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Thibodaux Zoning Review 2010Maximum Lot CoverageZoning ordinances aredeveloped with the publichealth and safety in mind. At itsinception, zoning was devised asa way to create healthier livingenvironments and move awayfrom situations created whenovercrowded rental dwellingswere located next to noxiousindustrial uses as occurred inrapidly changing urban environmentsduring the industrialrevolution. One notion universal to zoning ordinances is thatopen space should be provided in order to promote public health.Most zoning ordinances accomplish this through setback andopen space requirements. These area dimensional standards thatare measured from a property line inward to a designated point.Establishment of “maximum lot coverage” limits is another wayto preserve open space and limit density of development. It isalso a way to preserve permeable surface and meet flood protectiongoals, important in South Louisiana. Such limits seem togenerally be in addition to dimensional setback requirements.The amount of space calculated by the maximum lot coveragepercentage is in effect the buildable space on a lot. Definitionsof maximum lot coverage can be found in zoning literature andseveral examples are included.City of ThibodauxDuring SCPDC’s interviews with the city’s staff concernwas expressed regarding the intent of the language used todirect the “maximum lot coverage” within residential zones.The Thibodaux zoning ordinance does not define maximum lotcoverage. However, maximum lot coverage of 50% is includedas a dimensional requirement in each residential district. Thesearch of the Thibodaux zoning ordinance revealed no other useof the term. The existing wording does not delineate whether the50% maximum coverage includes detached garages or storagestructures, pools, or any other structures that cover the lot. TheThibodaux zoning ordinance does contain the following definitionfor “Buildable Area” which somewhat helps to identify whatis meant by maximum lot coverage, but it really doesn’t givedirection on what must be included in calculating the allowed50% coverage.Buildable Area: The portion of a lot remaining afterrequired yards and setbacks have been provided.Comparable Cities – Maximum Lot CoverageCity of HammondNo reference to maximum lot coverage was found in the Cityof Hammond zoning ordinance. Typical setback standards apply.City of RustonRuston does not define maximum lot coverage although theydo stipulate the maximum lot coverage percentage in severalzoning districts. There are seven business districts and a tableprovides the maximum lot coverage for each ranging from 35%in neighborhood commercial areas to 100% in the central businessdistrict. Public institutions have no requirement. The TechVillage District also has a maximum coverage allowance of 70%.The maximum lot coverage is described as the floor area ratio.However, the city regulates its typical residential lots by use ofsetback requirements which are more rigorous than those usedin the City of Thibodaux that provides for greater front, rear, andside yards). As stated their mix-use regulation is governed bywhat is called a Floor Area Gross.SCPDC contacted Ruston planning department to learnhow use of setback requirements affects city development.According to their city planner the setback regulations haveserved them well but recently the city began a comprehensiveplan update called “Ruston 2021.” Many citizens have expressedinterest in Smart Growth initiatives being included in their residentialareas. Thus, the city is now focusing on making residentiallots more compact and allowing greater density in development,helping to focus on pedestrian activity.City of PinevillePineville uses typical setback standards as a way of maintainingopen space on residential lots. No reference to maximumlot coverage was found in the Pineville ordinance.CommentsCities are using setbacks to define the buildable space andthus the area of the lot that can be covered. “Maximum lotcoverage” does not seem to be a uniform standard employed tomaintain open space, but it used and it does have advantages.Use of “maximum lot coverage” helps to keep the building spacein proportion to the size of the lot. It makes since when rigidsetback distances do not fit an area that has a mix of lot sizes.However, a good definition of maximum lot coverage and aclear method for calculating the percentage would help alleviateconfusion.52

2010 Thibodaux Zoning ReviewDefinitions of Maximum Lot CoverageExample 1 from Anderson’s American Law of Zoning, 4th EditionMaximum Lot Coverage(a) All Structures. The surface coverage of all enclosed buildings and structures shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the entiresite.(b) Accessory Uses and Structures. The maximum lot coverage of Accessory Uses and Structures shall be regulated pursuant toSection 1262.01.E, Coverage of Accessory Structures.”Example 2 from the New York City Zoning Glossary found online at SpaceOpen space is the part of a residential zoning lot (which may include courts or yards) that is open and unobstructed from its lowestlevel to the sky, except for specific permitted obstructions, and accessible to and usable by all persons occupying dwelling units onthe zoning lot. Depending upon the district, the amount of required open space is determined by the open space ratio, minimumyard regulations or by maximum lot coverage.Example 3 from an informational brochure “BU-3 Zoning Information Liberal Business District” prepared by the Miami- DadeCounty Planning and Zoning Department found online at is Lot Coverage?It is the percentage of the overall area of the site that the building occupies (building area under roof at ground level/total lot area= lot coverage percentage).Maximum Lot CoverageMaximum lot coverage shall be 40% of net lot area.RustonSec. 29-5. Definitions.Floor Area, Gross:, for the purpose of determining the ratio of the floor area of a building to the area of the lot, means thesum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of the building, excluding areas used for accessory garage purposes, and suchbasement and cellar areas devoted exclusively to uses accessory to the operation of the building. All horizontal dimensions shall betaken from the exterior faces or walls of the building, including walls or other enclosures of enclosed porches.Sec. 29-29. Tech Village District (TVD)(h) Development standards. The following development standards shall apply, unless varied by the board of aldermen during theconditional use permit approval process.(1) Area requirements:Maximum coverage. Maximum lot coverage is 70 percent.53

