Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


Summary of Research Support(dollars in thousands)Six Months EndedYear Ended December 31,June 30,2005 2006 2007 2007 2008External Grants EarnedFederal Sources $ 90,114 $91,048 $96,664 $50,202 $51,826Non-Federal Sources 59,298 61,304 77,936 37,810 40,838Total 149,412 152,352 174,600 88,012 92,664Internal Support 43,867 61,271 59,708 27,055 32,275Total Sources of Support $193,279 $213,623 $234,308 $115,067 $124,939Education Institute and the Educational Foundation. The Education Institute works in tandem with theEducational Foundation to further the Cleveland Clinic’s educational objectives. The Educational Foundation isdedicated to promoting education and giving instruction in the art, science and practice of medicine, anatomy andallied health sciences and providing support to the Cleveland Clinic in achieving its mission. The EducationalFoundation is not a member of the Obligated Group.The Educational Foundation operates one of the nation’s largest postgraduate medical education programsand coordinates and administers clerkships for third and fourth-year medical students, fellowships for advancedphysician training in most specialty fields of medicine and surgery and selected fields of research, and continuingeducation courses for practicing physicians, nurses and allied health professionals. At present, the EducationInstitute and the Educational Foundation sponsor Graduate Medical Education for over 900 residents and postgraduatefellows in over 130 training programs. Teaching faculty is provided by the Cleveland Clinic.In July 2004, the Cleveland Clinic and CWRU opened the College of Medicine, with an initial class of 32students selected from more than 600 applicants. In July 2007, the College of Medicine enrolled a class of 32students (from more than 1,200 applicants). The College of Medicine provides an educational program leading tothe award of the Medical Doctor degree by the CWRU School of Medicine. CWRU’s School of Medicine is rankedin the top tier among U.S. medical schools for its educational programs and National Institute of Health funding, andthe College of Medicine is built upon the respective strengths of the Cleveland Clinic and CWRU in medicalresearch and education.Principal FacilitiesMain Campus. The Cleveland Clinic’s hospital and research activities and a significant portion of itsclinical operations take place within approximately six million gross square feet of building space located on a 130-acre campus on the near-east side of Cleveland. Over the past ten years, the Cleveland Clinic has completed theconstruction of several major projects at its main campus, including the Lerner Research Institute (1998); the ColeEye Institute (1999); and the Taussig Cancer Center (2000). These projects added approximately 715,000 squarefeet of clinical, research and education space to the main campus. The Cleveland Clinic also completed during thisperiod the 163-room Cleveland Clinic InterContinental Suites Hotel (the “Suites Hotel”) (1999) and the 323-roomCleveland Clinic InterContinental Conference Center Hotel (the “Conference Center Hotel”) (2003). The SuitesHotel, Conference Center Hotel and the 232-room Cleveland Clinic Guesthouse (the “Cleveland ClinicGuesthouse”) are all located on the main campus and operated by Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation(“InterContinental”). The Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Pavilion (the “Miller Family Pavilion”), which isscheduled to open in Fall 2008, will add 288 beds in private rooms, 110 beds in the Intensive Care Unit and 28short-stay beds and nearly one million gross square feet of building space to the main campus. The GlickmanTower, a twelve-story, 319,000 square foot facility (the “Glickman Tower”), will open alongside the Miller FamilyPavilion in Fall 2008 and will be the home of the Cleveland Clinic’s Glickman Urological Institute.A-14

The main campus also includes a combined patient parking garage with 1,346 spaces and office facilitycontaining 131,000 square feet of administrative office space (the “Leased Garage/Office Facility”) that wascompleted in October 2004; a 156,000 square foot Genetics and Adult Stem Cell Research Building (the “LeasedResearch Facility”) that was completed in December 2004, and a combined employee parking garage withapproximately 4,000 parking spaces and a 221,975 square foot underground service center and 10,631 square footground level office space (the “Leased Garage/Service Center Facility”) that is under construction and scheduled toopen in Fall 2008, each of which is located on property ground leased by the Cleveland Clinic to a third party andleased by the third party to the Cleveland Clinic under a long-term lease that is treated as an operating lease forfinancial accounting purposes. For additional detail regarding these facilities, see Appendix B – AuditedConsolidated Financial Statements and Other Financial Information. The Leased Office/Garage addresses the needfor parking that resulted from the demolition of the main entrance garage to provide the site for the Miller FamilyPavilion. The Leased Research Facility houses state-of-the-art genetic research