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Thibodaux Zoning Review 2010Pineville Zoning Ordinance Appendix ASECTION 10. I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTWithin all I Industrial Districts, as shown on the official zoning map, the following regulations shall apply:Article 10.01. Uses permitted.(a) Any use permitted in R-2 Residence, C-1 or C-3 Business Districts provided further that any type of activity includingall types of manufacturing, processing, fabricating, warehousing, distributing, transporting, storing, repairing, terminals,power plants, contracting, wharves, docks, railyards, stables, stockyards, kennels, agricultural pursuits or processing, pumpingor electrical stations, junk yards, utility stations.(b) The above and other uses may be permitted, provided they are not in conflict with any other ordinance, and, provided further,that such uses are approved by the governing body and subject to such safeguards, as this body may establish.(c) In approving uses the governing body will be guided by the following standards:(a) Any use which emits odors, gas, or dust which is unpleasant, obnoxious, or injurious to health, will be required todesign and construct necessary buildings, enclosures, filtering systems, or other facilities necessary for eliminating orreducing the intensity or concentration of such odors and/or dust to a level which will not be detrimental to zoned residentialdistricts close to the particular use. In determining what is “detrimental,” inspection of similar facilities operatingin other locations with particular attention to the appearance and condition of adjacent residential area will assist thegoverning body in making a determination. Study of court decisions involving cases where damage has been claimed byresidents living near such odor or dust emitting plants may be used as an instrument to interpret this paragraph.(b) Proper provision must be made for storage of raw materials and wastes to prevent unsanitary conditions or thebreeding of flies, insects and rodents. A safeguard against such conditions may be the requirement to store such materialsin tight buildings or bins.(c) If the industrial operation requires aboveground storage of explosive materials, the industry may be required to acquiresufficient land area surrounding the plant to minimize danger to people and property adjacent to the industry. A similarrequirement may be established for an industry engaging in an activity which creates noise or vibrations.(4) Disposal or escape of waste products into existing drainage structures or sanitary sewers without proper treatment isprohibited.Commercial Landscaping Ordinance Appendix CSection 8. Buffer zone requirements for commercial developments.(a) Where commercial development abuts any part of a residential district, a buffer zone shall be required. The buffer shall be partof the yard requirements and run the entire length of the abutting lot line(s). The buffer shall be included in the landscapeplan.While the buffer can be a natural forest, vegetative screen or wooden fence, a natural forest is encouraged as being in keeping withthe character and atmosphere of Pineville.36Ruston Industrial ZonesSec. 29-50. D-1 light industrial district.(a) Description and purpose. The D-1 light industrial district shall permit limited fabricating, compounding, assembly or treatmentof articles or materials, except nuisance industries and heavy manufacturing processing raw materials. All raw materialsmust be stored, and all assembly operations must be carried out inside an enclosed building or structure.(b) Permitted buildings and uses. The following buildings and uses shall be permitted in a D-1 district:(1) Any use permitted in a B-4 Highway Business District; provided, however, that no building or structure, or portionthereof, shall be erected, converted or moved onto any lot for dwelling purposes, except living quarters used by watchmenor custodians of industrially used property by special permit from the zoning administrator. Such living quarters, whichmay also be occupied by the immediate family of the watchman or custodian, may be in the form of a manufacturedhome.(2) The manufacturing, compounding, processing, packing or treatment of such products as candy, cosmetics, drugs,perfumes, pharmaceuticals, toiletries and food products, except the rendering or refining of fats and oils.(3) The manufacturing, compounding, assembly or treatment of articles or merchandise from previously prepared materials,such as aluminum, bone, cellophane, canvas, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fiber, fur, glass, hair, horns, leather, paper,plastics, precious or semiprecious metals or stones, shell, rubber, tin, tobacco, wood (excluding sawmills), tars and paint notinvolving a boiling process.(4) The manufacturing of pottery and figurines, or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clayand kilns fired only by electricity or gas.

