oxygel - Lomus Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.

oxygel - Lomus Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. oxygel - Lomus Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.


OXYGEL SuspensionDosage Forms/CompositionSuspension: Each 10ml contains:Magaldrate 800mgSimethicone 50mgOxythazaine 20mgPharmacological IndexAn anesthetic antacidINDICATIONPeptic ulcer, gastritis, and esophagitis.ContraindicationsHypersensitivity. The use of aluminum- or magnesium-containing antacids in patientswith symptoms of appendicitis since these products may increase the danger ofperforation or rupture due to their constipating or laxative effects. The use ofaluminum-containing antacids (except those containing aluminum phosphate) inpatients with hypophosphatemia due to the phosphate binding properties of aluminumsalts. The use of magnesium-containing antacids in patients with severe renal functionimpairment due to increased danger of occurrence of hypermagnesemia.Warnings/PrecautionsThe use of magnesium-containing antacids in patients with mild to moderate renalimpairment should be carefully monitored due to a possible increased danger ofhypermagnesemia. In patients with chronic renal failure, hyperaluminemia may occur.Hypophosphatemia may occur with prolonged administration or large doses ofaluminum-containing antacids (except aluminum phosphate) especially in patientswith an inadequate dietary intake of phosphorus. Pregnancy, lactation. Recommendedfor adult use only.Adverse ReactionsHypersensitivity reactions including skin eruptions (dermatitis, urticaria), pruritus,glossitis, angioedema, metalic taste. If the dose of this product exceeds 60 mL/day,some patients may experience dizziness, faintness, or drowsiness. Magnesiumcontainingantacids may cause diarrhea. Aluminum-containing antacids may causeconstipation.Drug InteractionsAluminum-magnesium hydroxide- containing antacids. Therefore, as a general rule,medication should not be taken within 1 to 2 hours of an antacid, if possible.Tetracycline, iron salts, chlorpromazine, levodopa, isoniazid, digoxin, H2-antagonists,indomethacin, nitrofurantoin, and dicumarol. An increase in the plasma level ofquinidine and possible toxicity may result if alkalization of the urine occurs duringantacid therapy.

OXYGEL SuspensionDosage Forms/CompositionSuspension: Each 10ml contains:Magaldrate 800mgSimethicone 50mgOxythazaine 20mgPharmacological IndexAn anesthetic antacidINDICATIONPeptic ulcer, gastritis, and esophagitis.ContraindicationsHypersensitivity. The use of aluminum- or magnesium-containing antacids in patientswith symptoms of appendicitis since these products may increase the danger ofperforation or rupture due to their constipating or laxative effects. The use ofaluminum-containing antacids (except those containing aluminum phosphate) inpatients with hypophosphatemia due to the phosphate binding properties of aluminumsalts. The use of magnesium-containing antacids in patients with severe renal functionimpairment due to increased danger of occurrence of hypermagnesemia.Warnings/PrecautionsThe use of magnesium-containing antacids in patients with mild to moderate renalimpairment should be carefully monitored due to a possible increased danger ofhypermagnesemia. In patients with chronic renal failure, hyperaluminemia may occur.Hypophosphatemia may occur with prolonged administration or large doses ofaluminum-containing antacids (except aluminum phosphate) especially in patientswith an inadequate dietary intake of phosphorus. Pregnancy, lactation. Recommendedfor adult use only.Adverse ReactionsHypersensitivity reactions including skin eruptions (dermatitis, urticaria), pruritus,glossitis, angioedema, metalic taste. If the dose of this product exceeds 60 mL/day,some patients may experience dizziness, faintness, or drowsiness. Magnesiumcontainingantacids may cause diarrhea. Aluminum-containing antacids may causeconstipation.Drug InteractionsAluminum-magnesium hydroxide- containing antacids. Therefore, as a general rule,medication should not be taken within 1 to 2 hours of an antacid, if possible.Tetracycline, iron salts, chlorpromazine, levodopa, isoniazid, digoxin, H2-antagonists,indomethacin, nitrofurantoin, and dicumarol. An increase in the plasma level ofquinidine and possible toxicity may result if alkalization of the urine occurs duringantacid therapy.

Mechanism of ActionMagaldrate is a hydroxymagnesium aluminate complex that is rapidly converted ingastric acid to magnesium and aluminium hydroxide, which is poorly absorbed andprovides a sustained antacid effect with balanced efects on intestinal motility, increaseslower esophageal sphincter tone and inhibits smooth muscle contraction and gastricemptying. Simethicone allows gas bubbles in the stomach and intestines to cometogether more easily, which allows for easier passage of gas. Oxethazaine is a localanesthetic which when applied to the mucous membranes produces a more potentanesthesia of longer duration.Usual DosageThe recommended dose is 5 to 10 ml taken 4 times daily, 15 minutes before meals andat bedtime. Do not exceed recommended dosage.LOMUS Drug Information Center<strong>Lomus</strong> <strong>Pharmaceuticals</strong> <strong>Pvt</strong>. <strong>Ltd</strong>.P.O. Box No 4506, <strong>Lomus</strong> House (Corporate office),Kailash Chour, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, NepalPh: 4436396 (Hunting Line). Fx: 977-1-4436395E-mail: druginfo@lomus.com.np

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