Remote temperature measurements in femto-liter ... - Joerg Enderlein

Remote temperature measurements in femto-liter ... - Joerg Enderlein

Remote temperature measurements in femto-liter ... - Joerg Enderlein


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PAPERwww.rsc.org/loc | Lab on a Chip<strong>Remote</strong> <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>femto</strong>-<strong>liter</strong> volumes us<strong>in</strong>gdual-focus-Fluorescence Correlation SpectroscopyClaus B. M€uller, a Kerst<strong>in</strong> Weiß, a Anastasia Loman, b J€org Enderle<strong>in</strong>* b and Walter Richter<strong>in</strong>g* aReceived 9th May 2008, Accepted 9th January 2009First published as an Advance Article on the web 6th February 2009DOI: 10.1039/b807910b<strong>Remote</strong> <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> <strong>in</strong> microfluidic devices with micrometer spatial resolution areimportant for many applications <strong>in</strong> biology, biochemistry and chemistry. The most popular methodsuse the <strong>temperature</strong>-dependent fluorescence lifetime of Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B, or the <strong>temperature</strong>-dependentsize of thermosensitive materials such as microgel particles. Here, we use the recently developed methodof dual-focus fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (2fFCS) for measur<strong>in</strong>g the absolute diffusioncoefficient of small fluorescent molecules at nanomolar concentrations and show how these data can beused for remote <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> on a micrometer scale. We perform comparative<strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> us<strong>in</strong>g all three methods and show that the accuracy of 2fFCS is comparableor even better than that achievable with Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B fluorescence lifetime <strong>measurements</strong>. The<strong>temperature</strong> dependent microgel swell<strong>in</strong>g leads to an enhanced accuracy with<strong>in</strong> a narrow <strong>temperature</strong>range around the volume phase transition <strong>temperature</strong>, but requires the availability of specificmicrogels, whereas 2fFCS is applicable under very general conditions.IntroductionPrecise remote <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> with<strong>in</strong> <strong>femto</strong><strong>liter</strong>smallvolumes play a key role <strong>in</strong> customiz<strong>in</strong>g biological,biochemical and chemical techniques to lab-on-a-chip (LOC)devices.To measure <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>in</strong> LOC devices with direct contact tosample is a common and easy technique, us<strong>in</strong>g e.g. resistance ofplat<strong>in</strong>um whose relation to <strong>temperature</strong> is nearly l<strong>in</strong>ear overa wide <strong>temperature</strong> range. 1 In cases of measur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a very smallvolume, the sample cannot be directly contacted with a plat<strong>in</strong>umresistance, therefore we focus on contactless methods for precise<strong>temperature</strong> determ<strong>in</strong>ation.The two most frequently used fluorescence-based techniquesfor remote <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> are based on: (i)employ<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>temperature</strong> dependence of the fluorescence<strong>in</strong>tensity of specific materials, 2,3 and (ii) measur<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>temperature</strong>dependence of the fluorescence lifetime of specific fluorescentdyes. Group (i) uses effects such as thermochromicity ofliquids, 4 special properties of Ni, e.g. Ni(II) high-sp<strong>in</strong>/low-sp<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>terconversion 5 or NiCr/Ni-films, 6 <strong>temperature</strong>-dependentconductivity of semiconduct<strong>in</strong>g nanoparticles 7 or thermoresponsivityof some polymers, 8,9 as well as photo bleach<strong>in</strong>g offluorescent dyes. 10 Group (ii) employs <strong>temperature</strong>-dependentfluorescence lifetime changes of Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B 11,12 which are<strong>in</strong>duced by <strong>temperature</strong>-dependent conformational changes ofsidegroups. 