Informative Writing Rubric - Kenton County School District

Informative Writing Rubric - Kenton County School District

Informative Writing Rubric - Kenton County School District


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The <strong>Kenton</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>Informational(Audience, Purpose andIdea Development)Grades 3-5 Scoring <strong>Rubric</strong> (<strong>Informative</strong> <strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong>)Emerging Near Expectation Meets Expectation AdvancedLacks introductionLacks awareness of audienceLacks organizational structure(e.g. thesis statement)Attempts to clearly introduce thetopicAttempts to demonstrateawareness of audienceAttempts to create anorganizational structure (e.g.thesis statement)Introduces a topic clearlyDemonstrates awareness ofaudienceCreates an organizationalstructure (e.g. thesis statement)Provides a subtle introductionof the topicMeets the needs of theaudience by providing relevantbackgroundCreates a logical and coherentorganizational structure (e.g.thesis statement)Lacks development of the topic;lacks focus on the topicAttempts to develop the topic;attempts to stay focused on thetopicDevelops the topic with facts,definitions, details, etc. whilemaintaining a clear focus on thetopic throughoutDevelops the topic withelaborated facts, definitions,details, etc. while maintaining astrong focus on the topicthroughoutStructureLacks concluding statement orsectionLacks transitionsInformation is randomlygroupedAttempts to provide a concludingstatement or sectionAttempts to use transitions toconnect ideas within categories ofinformationAttempts to group informationProvides a concluding statementor section related to theinformation or explanationpresentedUses effective transitions toconnect ideas within categoriesof informationGroups related information inparagraphs and sectionsProvides a concludingstatement or section stronglysupporting the information orexplanation presentedUses subtle transitions toeffectively connect ideas withincategories of informationGroups information logically toenhance writingLacks text features when theyare needed to aidcomprehensionAttempts to include text featureswhen useful for aidingcomprehensionIncludes text features whenuseful for aiding comprehensionIncludes text features whenuseful to aid in comprehension,provide clarity, and elaborateon the topicBased on KDE’s Three Modes of <strong>Writing</strong> document, KCAS writing and anchor standards, and Kentucky <strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong> Revised February 2012

Conventions(Sentence Structure,Grammar, Usage andWord Choice)Lacks the correct use ofgrammar and mechanicsLacks precise language anddomain-specific, grade levelappropriate vocabularyAttempts to use correct grammarand mechanicsAttempts to use precise languageand domain-specific, grade levelappropriate vocabularyCommunicates with audience byusing correct grammar andmechanicsUses precise language anddomain-specific, grade levelappropriate vocabulary toinform about or explain thetopicCommunicates with audienceeffectively by using correctgrammar and mechanicsUses rich language andadvanced domain-specific,grade level appropriatevocabulary to inform about orexplain the topicLacks toneAttempts to use tone appropriatefor audience and purposeEmploys tone appropriate foraudience and purposeEmploys purposeful toneappropriate for audience andpurposeUses simple sentencesAttempts to vary sentencestructureVaries sentence structureVaries sentence structureeffectively to enhance writingLacks correct spelling of gradeappropriatewordsAttempts to spell gradeappropriatewords correctlySpells grade-appropriate wordscorrectlySpells above grade-level wordscorrectlyBased on KDE’s Three Modes of <strong>Writing</strong> document, KCAS writing and anchor standards, and Kentucky <strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong> Revised February 2012

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