City of Thibodaux Zoning Review - South Central Planning ...

City of Thibodaux Zoning Review - South Central Planning ... City of Thibodaux Zoning Review - South Central Planning ...


Thibodaux Zoning Review 2010Pineville Mobile Home Overlay District (Continued)(20) Where the lot adjoins R-1 Residence district, a six-foot-tall solid wood fence shall be installed as a screen at the commonproperty line.(21) Each dwelling unit shall have a separate electrical, water, gas, and sewer taps and connections.(22) The manufactured home shall have a date of manufacture of less than five (5) years from the date of permit move-in application.(23) Manufactured homes installed within zone A on the flood hazard boundary map of the city shall be anchored to resist flotation,collapse or lateral movement.(24) No canopies, carports, utility rooms, or storage rooms may be attached to the mobile home.Article 16.08. Existing mobile homes located outside MHO district.Mobile homes that are located within the existing corporate limits that are not located within the MHO district shall beconsidered as an authorized and permitted nonconforming use. Such structures may remain with the following restrictions:(1) The mobile home shall remain as a single-family dwelling only.(2) No additions shall be made to the mobile home as rooms, covers over roofs or other attached additions.(3) Carports, utility rooms and storage rooms shall not be attached to mobile homes; canopies may be attached as a porch to thefront or rear of the mobile home if such structure is free standing and not dependent on the mobile home as a supporting structure.(4) The mobile home is provided with tie-downs and ground anchors as earlier noted herein.(5) The mobile home shall have fully enclosed skirting as provided in article 16.07(18). The skirting shall be properly maintained.(6) In the event that a nonconforming use mobile home is destroyed by fire or act of God, the remaining structure shall beremoved and a replacement mobile home shall be permitted. The replacement mobile home shall comply with the “installation standards”noted in article 16.07. This provision shall not apply to dilapidated mobile homes that are condemned under provisionsof local ordinances or state statutes; i.e. no replacement mobile home will be permitted to be installed at a condemned site.Article 16.09. Installation of mobile home for temporary or emergency/hardship purposes.The use of a mobile home or manufactured home for temporary or emergency residential purposes shall be permitted in anyzoning district upon certification by the building inspector and approval of the zoning commission that certain emergencyconditions exist where illness or physical incapacity of an individual necessitate the close proximity of a relative or other personto care for said individual and where denial of said use would cause an economic hardship on the parties involved:1. Said use shall be permitted only if fifty-one (51) per cent or more of the property owners situated within a four-hundred-footradius of the boundaries of the property involved sign a petition in favor of the use.2. All of the zoning requirements related to yard areas and other zoning regulations shall be met.3. Separate utility taps for water, sewer, gas, and electric shall be required.4. Said use of the mobile home shall be permitted only for that period of time during which said emergency exists, and the existenceof said emergency shall be recertified to the building inspector no less than every six (6) months by the property owner.5. All other provisions regarding tie-downs, anchors, etc. covered elsewhere herein shall be met.Article 16.10. Moving permit.No mobile home shall be moved into the city for placement on any site within the city limits without first securing a movingpermit. The permit fee shall be as established by the mayor’s office and set on an annual basis. The requirement of a moving permitshall not apply to mobile homes or manufactured homes in transit.Article 16.11. Annual registration permit.A annual permit shall be required for each mobile home covered under this section. As evidence of a valid permit, the city shallissue a permit sticker or decal, which shall be placed on the window nearest the front door. The permit fee shall be twenty-fivedollars ($25.00) per year, with no credit for partial year installations. The permit will expire on the 31st of December of each year.Prior to issuance of a new permit the Building Inspector shall inspect each mobile home under this section for compliance to provisionscontained therein. The requirement for an annual permit does not apply to mobile homes installed within an approved mobilehome park.Article 16.12. Connection of utilities.To assist in the enforcement of the provisions of this section, no water or electrical service shall be permitted to be connected toa newly installed mobile home until such time as the building inspector has visited the installation and made an inspection forcompliance with the provisions of article 16.07, Installation standards.24

