces for winddevelopment—Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Liaoning, and Jilin—all rank in the bottom 10 provinces in terms of waterresource availability. 70 As development scales up, evenrenewable <strong>energy</strong> will not be able to escape north China’swater choke point.Nuclear Power BoomWhile nuclear power only constituted 2.1 percent of allelectricity production in 2013 with 14 GW, 71 Chinese officialshave high hopes for nuclear power. China currently has 20nuclear plants and 28 under construction and hopes to havemore than a threefold increase in nuclear capacity to at least58 GW by 2020. 72Nuclear is perhaps one of the few <strong>energy</strong> sources inChina for which water has been taken into account in theplanning process, likely drawing lessons from shutdowns ofnuclear power plants in the United States and Europe dueto droughts. 73 These shutdowns are expected to becomeeven more frequent due to climate change; the likelihood ofextreme drops in nuclear power generation, either completeor almost-total shutdowns, is projected to almost triple in theUnited State and Europe. 74The 27 nuclear plants that are currently under constructionin China are all located on the coast, strategically placedto be near steady water supplies for cooling. 75 A standardnuclear plant in China that uses seawater for direct oncethroughcycle cooling uses 8 million m3 of water per day,greater than the average water usage in a conventional fossilfuel plant. 76 The central government has reportedly advisedcaution in the development of inland nuclear plants, yet it islikely that some of the already planned pilot inland nuclearplants will be built during the 13 th Five-Year Plan period totest new technologies and safety measures. 77 In this light,the addition of nuclear plants may add to the water stress ofChina’s inland regions.Energy Industry as a Major User of China’s <strong>Water</strong>*% of national total<strong>Water</strong> Withdrawal61.4 billion m 3<strong>Water</strong> Consumption10.8 billion m 34.1 %5.0 billion m 3Wastewater Discharge8.3%12.3 %* Lifecycle water withdrawlsSources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, China Country Analysis, Chao Zhang and Laura Diaz Anadon.17

Energy for <strong>Water</strong>Population and economic growth, as well as climate change, will require China to developnew and more <strong>energy</strong>-intensive ways to obtain and use water.— Wang Dong, <strong>Water</strong> Researcher, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning 78With its mismatch between geographic distributionof water availability and centers of water usage,China is looking to engineer its way out of futurewater shortages—a feat that demands largescale,<strong>energy</strong> intensive engineering projects. If anycountry has the engineering expertise and financialresources at hand to out-engineer water scarcity,it would be China. However, there has been onlylimited discussion among policymakers of thetremendous <strong>energy</strong> costs involved in transportingwater to arid regions.One 2004 study estimated that electricity accountedfor 33 percent of the cost of producing anddistributing water in China, and since then, the<strong>energy</strong> footprint of water diversion and pumpinghas risen dramatically. 79 To our knowledge, norecent study has fully calculated the percentageof electricity used for water supply, transfer, andtreatment in China. Around the world, countries areusing increasing amounts of electricity to move,clean, and use water, for example:• Saudi Arabia uses up to nine percent of itstotal annual electricity <strong>energy</strong> consumption forground water pumping and desalination. 80• In the United States, 13 percent of <strong>energy</strong> useis devoted to water extraction, conveyance,treatment, distribution, end use, and wastewatercollection, treatment, and disposal. 81• California has by far the most <strong>energy</strong> intensivewater sector in the United States, consuming 19percent of the state’s <strong>energy</strong> for the whole cycleof water use from source to user to treatment. 82Re-plumbing the Nation: TheSouth-North <strong>Water</strong> Transfer ProjectFor centuries, China has excelled at constructingmassive water infrastructure projects—such asthe Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal—to irrigatePhoto courtesy of Circle of Blue © Aaron Jaffe 19

agriculture and tame floods. In 1952, while reflecting onNorth China’s dryness, Mao Zedong is quoted as sayingthat “it would be good to borrow some water from thesouth to the north.” 83 Fifty years later, construction beganon the largest water-transfer project in human history: the$62 billion South-North <strong>Water</strong> Transfer Project (SNWTP). 84The SNWTP seeks to divert approximately 28 billion m3 offreshwater each year—ten times the volume of the Californiastate water transfer project—for hundreds of miles toslake the thirst of the North China Plain and its 440 millionpeople.85 The eastern canal was the first of three majorroutes to be completed. The central route opened andbegan piping water to Beijing in December 2014. The farwestern route, which would bring much needed water to thecoal-rich northwest, is still being planned as it will take overa decade to construct through the high mountains on theTibetan plateau. 86Moving water demands <strong>energy</strong>. But statistics of the SNWTP<strong>energy</strong> consumption—both for moving the water and for theembedded <strong>energy</strong> in construction materials—have not beencalculated. Another <strong>energy</strong> intensive piece of the projectthat merits scrutiny is the extensive network water treatmentplants. The low quality of water being pumped out of theYangtze for the eastern route has required the constructionof more than 400 sewage treatment plants to clean thewater before it is transferred to Tianjin. <strong>Water</strong> pollutioncontrol on the eastern route takes up a whopping 44percent of the $5 billion investment. 87 There are 474 watertreatment plants planned for the central route. However,as of December 2013—half a year before the route wasscheduled to come online—only 10 percent of these facilitieshad been completed. 88 (See Box 4).The project cost and <strong>energy</strong> input significantly raised theprice of transferred water. While the higher cost of watercould be viewed as a way to incentivize conservation, it hasactually prompted many northern cities to favor seawaterdesalination—an <strong>energy</strong> intensive water supply strategy thatis discussed below.Box 4. China’s South-North <strong>Water</strong> Transfer ProjectWhile the South-North <strong>Water</strong> Transfer Project is currently the largest water transfer infrastructure project in the world,water transfers have long been used to relieve regional water shortages across the China, particularly to rescue theparched capital, Beijing. Since the 1980s, at least 20 major cross-basin water transfer projects have been built within,and sometimes between, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Guangdong, Hebei, Shandong, Gansu, Shanxi, Liaoning, and Jilin,89 andcountless more middle- and small-sized projects have connected water sources to urban regions to meet municipaldemand, quench industrial thirst, feed agricultural irrigation, and facilitate pollution reduction.In the United States, the dry state of California has its own costly water diversion project. The California State <strong>Water</strong>Project moves water from the north to the south, sustaining Los Angeles and agriculture where rainfall cannot sustaincurrent population and rate uses. This lift, the largest in the world, carries 7.4 billion cubic meters of water per yearacross 200 kilometers crossing through rich Central Valley agricultural regions and then up nearly 2,000 feet over theTehachapi Mountains, consuming 2-3 percent of the entire state’s electricity.20

Energy for <strong>Water</strong>Wastewater Treatment:The Forgotten Energy Intensive IndustryWith diminishing water resources, water treatment andrecycling have become critical for providing clean waterneeded for human consumption and ecosystem health.China’s municipal wastewater treatment rate (%)10080200620132015Moving <strong>Water</strong> Demands EnergyThe South-North <strong>Water</strong> Transfer Project moves12 Trillion Gallonsof freshwater each year.10 times the volume of the California state water projector equivalent to covering the entire state of Texas with a2.6-inch layer of water40052%70%85%expected¥Chinese local governments donot consistently turn on wastewatertreatment plants due to high<strong>energy</strong> costs.Western LineEastern LineCentral LineDesalination to “Make” New FreshwaterRemoving salt from seawater can require twice as much <strong>energy</strong> aswastewater treatment. China is expanding its desalination plans,seeking to engineer its way out of water scarcity.DesalinationTo produce1M 3of <strong>Water</strong>Wastewater Treatment2.3-4 kWh 0.8-1.5 kWhBut statistics of the SNWTP <strong>energy</strong>consumption – both for moving thewater and for the embedded <strong>energy</strong> inconstruction materials – is unknown.SOURCES: Pacific Institute, U.S. Energy Information Administration, G.K. Pearce, Office of the South-to-North <strong>Water</strong> Diversion Project Commission of theState Council.Sources: Pacific Institute, U.S. Energy Information Administration,G.K. Pearce, Office of the South-to-North <strong>Water</strong> Diversion Project Commission of the State Council.21

Following the footsteps of water-stressed countries such asIsrael and Saudi Arabia, the Chinese government has heraldeddesalination as another key strategy for China to engineer itsway out of water scarcity. The desalination industry in Chinamarked its start in 2011, with the opening of a desalinationindustrial park in Hangzhou. 90 Besides quenching residentialand industrial thirst along China’s coastline, Chinese plannershave considered using desalinated water to help the waterstressedcoal industry inland.By the end of 2012, 95 seawater desalination plants scatteredacross China’s coastal provinces produced 778,182 m3 offreshwater every day, 91 which represents less than one percentof the country’s daily 1.6 billion m3 of water consumption. Withplans to increase its seawater reverse-osmosis desalinationcapacity threefold by 2015, 92 the critical question is how tobalance growing <strong>energy</strong> demands from existing consumersand this added industry. Desalination requires more <strong>energy</strong> thanmost other water supply and treatment options. 93 Currently,China’s desalination plants consume 2.3-4 kWh of electricityto produce one cubic meter of freshwater, making it more thantwice as <strong>energy</strong> intensive as wastewater treatment, which uses0.8-1.5 kWh/m3 of water. 94 The central government’s seawaterdesalination target in 2015—2.2 million m3 per day—wouldequal about two to four percent of the Three Gorges Dam’stotal electricity generation. Much of the electricity supplied todesalination plants is sourced from coal-fired power plants,underscoring that China’s most water-intensive forms of <strong>energy</strong>are being used to produce more water. (See Box 5).Energy use significantly raises the price of desalinatedfreshwater. In the coastal city of Zhoushan, <strong>energy</strong> inputs areresponsible for 58 percent of the cost of desalinated water. 95Although the cost of China’s desalinated water is on par withthe global average, 96 seawater desalination is fundamentally an<strong>energy</strong> intensive, capital intensive, and land intensive way tohelp address China’s dire water challenges. 97Box 5. Desalination: A Fledgling But Growing IndustryChina’s 12th Five-Year Plan designates Tianjin, Dalian, andQingdao—cities along the northeast coast—as research basesfor seawater desalination. The Beijiang Power and DesalinationPlant, China’s biggest of such plants to date, is located inthe Tianjin Binhai New Area and carries a hefty price tag of$4 billion. 98 With 64 percent state investment, Beijiang is acornerstone for an ambitious national desalination industry, inwhich China will invest some 20 billion yuan ($3.2 billion) by2015. 99 This growing infusion of money is aimed at catalyzingexpansion and technology innovation in desalination to satisfynot only domestic thirst, but also to build up a new majortechnology export industry.Pricy FluidThe Beijiang Plant is a model of China’s circular economy policy,which encourages recycling and reuse of waste resources.Following this idea, four 1 GW coal-fired plants power theseawater pump and desalination system that is used to producefreshwater. 100 The concentrated seawater produced afterdesalination is then used to produce industrial salt, while thecinder from the power plants is put into construction materials. 101Even with the waste reuse efforts, desalinated water is moreexpensive than China’s current water prices. In 2012, Tianjin’sresidential and industrial users paid 4 yuan and 7 yuan perton, respectively, while desalinated water was 8 yuan perton. According to David Cohen-Tanugi at MIT, desalination is“multiple times the cost of water-saving measures, with localgovernments subsidizing the extra cost.” 102 More often thannot, local governments cannot afford to keep subsidizingdesalination. Several desalination plants in China have hadto reduce or shut down their operations; the Beijiang plantreportedly only produced 18,000 tons of water every day in2012, much lower than its 100,000 ton capacity. 103Costly TechnologyAnother challenge facing the Beijiang and other Chineseplants is that most of the desalination technology comes fromabroad. Currently only four of the large (capacity larger than160,000 tons/day) desalination plants in China are built withoutforeign technological support—the equipment for the Beijiangplant is imported from Israel. The price of these machines,the steep learning curve to train Chinese technicians, andthe inconvenience in maintenance hinder the development ofChina’s slow-growing desalination industry. In light of thesehurdles, tapping the significant potential in expanding watertreatment and reuse could be a more cost-effective strategy toensure water supplies.22