2010 Thibodaux Zoning ReviewRuston Industrial Zones (Continued)(5) The fabrication and assembly of lightweight or thin-gauge sheetmetal products, including, but not limited to, theproduction of ductwork for heating and air conditioning systems, metallic louvers, gutters and ventilators.Sec. 29-51. D-1-B light industrial/business district. (Note: only listed those pertinent to this report)(a) Description and purpose. The D-1-B light industrial/business district shall permit most compounding, assembly or treatmentof articles or materials, except nuisance industries and heavy manufacturing processing raw materials.(b) Permitted buildings and uses. The following buildings and uses shall be permitted in a D-1-B district:(1) Any use permitted in a D-1 Light Industrial District; provided, however, that no building or structure, or portionthereof, shall be erected, converted or moved onto any lot for dwelling purposes, except living quarters used by watchmen orcustodians of industrially used property by special permit from the zoning administrator. Such living quarters, which mayalso be occupied by the immediate family of the watchman or custodian, may be in the form of a manufactured home…(3) Foundry casting lightweight nonferrous metal, not causing noxious fumes or odor.(4) The sale, storage and sorting of junk, waste, discarded or salvaged materials, machinery or equipment, but not includingprocessing.(c) Uses permitted in D-1-B light industrial/business districts by special permit from the board of adjustment. The following usesshall be permitted in the D-1-B light industrial/business district by special permit from the board of adjustment:(6) Paint, oil (including linseed), shellac, turpentine, lacquer or varnish manufacturing.(7) Petroleum products manufacturing or wholesale storage of petroleum.(8) Plastic manufacturing.(9) Processing of junk, waste, discarded or salvaged materials, machinery or equipment, including automobile wrecking ordismantling.(15) Any other trade, industry or use that will not be more injurious, hazardous, noxious or offensive than the uses authorizedby this section.Sec. 29-5. Definitions.Buffer zone means a landscaped area identified on a site plan or by a zoning ordinance, intended to separate and partially obstructthe view of two adjacent land uses or properties from one another.Sec. 29-80. Supplementary regulations (d) Landscape requirements .(1) Intent. The intent of the landscaping requirements set forth in this subsection are as follows:(a) The provisions of this subsection shall be interpreted toward the preservation of the natural aesthetic qualities ofthe city, and to enhance the beautification and quality of life in the city. The focus of this subsection is on retaining andenhancing the quality of our environment with street trees, screening of objectionable views and the implementation of aminimum standard landscaping for commercial properties.…(2)(b) Aid in stabilizing the environment’s ecological balance by contributing to the processes of air movement, air purification,oxygen regeneration, groundwater recharge and stormwater runoff control, while, at the same time, aiding in theabatement of noise, glare, heat and dust.(c) Provide visual buffering between land uses of differing character and off-street parking.(d) Protect the public health, safety and general welfare.(e) Safeguard and enhance property values, and protect public and private investments.(f ) Encourage innovation and quality in landscape and architectural design.…Applicability. The landscaping requirements set forth in this subsection shall apply to the following new developments:(a) New developments with street frontage in B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4,excluding single-family residences.(b) New duplex or multi-family developments in R-2, R-3, B-1, B-2, B-3 or B-4 districts.(c) New business or commercial uses located in D-1, D-1B or D-2 districts; this shall apply only to those uses located inindustrial zoning which also are allowed in B-1, B-2, B-3 or B-4 districts.…(4) Landscape plan submission. The landscape plan must be submitted, in conjunction with the required site plan, to the buildinginspections department with the application for a building permit for work on the property. The landscape plan can either be a separateprint or be included on the required site plan print.…(6) Landscape guidelines.(a) A minimum of five percent of the total property shall consist of landscaping on the front half of the property.…37