laboratories, administrative officesand conference rooms used by Cleveland Clinic-employed scientists and physician-scientists to perform basicbiomedical research, with a focus on adult stem cell and related research. The Leased Garage/Service CenterFacility will provide on-campus parking for Cleveland Clinic personnel and centralized services for the maincampus, including laundry, sterilization, shipping and receiving, and materials management.The Cleveland Clinic also leases approximately 145,000 additional square feet of space in the W.O. WalkerCenter, a facility located immediately east of the main campus. The facility is owned by an Ohio nonprofitcorporation of which the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals Health System (“University Hospitals”) are thesole members and have equal representation as to governance. The Cleveland Clinic is obligated to make rentalpayments in an amount equal to debt service payable on Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 I (W.O. WalkerCenter, Inc.) issued by Cuyahoga County to finance and refinance costs of acquiring and improving the facilityallocable to the Cleveland Clinic’s interest in the facility. Those bonds are outstanding at present in the aggregateprincipal amount of approximately $19.5 million. The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals share the paymentof operating expenses generally on the basis of the square footage used by each.See the discussion under “PART IV – MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OFRESULTS OF HEALTH SYSTEM OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL POSITION – H. ANTICIPATEDEXPENDITURES, FUTURE PLANS AND OUTLOOK FOR OPERATIONS” regarding the current considerationof specific projects and the consideration generally of potential new projects.Regional. The Cleveland Clinic operates 16 suburban Family Health Centers in northeast Ohio, each ofwhich is either owned and occupied exclusively by the Cleveland Clinic or operated by the Cleveland Clinic underlong-term lease arrangements. See “PART II – THE OBLIGATED GROUP – A. THE CLEVELAND CLINIC –The Clinic – Regional Medical Practice” for a description of the Cleveland Clinic’s 16 Family Health Centers andcertain other facilities located in northeast Ohio.The Cleveland Clinic owns an approximately 522,000 square foot building located six miles east of themain campus that was formerly the world headquarters of Parker Hannifin Corporation. That building housescertain Health System administrative support operations (the “Administrative Support Campus”). In addition, in2002, the former world headquarters facility for TRW Inc. was donated to the Cleveland Clinic and is currentlyowned by two affiliates of the Cleveland Clinic. The 435,000 square foot building is located on an approximately98-acre site seven miles east of the main campus in Lyndhurst, Ohio and is used for administrative functions (the“Lyndhurst Campus”). In 2007, the Cleveland Clinic purchased the underlying land and leased five buildings inBeachwood, Ohio that formerly served as the corporate headquarters of MBNA (the “Beachwood Campus”). TheCleveland Clinic leases approximately 707,000 square feet in two of the buildings for administrative supportoperations pursuant to the terms of an operating lease and subleases the other three buildings to Bank of America,which acquired MBNA in 2006. The Cleveland Clinic ground leases separate portions of the land to the owners ofthe buildings.Excluded Property. The following real property is not integral to the Obligated Group’s operationalactivities and its use, disposition and maintenance are not subject to covenants otherwise applicable to property ofthe Obligated Group under the Master Trust Indenture: property owned by Cleveland Clinic and used by theCleveland Museum of Natural History; Foundation House, a fully restored, early-twentieth-century mansion housethat is used for meetings and receptions; and various other properties located in the Cleveland area outside theA-15

The main campus also includes a <strong>com</strong>bined patient parking garage with 1,346 spaces and office facilitycontaining 131,000 square feet of administrative office space (the “Leased Garage/Office Facility”) that was<strong>com</strong>pleted in October 2004; a 156,000 square foot Genetics and Adult Stem Cell Research Building (the “LeasedResearch Facility”) that was <strong>com</strong>pleted in December 2004, and a <strong>com</strong>bined employee parking garage withapproximately 4,000 parking spaces and a 221,975 square foot underground service center and 10,631 square footground level office space (the “Leased Garage/Service Center Facility”) that is under construction and scheduled toopen in Fall 2008, each of which is located on property ground leased by the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> to a third party andleased by the third party to the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> under a long-term lease that is treated as an operating lease forfinancial accounting purposes. For additional detail regarding these facilities, see Appendix B – AuditedConsolidated Financial Statements and Other Financial Information. The