<strong>Thibodaux</strong> <strong>Zoning</strong> <strong>Review</strong> 2010Maximum Lot Coverage<strong>Zoning</strong> ordinances aredeveloped with the publichealth and safety in mind. At itsinception, zoning was devised asa way to create healthier livingenvironments and move awayfrom situations created whenovercrowded rental dwellingswere located next to noxiousindustrial uses as occurred inrapidly changing urban environmentsduring the industrialrevolution. One notion universal to zoning ordinances is thatopen space should be provided in order to promote public health.Most zoning ordinances accomplish this through setback andopen space requirements. These area dimensional standards thatare measured from a property line inward to a designated point.Establishment <strong>of</strong> “maximum lot coverage” limits is another wayto preserve open space and limit density <strong>of</strong> development. It isalso a way to preserve permeable surface and meet flood protectiongoals, important in <strong>South</strong> Louisiana. Such limits seem togenerally be in addition to dimensional setback requirements.The amount <strong>of</strong> space calculated by the maximum lot coveragepercentage is in effect the buildable space on a lot. Definitions<strong>of</strong> maximum lot coverage can be found in zoning literature andseveral examples are included.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Thibodaux</strong>During SCPDC’s interviews with the city’s staff concernwas expressed regarding the intent <strong>of</strong> the language used todirect the “maximum lot coverage” within residential zones.The <strong>Thibodaux</strong> zoning ordinance does not define maximum lotcoverage. However, maximum lot coverage <strong>of</strong> 50% is includedas a dimensional requirement in each residential district. Thesearch <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Thibodaux</strong> zoning ordinance revealed no other use<strong>of</strong> the term. The existing wording does not delineate whether the50% maximum coverage includes detached garages or storagestructures, pools, or any other structures that cover the lot. The<strong>Thibodaux</strong> zoning ordinance does contain the following definitionfor “Buildable Area” which somewhat helps to identify whatis meant by maximum lot coverage, but it really doesn’t givedirection on what must be included in calculating the allowed50% coverage.Buildable Area: The portion <strong>of</strong> a lot remaining afterrequired yards and setbacks have been provided.Comparable Cities – Maximum Lot Coverage<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> HammondNo reference to maximum lot coverage was found in the <strong>City</strong><strong>of</strong> Hammond zoning ordinance. Typical setback standards apply.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> RustonRuston does not define maximum lot coverage although theydo stipulate the maximum lot coverage percentage in severalzoning districts. There are seven business districts and a tableprovides the maximum lot coverage for each ranging from 35%in neighborhood commercial areas to 100% in the central businessdistrict. Public institutions have no requirement. The TechVillage District also has a maximum coverage allowance <strong>of</strong> 70%.The maximum lot coverage is described as the floor area ratio.However, the city regulates its typical residential lots by use <strong>of</strong>setback requirements which are more rigorous than those usedin the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Thibodaux</strong> that provides for greater front, rear, andside yards). As stated their mix-use regulation is governed bywhat is called a Floor Area Gross.SCPDC contacted Ruston planning department to learnhow use <strong>of</strong> setback requirements affects city development.According to their city planner the setback regulations haveserved them well but recently the city began a comprehensiveplan update called “Ruston 2021.” Many citizens have expressedinterest in Smart Growth initiatives being included in their residentialareas. Thus, the city is now focusing on making residentiallots more compact and allowing greater density in development,helping to focus on pedestrian activity.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> PinevillePineville uses typical setback standards as a way <strong>of</strong> maintainingopen space on residential lots. No reference to maximumlot coverage was found in the Pineville ordinance.CommentsCities are using setbacks to define the buildable space andthus the area <strong>of</strong> the lot that can be covered. “Maximum lotcoverage” does not seem to be a uniform standard employed tomaintain open space, but it used and it does have advantages.Use <strong>of</strong> “maximum lot coverage” helps to keep the building spacein proportion to the size <strong>of</strong> the lot. It makes since when rigidsetback distances do not fit an area that has a mix <strong>of</strong> lot sizes.However, a good definition <strong>of</strong> maximum lot coverage and aclear method for calculating the percentage would help alleviateconfusion.52

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