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Thibodaux Zoning Review 2010Comparable Cities – Nonconforming Use CodesCity of HammondHammond has groupednonconforming uses into fourcategories: Legal NonconformingUses, Legal Nonconforming Sites,Legal Nonconforming Structuresand Legal Nonconforming Lots.Comments in this report focus onlegally nonconforming uses andstructures. The City of HammondZoning Ordinance includesstandard terminology relative tothe treatment of nonconforming uses. It stipulates that a legalnonconforming use can incur damages of less than 75% of thefair market cost and still be restored to its original nonconformingcondition. Legal nonconforming status is lost afterthree months of consecutive non-use. This is the most restrictivetime period of all comparable areas. However, the ordinancedoes include an “Expanded Conditional Use” clause which originateswith the zoning board and is given final approval by thecity council. Owners of nonconforming properties left vacantfor more than three (3) consecutive months can request anExpanded Conditional Use. This status is granted to the originalowner and cannot be transferred to a new owner. The conditionaluse cannot depreciate the property values of neighboringproperties, it must protect and encourage “prosperity and generalwelfare” of the community, and it cannot be a hazard in any wayto the community in which it is located.City of RustonThe City of Ruston willconsent to the alteration, improvementor reconstruction of anexisting nonconforming structureif the cost is less than 10% of themarket value. The ordinance alsostipulates that a legally nonconformingstructure damaged due toa “fire, collapse, explosion or act ofGod, can be restored if damagesdo not exceed 60% of the market value. Section 29-10(f ) allowsfor reconstructing, repairing or rebuilding of an existing nonconforminguse that is suffering from normal wear and tear as longas such work does not exceed 10% of the market value. Theordinance allows for a one year grace period for an abandonednonconforming structure. Additionally, it, unlike the othercomparative cities, clearly defines the term “abandonment” ascan be seen in the excerpt included herein.City of PinevilleThe City of Pineville zoningordinance treats nonconforminguses in much the same way asother typical zoning ordinances.In Pineville, the building losesits nonconforming status after 12continuous calendar months ofvacancy or conforming use. Thenonconforming building cannotbe rebuilt if damages exceed 75%of the replacement value. Finally, the building or land cannot beextended or enlarged unless it is in conformance with the ordinance.This includes the addition of exterior features such asbalconies, signs and porches.CommentsWith regard to the City of Thibodaux Zoning Ordinance,Section 2200 “Grandfathering Provisions” for signs should probablybe removed to avoid confusion. Section 405’s prescriptiveperiod may be harder to enforce as monitoring activity andfrequency of use over three (3) years can be difficult, in particularin creating clearly documented information in advanceof enforcement action and most especially if no certificate ofzoning compliance was issued within three months of a change.The 18 consecutive months is simpler for both the public tounderstand and for the city to establish a good record regardingactivity. Also Section 405 allows that “destruction” of a structureis at 50% of its value. It is possible that if the city is consideringmaking the ordinance more lineate, it might want to increase thepercentage of value.The decision to adjust the nonconforming clauses ofThibodaux’s ordinance should be based upon how quickly thecity desires to move uses into conformity or how much leniencyit feels is necessary to keep a property in the market for reuse.The following pages contain excerpts from the comparablecities for comparison. Specific passages are bolded in order tohighlight text that is referred to in the narratives.12

2010 Thibodaux Zoning ReviewCity of Hammond Nonconforming Uses2.25 Continuation and Termination of Legal Nonconforming Uses and Structures ReestablishmentAn existing nonconforming use may not be reestablished after the nonconforming use or activity of the building or land hasceased for a continuous period of 3 months (90) days.Damage or Destruction – In the event that any structure that is devoted in whole or in part to a nonconforming use is damagedor destroyed, by any means, to the extent of more than seventy-five (75%) percent of the estimated fair market value of suchstructure then, except in otherwise provided herein, that structure shall not be restored unless such structure and the use thereofshall thereafter conform to all regulations of the zoning district in which such structure and use are located. When such damageor destruction is seventy-five (75%) percent or less of the fair market value of the structure as it existed immediately prior tosuch damage, such structure may be repaired and reconstructed and used for the same purposes as it was before the damage ordestruction, provided that such repair or reconstruction is commenced and completed within 18 months of the date of suchdamage or destruction.Relocation – No structure that is devoted in whole or in part to a nonconforming use shall be relocated in whole or in part to anyother location on the same or any other lot, unless the entire structure and the use thereof shall hereafter conform to all the regulationsof the zoning district in which such structure and use are located after being so relocated. Nonconforming uses of land shallbe relocated in whole or in part to any other location on the same or any other lot, unless such use shall thereafter conform to all theregulations of the zoning district in which such use of land is located after being so relocated.Change in Use - A nonconforming use of land or of a structure shall not be changed to any use other than a use permitted in thezoning district in which such land or structure is located. When such nonconforming use has been changed to a permitted use, itshall only be used thereafter for a use permitted in the zoning district in which it is located. For purposes of this Section, a use shallbe deemed to have been so changed when an existing nonconforming use shall have been terminated and the permitted use shallhave commenced and continued for a period of seven (7) days. A change in use shall be determined by the totality of the circumstancesin the judgment of the Building Official.2.251 Criteria for the Repair of Legal Nonconforming Uses and Structures a. Ordinary Repair Maintenance - Normal maintenanceand incidental repair or replacement, and installation or relocation of non-bearing walls, non-bearing partitions, fixtures,wiring or plumbing, may be performed on any structure that is devoted in whole or in part to a nonconforming use; provided, thatthis Section shall not be deemed to authorize any violation of this Section.b. Exception for Repair by Public Order - Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or restoring toa safe condition of any building or part thereof declared to be unsafe by any city official charged with protecting the public safety,upon order of such official. Repairs and alterations that restore a building to the same condition that existed prior to damage ordeterioration, altering the building only in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance in such a manner that does not extendor increase an existing nonconformity may be made with the same kind of materials as those of which the building is constructed.Expanded Conditional Use - A conditional use, which expands permissible usages, must originate with the Zoning Board andmust comply with all procedural requirements and limitations of a rezoning. An expanded Conditional Use is a personal rightand expires upon a change in ownership of the property from the person or persons originally granted the conditional use.Those uses in this ordinance specified exclusively as conditional uses shall be considered for all purposes as Expanded ConditionalUses. Approval of any expanded conditional use shall be by passage of an ordinance by the City Council. In deliberatingon any application for an expanded conditional use, the Council shall not grant approval thereof unless it makes findings basedupon the evidence presented to it that each case shall indicate all of the following: a) the permit, if granted, will not causeany diminution or depreciation of property values of any surrounding property or will not alter the essential character of thelocality. b) the permit, if granted, will tend to preserve and advance the prosperity and general welfare of the neighborhood andcommunity. c) the granting of the expanded conditional use will not be detrimental to the public welfare or seriously affect orbe injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, in that it will not impairan adequate supply of light and air, or increase substantially the congestion in the public streets, create a traffic hazard, or affector overburden existing drainage or sewerage systems, or endanger the public safety, nor cause serious annoyance or injury tooccupants of adjoining premises by reason of emission of odors, fumes, gasses, dust, smoke, noise or vibration, light or glare orother nuisances.13