Wastewater Treatment: The ForgottenEnergy Intensive IndustryWhile the skies over many Chinese cities are blanketedin grey smog, the country’s rivers and lakes are turning arainbow of colors from pollutants emitted by industries,crop production, and factory farms. According to HongKong-based China <strong>Water</strong> Risk, in 2012 the total dischargeof wastewater in China reached 68.5 billion m3, whichis comparable in volume to the annual flow of the YellowRiver. 104 It may prove more costly to clean up China’s riversand lakes than to clean up the air pollution.In Yale University’s 2014 Environmental Performance Index,China ranked 67th out of 178 countries for wastewatertreatment, falling behind other emerging economies suchas Mexico (49th) and South Africa (56th). 105 The indicatortracks how well countries treat wastewater from residentialand industrial resources before releasing the water backinto the environment. 106 In September 2013, the StateCouncil released a municipal infrastructure developmentplan that aims for an 85 percent treatment rate by 2015. 107This goal is admirable, but as China lacks infrastructure fortertiary treatment of solid sludge waste, most wastewatertreatment plants only address secondary treatment ofwater. Unchecked dumping of this often toxic sludge hasexacerbated contamination of soil, water, and crops inChina, which is very difficult to clean up. Preventing thistype of toxic pollution justifies increased <strong>energy</strong> use toimplement tertiary treatment; it also calls for improvingthe efficiency of waste management. In the United States,nearly all wastewater goes through tertiary treatment, whichmakes the process very <strong>energy</strong> intensive, accounting forup to 30 to 40 percent of the <strong>energy</strong> consumption in someU.S. municipalities, but also much safer for the environmentand human health. 108 Some U.S. cities are exploring off-gridrenewable <strong>energy</strong> and waste-to-<strong>energy</strong> options to lower the<strong>energy</strong> footprint of wastewater treatment.Wastewater treatment represents a major outlay for localgovernments—sometimes as much as a third of the totalbudget of a small county or a city. 109 Thus, despite theimpressive expansion of wastewater treatment plants overthe past decade, local officials often will turn off these plantsto save money. Without any support from Beijing, manygovernments have no choice but to let the treatment plantssit idle, and let the wastewater pollute other water sources.In June 2014, China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP) submitted the draft <strong>Water</strong> Pollution Action Plan to theState Council for approval. The final plan includes a $321billion (2 trillion yuan) investment into this sector, addingfacilities for water and sludge treatment, recycling, and greywater utilization across the country. 110 These long-overduesteps to improve water quality could result in an increased,but necessary, <strong>energy</strong> footprint for water treatment in China.A Path Forward: Energy for <strong>Water</strong>Looking ahead, as water is arguably the most criticalelement of the nexus—inexorably involved in both <strong>food</strong> and<strong>energy</strong> development—regulating and monitoring its usewill become increasingly crucial to China’s continued abilityto develop and prosper. Current Chinese policy reflectsa historical tendency to try and engineer away problems,but as water scarcity and water pollution continue to spurpopular discontent and require ever larger financial andengineering commitments, the role for conservation anddemand side management will likely become more evident.23

Adding Food Choke Points to the MixSoil and water are being lost, the land is degrading, crop diversity is falling, natural disastersare frequent, and the excessive and inappropriate use of fertilizer and pesticides meanthat both farms and villages are badly polluted. Agricultural and rural pollution will causea range of problems, including with <strong>food</strong> security.— Zhang Yang, Central Rural Work Leading Group Office 111Every step of the <strong>food</strong> production process—fromirrigation to processing to distribution—requires bothwater and <strong>energy</strong>. While often overlooked, the water<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong>chokepoint is intense and growing inChina’s agricultural sector. Crops and livestock use62 percent of the China’s total freshwater 112 andproduce 17-20 percent of the nation’s greenhousegas emissions. 113 Interviews conducted by Circle ofBlue in China revealed that industries and cities often“save” <strong>energy</strong> by turning off wastewater treatmentfacilities; the resulting emissions have pollutednearly 10 million of China’s 120 million hectares ofcultivated land. 114 The agricultural sector is also aculprit in water pollution with fertilizer, pesticides,and animal waste runoff ranked as the top pollutersof rivers and lakes in China. Coal development innorth China notably clashes with agriculture foraccess to water. (See Box 6).With rising incomes and rapid urbanization, Chinesecitizens are adopting more meat-rich diets, which issignificant because meat requires significantly largerwater and <strong>energy</strong> inputs than vegetables. Urbanitesconsume more meat than their rural counterparts,so as the urban population more than doubled from300 million in 1990 to 721 million people last year, 115meat demand has quadrupled. 116The mass exodus from rural to urban China hascaused a precipitous decline in the number offarmers in the country. Furthermore, “the <strong>food</strong>system is much more fossil-fuel dependentas human and animal resources are replacedwith diesel-powered equipment and syntheticfertilizer,” says Fred Gale, senior economist atU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) EconomicResearch Service. 117Photo courtesy of Circle of Blue © J. Carl Ganter 25

To respond to its citizens’ changes in <strong>food</strong> demand, theChinese government is implementing land consolidationand accelerating agricultural modernization. Accordingto Christine Boyle, co-author of a World Bank report onChina’s water and <strong>food</strong> security, “modern China has onlygone through major rural land restructuring twice, in theearly 1950s and early 1980s.” 118 She argues that while theChinese government has not announced any new officialnationwide land consolidation policy, there is a push toimprove land management irrigation systems, and overallagricultural productivity. However, in China’s dry north,agricultural expansion requires pumping more groundwater,which in turn requires more electricity as groundwaterlevels drop.Photo courtesy of Circle of Blue © J. Carl GanterBox 6. Coal and Agriculture: <strong>Water</strong> Competition or Cooperation?Extracts from Choke Point: China Reporting by KeithSchneider and Nadya Ivanova 119With one of the country’s largest coal bases, 20 powerplants and coal-to-chemical facilities, 20,000 workers, and20 GW electrical generating capacity, the Ningdong EnergyBase in Ningxia Autonomous Region illustrates China’scapacity to fuel the world’s second largest economy, whilealso contending with national anxiety about northern China’ssteadily diminishing freshwater supplies. Agriculture usesabout 93 percent of Ningxia’s water resources, but by theend of the decade, agricultural water use is projected todrop to 78 percent in order to provide more water to citiesand to coal production, coal combustion, and coal-basedchemicals.To reconcile the potential conflict over water between<strong>energy</strong> and agriculture, Ningxia’s <strong>energy</strong> sector, whichuses enormous amounts of Yellow River water, hasbegun financing irrigation improvements to conservewater for agricultural users. Under this water tradingprogram industries and electricity generators invested inthe remodeling of more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) ofcenturies-old canals and about 170 kilometers (105 miles) ofsubstreams, along with rebuilding more than 2,500 ancillarybuildings in Ningxia. The water that is saved—64 millioncubic meters annually—is transferred from agricultureto industry.In order to effectively use the water traded, Ningxiaelectricity generators are adopting cutting-edge water-savingtechnologies. Huadian Power Corporation is operating a 1GW, supercritical, air-cooled coal-burning unit at the LingwuPower Plant. It uses 9,000 cubic meters of water a dayfor industrial operations and cooling, while a similarly sizedconventional coal-fired plant would use 44,660 cubic metersof water daily, or nearly five times as much. Mines here alsorecycle 100 percent of the water needed to process coal,and the power plants recycle more than 95 percent of thewater used for operations.Such water rights trading programs illustrate how settinga value for water can trigger powerful behavioral changesin the <strong>energy</strong> sector. Such water trading mechanisms arealmost certain to become more common in the basin asChina’s coal production and consumption rise as watersupplies drop.26