13,14 All these approaches are appropriate for particularapplications but they are dependent on the availability ofhighly specific chemicals or materials.aInstitute of Physical Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University, Landoltweg 2,56056 Aachen, Germany. E-mail: richter<strong>in</strong>g@pc.rwth-aachen.debIII. Institute of Physics, Georg August University, Friedrich-Hund-Platz1, 37077 G€ott<strong>in</strong>gen, Germany. E-mail: joerg.enderle<strong>in</strong>@physic3.gwdg.deHere, we present a more generally applicable technique whichis based on the absolute measurement of diffusion of smallfluorescent dyes. Thermally <strong>in</strong>duced Brownian motion of moleculesand particles <strong>in</strong> solution is a fundamental property that ismacroscopically described by the diffusion coefficient. TheStokes–E<strong>in</strong>ste<strong>in</strong> equation 15 relates the diffusion coefficient ofspherical objects to their hydrodynamic radius (R h ). For particlesor molecules with known hydrodynamic radius, the measureddiffusion coefficient enables one to determ<strong>in</strong>e either <strong>temperature</strong>or viscosity (which itself depends on <strong>temperature</strong>) of the solvent.On one hand the <strong>temperature</strong> can be measured <strong>in</strong> a solvent withknown <strong>temperature</strong> dependent viscosity and on the other hand,the viscosity of the solvent can be measured if the <strong>temperature</strong> ofthe sample is known.Recently, a new technique, dual-focus Fluorescence CorrelationSpectroscopy (2fFCS), was <strong>in</strong>troduced which allows forabsolute and precise <strong>measurements</strong> of diffusion coefficients ofsmall fluoresc<strong>in</strong>g molecules close to the <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite dilution limit(typically nanomolar concentration). The achievable accuracy ofthe method was estimated to be better than 2–4%, and thespatial resolution of the method is below one micrometer.Applications of FCS and dual-focus/dual beam FCS<strong>measurements</strong><strong>in</strong> microchannels and LOC devices are wellestablished <strong>in</strong> the <strong>liter</strong>ature. 16–21 The 2fFCS technique describedhere, can be used with the same sample chambers that areemployed <strong>in</strong> studies with chip-devices. As the 2fFCS technique ischaracteristically different from the above mentioned dual-focus/dual beam experiments, we don’t focus here on the device itself,but a fortiori to the novel 2fFCS technique.In the study presented here, we use 2fFCS for determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the<strong>temperature</strong> with<strong>in</strong> <strong>femto</strong><strong>liter</strong> volumes by measur<strong>in</strong>g the diffusionof fluoresc<strong>in</strong>g molecules with known size and, us<strong>in</strong>g theStokes–E<strong>in</strong>ste<strong>in</strong> relation, convert<strong>in</strong>g the diffusion coefficient <strong>in</strong>toa <strong>temperature</strong> value. We compare the accuracy of the 2fFCS1248 | Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 1248–1253 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009

approach with <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> based on fluorescencelifetime changes of Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B and with <strong>measurements</strong> basedon diffusion changes of thermosensitive particles. In contrast tothe last two methods, 2fFCS is generally applicable and does notdepend on the availability of specific materials.Temperature dependent <strong>measurements</strong> require a precise<strong>temperature</strong> control <strong>in</strong> the sample environment. The technicalimplementations of such a sample environment e.g. <strong>in</strong> a microfluidicchamber 22 or a sealed microscope sample cell is far beyondthe scope of this contribution. Recently, we have reported ona <strong>temperature</strong> controlled and sealed sample cell for fluorescencemicroscopes. 