2010 Thibodaux Zoning ReviewPineville Mobile Home Overlay District (Continued)Article 16.13. Definitions.For the purpose of this section, the terms mobile home and manufactured housing are assumed to be interchangeable. The termsshall have the following meaning as noted in the R.S. title 51, chapter 2, part XIV-B:1. “Mobile home” means a factory-built, residential dwelling unit built to voluntary standards prior to passage of the NationalManufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974.2. “Manufactured home” or manufactured housing” means a factory-built, residential dwelling unit constructed to standardsand codes, as promulgated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), under the NationalManufacture[d] Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. § 5401 et seq., as amended. Notwithstandingany law to the contrary, the terms “manufactured home” and “manufactured housing” may be used interchangeably and apply only tostructures bearing the permanently affixed seal of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.Article 16.14. Mobile home and manufactured housing installation minimum standards.Mobile homes and manufactured housing units installed shall be in addition to the requirements set forth herein conforming to theminimum installation standards as established in R.S. title 51, chapter 2, part XIV-B.Article 16.15. Construction trailers.The prohibition of mobile home or other manufactured housing provided in this section shall not apply to the placement of temporaryconstruction trailers used as an office related to a permitted construction project.Excerpt from the R-2 District, Pineville Zoning OrdinanceSECTION 6. R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICTWithin all R-2 Residence Districts, as shown on the official zoning map, the following regulations shall apply:Article 6.01. Uses permitted.(1) Any use permitted in R-1 Residence Districts.(2) Two-family dwellings, three- and four-family dwellings and apartment houses.(3) Home occupations such as beauty shops, barbershops, reducing salons, flower shops, antique and curio shops, knitting orsewing shops, private music and art instructions, with not more than one nonresident employee.(4) Signs, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.(5) All of the above-allowed occupations are to be conducted so as not to constitute a nuisance or be obnoxious or result in adisturbance of the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.(6) Manufactured housing or mobile homes shall only be newly placed within areas designated as being within the MHOMobile Home Overlay district included in the appendix under section 16.(7) Mobile homes, trailers, or other manufactured housing not falling under the provisions of Article 6.01(6) or Article6.01(8) shall be prohibited from being installed within the city limits. Those units that are existing as of December 1, 1999, shallbe considered as an authorized and permitted nonconforming use. Such structures may remain with the following restrictions:(a) It shall be used as a single-family dwelling only.(b) No additions shall be made to the mobile home as rooms, covers over roofs or other attached additions.(c) Carports, utility rooms and storage rooms shall not be attached to mobile homes, canopies may be attached as a porch to thefront or rear of the mobile home if such structure is free standing and not dependent on the mobile home as a supportingstructure.(d) The mobile home is provided with tie-downs and ground anchors as provided in Article 6.01(6)(o).(e) The mobile home has fully enclosing skirting as provided in Article 6.01(6)(p). The skirting must be properly maintained.(f ) An annual permit shall be required for each mobile home covered under this section. As evidence of a valid permit the cityshall issue a mobile home permit sticker which shall be placed on the window nearest the front door. The permit fee shall betwenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year. The permit will expire on the 31st of December of each year. Prior to issuance of a newpermit the building inspector shall inspect each mobile home under this section for compliance to provisions of skirting andtie-downs contained herein.(g) In the event that a nonconforming use mobile home is destroyed or partially destroyed, by fire or Act of God, the remainingstructure shall be removed and no replacement mobile home shall be permitted. This provision shall also apply to dilapidatedmobile homes that are condemned under provisions of local ordinances or state statutes.(h) The prohibition of mobile home, trailers or other manufactured housing provided in this section shall not apply to the placementof temporary construction trailers used as an office related to a permitted construction project.25