<strong>Water</strong> for FoodAt the heart of China’s quest for <strong>food</strong> security and <strong>food</strong>safety is not only ensuring sufficient water resources, but theavailability of clean freshwater.High and DryHenan Province, located in central China, is the secondlargest <strong>food</strong> producing region in the country and in 2014experienced its worst drought in 40 years. 120 Crops witheredand nearly 260,000 people and 80,000 head of cattle wereaffected by the lack of water. 121 <strong>Water</strong> scarcity has plaguedmuch of northern China for decades, but growing pressureon water has increased the region’s vulnerability to droughts,which are growing more numerous and lasting longer. 122China feeds approximately 20 percent of the world’spopulation with just 6.5 percent of the world’s waterresources 123 and 9 percent of the world’s arable land. 124The central challenge to China’s <strong>food</strong> security is a spatialmismatch between available freshwater and arable land.China’s north is home to two-thirds of the country’s arableland but only one-fifth of its water resources, 125 so itsfarmers are overexploiting aquifers in an area where 70percent of water used for irrigation is fed by groundwater. 126From the 1950s to the 2000s, groundwater extractionincreased tenfold, 127 and as a result, the water table underthe North China Plain is dropping by roughly three metersper year. 128Rapid industrialization and urbanization over the past 60years in China has gulped an increasingly larger share ofthe country’s water; the portion used for agriculture hasdeclined dramatically from 97 percent in 1949 to 62 percentin 2011. 129 (See Figure 2). The government invested toimprove irrigation infrastructure during the 1960s and 1970s,which helped to raise crop yields and farmer incomes, butthe water efficiency of irrigation in China remains low. 130Only 45 percent of the water withdrawn for agriculture isactually consumed by the target crops because of poorinfrastructure and use of inefficient irrigation methods. 131For example, traditional flood irrigation uses water veryinefficiently; sprinklers can raise efficiency of water usage to70 percent, while with drip irrigation as much as 90 percentof water used can reach crops. 132Changes in China’s dietary demands, particularly theincrease in meat consumption, are further straining itsfreshwater supplies, which has caused water use in <strong>food</strong>production to more than triple between 1961 and 2003,from 255 to 860 m 3 . 133 Per calorie, meat production usessignificantly more water than crops; the water footprintof one calorie of beef is twenty times that of one calorieof cereal. 134Figure 2. <strong>Water</strong> Use in China (By Sector)100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%1297Multicolored Toxic Rivers1Increasingly, polluted water – from livestock manure,industrial runoff, and over-fertilization – bleeds into drinkingwater supplies, irrigates the farmlands, and feeds thefisheries, raising alarm over the integrity of the nation’s<strong>food</strong> supply.While maintaining adequate supplies of water for <strong>food</strong>production is increasingly problematic, so too is ensuringthat water is clean and safe. With one-fifth of China’s arableland contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins 136 and11881324621949 1978 2011Agriculture Industry ResidentialSource: Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, and Scott Rozelle (2014) 135 27

three-quarters of urban surface water unsuitable for drinkingor fishing, 137 public concern over <strong>food</strong> safety is mounting. 138Investigative journalism, such as the now-famous 2011Century Weekly report that 10 percent of China’s rice iscontaminated with cadmium from industrial runoff, hasraised awareness on the magnitude of the problem withinthe country as well as abroad. 139In 2010, China’s first National Pollution Census found thatagriculture, and livestock in particular, was a greater sourceof water and soil pollution than industry. 140 The dominanceof livestock pollution stems from the shift in pork productionfrom a predominantly smallholder farm structure to larger,confined animal feeding operations, or “factory farms,” thatamplify certain types of environmental damage. 141 Currently,more than one-third of the world’s meat is produced inChina and half of the world’s pigs reside in the country. 142While factory farms are arguably a more efficient use of land,Fred Gale of the USDA says that the manure created bysuch concentrated livestock is now seldom used for fertilizeras most farms prefer using chemical fertilizers. Nearly 80percent of the waste from factory farms is released untreatedinto rivers and streams, posing grave environmental and<strong>food</strong> safety threats. 143 Pathogens, heavy metals, and highconcentrations of nitrates hidden in dung can form toxicalgae blooms that create dead zones, killing off fish andcausing fishermen and others who come in contact with thewater to develop skin rashes.Industrial waste is another threat to China’s <strong>food</strong> safety, aswaste from heavy metal and mining leaches into soil andwater sources. 144 In 2013, the city of Guangzhou found thatroughly half of the rice tested at restaurants had levels ofcadmium, a cancer-causing heavy metal, above the leveldeemed safe for human consumption. 145 A significant portionof the cadmium-laced rice was traced back to HunanProvince, which is one of the top-producing provinces forboth non-ferrous metals and rice. The online news journalchinadialogue cited a report that Hunan’s non-ferrousmetals industry is responsible respectively for 32 percent, 59percent, and 25 percent of China’s emissions of cadmium,mercury and lead. 146 Given the magnitude of the problem,the amount of <strong>energy</strong> required to clean up the pollutionin China’s waterways is massive. As a consequencecalculating the growing <strong>energy</strong> footprint of water use andwater pollution merits more attention from researchers andpolicymakers both in China and worldwide.Energy for FoodFrom growing, processing, and packing to storing anddistribution, <strong>energy</strong> is a critical input at every stage of the<strong>food</strong> system. For example, natural gas and petroleum areused to manufacture chemical pesticides and fertilizers andpower agricultural machinery, while fossil fuels are burnedto produce electricity for <strong>food</strong> refrigeration, processing, andpackaging. In an effort to increase <strong>food</strong> quality, Chinese<strong>food</strong> manufacturers, trucks, warehouses, and retailers areinstalling new cold storage systems, all of which ramp upthe <strong>energy</strong> needs for the <strong>food</strong> sector. 147 Although China doesnot have comprehensive nationwide data on the total <strong>energy</strong>use of the <strong>food</strong> system, worldwide it is estimated that the<strong>food</strong> sector accounts for 30 percent of the world’s total<strong>energy</strong> consumption and for 22 percent of total greenhousegas emissions. 148As China’s <strong>food</strong> system moves towards larger farms anda more supermarket-based distribution system, greaterinvestments are made in irrigation, machinery, transport, andinfrastructure, all of which require significant <strong>energy</strong> inputs. 149For example, increased fertilizer use and substitutingmechanization for human and animal labor is improvingproduction efficiencies but also raising the <strong>energy</strong> intensity ofChina’s agriculture. 150According to Gale, government subsidies to promoteagricultural ‘modernization’ are encouraging China’s <strong>food</strong>system to become more <strong>energy</strong> intensive. Since 2006, thegovernment has also given farmers general input subsidiesto offset any increases in fertilizer and diesel fuel prices. Thegovernment subsidizes agricultural machinery purchasesby as much as 30 percent, and farmers access irrigationwater and electricity at reduced rates. The downside ofthese policies is that farmers have little incentive to invest inimproving the efficiency of their irrigation infrastructure andelectricity usage. In fact, irrigation systems are one of thegovernment’s largest items of expenditure on agriculture.28

Food market vendors also get reduced electricity rates, saysGale. 151Facing falling water-table levels, Chinese farmers are usingmore <strong>energy</strong> to pump water from deeper aquifers in orderto sustain irrigated agriculture. 152 Irrigation in China releases33 million tons of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to theentire annual emissions of New Zealand. 153At the consumer level, as China’s burgeoning middle classdemands more refrigerators, microwaves, and dishwashers,<strong>food</strong>-related household <strong>energy</strong> consumption will continueto rise. From 1995 and 2007, China’s domestic refrigeratorownershipnumbers jumped from just 7 percent to 95percent of urban families. 154 In 2007, China’s refrigeratedstorage capacity was 250 million cubic feet; by 2017, it isexpected that the capacity will be 20 times the 2007 level. 155Refrigerators and freezers account for an estimated 40percent of household <strong>food</strong>-related <strong>energy</strong> use. 156Food for EnergyBiofuelsWhile the government views biofuels as a strategic source ofrenewable <strong>energy</strong>, it is cautious not to promote the industryat the expense of the country’s <strong>food</strong> security. Because Chinais relatively poor in terms of arable land, the governmentinstituted a ceiling for first-generation biofuels, which aremade from sugars and vegetable oils found in arable crops.This cap is set at 1.8 million metric tons annually. 157In the early 2000s, the Chinese government put in placebiofuel-friendly subsidies and incentives, approving fourplants to use corn and wheat to produce bioethanol. 158Nevertheless, in an effort to reduce the country’sdependence on imported oil, the National Development andReform Commission (NDRC) in 2005 set a target that 15percent of transportation <strong>energy</strong> needs should be met withbiofuels by 2020. 159 To this end, the government has madebioethanol use mandatory in six grain producing provincessince 2008 (Anhui, Guangxi, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, andLiaoning). Within these provinces, PetroChina and Sinopecare required to incorporate a 10 percent blend of ethanol intotheir petroleum.Even though a 2012 World Bank report predicts that it is unlikelythat China will be able to meet its overall 2020 biofuel targetsdue to lack of non-grain feedstock, poor policy incentives, andslow growth in advanced technology, China’s use of grains forbiofuels used in the transportation sector is still large in absolutenumbers. 160Even though second and third generation biofuels do notaffect <strong>food</strong> stocks directly, their production is water intensive.According to the IEA, 30 percent of the 70 billion m3 of waterneeded for <strong>energy</strong> production globally between now and2035 will be attributed to biofuel production. 161 In this respect,biofuels may siphon away some of the available water neededfor <strong>food</strong> crops.Ways Forward for Food Choke PointsAs Chinese policymakers implement structural changesto facilitate agricultural modernization, there are manyopportunities to reduce the water and <strong>energy</strong> footprintin the agricultural sector. Addressing these choke pointswill require focusing both on supply-side efficiencies inproduction and reducing <strong>food</strong> and water waste. (See Box 7).In order for Chinese policymakers to create appropriate andefficient agricultural and water pricing reforms, they must firstgain a better understanding of virtual water flows betweenprovinces and in China’s <strong>food</strong> exports.<strong>Water</strong> for FoodChina’s water use by sector in 2013AgriculturalIndustrial12%23%63%Sources: See page 31MunicipalEcologicalInefficiency in irrigation45%55%<strong>Water</strong> actuallyconsumed by thetarget crops<strong>Water</strong> wastedduring irrigation29

Box 7. Big Footprint of Waste in China’s Food SectorWhere there is <strong>food</strong> loss, water and <strong>energy</strong> are also embedded in that loss.According to a rough estimate by the United Nations Food and AgriculturalOrganization, one-third of <strong>food</strong> produced in the world is wasted through <strong>food</strong>loss and <strong>food</strong> waste. 162 Food loss refers to losses along the supply chain atthe production, post-harvest, and processing stages, while <strong>food</strong> waste refersto waste that occurs at the retail and consumer levels. 163While there are no official statistics on <strong>food</strong>-sector inefficiency in China,research shows that China suffers from significant postharvest loss. 164Because China’s agricultural system is still largely decentralized with 240million small-holder farmers, a lot of the work is still done manually, reducingefficiency and increasing processing time. 165 For example, over 80 percent ofgrain is unloaded and loaded by hand, 166 and last year China lost 35 milliontons of cereal grains because of inadequate loading and handling systems; 167this represents a significant waste of not only <strong>food</strong>, but also water.There are encouraging signs of increasing awareness of <strong>food</strong> waste—manyrestaurants in Beijing and Shanghai are putting up signs reminding customersnot to waste <strong>food</strong>. As part of Xi Jinping’s “eight rules” (ba xiang gui ding), theChinese leadership has ordered crackdowns on lavish government banquetspartly to reduce <strong>food</strong> waste. In light of the magnitude of the problem inChina, continued public awareness campaigns and improving supply chainsfor distribution would serve an important purpose in reducing <strong>food</strong> waste andits related water and <strong>energy</strong> consumption.30

