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AS A WANDERING MONKAmong the Master's disciples, Tarak, Latu, and the elder Gopal had already cutoff their relationship with their families. The young disciples whom SriRamakrishna had destined for the monastic life were in need of a shelter. TheMaster had asked Naren to see to it that they should not become householders.Naren vividly remembered the Master's dying words: 'Naren, take care of theboys.' The householder devotees, moreover, wanted to meet, from time to time, ata place where they could talk about the Master. They longed for the company ofthe young disciples who had totally dedicated their lives to the realization ofGod. But who would bear the expenses of a house where the young disciplescould live? How would they be provided with food and the basic necessaries oflife?All these problems were solved by the generosity of Surendranath Mitra, thebeloved householder disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. He came forward to pay theexpenses of new quarters for the Master's homeless disciples. A house wasrented at Baranagore, midway between Calcutta and Dakshineswar. Dreary anddilapidated, it was a building that had the reputation of being haunted by evilspirits. The young disciples were happy to take refuge in it from the turmoil ofCalcutta. This Baranagore Math, as the new monastery was called, became thefirst headquarters of the monks of the Ramakrishna Order.* Its centre was theshrine room, where the copper vessel containing the sacred ashes of the Masterwas daily worshipped as his visible presence.*Narendranath devoted himself heart and soul to the training of the youngbrother disciples. He spent the day-time at home, supervising a lawsuit that waspending in the court and looking after certain other family affairs; but duringthe evenings and nights he was always with his brothers at the monastery,exhorting them to practise spiritual disciplines. His presence was a source ofunfailing delight and inspiration to all.The future career of the youths began to take shape during these early days atBaranagore. The following incident hastened the process. At the invitation of themother of Baburam, one of the disciples, they all went to the village of Antpur tospend a few days away from the austerities of Baranagore. Here they realized,more intensely than ever before, a common goal of life, a sense of brotherhoodand unity integrating their minds and hearts. Their consecrated souls were likepearls in a necklace held together by the thread of Ramakrishna's teachings.They saw in one another a reservoir of spiritual power, and the vision intensifiedtheir mutual love and respect. Narendra, describing to them the glories of themonastic life, asked them to give up the glamour of academic studies and thephysical world, and all felt in their hearts the ground swell of the spirit ofrenunciation. This reached its height one night when they were sitting for

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