Red Raider Times - Keyport School District

Red Raider Times - Keyport School District

Red Raider Times - Keyport School District


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PAGE 2RED RAIDERS TIMESWRITERS WORKSHOPWriter’s Workshop is aclass here at Central <strong>School</strong>that lets students learndifferent styles of writing. Itdiffers from a traditionallanguage arts class in thatyour writing is based on whatyou read. Ms.Mantino, thewriter’s workshop teacher for4th and 5th grade, says“writing is about creativeideas and different topics”.Writer’s workshopexplores different types ofstories. In the middle ofwriting or before the studentsamazing writing pieces areperfected Ms.Mantino modelsfor them and they love whenshe tells a little story.Modeling is when the classwrites independently basedon what the teacher puts onthe board. Independentwriting is their strongestability because they work attheir own pace. Make sureyou give it 100% becausethat’s what she expects.At the middle of the storyshe sits with a child and goesover what they need to workon. This is calledconferencing with yourstudents. When they revisethey check their own workthen check their partnerswork. Ms.Mantino’s helpfulhint was, to read backwardswhen revising papers. Whendone with all these steps theamazing stories are almostdone! Lastly, they need acover and that’s it the storiesare complete!Story by: Jordan Hyman and Angelika“SO THE WRITERWHO BREEDSMORE WORDSTHAN HE NEEDS,IS MAKING ACHORE FOR THEREADER WHOREADS.” - DR.SEUSSQ& A ABOUT ST. JOSEPH’S BASEBALL AND SOFTBALLPROGRAMSQ. How many kids do youthink come each year? A. Wehave anywhere from 300 to 400players each year both boys andgirls.Q. What ages do St. Josephbaseball and softball have? A.For baseball the ages are 5-12years old and for softball 5-13years old.Q. How are the leaguesestablished in baseball andwhat are the ages? A. T-ball isjust for 5-6 year olds, minors has7-9 year olds, intermediate has 9-10year olds and majors has 11-12 year olds.Q. How many coaches arethere? A. There is one headcoach for all teams with 14 boysand all softball teams with 8girls. Other coaches help out andthat varies by team.Q. How many volunteersparticipate in the St. Josephbaseball and softball program?A. Approximately 75 volunteers.Q. Where is it located? A.<strong>Keyport</strong>, NJQ. How many families helpSt. Joseph between the fieldand the snack bar? A. About50 families per season.Q. How many games does theleague play in a season? A.About 12 unless it rains.Q. When does the seasonstart? A. The season starts onApril 20th and goes until themiddle of June.Interview conducted with Gerard AngoliaStory by: Tyler Ely

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