23 As already mentioned above, the opticalrequirements of the 2fFCS technique are comparable to otheroptical techniques and thus 2fFCS is well suited for LOC devices.Methods and materialsTheoretical backgroundHere, we briefly recall the theoretical background of 2fFCS. 24 In2fFCS, two overlapp<strong>in</strong>g detection volumes are generated, whichare identical <strong>in</strong> shape but shifted to each other perpendicular tothe optical axis. This is achieved by us<strong>in</strong>g one (or two) pulsedlasers <strong>in</strong> such a way that the polarization of each laser pulse isturned by 90 with respect to the preced<strong>in</strong>g pulse. When send<strong>in</strong>gthis excitation light through a Nomarski prism as used <strong>in</strong>conventional differential <strong>in</strong>terference contrast (DIC) microscopy,each laser pulse is slightly deflected accord<strong>in</strong>g to itspolarization. After focus<strong>in</strong>g the light through a water-immersionobjective with high numerical aperture, this generates two fociwith small lateral shift between them. To dist<strong>in</strong>guish whichfluorescence photon was generated by which laser pulse (i.e. <strong>in</strong>which focus), one measures the photon detection times withpicosecond accuracy us<strong>in</strong>g time-correlated s<strong>in</strong>gle-photon count<strong>in</strong>g(TCSPC) and associates each detected photon with the latestpreced<strong>in</strong>g excitation pulse. This allows for calculat<strong>in</strong>g the autocorrelationfunction (ACF) for each focus as well as the crosscorrelationfunction (CCF) between both foci. Because thelateral shift between both foci is precisely known (it only dependson the properties of the Nomarksi prism), a global analysis ofboth the ACFs and CCF allows for determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g an absolutevalue of the diffusion coefficient of fluorescent molecules orparticles <strong>in</strong> solution.As was shown <strong>in</strong> detail <strong>in</strong> ref. 24, adequate model functions forthe diffusion-related part of the ACF or CCF (neglect<strong>in</strong>g fora moment any photophysics-related fluorescence fluctuations)are given by eqn (1):~gðt; d; vÞ ¼ c rffiffiffiffiffið ðpkðz 1 Þkðz 2 Þdz 1 dz 24 Dt 8Dt þ w 2 ðz 1 Þþw 2 ðz 2 Þ" # (1)ðz 2 z 1 Þ 22d 2exp4Dt 8Dt þ w 2 ðz 1 Þþw 2 ðz 2 Þwhere t is the lag-time of correlation, d is the lateral distancebetween the detection volumes, 3 1 and 3 2 are factors proportionalto overall excitation <strong>in</strong>tensity and detection efficiency <strong>in</strong> eachfocus, c is the concentration of fluorescent molecules or particles,and D their diffusion coefficient. Here, the functions k(z) andw(z) are given by eqn (2)–(4):andwithð a drrkðzÞ ¼2R 2 ðzÞ exp0" # 2 1=2lex zwðzÞ ¼ w 0 1 þpw 2 0 n (2)2r 2¼ 1R 2 ðzÞexp2a 2R 2 ðzÞ(3)" #21=2lem zRðzÞ ¼R 0 1 þpR 2 0 n (4)where l ex and l em are excitation and centre emission wavelengths,n is the sample refractive <strong>in</strong>dex, a is the confocal p<strong>in</strong>holeradius, and w 0 and R 0 are fit parameters. For calculat<strong>in</strong>g theACF of each focus, one has to set, <strong>in</strong> eqn (1), d to zero, and toreplace 3 1,2 by either 3 12 or 3 22 , respectively. The <strong>in</strong>tegration <strong>in</strong>eqn (1) has to be performed numerically. Fitt<strong>in</strong>g of experimentaldata is done globally for both the ACFs and the CCF, where onehas fit parameters 3 1 $c 1/2 , 3 2 $c 1/2 , w 0 , R 0 , and D.As was recently shown <strong>in</strong> ref. 25, the absolute fitted values ofw 0 and R 0 can become rather arbitrary when work<strong>in</strong>g underoptical conditions with strong aberration. However, as was alsoshown <strong>in</strong> ref. 25, the fitted value of diffusion coefficient is stillremarkably exact. In other words, the absolute values of w 0 andR 0 , are not significant for the calculation of the diffusion coefficientand therefore they are not reported.The distance d between detection volumes is a setup constantand has to be determ<strong>in</strong>ed only once for a given <strong>measurements</strong>ystem. This can be done for example by determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the diffusioncoefficient of fluorescently labelled polymer particles withknown size. This calibration procedure has been described <strong>in</strong>detail <strong>in</strong> ref. 26.More technical details concern<strong>in</strong>g the setup can be found <strong>in</strong>ref. 24.ExperimentsDynamic light scatter<strong>in</strong>g (DLS) <strong>measurements</strong> were performedon a standard ALV 5000 system, equipped with a laser of 633 nmwavelength. Scatter<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tensity was detected at angles of 60 ,90 , and 120 , respectively, and the hydrodynamic radius wascalculated with a second order cumulant fit us<strong>in</strong>g the Stokes–E<strong>in</strong>ste<strong>in</strong> relation. The measurement system was equipped witha <strong>temperature</strong> controlled water bath giv<strong>in</strong>g a precision <strong>in</strong> sample<strong>temperature</strong> stabilization of 0.2 K.The 2fFCS measurement system was based on a Micro-Time200 Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy System(MT200, PicoQuant GmbH, Berl<strong>in</strong>, Germany) as described <strong>in</strong>ref. 26 and 27 with a dual-focus modification as presented <strong>in</strong> ref.24 and Fig. 1. The setup is equipped with two identical 470 nmlasers (LDH-P-C-470B), two identical 635 nm lasers (LDH-P-635), as well as one 532 nm laser (PicoTA530N), whose beam issplit <strong>in</strong>to two mutually time-delayed pulse tra<strong>in</strong>s. All lasers arel<strong>in</strong>early polarized <strong>in</strong> such a way that, after comb<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the light ofall lasers, one obta<strong>in</strong>s for each wavelength pulse tra<strong>in</strong>s withalternately switch<strong>in</strong>g polarization. Pulse width is 50 ps, andThis journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 1248–1253 | 1249

Fig. 1Pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of a confocal two focus experiment.impact of a sample refractive <strong>in</strong>dex of 1.52 when focus<strong>in</strong>g at 10mm above a chip’s bottom glass surface, or the impact of a samplerefractive <strong>in</strong>dex of 1.4 when focus<strong>in</strong>g at 27 mm).A data acquisition time of 30 m<strong>in</strong>utes per <strong>temperature</strong> wasemployed both for the lifetime and diffusion <strong>measurements</strong>.Temperature is controlled by a custom-made <strong>temperature</strong>regulation 23 with an absolute <strong>temperature</strong> accuracy of 0.05 K(with<strong>in</strong> the detection volume). The achievable <strong>temperature</strong> rangefor 2fFCS and lifetime <strong>measurements</strong> is 5 to 65 C. Dur<strong>in</strong>g<strong>measurements</strong>, the sample chamber was sealed to prevent solventevaporation and convection.pulse repetition rate is either 20 or 40 MHz, adjustable to thespecific fluorescence lifetime of the measured fluorophore. 28 Thelasers are coupled <strong>in</strong>to a polarization ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>gle modefibre for optical clean<strong>in</strong>g, and, after re-collimation, reflectedtowards the microscope’s objective (UPLAPO 60x W, 1.2 N.A.,Olympus Europa (Hamburg, Germany) by a major triple-banddichroic (z470/532/638rpc, AHF-Analysentechnik, T€ub<strong>in</strong>gen,Germany). Before enter<strong>in</strong>g the objective, the laser beam is passedthrough a Nomarski prism (U-DICTHC, Olympus Europe,Hamburg, Germany) to deflect pulses accord<strong>in</strong>g to their polarization<strong>in</strong>to two slightly <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ed directions. After focus<strong>in</strong>gthrough the objective, this generates two overlapp<strong>in</strong>g foci.Fluorescent light is collected by the same objective and focusedonto a s<strong>in</strong>gle circular aperture (diameter 200 mm). After pass<strong>in</strong>gseveral emission filters (HQ505/30m for l ex ¼ 470 nm, HQ580/70m for l ex ¼ 532 nm, and HQ687/70m for l ex ¼ 635 nm, allpurchased from AHF-Analysentechnik, T€ub<strong>in</strong>gen, Germany),the light is split by a non-polariz<strong>in</strong>g beam splitter cube andfocused onto two s<strong>in</strong>gle photon avalanche diodes (SPAD, PDMseries, Micro Photon Devices, Bolzano, Italy). A dedicateds<strong>in</strong>gle-photon count<strong>in</strong>g electronics (PicoHarp 300, PicoQuantCompany, Berl<strong>in</strong>, Germany) is used to record s<strong>in</strong>gle-photondetection events with 4 ps temporal resolution (time tagged timeresolved or TTTR detection mode 29 ). Us<strong>in</strong>g the picoseconddetection times of the fluorescence photons, one determ<strong>in</strong>es bywhich laser pulse and thus <strong>in</strong> which focus the photon wasgenerated. 