<strong>Thibodaux</strong> <strong>Zoning</strong> <strong>Review</strong> 2010Pineville Mobile Home Overlay District (Continued)(20) Where the lot adjoins R-1 Residence district, a six-foot-tall solid wood fence shall be installed as a screen at the commonproperty line.(21) Each dwelling unit shall have a separate electrical, water, gas, and sewer taps and connections.(22) The manufactured home shall have a date <strong>of</strong> manufacture <strong>of</strong> less than five (5) years from the date <strong>of</strong> permit move-in application.(23) Manufactured homes installed within zone A on the flood hazard boundary map <strong>of</strong> the city shall be anchored to resist flotation,collapse or lateral movement.(24) No canopies, carports, utility rooms, or storage rooms may be attached to the mobile home.Article 16.08. Existing mobile homes located outside MHO district.Mobile homes that are located within the existing corporate limits that are not located within the MHO district shall beconsidered as an authorized and permitted nonconforming use. Such structures may remain with the following restrictions:(1) The mobile home shall remain as a single-family dwelling only.(2) No additions shall be made to the mobile home as rooms, covers over ro<strong>of</strong>s or other attached additions.(3) Carports, utility rooms and storage rooms shall not be attached to mobile homes; canopies may be attached as a porch to thefront or rear <strong>of</strong> the mobile home if such structure is free standing and not dependent on the mobile home as a supporting structure.(4) The mobile home is provided with tie-downs and ground anchors as earlier noted herein.(5) The mobile home shall have fully enclosed skirting as provided in article 16.07(18). The skirting shall be properly maintained.(6) In the event that a nonconforming use mobile home is destroyed by fire or act <strong>of</strong> God, the remaining structure shall beremoved and a replacement mobile home shall be permitted. The replacement mobile home shall comply with the “installation standards”noted in article 16.07. This provision shall not apply to dilapidated mobile homes that are condemned under provisions<strong>of</strong> local ordinances or state statutes; i.e. no replacement mobile home will be permitted to be installed at a condemned site.Article 16.09. Installation <strong>of</strong> mobile home for temporary or emergency/hardship purposes.The use <strong>of</strong> a mobile home or manufactured home for temporary or emergency residential purposes shall be permitted in anyzoning district upon certification by the building inspector and approval <strong>of</strong> the zoning commission that certain emergencyconditions exist where illness or physical incapacity <strong>of</strong> an individual necessitate the close proximity <strong>of</strong> a relative or other personto care for said individual and where denial <strong>of</strong> said use would cause an economic hardship on the parties involved:1. Said use shall be permitted only if fifty-one (51) per cent or more <strong>of</strong> the property owners situated within a four-hundred-footradius <strong>of</strong> the boundaries <strong>of</strong> the property involved sign a petition in favor <strong>of</strong> the use.2. All <strong>of</strong> the zoning requirements related to yard areas and other zoning regulations shall be met.3. Separate utility taps for water, sewer, gas, and electric shall be required.4. Said use <strong>of</strong> the mobile home shall be permitted only for that period <strong>of</strong> time during which said emergency exists, and the existence<strong>of</strong> said emergency shall be recertified to the building inspector no less than every six (6) months by the property owner.5. All other provisions regarding tie-downs, anchors, etc. covered elsewhere herein shall be met.Article 16.10. Moving permit.No mobile home shall be moved into the city for placement on any site within the city limits without first securing a movingpermit. The permit fee shall be as established by the mayor’s <strong>of</strong>fice and set on an annual basis. The requirement <strong>of</strong> a moving permitshall not apply to mobile homes or manufactured homes in transit.Article 16.11. Annual registration permit.A annual permit shall be required for each mobile home covered under this section. As evidence <strong>of</strong> a valid permit, the city shallissue a permit sticker or decal, which shall be placed on the window nearest the front door. The permit fee shall be twenty-fivedollars ($25.00) per year, with no credit for partial year installations. The permit will expire on the 31st <strong>of</strong> December <strong>of</strong> each year.Prior to issuance <strong>of</strong> a new permit the Building Inspector shall inspect each mobile home under this section for compliance to provisionscontained therein. The requirement for an annual permit does not apply to mobile homes installed within an approved mobilehome park.Article 16.12. Connection <strong>of</strong> utilities.To assist in the enforcement <strong>of</strong> the provisions <strong>of</strong> this section, no water or electrical service shall be permitted to be connected toa newly installed mobile home until such time as the building inspector has visited the installation and made an inspection forcompliance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> article 16.07, Installation standards.24

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