Energy and <strong>Water</strong> for FoodAt every step, <strong>food</strong> production—from growing, processing, packing to storing anddistribution—requires water and <strong>energy</strong>, putting increasing pressure on China’salready-scarce resources.The “Juicy” Meat IndustryRising meat consumption is further straining itsfreshwater supplies.Total Meat Production (Million tons)Agricultural <strong>Water</strong> Usage (Trillion m 3 )Pumping toRock BottomFacing declining water tablelevels, Chinese farmers are usingmore <strong>energy</strong> to pump water fromdeeper aquifers in order tosustain irrigated agriculture.103883908358.666.135869.4366.470.936068.7366.372.8372.376.5368.9374.479.3 79.783.985.4Also, don’t forget there are climate costs to theprice of irrigation.6<strong>Water</strong> requirement for producing a kilogram of...Beef2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013CO 217%-20%33 milliontons emissionsper yearof China’sgreenhouse gasemissionsequivalent to theentire emissionsof New ZealandPork15 m 3 of water4.9 m 3 of waterRefridgerators Have Big Appetitesfor Electricity TooAs China’s burgeoning middle class demands more refrigerators, microwaves,and dishwashers, <strong>food</strong>-related household <strong>energy</strong> consumption will continueto rise.Domestic refrigerator ownership (%)1995 7% of urban families200795%Chicken3.9 m 3 of waterSources: FAO, Ministry of <strong>Water</strong> Resources of China, The Guardian, National Bureau of Statistics of China, Junlian Zhang, New York Times.Refrigerators andfreezers account foran estimated40%of household <strong>food</strong>related<strong>energy</strong> use.31

Insights from Choke Point Issues inthe United StatesThe U.S. Department of Energy can bring its strong science, technology, and analyticcapabilities to bear to help the Nation move to more resilient <strong>energy</strong>-water systems.—U.S. Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz 168Chinese policymakers, research institutes, andenvironmental NGOs are increasingly recognizingthe importance of the water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> nexus,which has been catalyzed in part by the WilsonCenter/Circle of Blue Choke Point: China researchand convenings. This nascent trend opens up newopportunities for Sino-U.S. collaboration buildingon nearly 44 years of <strong>energy</strong> and environmentalcooperation by government agencies, NGOs, andresearch institutes. Below we provide an overview ofhow the United States is starting to address growingchoke point issues, which will lay the groundworkfor potential steps China could take and highlightsareas in which the two countries can collaborate.This overview of choke point activities by U.S.government agencies, NGOs, research centers, andbusinesses is by no means exhaustive, but is meantto highlight a range of organizations which havebeen helping to lead integrated research and actionto address water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> confrontations in theUnited States.U.S. Government Choke PointActivities• U.S. Department of Energy <strong>Water</strong>-Energy<strong>Roadmap</strong> Program: In 2008 Congresstasked the Department of Energy (DOE)with undertaking a detailed scoping study tounderstand how water-<strong>energy</strong> nexus issueswere challenging the United States. 169 DOEinvited Sandia National Laboratory to form a<strong>Water</strong>-Energy Nexus team—made up of nationallaboratory and university scientists—to builda National Energy-<strong>Water</strong> <strong>Roadmap</strong> Program.The subsequent research and conveningswere integral in assessing the vulnerabilitiesin the U.S. <strong>energy</strong> system from major choke33

point trends and evaluating the effectiveness of existingprograms within DOE and other federal agencies inaddressing water and <strong>energy</strong> linked issues.• U.S. Department of Energy’s <strong>Water</strong>-EnergyTech Team (WETT): In the fall of 2012, DOE initiatedthe department-wide WETT to increase awarenessof the water-<strong>energy</strong> nexus. In June 2014, WETTpublished a report—<strong>Water</strong>-Energy Nexus Challengesand Opportunities—that frames the integrated water<strong>energy</strong>challenges facing the United States and sets sixpriorities for coordinating research between DOE and itspartners. 170• U.S. Engagement with APEC on <strong>Water</strong>-EnergyInitiatives: The United States is working with othercountries in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) forum to develop modeling capabilities toexamine water use in <strong>energy</strong> production and <strong>energy</strong>use in water production, and identify potentialvulnerabilities—especially in urban areas. The project,co-sponsored by the United States, China, andAustralia, and carried out under APEC’s Energy SmartCommunities’ Initiative, aims to develop standardizeddefinitions and data collection strategies for water<strong>energy</strong>nexus issues and to gather relevant data fromAPEC economies. These activities will help develop abaseline understanding of the <strong>energy</strong>-water nexus inthe region, and identify water-<strong>energy</strong> data gaps andpotential vulnerabilities the countries face from water<strong>energy</strong>confrontations. The goal is to help prioritizestrategies to mitigate <strong>energy</strong>-water nexus impacts andencourage more efficient and sustainable use of <strong>energy</strong>and water. 171 APEC’s Energy Working Group’s ExpertGroup on Clean Fossil Energy also started lookinginto the <strong>energy</strong>-water nexus, particularly coal-based<strong>energy</strong> systems. This project—cosponsored by theUnited States, China, Japan, and Australia—will shareinformation on: (1) developments to make coal-based<strong>energy</strong> systems, including power generation andconversion to synthetic natural gas and chemicals, moreefficient and less-water intensive; (2) recovery and reuseof water from coal-based <strong>energy</strong> production, includinguse of alternative sources of water and coproduction ofwater with carbon capture, utilization, and storage; and(3) policy and regulatory developments in APEC membereconomies related to the water-<strong>energy</strong> nexus for coalbased<strong>energy</strong> production.Regional and Basin-level Choke PointPlanning and Action• Great Lakes Energy-<strong>Water</strong> Nexus (GLEW)Initiative: This initiative developed new metrics tomeasure the impact on aquatic resources of water usedfor power generation. GLEW also examined policies thatgovern electric <strong>energy</strong> markets, utilities, and power plantsiting, to identify opportunities for better integratingenvironmental resource impacts into future <strong>energy</strong> policyand regulatory efforts. With support from the GreatLakes Protection Fund, this 21-month effort was ledby the Great Lakes Commission under the guidanceof a diverse Project Advisory Team. Principal projectpartners included: Cornell University, Sandia NationalLaboratories, the Great Lakes Environmental LawCenter, and the Environmental Law and Policy Center. 172• Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC): Since1961 the DRBC has been charged with water resourceplanning, development, and regulation in a river basinthat supplies water to more than 15 million people,or roughly five percent of the U.S. population, acrossDelaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.Core mandates of the commission’s compact are toapportion water equitably, balance competing demandson river flows, and maintain high water quality in themain stem Delaware River. The water-intensive shalegas development boom targeting the Marcellus Shaleformation poses significant new water quality andquantity challenges for the basin. The DRBC has playeda central role in engaging community members, NGOs,and the shale gas industry to find solutions to protectthe basin’s waters, which are vital to the economicfuture and quality of life of residents in all four states.34

Research and NongovernmentalOrganization Choke Point Activities• Pacific Institute: The California-based NGO, PacificInstitute, has conducted extensive research on the<strong>energy</strong> usage of California’s water diversion project.A member of our China <strong>Water</strong>-Energy team, HeatherCooley, leads the Institute’s work examining the <strong>energy</strong>footprint of water and identifying strategies to reducewater-<strong>energy</strong> conflicts in the United States and abroad.• Union of Concerned Scientists: This nonprofitscience advocacy organization has published severalreports that offer in-depth analyses of the connectionsbetween <strong>energy</strong> and water, looking at how much wateris used by power plants fueled by natural gas, nuclear,and coal. They published the 2011 report, FreshwaterUse by U.S. Power Plants: Electricity’s Thirst for aPrecious Resource. 173• Alliance to Save Energy: In 1997, the WashingtonD.C.-based NGO launched the <strong>Water</strong>gy program toaddress the link between water and <strong>energy</strong> in municipalwater and wastewater treatment systems. The Allianceoffers a portfolio of services that include <strong>energy</strong>assessments, training, outreach, and advocacy withelectric and gas utilities, as well as financing mechanismresearch and policy analysis. Since 1997, the <strong>Water</strong>gyprogram has designed and carried out projects inover 100 cities across the globe and has saved morethan 20.8 million kWh of electricity and $5 million inoperating costs.U.S. Business Choke PointInvestments<strong>Water</strong> has become a significant concern for manybusinesses. 174 Corporate leaders are increasingly awareof how choke point issues pose serious risks to theirbusinesses. In 2013 when the U.S. Chamber of CommerceFoundation held a meeting to help companies bettermanage their <strong>energy</strong> and water use, companies expressedthat their “most pressing challenge was to create businessoperations that are resilient to <strong>energy</strong>, water, and <strong>food</strong>shortages.” The next year the Foundation published thereport, The Energy-<strong>Water</strong>-Food Nexus: Insights for theBusiness Community.According to a survey by Vox Global and Pacific Institute, 60percent of companies surveyed indicated that water wouldnegatively affect profitability within the next five years. And80 percent of the respondents said that water availabilitywould affect companies’ choice of where to locate theirfacilities. Some noteworthy examples of U.S. companiesprioritizing choke point issues include:• Coca-Cola: The global beverage and <strong>food</strong> gianthas set a 2020 goal to safely return to communitiesand nature an amount of water equal to what thecompany uses in its finished beverages and productionprocesses. The company is increasingly addressingwater stewardship in the context of the water-<strong>energy</strong><strong>food</strong>nexus in its work with the World ResourcesInstitute and 2030 <strong>Water</strong> Resources Group.• Dow Chemical: Dow <strong>Water</strong> and Process Solutions,a business unit of The Dow Chemical Company, haspublished several reports, including The SustainabilityChallenge: Meeting the Needs of the <strong>Water</strong>-EnergyNexus175 and China’s Thirst for <strong>Water</strong>. The companyuses a concept known as valuation of ecosystemservices to account for and incorporate the value ofnature in its business decisions. 176• General Electric (GE): The multinationalconglomerate has made a company-wide effort toimprove the water-efficiency of its operations, focusingespecially on its plants located in water-scarce areaslike Bangalore, India. The corporation and one of itssubsidiaries have also committed $20 million to buildinginfrastructure and healthcare in Africa, which includes aprogram to improve access to clean and safe water inhospitals by installing water-scarcity systems. 177 GE hasalso been a supporter of the World Resources InstituteAqueduct project, which began its water-<strong>energy</strong> riskanalysis tool building in China.35

