City of Thibodaux Zoning Review - South Central Planning ...

City of Thibodaux Zoning Review - South Central Planning ...

City of Thibodaux Zoning Review - South Central Planning ...


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<strong>Thibodaux</strong> <strong>Zoning</strong> <strong>Review</strong> 2010you would see wheels under it, you can also stipulate the skirting to be equal to the type <strong>of</strong> materialthat is I guess consistent with the neighborhood. Let’s say, i.e., if you had brick homes in theneighborhood, the definition should read that the skirting, there shall be skirting to abut to the mainfloor where the materials will be <strong>of</strong> such type as which is consistent <strong>of</strong> the neighborhood so youwould have a brick skirting. If you have a wood based home, you might want to put a trellis orlattice work or some sort <strong>of</strong> wood siding to balance it but you certainly for aesthetic purposes don’twant to just leave it there and make it look like a trailer when it really isn’t but it could look butyou’re trying to preserve the quality <strong>of</strong> life for those adjacent dwellings and property values, so bydoing that you would possible be able to reach and achieve that. Mr. Breaud replied thank you,does anybody else have any comments on modular or mobile homes that we would like to discuss.Mr. Ben Harang came forward and stated something that Mr. Belanger said, correct me if I’mwrong but there is nothing in the <strong>Planning</strong> & <strong>Zoning</strong> that requires brick or wood frame construction,right? Mr. Breaud replied not presently. Mr. Harang stated if it meets the building code sobecause it is a modular home and there is a brick house on one side and a wood frame on theother side you would be required to have a brick skirting. Mr. Belanger replied it could be apreference <strong>of</strong> the zoning administrator to require that individual to create whatever skirting that hewould require. Mr. Harang stated at the administrator’s discretion? Mr. Belanger replied that iscorrect. Mr. Price replied if the zoning commission would put it into an ordinance. Mr. Belangerstated if it is put into the zoning ordinance, right now it isn’t. Ms. Erwin stated only if there is adesign standard. Mr. Belanger replied there is no design standard right now, we’re saying that youcan create that. Ms. Caesar replied to fit into the character <strong>of</strong> the neighborhood. Mr. Belangerreplied to keep the integrity <strong>of</strong> the neighborhood. Mr. Kearns stated if that was an issue that wouldbe one way to solve all <strong>of</strong> the issues. Mr. Harang replied you see my concern is that there is nodesign standard right now on a stick built house so would you require the same thing on stick builtas modular. Mr. Belanger replied it is possible, it is very possible. Mr. Harang stated if not, if youwouldn’t you’d be discriminating against the modular again. Mr. Kearns stated what you’re sayingis it should be uniform across the board. Mr. Harang replied sure, sure and then it kind <strong>of</strong> jumpsout at you how ludicrous it is. Mr. Breaud stated and you wouldn’t want to be discretionary whereErrol makes the judgment. Mr. Harang replied I don’t think Errol wants it to be discretionary. Mr.Price replied I’ve got enough problems and then you start getting into the design <strong>of</strong> people’shomes. Mr. Breaud replied ok, good comments. Mr. Belanger replied just as a point <strong>of</strong> informationthat type <strong>of</strong> action is done quite a lot in historical districts, visual interpretations, there is nothingthat disallows this city from incorporating design standards and it is done all over this country.Now, he is absolutely correct, you need and you should strive to be very consistent so if you’regoing to look at doing it on a modular you ought to consider it as well for any <strong>of</strong>f surface home, tokeep it as a base <strong>of</strong> consistency. Mr. Breaud replied thank you. Mayor Charles Caillouet cameforward and stated I just have some confusion maybe I can get it clarified and I just looked at thisthe last day and a half so I don’t remember the exact pages these are on but the whole issue aboutthe resolution that was passed by the Council to put a moratorium to stop certain things fromhappening in R-3 is that correct? Ms. Caesar replied the modular home issue. Mayor Caillouetreplied it was always my impression it wasn’t a modular home it was the mobile home andmanufactured home because that has come up to the Council several times and gone to get apermit to put a manufactured home into the R-3 and it has been denied because there is amoratorium in effect; but when I read here you said it was the intent, the moratorium’s intent was tostop modular homes from being built in R-3’s. Ms. Caesar replied what I was saying is that theterm seems to be used interchangeably so I was being told at the interviews that the moratoriumwas on modular homes but I’m reading the resolution and it is saying mobile and manufacturedhomes so the terminology, the words were being used interchangeably so what we <strong>of</strong>fered wereclear definitions as to this is what this meant because at that point I’m not really clear what theintent was. Mayor Caillouet replied I don’t have the resolution in front <strong>of</strong> me, what did theresolution say. Mr. Price replied manufactured. Mayor Caillouet replied that is what I don’tunderstand, who was making comments that it was modular, the intent. Mr. Price replied a couple<strong>of</strong> Council meetings ago, I asked the Councilman Chairman to clear it up because <strong>of</strong> the modularbuilding allowed to come on North Canal Boulevard and I was notified that I should have not givena permit because modular was not allowed that their interpretation was any structure that came inon wheels was considered under the moratorium and that is why the issue started to be confusing.Mayor Caillouet replied that is why again when you do your resolution it specifically says what isinvolved and you don’t go back and give intents because the modular home was put on Midland,that is the issue we dealt with when this came up and a number <strong>of</strong> people have been denied theright to put mobile homes or manufactured homes in R-3’s all waiting on this moratorium to endand they are permitted in R-3’s, so that is why I’m trying to figure out the language that came aboutin this report that says it was the intent <strong>of</strong> that resolution to stop modular homes. As far as I knowthat was never the intent <strong>of</strong> that resolution and again it is the Council’s resolution but I don’t knowwhy that is being put into this. Mr. Price stated what was brought to my attention is that there wasno definition in the moratorium to tell the difference so I had to treat them all. Mayor Caillouetreplied again I go back to the definition, whatever the terminology that was in there but I wascurious as to who was saying it was to apply to modular because when it first came up it was allabout Midland, on Midland Dr. there was a modular home to be placed there and that was oh, no,that was fine that can go in any district. That was the comment that you made, it can go inresidential, the law says it can and that was put there and then now later on there is a differentinterpretation <strong>of</strong> this because that moratorium is still in effect and it has got to come to an endsome kind <strong>of</strong> way. Mr. Breaud replied I agree - how long the moratorium has been in effect now,1390

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