24 Us<strong>in</strong>g this <strong>in</strong>formation, ACFs and CCF arecomputed with a custom-built MatLab rout<strong>in</strong>e. 30 When calculat<strong>in</strong>gall correlation functions, only photons from differentSPAD detectors are correlated to elim<strong>in</strong>ate afterpuls<strong>in</strong>g and deadtime effects of the detectors.The typical spatial resolution <strong>in</strong> the direction of the opticalaxis is below one micron; the resolution <strong>in</strong> the perpendicularplane is given by the diffraction limit and is typically halfa micron.The robustness of 2fFCS aga<strong>in</strong>st refractive <strong>in</strong>dex mismatchwas experimentally demonstrated <strong>in</strong> ref. 24, where the diffusionof the dye Atto655 <strong>in</strong> aqueous solutions of vary<strong>in</strong>g concentrationsof guanid<strong>in</strong>ium hydrochloride up to 6M had beenmeasured, not f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g any deviation of the determ<strong>in</strong>ed diffusioncoefficient from its theoretically expected value. In ref. 24, anextensive theoretical study of the performance of 2fFCS underdifferent optical and photophysical conditions was presented,show<strong>in</strong>g the exceptional robustness of 2fFCS even underrefractive <strong>in</strong>dex mismatch correspond<strong>in</strong>g to the <strong>in</strong>troduction ofan additional slab of glass of ten micrometer thickness betweenthe objective and the sample (correspond<strong>in</strong>g, for example, to theMaterialsAll samples are prepared us<strong>in</strong>g LiChrosolv water for chromatography(No. 115333, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany).For 2fFCS experiments we used Atto655-maleimid (No. AD655-4, ATTO-TEC, Siegen, Germany). Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B (Bio-Chemika, No. 83689) was obta<strong>in</strong>ed from Sigma-Aldrich (Seelze,Germany). 2fFCS s<strong>in</strong>gle molecule experiments were carried outwith nanomolar dye concentrations. Fluorescent labelled poly-nisopropylacrylamide(PNIPAM Rh B ) microgel was synthesizedfollow<strong>in</strong>g standard protocols as published <strong>in</strong> ref. 31–36 us<strong>in</strong>ga mixture of unlabelled and labelled monomers with a molarratio of approx. 1 : 0.016. Labelled monomers (methacryloxyethyl-thio-carbamoyl-rhodam<strong>in</strong>eB, No. 23591) were purchasedfrom Polysciences. (400 Valley Road, Warr<strong>in</strong>gton, PA). DLS and2fFCS experiments are performed at same sample concentrationsof 0.05 wt% microgel solution.We studied the effect of bleach<strong>in</strong>g on 2fFCS <strong>measurements</strong> <strong>in</strong>ref. 24 and ref. 37, while <strong>in</strong>vestigat<strong>in</strong>g the robustness of 2fFCSwith respect to optical saturation of fluorescence. When theexcitation <strong>in</strong>tensity is becom<strong>in</strong>g so large that bleach<strong>in</strong>g starts toimpact the measurement, it leads to an apparent <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> thediffusion coefficient. 2fFCS cannot compensate for that andconsequently one has to employ excitation <strong>in</strong>tensities wherebleach<strong>in</strong>g does not yet affect the measurement. In this study2fFCS <strong>measurements</strong> were performed at different excitation<strong>in</strong>tensities and it was ensured that the experimental results were<strong>in</strong>dependent of excitation <strong>in</strong>tensity.Results and discussionLifetime <strong>measurements</strong> on Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e BWe first measured the lifetime dependence of Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B <strong>in</strong>aqueous solution and <strong>in</strong> methanol. In Fig. 2, a comparison ofs<strong>in</strong>gle molecule lifetime data of Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B (crosses) with<strong>liter</strong>ature values from ref. 11 and 14 (dots and circles) is presented.We could perfectly reproduce the published values forwater.However, <strong>in</strong> contrast to the report <strong>in</strong> ref. 11, we f<strong>in</strong>d a different<strong>temperature</strong> dependence of the Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B lifetime <strong>in</strong> methanol(stars). Tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to account that the lifetime change iscaused by a different rotational flexibility of the dye moleculewhich is aga<strong>in</strong> dependent on the solvent’s viscosity, a different<strong>temperature</strong> dependence of the fluorescence lifetime <strong>in</strong> water andmethanol, respectively, can be expected. This illustrates a disadvantageof the method: besides be<strong>in</strong>g dependent on a specific dye(Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B), the exact <strong>temperature</strong> behaviour of the lifetime1250 | Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 1248–1253 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009