Finding Solutions in ConnectionsWe need to find a new growth model. This is especially true in the water and <strong>energy</strong>areas…This is the choke point for the country.— Zhang Yongsheng, Senior Fellow at the Development Research Center of the StateCouncil of China 179With China’s rapid urbanization and industrialization,its water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> choke points are tighteningand Chinese policy, research, and civil societycommunities have not yet coalesced around aunified and comprehensive strategy to addressthese growing challenges. The country’s powerand agricultural sectors are competing for anever-decreasing water supply, and at the sametime, more <strong>energy</strong> is needed to move and treatits increasingly polluted waters. China is facing aconfluence of pressures that are threatening itsalready vulnerable resources, catalyzing risks to itswater, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> security.However, just as there can be a negative dominoeffect in the interlinked competition for water, <strong>energy</strong>,and <strong>food</strong>, there can also be a positive multipliereffect when all three are effectively managedtogether. Specifically, efficient management practicesfor one of these resources could have significant cobenefitsfor the others. For example:• Energy efficiency reduces water use in the<strong>energy</strong> sector, leaving more water available for<strong>food</strong> production and other sectors;• Preventing water pollution lowers the <strong>energy</strong>requirements of treatment plants and avoidscontamination of <strong>food</strong> crops;• Promoting less water-intensive crops andlowering <strong>food</strong> waste help to save significantamounts of water and <strong>energy</strong> and enhance rurallivelihoods;• Incorporating the cost of water in electricityproduction and reforming <strong>energy</strong> pricing policiesaccordingly could be an effective market tool topromote more efficient <strong>energy</strong> use.Recognizing the connections between these differentissues creates opportunities for new thinking onpolicies, regulations, incentives, and investments formore aggressive resource conservation. Through our37

Choke Point: China research, exchanges, and interviews, we research, and civil society communities to take action tohave identified three priority action areas that Chinese policy, reduce water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> confrontations and improveresearch, and civil society organizations could focus on to management of these resources. Box 8 outlines somebuild a strong foundation for action on water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> examples of data and analysis priorities:management:3Generate water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> models. Drawing1. Identify the magnitude of choke point issues infrom challenges and lessons learned in the U.S., ChinaChina.could develop models that help policymakers betterunderstand the current situation and project future2. Optimize water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> nexus management.needs. Models should:3. Strengthen China-U.S. collaborative networks.• Integrate the management and planning of water,<strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> resources, and consider climateAction Area #1. Identify the Magnitudeof <strong>Water</strong>-Energy-Food IssuesIntegrating the management of water, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> isa significant hurdle for China due to the paucity of baselinedata, particularly concerning the amount of <strong>energy</strong> neededfor the water sector. Some of the data exists, but is spreadacross different agencies and research centers that do notgenerally collaborate or do not use the same methodology. Toovercome this fragmented data management, China needsto create permanent research hubs and networks to collectbaseline data and analyze the complete life cycle use ofwater, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong>, by sector and by region. Below arerecommendations on how to build information clearinghouseson choke point research and dialogue in China.1Create permanent centers and research networksfor multidisciplinary choke point research. To helpthe collection of baseline data on choke point issues, itwill be valuable for the Chinese government to assemblea crosscutting R&D team made up of top researchersfrom <strong>energy</strong>, water, and agriculture policy think tanksand universities. Ideally, a relevant Chinese governmentagency, for example the NDRC, Ministry of <strong>Water</strong>Resources, or Ministry of Science and Technology couldprovide some of the initial funding for this data collectionand research. The National Energy Administration underthe NDRC has begun to study water-<strong>energy</strong> issues.Thus, the NDRC could be the logical hub for furtherchoke point research.2Collect baseline data. China urgently needsmore complete baseline data on water and <strong>energy</strong>interactions. Filling such vital data gaps will inform moreaccurate projections in models guiding Chinese policy,change, population growth, urbanization, economicdevelopment and technology evolution;• Evaluate how smart agriculture techniques could lower wateruse and maintain yields in the most cost-effective manner;• Inform the timing and severity of choke point issues;• Evaluate the efficacy and unintended consequences ofalternative mitigation and adaptive strategies to dealwith choke points;• Create tools that help household users understand the<strong>energy</strong> and climate impacts of their daily water use,looking to the Pacific Institute’s <strong>Water</strong>-Energy-ClimateCalculator as an example; 183• Equip <strong>energy</strong>-water policymakers and managers withtools to help them evaluate <strong>energy</strong>-water interactions—examples of this include the Brookhaven NationalLaboratory model for New York City Energy-<strong>Water</strong>analysis 184 or the National Renewable EnergyLaboratory Regional Energy Deployment System model.These models have incorporated water constraints into along-term capacity-expansion model for the deploymentof electric power generation technologies andtransmission infrastructure throughout the United States.China’s ambition to maintain prolonged growth in a resourceconstrainedenvironment calls for a new, proactive model ofdecision-making that sets development priorities accordingto local water conditions. The data, research, and modelingdiscussed above will help to establish a choke point frameworkto help central and local policymakers and researchers betterevaluate tradeoffs and costs of various water, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong>38

production and conservation goals. With sufficient data andmodeling Chinese experts will be able to:• Establish joint planning exercises among water, <strong>energy</strong>,and <strong>food</strong> managers at all levels of government in China;• Undertake a comprehensive, nationwide assessmentof hydropower and its impacts on water flows andpollution;• Coordinate data collection across key government andresearch entities. For example, in the United States,the U.S. Energy Information Administration and U.S.Geological Survey were required to set standards onhow to collect uniform data on water usage by powerplants as a result of the Department of Energy’s push tobetter manage the water-<strong>energy</strong> nexus.Box 8. <strong>Water</strong> and Energy Research Agenda for ChinaEnergy for <strong>Water</strong> Data• Calculate water intensity (differentiatingwithdrawal and consumption) of all powergeneration technologies.• Conduct lifecycle water use analysis of <strong>energy</strong>production, manufacturing, <strong>food</strong> production,processing, and distribution. As the world’s factory,it would be valuable to estimate how much water isembedded in products China imports and exports (e.g.,through importing water-intensive crops and <strong>energy</strong>,and exporting clothes, electronics, and fuels). Lifecycle analysis of <strong>energy</strong> and water flows used in <strong>food</strong>processing is also a critical gap and this type of trackingcould also be used to strengthen <strong>food</strong> safety oversight.• Estimate national, provincial, and city data for<strong>energy</strong> that is used for conveying and treatingwater. This would include pumping water for irrigation,water transfers, and wastewater and desalination plants.<strong>Water</strong> for Energy Data• <strong>Water</strong> for Coal. As China’s main source of electricity,securing accurate data on coal’s water footprint is critical.Currently, the few estimates made by international andChinese organizations vary considerably, in part because ofdiffering measurement criteria and also because accuratedata is often hard to come by in such a rapidly developingand vast country. Some estimates also do not take intoaccount the entire lifecycle of coal production; rather theyfocus only on water use at the point of electricity generation.For example, one recent Ministry of <strong>Water</strong> Resources reportcited China’s total industrial water withdrawals as 22.5percent of the national total, and indicated that thermalpower with once-through cooling systems accounted for 7.5percent of the national total water withdrawals. However, thisestimate for thermal power focuses exclusively on the plantleveluse, rather than a full assessment of the supply chainand does not include coal-to-gas or coal-to-liquids industriesin the estimate. 180• <strong>Water</strong> for fuels. Studying the amount of water used infuel extraction (particularly for coal and natural gas) andproduction (especially SNG and oil) combined with basinwidewater surveys will be vital in managing choke points.Baseline Data to Assess Choke Point Risks• Gather and analyze provincial and/or regionalwater-<strong>energy</strong> data. Subnational water-<strong>energy</strong> nexusanalyses will be vital to make assessments on the futurewater needs in key regions of the country. The PacificInstitute’s <strong>Water</strong> for Energy: Future <strong>Water</strong> Needs forElectricity 181 and Energy Down the Drain 182 are usefulmodels for studies that quantify <strong>energy</strong> requirements forwater systems at regional levels.• Examine supply chain water risks. These risksinclude mapping out the magnitude of water pollutionand waste created by China’s <strong>energy</strong> and industrialsupply chains, as well as understanding the problems<strong>energy</strong> and other industries face in accessing cleanwater.• Calculate the co-benefits of addressing chokepoint issues. This will require estimating howdecreasing the <strong>energy</strong> footprint of water could lower airpollution and greenhouse gas emissions, among otherbenefits.39

Action Area #2. Optimize <strong>Water</strong>-Energy-Food Nexus ManagementChina’s coal plants and coal producers in early 2014.Expanding and rigorously enforcing water efficiencytargets in the <strong>energy</strong> sector as well as in other industriesIncreasing efficiency in the management of water, <strong>energy</strong>,and <strong>food</strong>—often referred to as demand-side managementand municipalities would be a vital step to protecting thecountry’s vulnerable water resources.strategies—warrants greater attention in China. Policiesfor improving efficiency should target water use in <strong>energy</strong> • Reducing water pollution through cleaner<strong>energy</strong>. China is also losing considerableproduction, electricity generation, and consumer end use.water to pollution. The new top-down measuresPolicies should also address <strong>energy</strong> efficiency in waterfrom the 2013 Pollution Action Plan to the amendedmanagement, treatment, distribution, and end use operations.Environmental Protection Law represent importantThe water pricing reform announced in 2014 by the NDRCsteps in improving pollution control to protectcould be a good first step in this direction. 185 The push byChina’s water quality. Filling the governance gaps toChinese policymakers to prioritize <strong>energy</strong> efficiency in the pastpromote accountability at the local level will be crucialtwo Five-Year Plans has led to significant <strong>energy</strong> savings,to enforcement of existing water pollution controlas well as improvements in the efficiency of irrigation andregulations. The high-<strong>energy</strong> costs can hinder waterreducing water pollution. 186 Targets included decreasingtreatment—so much so that tertiary treatment is almost<strong>energy</strong> intensity by 16 percent and obtaining 11.4 percentnonexistent in China. This treatment gap is saddlingof total <strong>energy</strong> from non-fossil <strong>energy</strong> sources. 187 There arethe country with mountains of often toxic sludge. Tomany opportunities to make China’s economy even moreaddress this <strong>energy</strong> burden that hampers wastewater<strong>energy</strong> efficient – saving <strong>energy</strong> ultimately saves water.treatment, the central and provincial governments1Standards and Efficiency Codes for <strong>Water</strong> andcould:Energy: Another way that government can help1) Prioritize off-grid distributed renewable <strong>energy</strong>incentivize <strong>energy</strong> and water-saving consumptiongeneration for wastewater treatment;patterns would be to implement and enforce standardsand codes of conduct. For instance, California hasset maximum flow rates for showerheads, toilets, and2) Deploy biodigesters on factory farms to preventanimal waste from entering river and lakes.other appliances and created rebates to encourage3individuals and industry to switch out older inefficient Increase incentives for end-use conservation byappliances and fixtures for water or <strong>energy</strong> savingindustries and consumers:ones. 188 Moreover, there are significant opportunities• Continue to raise efficiency targets. A recentfor improving lighting, heating, and cooling efficiency instudy by the Natural Resources Defense Council2Chinese buildings.and Tsinghua University concluded that during the<strong>Water</strong> Efficiency and Pollution Control Priorities: 11th Five-Year Plan period, the water saved throughefficiency programs across China’s entire power sector• Reigning in <strong>energy</strong>’s water footprint. Whilecould satisfy Beijing’s water demand for three years. 189the Chinese government has been quick to createcomprehensive policies and investments to promote<strong>energy</strong> efficiency and the development of renewables, ithas lagged behind in its response to the country’s waterwastage, particularly in the <strong>energy</strong> sector. The 12thFive-Year Plan for Energy Development highlighted forthe first time that the water footprint of coal is an issuefor the government to begin addressing. The Ministryof <strong>Water</strong> Resources issued water allocation rules forEnergy efficiency’s positive implications for watermanagement should be further emphasized. Conversely,water conservation could prove more appealing if the<strong>energy</strong> savings are compared to the costs of buildingdesalination and water transfer infrastructure.• Raise water prices and improve tracking ofwater use. Although water prices in China havegradually increased in the past twenty years, water is40