Leased Office/Garage addresses the needfor parking that resulted from the demolition of the main entrance garage to provide the site for the Miller FamilyPavilion. The Leased Research Facility houses state-of-the-art genetic research laboratories, administrative officesand conference rooms used by <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>-employed scientists and physician-scientists to perform basicbiomedical research, with a focus on adult stem cell and related research. The Leased Garage/Service CenterFacility will provide on-campus parking for <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> personnel and centralized services for the maincampus, including laundry, sterilization, shipping and receiving, and materials management.The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> also leases approximately 145,000 additional square feet of space in the W.O. WalkerCenter, a facility located immediately east of the main campus. The facility is owned by an Ohio nonprofitcorporation of which the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> and University Hospitals <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong> (“University Hospitals”) are thesole members and have equal representation as to governance. The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> is obligated to make rentalpayments in an amount equal to debt service payable on Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 I (W.O. WalkerCenter, Inc.) issued by Cuyahoga County to finance and refinance costs of acquiring and improving the facilityallocable to the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>’s interest in the facility. Those bonds are outstanding at present in the aggregateprincipal amount of approximately $19.5 million. The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> and University Hospitals share the paymentof operating expenses generally on the basis of the square footage used by each.See the discussion under “PART IV – MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OFRESULTS OF HEALTH SYSTEM OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL POSITION – H. ANTICIPATEDEXPENDITURES, FUTURE PLANS AND OUTLOOK FOR OPERATIONS” regarding the current considerationof specific projects and the consideration generally of potential new projects.Regional. The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> operates 16 suburban Family <strong>Health</strong> Centers in northeast Ohio, each ofwhich is either owned and occupied exclusively by the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> or operated by the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> underlong-term lease arrangements. See “PART II – THE OBLIGATED GROUP – A. THE CLEVELAND CLINIC –The <strong>Clinic</strong> – Regional Medical Practice” for a description of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>’s 16 Family <strong>Health</strong> Centers andcertain other facilities located in northeast Ohio.The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> owns an approximately 522,000 square foot building located six miles east of themain campus that was formerly the world headquarters of Parker Hannifin Corporation. That building housescertain <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong> administrative support operations (the “Administrative Support Campus”). In addition, in2002, the former world headquarters facility for TRW Inc. was donated to the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> and is currentlyowned by two affiliates of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>. The 435,000 square foot building is located on an approximately98-acre site seven miles east of the main campus in Lyndhurst, Ohio and is used for administrative functions (the“Lyndhurst Campus”). In 2007, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> purchased the underlying land and leased five buildings inBeachwood, Ohio that formerly served as the corporate headquarters of MBNA (the “Beachwood Campus”). The<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> leases approximately 707,000 square feet in two of the buildings for administrative supportoperations pursuant to the terms of an operating lease and subleases the other three buildings to Bank of America,which acquired MBNA in 2006. The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> ground leases separate portions of the land to the owners ofthe buildings.Excluded Property. The following real property is not integral to the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s operationalactivities and its use, disposition and maintenance are not subject to covenants otherwise applicable to property ofthe <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong> under the Master Trust Indenture: property owned by <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> and used by the<strong>Cleveland</strong> Museum of Natural History; Foundation House, a fully restored, early-twentieth-century mansion housethat is used for meetings and receptions; and various other properties located in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> area outside theA-15

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