Fig. 4 Labelled PNIPAM Rh B microgels: DLS and 2fFCS <strong>measurements</strong>of thermosensitive microgel, with VPTT around 32 C.In Fig. 4, the <strong>temperature</strong> dependency of the hydrodynamicradius R h of labelled PNIPAM Rh B microgel particles as determ<strong>in</strong>edby dynamic light scatter<strong>in</strong>g (DLS) and by 2fFCS is shown.The volume phase transition <strong>temperature</strong> (VPTT), def<strong>in</strong>ed as the<strong>in</strong>flection po<strong>in</strong>t of the curve, is approximately 32 C. Depend<strong>in</strong>gon the synthesis, it is possible to adjust the VPTT of such polymersas desired with<strong>in</strong> a broad <strong>temperature</strong> range.Aga<strong>in</strong>, the comparison of ensemble data from DLS and resultsfrom s<strong>in</strong>gle molecule 2fFCS shows a perfect agreement, show<strong>in</strong>gthe high performance of 2fFCS. Thus, 2fFCS together with<strong>temperature</strong>-dependent microgel swell<strong>in</strong>g allows for highlyaccurate <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> on the sub-micrometerlength scale.Comparison of methods and estimate of achievable precisionIn the preced<strong>in</strong>g sub-sections, we have presented measured dataon the <strong>temperature</strong> dependence of (i) fluorescence lifetime ofRhodam<strong>in</strong>e B, (ii) the diffusion coefficient of Atto655-maleimid,and (iii) the hydrodynamic radius of labelled PNIPAM Rh Bmicrogel particles as measured via their diffusion coefficient. Toestimate and compare the accuracy of the different techniques,we discuss model calculations with the follow<strong>in</strong>g assumptions: (i)the absolute precision of lifetime determ<strong>in</strong>ation with<strong>in</strong> a <strong>femto</strong><strong>liter</strong>volume at reasonable dye concentration and measurementtime is estimated to be between 50 and 100 ps; (ii) the accuracy ofa typical 2fFCS diffusion measurement is assumed to be between2% and 4%; (iii) the <strong>temperature</strong> dependence of microgel swell<strong>in</strong>gis behav<strong>in</strong>g as shown <strong>in</strong> Fig. 4, e.g. 32 C; and (iv) particle radiuschanges approximately by a factor of 2 with<strong>in</strong> the transitionregion of the VPTT.Us<strong>in</strong>g all these assumptions, Fig. 5. shows a comparativeestimate of the achievable accuracy of <strong>temperature</strong> determ<strong>in</strong>ationfor all three methods. Shown are regions bound by theestimated lower and upper accuracy of each method (50–100 psfor lifetime <strong>measurements</strong>, 2–4% for diffusion <strong>measurements</strong>).These accuracies are given by the experimental setup (as e.g. timeresolution) but are <strong>in</strong>dependent of the <strong>temperature</strong>. Thus theaccuracy of the <strong>temperature</strong> determ<strong>in</strong>ation is given by theaccuracy of the lifetime/diffusion data and can be calculated viathe first derivative of lifetime/diffusion with respect to<strong>temperature</strong>.Fig. 5 Comparison of achievable <strong>temperature</strong> accuracy between lifetimeand 2fFCS diffusion <strong>measurements</strong>. Blue: Lifetime measurement ofRhodam<strong>in</strong>e B. Red: 2fFCS on arbitrary fluorescence dye. Green: 2fFCSon thermosensitive material with VPTT around 32 C. It should beemphasized that the <strong>temperature</strong> measurement based on moleculardiffusion and microgel diffusion give for most of the <strong>temperature</strong> region(outside the microgel swell<strong>in</strong>g transition region) identical confidence<strong>in</strong>tervals, as <strong>in</strong>dicated by the shad<strong>in</strong>g where both regions overlap.As can be seen, the lifetime-based method (blue band) has thesmallest accuracy, which quickly deteriorates with <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g<strong>temperature</strong>. This is due to the fact that the relative lifetimechange becomes smaller with <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g <strong>temperature</strong>. Incontrast, 2fFCS <strong>measurements</strong> of dye diffusion (red band) showa higher accuracy with a much smaller dependence on absolute<strong>temperature</strong>. The microgel–particle diffusion method providesthe highest accuracy of 0.2 K. The transition <strong>temperature</strong> ofthermosensitive polymers can be varied over a broad <strong>temperature</strong>range 32,33,35,36,39 and also the core–shell microgels with twotransitions can be prepared. 