<strong>Thibodaux</strong> <strong>Zoning</strong> <strong>Review</strong> 2010Pineville <strong>Zoning</strong> Ordinance Appendix ASECTION 10. I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTWithin all I Industrial Districts, as shown on the <strong>of</strong>ficial zoning map, the following regulations shall apply:Article 10.01. Uses permitted.(a) Any use permitted in R-2 Residence, C-1 or C-3 Business Districts provided further that any type <strong>of</strong> activity includingall types <strong>of</strong> manufacturing, processing, fabricating, warehousing, distributing, transporting, storing, repairing, terminals,power plants, contracting, wharves, docks, railyards, stables, stockyards, kennels, agricultural pursuits or processing, pumpingor electrical stations, junk yards, utility stations.(b) The above and other uses may be permitted, provided they are not in conflict with any other ordinance, and, provided further,that such uses are approved by the governing body and subject to such safeguards, as this body may establish.(c) In approving uses the governing body will be guided by the following standards:(a) Any use which emits odors, gas, or dust which is unpleasant, obnoxious, or injurious to health, will be required todesign and construct necessary buildings, enclosures, filtering systems, or other facilities necessary for eliminating orreducing the intensity or concentration <strong>of</strong> such odors and/or dust to a level which will not be detrimental to zoned residentialdistricts close to the particular use. In determining what is “detrimental,” inspection <strong>of</strong> similar facilities operatingin other locations with particular attention to the appearance and condition <strong>of</strong> adjacent residential area will assist thegoverning body in making a determination. Study <strong>of</strong> court decisions involving cases where damage has been claimed byresidents living near such odor or dust emitting plants may be used as an instrument to interpret this paragraph.(b) Proper provision must be made for storage <strong>of</strong> raw materials and wastes to prevent unsanitary conditions or thebreeding <strong>of</strong> flies, insects and rodents. A safeguard against such conditions may be the requirement to store such materialsin tight buildings or bins.(c) If the industrial operation requires aboveground storage <strong>of</strong> explosive materials, the industry may be required to acquiresufficient land area surrounding the plant to minimize danger to people and property adjacent to the industry. A similarrequirement may be established for an industry engaging in an activity which creates noise or vibrations.(4) Disposal or escape <strong>of</strong> waste products into existing drainage structures or sanitary sewers without proper treatment isprohibited.Commercial Landscaping Ordinance Appendix CSection 8. Buffer zone requirements for commercial developments.(a) Where commercial development abuts any part <strong>of</strong> a residential district, a buffer zone shall be required. The buffer shall be part<strong>of</strong> the yard requirements and run the entire length <strong>of</strong> the abutting lot line(s). The buffer shall be included in the landscapeplan.While the buffer can be a natural forest, vegetative screen or wooden fence, a natural forest is encouraged as being in keeping withthe character and atmosphere <strong>of</strong> Pineville.36Ruston Industrial ZonesSec. 29-50. D-1 light industrial district.(a) Description and purpose. The D-1 light industrial district shall permit limited fabricating, compounding, assembly or treatment<strong>of</strong> articles or materials, except nuisance industries and heavy manufacturing processing raw materials. All raw materialsmust be stored, and all assembly operations must be carried out inside an enclosed building or structure.(b) Permitted buildings and uses. The following buildings and uses shall be permitted in a D-1 district:(1) Any use permitted in a B-4 Highway Business District; provided, however, that no building or structure, or portionthere<strong>of</strong>, shall be erected, converted or moved onto any lot for dwelling purposes, except living quarters used by watchmenor custodians <strong>of</strong> industrially used property by special permit from the zoning administrator. Such living quarters, whichmay also be occupied by the immediate family <strong>of</strong> the watchman or custodian, may be in the form <strong>of</strong> a manufacturedhome.(2) The manufacturing, compounding, processing, packing or treatment <strong>of</strong> such products as candy, cosmetics, drugs,perfumes, pharmaceuticals, toiletries and food products, except the rendering or refining <strong>of</strong> fats and oils.(3) The manufacturing, compounding, assembly or treatment <strong>of</strong> articles or merchandise from previously prepared materials,such as aluminum, bone, cellophane, canvas, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fiber, fur, glass, hair, horns, leather, paper,plastics, precious or semiprecious metals or stones, shell, rubber, tin, tobacco, wood (excluding sawmills), tars and paint notinvolving a boiling process.(4) The manufacturing <strong>of</strong> pottery and figurines, or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clayand kilns fired only by electricity or gas.

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