Be Our Friend - Louisiana Dental Association

Be Our Friend - Louisiana Dental Association Be Our Friend - Louisiana Dental Association


LDAlast pageDavid AustinI Can See Clearly NowWell, it was like this. I was shopping downtownfor a birthday present and had bought a black plasticwater gun for my neighbors’ little boy. As I wascoming back to the parking lot I noticed that it wasgetting dark and the lot was very dimly lit. Thatwas the moment I spotted three young hoodlumsgetting into my car.So I reached in my shopping bagand pulled out the water gun andshouted in my best Clint Eastwoodvoice, “Outta my car you dirt bags!”To my absolute shock, these three ecrooks jumped out of the car yellingand screaming as they ran down thestreet. I was shaking so much I couldhardly get my bags in the car and hadquite a bit of trouble putting the key inthe ignition to start the engine.After I managed to calm down a bit, itwas then that I realized that my key wouldn’t fit atall. That’s when I spotted my car a few rows down.“So you see doctor, that was the reason I thoughtI would come and get my eyes checked. The twopatrol officers were nice enough to escort me to theclinic today, and I am really hoping to have my newglasses before the hearing date next week.”“Well, sir, I understand your problem, but theophthalmology wing is across the hall. You arecurrently in obstetrics.”Actually this wasn’t the first clue. A few months ago Iwas reading the obituary column and was shocked to seemy name prominently displayed. It was earlyin the morning and it took me a few minutesof looking in the mirror to convince myselfI wasstill here and vertical. When I finallyfounda cheap pair of reading glasses underthe couch, I realized the man in the obituaryhad a different name after all. Now that wasa close call and a sneaky awareness that myeyesight might be changing.But did I do anything about it? Nah. Ithought that it was a onetime fluke and theywouldget better in time. After all, I hadalwaystaken care of my eyes, my only vicewas they were getting older.So I now sport a pair of spectacles that not onlymake me look and feel good, I can see everythingmuch better and with great clarity. Thankfully it isonly my eyesight that is feeling the signs of old age.“Hey Buddy, would you have a dime?”“Why I sure do, it’s exactly 4:05.” These glassesare great.Summer EducationConferenceJuly 27 - 30, 2011www.ladental.org44 LDA Journal

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LDA/LDSEndorsed CompaniesPlease use promotional code LDA when ordering for special pricing14 Step-by-Step Emergency ActionCharts & Checklist:Endorsed by1.866.729.7333 www.EmergencyActionGuide.comMonday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm CentralFor all your dental supplies shop atNew Line Medical and SAVE.Stericycle HasYour PracticeCoveredKeeping dental practicesjust like yours safe withover two decades oftrusted RegulatedMedical Waste services.Shop online at:www.NewLineMedical.comfor additional savings& complete list of productsNew Line Medical, Inc.800-452-8909866-364-3152 FaxStericycle provides on-site and onlineoccupational safety and health supportto keep your office and your staff safe. Let Stericycle take the worry out of compliance foryour office. Call (866) 783-7422 or emailcustomercare@stericycle.comfor more information on these services.

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