34,40 However, this high accuracy islimited to the VPTT. At other <strong>temperature</strong>s one has the sameaccuracy as that of the dye-diffusion method.As can be seen <strong>in</strong> Fig. 5, the achievable accuracy of <strong>temperature</strong><strong>measurements</strong> based on diffusion <strong>measurements</strong> with 2fFCSis better than that achievable with conventional fluorescencelifetime <strong>measurements</strong> on Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B, <strong>in</strong> particular at high<strong>temperature</strong> values, where the relative change of lifetime asfunction of <strong>temperature</strong> becomes <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly smaller. Concern<strong>in</strong>gthe technical complexity of a 2fFCS set-up, it should bementioned that it is based on a standard confocal researchmicroscope with DIC capability and requires only moderatemodification of such a system. It is certa<strong>in</strong>ly not much morecomplex than a fully-fledged TCSPC system. One limitation of2fFCS is the requirement of measur<strong>in</strong>g on microchips with a th<strong>in</strong>cover plate so that the high-NA objective is still able to focus anddetect light <strong>in</strong>side the chip. However, when aim<strong>in</strong>g at micrometerspatial resolution, one has always to use high-NA objectives withcorrespond<strong>in</strong>gly limited work<strong>in</strong>g distance (above glass surface)of ca. 150–250 micrometers.ConclusionsIn this contribution we have compared three different methodsfor remote <strong>temperature</strong> <strong>measurements</strong> <strong>in</strong> microfluidic chips with1252 | Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 1248–1253 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009

sub-micrometer spatial resolution: fluorescence-lifetime based,dye diffusion based, and VPTT based methods. A crucial po<strong>in</strong>tfor the diffusion-based <strong>measurements</strong> was the availability of therecently <strong>in</strong>troduced 2fFCS technique that allows for absolutediffusion <strong>measurements</strong> with<strong>in</strong> <strong>femto</strong><strong>liter</strong> volumes without be<strong>in</strong>gaffected by aberration effects as <strong>in</strong>troduced by the <strong>temperature</strong>dependentrefractive <strong>in</strong>dex mismatch between sample solutionand objective’s immersion medium.The comparison of the different methods shows that diffusion<strong>measurements</strong> on labelled PNIPAM Rh B microgel particles achievesthe highest accuracy <strong>in</strong> <strong>temperature</strong> determ<strong>in</strong>ation, but onlywith<strong>in</strong> the narrow <strong>temperature</strong> range of the VPTT. However, thiscan be of high <strong>in</strong>terest for special biological applications, whereone is <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> maximum accuracy but only with<strong>in</strong> a narrow<strong>temperature</strong> range. 2fFCS <strong>measurements</strong> of dye diffusion showa rather uniform accuracy of <strong>temperature</strong> determ<strong>in</strong>ation of ca. 1–2 K. The lowest accuracy is achieved when us<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>temperature</strong>-dependenceof the fluorescence lifetime of Rhodam<strong>in</strong>e B. Ofall considered methods, the 2fFCS <strong>measurements</strong> of dye diffusionoffers the greatest versatility, be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dependent of anyspecific dye or material properties.AcknowledgementsWe are <strong>in</strong>debted to PicoQuant Company (Berl<strong>in</strong>, Germany) fortechnical support. 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