still underpriced compared to other countries, especiallyin the agricultural sector. 190 Raising fees and expandingpilot water rights trading markets would promote waterconservation and efficiency.point research and technology development by teamsof university, industry, government, and NGO scientists,engineers, and policy experts. Potentially fruitful areas ofjoint work include:• Create public awareness campaigns. Besidestargets and pricing, highly visible public awarenesscampaigns on <strong>energy</strong>-saving, <strong>food</strong>-saving, andwater-conservation could also be a powerful tool, asevidenced by Chinese basketball superstar Yao Ming’sheralded involvement in a campaign against sharkfin soup, which likely contributed to the 70 percentreduction in sales. 191• Educate local officials about choke pointlinkages. <strong>Water</strong> conservation and pollution controlregulations have been on the policy agenda for manyyears in China, but enforcement has generally beenweak. Inclusion of water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> nexus classes andtraining in Party schools, both at the central and locallevels would provide officials with a basic foundation ofhow integrated water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> nexus managementcould be used to alleviate water and <strong>energy</strong> stresseswhile working towards greater <strong>food</strong> security.• Interactive mapping of virtual water flows inthe economy. Such mapping could use models fromexisting studies 193 to make it easier for policymakersto comprehensively visualize water in production,consumption, and trade stages both within and beyondeach country’s borders.• Enhance joint research and development intowater and <strong>energy</strong> saving technologies. Forexample, a recent study of 11 Chinese provincesfound that the use of improved irrigation managementmeasures such as flow metering, irrigation scheduling,or simply regular maintenance can reduce the amountof pumped water by up to 20 percent. 194 Many ofthese technologies have been already launched as pilotprograms at the local level.2Build subnational collaboration. In the United Statessome of the most creative and innovative solutionsto water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> management have emergedfrom city governments and regional organizations.Action Area #3. Strengthen CollaborativeChinese cities are already being pushed to quicklyNetworks Between China and the Unitedaddress increasingly severe <strong>energy</strong>, water, and pollutionStateschallenges and therefore represent ideal partners fortesting new policies and pilots to increase their water,As the two largest <strong>energy</strong> producers and users in the world, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> resilience.the inter-linkages among water, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> are havinggreat impacts on the economic and ecological health of the • Incorporate water into local <strong>energy</strong> planning. InUnited States and China. The establishment of a water-<strong>energy</strong>nexus program under the existing Clean Energy Researchthe United States, Arizona and Colorado have movedto the forefront of incorporating water into state <strong>energy</strong>Center (CERC) mechanism, which is slated to begin inplanning. For example, the Arizona state electricityOctober 2015, is a positive development. The program willregulatory agency has included water consumption inreceive $50 million over five years and aims to catalyze jointits electric resource planning for over a decade. Theresearch to address water-<strong>energy</strong> challenges facing bothagency has denied permits for proposed natural gascountries. 192 The funding will be evenly shared by the twopower plants to protect groundwater supplies andcountries through a mix of government and private sources. encouraged the state’s largest electric company toOther recommendations for collaboration include:build new solar farms to lower water use. 195 Anotherexample is the Watts to <strong>Water</strong> Program, a metro-wide1Establish a bilateral water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> nexussustainability program based in Denver, Coloradoresearch center that focuses on mutual chokededicated to the reduction of <strong>energy</strong> and waterpoint challenges in both countries. The new CERC consumption. Buildings and businesses in the city thatwater-<strong>energy</strong> program provides a platform for joint choke opt-in share their <strong>energy</strong> and water consumption data41

in exchange for complimentary technical support fromEnergy Star technicians, and they receive rebates tomake building operations more efficient and materialsthat will lower their water and <strong>energy</strong> consumption. 196• Encourage city-to-city exchanges. Cities oftenlack data on how water, <strong>energy</strong>, and <strong>food</strong> flows interactin their communities. Generating such metrics would helpguide leaders identify where they can make the greatestimpact. For instance, in some regions, pipeline leaks anduneven pressure means that significant water, and thus<strong>energy</strong>, is lost in distribution. As an indication of economicloss, 50 percent of London’s municipal water cost isnon-revenue; in China, that number is 20-30 percent inlarge cities and 6-7 percent in smaller or newer cities. 197U.S. and Chinese cities are participating in growingnetworks focused on urban climate collaboration (e.g.,C-40), creating smart cities, and even some U.S.-Chinasister city programs are becoming more committed toenvironmental issues. Brookhaven National Laboratorypaired up eight U.S. cities with seven Chinese cities forcollaboration on <strong>energy</strong> and environment and led a U.S.-China Joint EcoCities project involving six Chinese citiesand four U.S. cities. 198 Recently, the Ports of Los Angelesand Shanghai have formulated an EcoPartnership undera program managed by the U.S. Department of State andthe NDRC. 199 Cities in the United States and China thatface similar water-<strong>energy</strong> challenges, such as port citiesin Oakland, CA and Shenzhen or Guangzhou, could buildbusiness and policy dialogues under existing sister city orEcoPartnership programs that share knowledge on bestpractices on lowering their <strong>energy</strong> and water footprints.3Expand engagement with civil society, multilateral,and business communities. Box 8 provides anoverview of some water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong>-related initiatives thathave been launched in China over the past two years.These nongovernmental players could be valuable tohelp bring business, community, and policy stakeholderstogether for choke point research, projects, and policydevelopment. NGOs can help shine a light on theimpacts of unsustainable water use on communities andencourage more transparent and participatory decisionmaking in future project development. As industrialwater withdrawals rise in China, Chinese businesseswill face increased risks as <strong>energy</strong> and <strong>food</strong> productionsqueeze the country’s water supplies. 200 Therefore itwill be important to engage the private sector to helpraise awareness on how water and <strong>energy</strong> waste isexacerbating risks to sustainable business.4Incorporate water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> programming inthe U.S.-China Agriculture and Food Partnershipand pursue further trade opportunities inagribusiness between the two countries.• Trade may offer the most sustainable way forward forChina to meet its domestic grain demand and wouldalso create an opportunity for U.S. agricultural exports.China’s growing imports of grain and other <strong>food</strong>s aredriven in part by water shortages and represent an importof “virtual” water. Greater understanding of the role oftrade, with respect to managing virtual water flows interprovinciallyand internationally, will be critical for China’s<strong>food</strong> and resource future. The United States has arableland that could more sustainably meet China’s meatdemand if the right policies are in place to incentive suchinvestments. According to Fred Gale, senior economist atthe United States Department of Agriculture, “Importingmeat from more land abundant countries, like the UnitedStates…is probably going to reduce the environmentalfootprint of Chinese people eating more meat comparedto China being self-sufficient, producing all its own porkand all its own chickens.” 201• In April 2014, the U.S. agribusiness community launchedthe U.S. Agriculture and Food Partnership as the keypublic-private sector coordinator for bilateral <strong>food</strong> andagriculture cooperation between the two countries. Thepartnership has seven key task forces including: cropchain, livestock chain, machinery, <strong>food</strong> processing,investment, financial services, and <strong>food</strong> safety. Particularlyunder the livestock chain and <strong>food</strong> safety task forces,there is a ripe opportunity for U.S. agribusiness toreevaluate their supply chain practices in China from awater-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> management perspective and in doingso, also work with China’s agri-<strong>food</strong> industries to introducebest practices that conserve these crucial resources andlimit pollution.42

Box 9. Examples of Emerging Choke Point Work in China• The Wilson Center’s China Environment Forumis continuing its Choke Point: China work with Circleof Blue and other U.S. and Chinese partners toexpand research and dialogue on water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong>confrontations in China and to continue identifyingopportunities for U.S.-China collaboration. The nextmajor initiative is the Choke Point: Port Cities that isinvestigating the water-<strong>energy</strong> choke points in Shenzhenand Oakland, California, with an eye on the pollutionreduction co-benefits.• The World Bank’s Thirsty Energy Initiativerecently began working in China to design andimplement an integrated water and <strong>energy</strong> model forthe National Energy Administration (NEA), as partof the institution’s 2016-2020 National Energy Five-YearPlan. Besides NEA, the Bank will work with the Institutefor <strong>Water</strong> and Hydropower Resources—which worksdirectly with China’s Ministry of <strong>Water</strong> Resources—toensure that the country’s <strong>energy</strong> planning tools properlyincorporate water constraints and investment requiredto produce power and cooling in the major <strong>energy</strong>basins in the country. Preliminary results are expected tobe ready by February of 2015 in time to be used for thedesign of the 13th Five-Year Plan.• The Natural Resources Defense Council’s ChinaCoal Consumption Cap Plan and Policy Research,which is bringing together China’s leading <strong>energy</strong>and environmental think tanks to conduct in-depthresearch and dialogues, has incorporated water intoits Coal Consumption Cap Co-Benefits research.This broad-ranging research work will produce policyrecommendations and concrete action plans ondecreasing coal consumption in China.• China <strong>Water</strong> Risk, a Hong Kong-based NGO, hasexpanded its water risk research and reporting heavilyinto coal-water confrontations since 2012—mostnotably with the No <strong>Water</strong> No Power: Is There Enough<strong>Water</strong> to Fuel China’s Power Expansion report for HBSCand an extensive series of stories and infographics onthe coal-water link. 202• The Pacific Environment and <strong>Water</strong>keeperAlliance are working with grassroots environmentalgroups across China to reduce the country’s relianceon coal by engaging in public outreach on the impactsof coal on air and water through local industrytransparency initiatives and citizen pollution monitoringof coal and heavy industries.• Chinese Universities and think tanks are beginning todive into choke point analyses. BP-Tsinghua CleanEnergy Center was the first Chinese universityresearch center to assess the water footprint of China’scoal production cycle. On the flip side of the water<strong>energy</strong>confrontation, Nanjing University Centerfor Environmental Management and Policy isthe first Chinese research group to begin estimatingand modeling the <strong>energy</strong> footprint of water in China,focusing in part on how conserving urban water candecrease pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. 203China’s Energy Resources Institute under theNational Development and Reform Commission hasundertaken some initial analyses of the water footprintof different <strong>energy</strong> technologies in China.• The World Resources Institute (WRI) <strong>Water</strong>Team in Beijing is reviewing the policies and regulationson <strong>energy</strong> and water resources management at thenational and provincial levels in China with the goalof identifying gaps that pressure water ecosystemsin the country. WRI’s Aqueduct project has createdonline maps and tools to help companies, investors,governments, and communities better understandwhere and how water risks are emerging around theworld. Their initial prototype tool focused on the YellowRiver in China.• Greenpeace China continues its Thirsty Coalcampaign, undertaking on-the-ground research andadvocacy on how expanding coal bases in northChina are exacerbating China’s current water crises.A 2014 Thirsty Coal report on pollution and excessivewater extraction from Shenhua coal-to-liquids plantshighlighted the growing groundwater depletion andcontamination problems linked to coal production inChina’s north.• In the spring of 2014, the World Coal Association—based out of the Shenhua Science and TechnologyInstitute—published a special issue on coal and waterthat featured several articles focused on China by notonly Shenhua researchers, but also by WRI and the BP-Tsinghua Clean Energy Center. 20443