<strong>Thibodaux</strong> <strong>Zoning</strong> <strong>Review</strong> 2010Comparable Cities – Nonconforming Use Codes<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> HammondHammond has groupednonconforming uses into fourcategories: Legal NonconformingUses, Legal Nonconforming Sites,Legal Nonconforming Structuresand Legal Nonconforming Lots.Comments in this report focus onlegally nonconforming uses andstructures. The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hammond<strong>Zoning</strong> Ordinance includesstandard terminology relative tothe treatment <strong>of</strong> nonconforming uses. It stipulates that a legalnonconforming use can incur damages <strong>of</strong> less than 75% <strong>of</strong> thefair market cost and still be restored to its original nonconformingcondition. Legal nonconforming status is lost afterthree months <strong>of</strong> consecutive non-use. This is the most restrictivetime period <strong>of</strong> all comparable areas. However, the ordinancedoes include an “Expanded Conditional Use” clause which originateswith the zoning board and is given final approval by thecity council. Owners <strong>of</strong> nonconforming properties left vacantfor more than three (3) consecutive months can request anExpanded Conditional Use. This status is granted to the originalowner and cannot be transferred to a new owner. The conditionaluse cannot depreciate the property values <strong>of</strong> neighboringproperties, it must protect and encourage “prosperity and generalwelfare” <strong>of</strong> the community, and it cannot be a hazard in any wayto the community in which it is located.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> RustonThe <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ruston willconsent to the alteration, improvementor reconstruction <strong>of</strong> anexisting nonconforming structureif the cost is less than 10% <strong>of</strong> themarket value. The ordinance alsostipulates that a legally nonconformingstructure damaged due toa “fire, collapse, explosion or act <strong>of</strong>God, can be restored if damagesdo not exceed 60% <strong>of</strong> the market value. Section 29-10(f ) allowsfor reconstructing, repairing or rebuilding <strong>of</strong> an existing nonconforminguse that is suffering from normal wear and tear as longas such work does not exceed 10% <strong>of</strong> the market value. Theordinance allows for a one year grace period for an abandonednonconforming structure. Additionally, it, unlike the othercomparative cities, clearly defines the term “abandonment” ascan be seen in the excerpt included herein.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> PinevilleThe <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pineville zoningordinance treats nonconforminguses in much the same way asother typical zoning ordinances.In Pineville, the building losesits nonconforming status after 12continuous calendar months <strong>of</strong>vacancy or conforming use. Thenonconforming building cannotbe rebuilt if damages exceed 75%<strong>of</strong> the replacement value. Finally, the building or land cannot beextended or enlarged unless it is in conformance with the ordinance.This includes the addition <strong>of</strong> exterior features such asbalconies, signs and porches.CommentsWith regard to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Thibodaux</strong> <strong>Zoning</strong> Ordinance,Section 2200 “Grandfathering Provisions” for signs should probablybe removed to avoid confusion. Section 405’s prescriptiveperiod may be harder to enforce as monitoring activity andfrequency <strong>of</strong> use over three (3) years can be difficult, in particularin creating clearly documented information in advance<strong>of</strong> enforcement action and most especially if no certificate <strong>of</strong>zoning compliance was issued within three months <strong>of</strong> a change.The 18 consecutive months is simpler for both the public tounderstand and for the city to establish a good record regardingactivity. Also Section 405 allows that “destruction” <strong>of</strong> a structureis at 50% <strong>of</strong> its value. It is possible that if the city is consideringmaking the ordinance more lineate, it might want to increase thepercentage <strong>of</strong> value.The decision to adjust the nonconforming clauses <strong>of</strong><strong>Thibodaux</strong>’s ordinance should be based upon how quickly thecity desires to move uses into conformity or how much leniencyit feels is necessary to keep a property in the market for reuse.The following pages contain excerpts from the comparablecities for comparison. Specific passages are bolded in order tohighlight text that is referred to in the narratives.12

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