China’s Opportunities to Address theChoke PointsTo reconcile the water-<strong>energy</strong> confrontations, the only way out is to manage the whole thing in a moreefficient way—from the design, through the construction, to the operation.— Ma Jun, Director, Institute for Public and Environmental Affairs and Wilson Center Global Fellow 205China’s ability to manage its tightening water-<strong>energy</strong><strong>food</strong>choke points may seem like a battle of Goliathanproportions. <strong>Water</strong> pollution and shortages areshrinking the amount of cropland that can be usedsafely for <strong>food</strong> production; this has pushed Chinadangerously close to the government’s “red line” of120 million cultivated hectares required to ensure itsgrain security. Northern cities are increasingly thirsty;Beijing was estimated to be 515 million m 3 short ofwater for the year 2011, and even with the SNWTPthe deficit will still be 190 million m 3 . 206 Meanwhile, thecountry’s coal powered generation capacity is set torise to 1,250 GW by 2020. 207 Even with the new fleet ofefficient coal plants, this increase in capacity translatesto roughly 34 billion m 3 of water used annually by2020. 208 Chinese policymakers have only recentlybegun to recognize these choke points, but as this<strong>Roadmap</strong> has outlined, some progressive steps arealready being taken, such as the recent announcementof the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center’swater-<strong>energy</strong> nexus program. Here are some otherpromising trends to build on:China has shown that when there is thepolitical will, changes will be enacted,though implementation lags. The centralgovernment has earmarked $608 billion (4 trillion yuan)this decade to clean up its rivers and lakes, fix its watersupply systems, and boost water conservation. 209Chinese officials are also pushing policies to raisewater efficiency in the agricultural sector. In the <strong>energy</strong>sector, the government now requires use of dry coolingon new ultra-super critical coal-fired power plants inthe northern provinces, making them among the mostwater-efficient power plants in the world.Improvements in China’s infrastructure offermore conservation opportunities. Beijingis erecting new buildings that include gray watersystems to deliver recycled wastewater for washingcars and flushing toilets. 210 The city has reducedindustrial water use by more than 40 percent, is set toincrease its wastewater recycling rate to 75 percentand sewage treatment rate to 98 percent by 2015. 211Since 1995, Shanghai has spent $8.1 billion (50.345

illion yuan) to construct a network of 52 sewage plants thatnow treat nearly 80 percent of the city’s wastewater. 212 If theShanghai municipality expands its rooftop solar investmentsand policy incentives into the wastewater treatment sector, theycould launch a new model for low-carbon development thathas the co-benefit of protecting water. In rural areas, as thecountry transitions from family farms to industrial agriculture,there are also new opportunities to implement water and<strong>energy</strong> saving technologies.China’s strong manufacturing base and largepopulation gives the country an unparalleled abilityto scale-up effective technologies. The Chinesegovernment’s investments and policies to encourage clean<strong>energy</strong> have made the country a leader in solar, wind, andcleaner coal technologies. China has become a globallaboratory for testing and improving clean <strong>energy</strong> technologiesfrom carbon capture and sequestration to integratedgasification combined cycle. China has the opportunity toalso play a leadership role in addressing its water-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong>confrontations, including more <strong>energy</strong> efficient desalinationand wastewater treatment, and new waste to <strong>energy</strong>technologies.<strong>Water</strong>-<strong>energy</strong>-<strong>food</strong> confrontations are complex and no singledocument can solve these problems, but we hope thatthis <strong>Roadmap</strong> lays out some foundational ideas that canempower Chinese stakeholders and their partners to developa comprehensive framework for alleviating China’s growingchoke points.Photo courtesy of Circle of Blue © J. Carl Ganter46

Appendix A: China <strong>Water</strong>-Energy TeamItineraryAugust 4-7, 2013Strategic <strong>Water</strong>-Energy Roundtables• Natural Resources Defense Council• Syntao Co., Ltd. – held at Johnson & Johnson’s Beijingoffice• Development Research Center of the State Council• Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs• Institute for Geographic Sciences and NaturalResources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences• Energy Research Institute of the National Developmentand Reform Commission• Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning• Beijing University• Beijing Energy and Environment Roundtable (BEER)Appendix B: China <strong>Water</strong>-Energy TeamMember BiosVatsal Bhatt is Senior Policy Advisor at BrookhavenNational Laboratory of the United States Department ofEnergy and is a senior policy advisor to the U.S.-ChinaEcoPartnerships Secretariat.Pamela Bush is the Secretary and Assistant GeneralCounsel of the Delaware River Basin Commission.Heather Cooley is Co-Director of the Pacific Institute’s<strong>Water</strong> Program.Jia Shaofeng is the Deputy Director of the Center for<strong>Water</strong> Resources Research at the Chinese Academy ofSciences.Jia Yangwen is Vice Director of Department of <strong>Water</strong>Resources, China Institute of <strong>Water</strong> Resources &Hydropower Research.Keith Schneider is Senior Editor at Circle of Blue where heleads their Choke Point work.Sun Qingwei previously worked with Greenpeace EastAsia as a Climate and Energy Campaigner where he led thecoal-water nexus research.Vincent Tidwell is a Distinguished Member of theTechnical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories conductingbasic and applied projects in water resource management.Yang Fuqiang is Senior Adviser on climate change, <strong>energy</strong>and environment at the Natural Resources Defense Council,Beijing office where he leads the Coal Consumption CapProgram.47

ENDNOTES1 International Energy Agency. “The Impact of Global Coal Supply onWorldwide Electricity Prices.” 2014. http://www.iea.org/publications/insights/insightpublications/ImpactGlobalCoalSupply_Worldwide-ElectricityPrices_FINAL.pdf2 Pan, Lingying; Liu, Pei; Ma, Linwei; and Li, Zheng. “A Supply China BasedAssessment of <strong>Water</strong> Issues in the Coal Industry in China.” Energy Policy.2012. 48:93-102. China’s <strong>Water</strong> Resources Bulletin; The Ministry of <strong>Water</strong>Resources of the People’s Republic of China. “2012 China <strong>Water</strong> ResourcesBulletin.” December 15, 2013. http://www.mwr.gov.cn/zwzc/hygb/szygb/qgszygb/201405/t20140513_560838.html; Cai, Beiming;Zhang, Bing; Bi, Jun; and Zhang, Wenjing. “Energy’s Thirst for <strong>Water</strong> inChina” Environmental Science & Technology. 2014. 48(20):11760-11768http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es502655m3 World Bank. “Renewable Internal Freshwater Resources Per Capita (cubicmeters).” World Bank Data Bank. 2012. http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/ER.H2O.INTR.PC4 Cai, Beiming; Zhang, Bing; Bi, Jun; and Zhang, Wenjing. “Energy’sThirst for <strong>Water</strong> in China,” Environmental Science & Technology.2014. 48(20):11760-11768 http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es502655m5 “China Falling Behind on 2020 Hydro Goals.” China Digital Times. March11, 2014. http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2014/03/china-falling-behind-2020-hydro-goals/6 China <strong>Water</strong> Risk. “Sectors: Agriculture.” http://chinawaterrisk.org/sectors/7 Garthwaite, Josie. “California Drought Dries Up Hydro, But Power StaysOn.” National Geographic. March 11, 2014. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/<strong>energy</strong>/2014/03/140311-california-droughtdries-up-hydro-but-power-stays-on/8 Bjerga, Alan. “California Drought Transforms Global Food Market.”Bloomberg. August 11, 2014. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-08-11/california-drought-transforms-global-<strong>food</strong>-market.html9 World Bank. “Renewable Internal Freshwater Resources Per Capita (cubicmeters).” World Bank Data Bank. 2012. http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/ER.H2O.INTR.PC10 The 2030 <strong>Water</strong> Resources Group. “Charting Our <strong>Water</strong> Future: EconomicFrameworks to Inform Decision-Making.” 2009. http://www.2030waterresourcesgroup.com/water_full/Charting_Our_<strong>Water</strong>_Future_Final.pdf11 National Development and Reform Commission. “China’s National ClimateChange Programme.” June 2007. http://en.ndrc.gov.cn/newsrelease/200706/P020070604561191006823.pdf12 Piao, Shilong; Ciais, Philippe; Huang, Yao; Shen, Zehao; Peng, Shushi; Li,Junsheng; Zhou, Liping, et al. “The Impacts of Climate Change on <strong>Water</strong>Resources and Agriculture in China.” Nature. 2010. 467:43-51.13 Xie, Jian; Lieberthal, Andres; Warford, Jeremy; Dixon, John; Wang, Manchuan;Gao, Shiji; Wang, Shuilin, et al. “Addressing China’s <strong>Water</strong> Scarcity:Recommendations for Selected <strong>Water</strong> Resource Management Issues.”The World Bank. 2009. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2009/01/10170878/addressing-chinas-water-scarcity-recommendations-selected-water-resource-management-issues14 China <strong>Water</strong> Risk. “Big Picture: Pollution Status.” 2011. http://chinawaterrisk.org/big-picture/pollution-status/;Turner, Jennifer. “InDeep <strong>Water</strong>: Ecological Destruction of China’s <strong>Water</strong> Resources.” <strong>Water</strong>and Energy Futures in an Urbanized Asia. 2007. Center for Strategic andInternational Studies. http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/turner_csis_article.pdf.15 Ivanova, Nadya. “Toxic <strong>Water</strong>: Across much of China, Huge HarvestsIrrigated With Industrial and Agricultural Runoff.” Circle of Blue. January18, 2013. http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2013/world/toxic-water-across-much-of-china-huge-harvests-irrigated-with-industrial-and-agricultural-runoff/16 China <strong>Water</strong> Risk. “2013 State of Environment Report Review.” July9, 2014. http://chinawaterrisk.org/resources/analysis-reviews/2013-state-of-environment-report-review/17 Xie, Jian; Lieberthal, Andres; Warford, Jeremy; Dixon, John; Wang, Manchuan;Gao, Shiji; Wang, Shuilin, et al. “Addressing China’s <strong>Water</strong> Scarcity:Recommendations for Selected <strong>Water</strong> Resource Management Issues.”The World Bank. 2009. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2009/01/10170878/addressing-chinas-water-scarcity-recommendations-selected-water-resource-management-issues18 National Bureau of Statistics. “China Statistical Yearbook.” 2005. ChinaStatistics Press, Beijing.19 Xie, Jian; Lieberthal, Andres; Warford, Jeremy; Dixon, John; Wang, Manchuan;Gao, Shiji; Wang, Shuilin, et al. “Addressing China’s <strong>Water</strong> Scarcity:Recommendations for Selected <strong>Water</strong> Resource Management Issues.”The World Bank. 2009. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2009/01/10170878/addressing-chinas-water-scarcity-recommendations-selected-water-resource-management-issues20 Ministry of <strong>Water</strong> Resources of the People’s Republic of China. “China Focus:Central, North China Hurt by Drought.” August 1, 2014. http://www.mwr.gov.cn/english/Medianews/201408/t20140801_572264.html21 Bloomberg News. “China’s Drought to Shrink Corn Harvest First TimeSince 2009.” Bloomberg. August 8, 2014. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-08-08/china-s-drought-to-shrink-corn-harvest-firsttime-since-2009.html22 The 2030 <strong>Water</strong> Resources Group. “Charting Our <strong>Water</strong> Future: EconomicFrameworks to Inform Decision-Making.” 2009. http://www.2030waterresourcesgroup.com/water_full/Charting_Our_<strong>Water</strong>_Future_Final.pdf23 The 2030 <strong>Water</strong> Resources Group. Ibid.24 China <strong>Water</strong>-Energy Team exchange at the Chinese Academy of EnvironmentalPlanning. August 7, 2013.25 U.S. Energy Information Administration. “China Country Analysis.” February4, 2014. http://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=CH26 Zhang, Chao; Anadon, Laura; Mo, Hongpin.; Zhao, Zhongnan.; and Liu,Zhu. “The <strong>Water</strong>-Carbon Trade-off in China’s Coal Power Industry.” October7, 2014. 48:19. Environmental Science and Technology.48

27 China Environment Forum. “The Thirsty King: Digging into the <strong>Water</strong> Footprintof China’s Coal.” Woodrow Wilson Center, 5th Floor. July 24, 2012.Event. http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/the-thirsty-king-diggingthe-water-footprint-china’s-coal28 Interview via email with Heather Cooley, Director of <strong>Water</strong> Program, PacificInstitute. June 27, 2014.29 Sun, Guodong. “Coal in China: Resources, Uses, and Advanced CoalTechnologies.” 2010. Coal Initiative Reports. Pew Center on Global ClimateChange. http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Coal-in-China.pdf.30 U.S. Energy Information Administration. “China Consumes Nearly as MuchCoal as the Rest of the World Combined.” January 29, 2013. http://www.eia.gov/todayin<strong>energy</strong>/detail.cfm?id=975131 U.S. Energy Information Administration. Ibid.32 Al Jazeera. “China Plans to Ban Coal Use in Beijing by 2020.” August5, 2014. Al Jazeera America. http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/8/5/china-to-ban-allcoaluseinbeijingby20201.html33 Hornby, Lucy; Smyth, Jamie; and Hume, Neil. “China Ban on Low GradeCoal Set to Hit Global Miners.” September 16, 2014. Reuters. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/7b025356-3d3d-11e4-a2ab-00144feabdc0.html- axzz3G41onzAg34 Duggan, Jennifer. “China Pledges to Cut Emissions at UN Climate Summit.”September 23, 2014. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/chinas-choice/2014/sep/24/china-pledges-tocut-emissions-at-un-climate-summit35 Martin, Richard. “China’s Great Coal Migration.” July 11, 2014. Forbes.http://fortune.com/2014/07/11/coal-china/36 Energy Information Administration. “China Country Analysis.” February2014. http://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=ch37 Luo, Tianyi; Otto, Betsy; and Maddocks, Andrew. “Majority of china’sProposed Coal-Fired Power Plants Located in <strong>Water</strong>-Stressed Regions.”World Resources Institute. August 26, 2013. http://www.wri.org/blog/2013/08/majority-china’s-proposed-coal-fired-power-plants-located-water-stressed-regions38 Greenpeace East Asia. “Thirsty Coal: A <strong>Water</strong> Crisis Exacerbated byChina’s New Mega Coal Power Bases.” August 2012. Greenpeace. http://www.greenpeace.org/eastasia/publications/reports/climate-<strong>energy</strong>/2012/thirsty-coal-water-crisis/39 Greenpeace East Asia. Ibid.40 Greenpeace East Asia. Ibid. The Ministry of <strong>Water</strong> Resources has strictlycontrolled water allocations in the Yellow River Basin since the late 1990swhen the river stopped flowing to the ocean for over 250 days each year.41 Kalman, Jonathan. “Illegal Coal Mine Encroaching on Nature Reservein North-West China.” August 6, 2014. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/aug/07/illegal-coal-mine-nature-reserve-china;Greenpeace International. “World’s BiggestCoal Company Shenhua to Stop Exploiting Groundwater inChina.” April 8, 2014. Greenpeace. http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/press/releases/Worlds-biggest-coal-company-Shenhua-tostop-exploiting-groundwater-in-China/42 Schneider, Keith. “Double Choke Point: Demand for Energy Tests <strong>Water</strong>Supply and Economic Stability in China and the U.S.” June 22, 2011.Circle of Blue. http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/choke-point-china-us-comparison/43 Schneider, Keith. “Bohai Sea Pipeline Could Open China’s Northern CoalFields.” April 5, 2011. Circle of Blue. http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/desalinating-the-bohai-sea-transcontinental-pipeline-could-open-chinas-northern-coal-fields/44 Chan, Wai-shin. “The <strong>Water</strong> Challenge Facing China’s Coal and PowerSector is ‘Inescapable’.” July 8, 2013. Chinadialogue. https://www.chinadialogue.net/article/show/single/en/6187-The-water-chal-lenge-facing-China-s-coal-and-power-sector-is-inescapable-45 Schneider, Keith. “Bohai Sea Pipeline Could Open China’s Northern CoalFields.” April 5, 2011. Circle of Blue. http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/desalinating-the-bohai-sea-transcontinental-pipeline-could-open-chinas-northern-coal-fields/46 China Census for <strong>Water</strong>. “Bulletin of First National Census for <strong>Water</strong>.”March 26, 2013. Chinese Ministry of <strong>Water</strong> Resources, and ChineseNational Bureau of Statistics. http://www.mwr.gov.cn/2013pcgb/merge1.pdf47 China Census for <strong>Water</strong>. Ibid.48 U.S. Energy Information Administration. “China Country Analysis.” February4, 2104. http://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=CH49 David Stanway. “China Falling Behind on 2020 Hydro Goals as PremierUrges New Dam Building.” March 10, 2014. 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<strong>Roadmap</strong> AuthorsSusan Chan Shifflett is program associate at the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forumwhere she focuses on China’s <strong>food</strong> safety and <strong>food</strong> security. She previously interned at the U.S.Department of State’s Office of Global Food Security, working on the Feed The Future initiative.From 2007-2010, she lived in Beijing where she worked as a program assistant at China’s Center ofDisease Control and Prevention researching high-risk HIV/AIDS populations in Yunnan Province.Susan received an M.A. in International Economics from Johns Hopkins University’s School ofAdvanced International Studies and a B.S. in Biology from Yale University.Jennifer L. Turner has been the director of the China Environment Forum at the WoodrowWilson Center for 15 years where she creates meetings, exchanges and publications focused on avariety of <strong>energy</strong> and environmental challenges facing China. <strong>Water</strong>-<strong>energy</strong> nexus challenges andenvironmental civil society are at the heart of her current research interests. She received a Ph.D.in Public Policy and Comparative Politics in 1997 from Indiana University, Bloomington where sheexamined local government innovation in implementing water policies in China.Luan “Jonathan” Dong is a project assistant at the Natural Resources Defense Council office inBeijing where he works on their Coal Cap project. From January 2013 to July 2014 he was a researchassistant and consultant for the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum. Jonathan also workedas the Global Warming Research Assistant at Greenpeace in Washington DC and as a researchassistant for the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs in Beijing. He completed a Master’s inInternational Affairs and Sustainable Development at George Washington University in 2013.Ilaria Mazzocco is a research intern at the Woodrow Wilson Center’s China Environment Forumand a program associate at the SAIS China Africa Research Initiative. She is currently pursuingan M.A. in International Relations and International Economics at the Johns Hopkins School ofAdvanced International Studies. Previously she worked at the Asia Society in New York City and was aresearch fellow at the Global Environmental Institute in Beijing. She holds a Master’s in InternationalRelations and European Studies from Central European University in Hungary and a B.A. from BardCollege.Bai Yunwen is the co-founder and the deputy director of Greenovation Hub where she leads theClimate and Finance Policy Centre. Her research focuses on international financial flows, climate and<strong>energy</strong> policy and financing schemes. She leads Greenovation Hub’s evidence-based research andpolicy analysis, which aims to influence debates to accelerate China’s green development. She hasover 10 years of experience working with international NGOs and foundations on climate issues.She also serves on the board of the China Climate Action Network. Yunwen holds MSc degrees inEnvironmental Science and Environmental Policy & Management.56

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