Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


Bonds;(5) Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform with respect to any Related(6) Adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-exempt status of Related Bonds;(7) Amendments (i) to the Master Indenture modifying the rights or security of holders of MasterNotes or rights of holders of Related Bonds or (ii) any Related Bond Indenture or Related Loan Agreementmodifying the rights or security of any Bondholders;(8) Calls for the redemption of any of the Related Bonds (other than mandatory sinking fundredemptions);(9) Full or partial defeasance of any of the Related Bonds;(10) Release, substitution or sale of property securing repayment of any of the Related Bonds; and(11) Rating changes affecting any of the Related Bonds.The Continuing Disclosure Agreement will also require the Dissemination Agent to provide, within 5Business Days of each Annual Report Date or Quarterly Report Date to each Repository, notice of its failure toprovide the Annual Report or a Quarterly Report by the Annual Report Date or the Quarterly Report Date,respectively.The types of information to be disclosed in the Annual Report may be modified in connection withsubsequent continuing disclosure certificates filed with the Dissemination Agent in the form prescribed by theMaster Continuing Disclosure Agreement, but only upon receipt by the Dissemination Agent of (i) an opinion ofnationally recognized disclosure counsel (which may also act as counsel to one or more Obligated Issuers) to theeffect that the undertaking of the Obligated Issuers pursuant to the Master Continuing Disclosure Agreement, as somodified by the subsequently filed continuing disclosure certificate, would have complied with the Rule on the dateof the first offering of Related Bonds under the Master Continuing Disclosure Agreement, taking into account anyamendment or interpretation of the Rule by the SEC or a court of competent jurisdiction following delivery of theMaster Continuing Disclosure Agreement (such an opinion hereinafter referred to as an “Approving DisclosureOpinion”), and (ii) a determination of a party unaffiliated with any Related Issuer or Obligated Person (e.g., theMaster Trustee, a Related Bond Trustee or nationally recognized municipal bond counsel or disclosure counsel) thatsuch modification will not adversely affect the Bondholders in any material respect (or otherwise providing theconsent of the requisite approving percentage of Bondholders of each series of Related Bonds to such modification).In addition, the Master Continuing Disclosure Agreement may be amended or any provision thereofwaived, upon provision to the Dissemination Agent of an Approving Disclosure Opinion with respect to suchamendment or waiver.The Master Continuing Disclosure Agreement will remain in effect as long as any Series 2008A Bonds,any other Related Bonds subject thereto or any Master Notes remain outstanding and will require the ObligatedIssuers’ Representative to provide the Annual Report and Quarterly Report for an entity as long as such entity wasan Obligated Issuer during the fiscal years to which such information and data relate. The Continuing DisclosureAgreement will be entered into for the benefit of the owners of Related Bonds, the Obligated Issuers, theDissemination Agent, the Related Bond Trustees, the Commissions of Related Bonds and any participatingunderwriters and no other persons. A default by the Obligated Issuers’ Representative or the Dissemination Agentin furnishing or forwarding required information or notices will not constitute a default or event of default under anyRelated Bond Indenture. The sole remedy for any such default is an action by a Bondholder or Related BondTrustee on behalf of the Related Bondholders. Upon a default and the request of the owners (or any Bond Trusteerepresenting Bondholders) owning not less than 25% in aggregate principal amount of all Related Bonds thenoutstanding, the Dissemination Agent shall take such actions it deems appropriate, including seeking mandamus orspecific performance by court order, to cause the Obligated Issuers’ Representative to comply with the MasterContinuing Disclosure Agreement.62

The CommissionBecause the Series 2008A Bonds are special, limited obligations, the Commission does not intend toprovide the Bond Trustee with any additional information regarding itself or the Series 2008A Bonds after the dateof issuance of the Series 2008A Bonds.MISCELLANEOUSThe references herein to the Bond Indenture, the State Financing Lease, the Base Lease, the Master TrustIndenture and other documents and materials are brief outlines of certain provisions thereof. Such outlines do notpurport to be complete and for full and complete statements of such provisions reference is made to suchinstruments and other materials, copies of which are on file at the office of The Huntington National Bank,Columbus, Ohio, 44 South High Street, Columbus Ohio 43215.The Cleveland Clinic has furnished information in this Offering Circular relating to the Cleveland Clinicand each other Obligated Issuer has furnished information in this Offering Circular relating to such Obligated Issuer.The Commission has furnished only the information included in this Offering Circular under the heading “THECOMMISSION” and under the heading “LITIGATION — The Commission.” All estimates and other statements inthis Offering Circular involving matters of opinion, whether or not expressly so stated, are intended as such and notas representations of fact. This Offering Circular is not to be construed as a contract or agreement between theCommission or the Obligated Issuers and the purchasers, holders or beneficial owners of any of the Series 2008ABonds.63

The CommissionBecause the Series 2008A Bonds are special, limited obligations, the Commission does not intend toprovide the Bond Trustee with any additional information regarding itself or the Series 2008A Bonds after the dateof issuance of the Series 2008A Bonds.MISCELLANEOUSThe references herein to the Bond Indenture, the State Financing Lease, the Base Lease, the Master TrustIndenture and other documents and materials are brief outlines of certain provisions thereof. Such outlines do notpurport to be <strong>com</strong>plete and for full and <strong>com</strong>plete statements of such provisions reference is made to suchinstruments and other materials, copies of which are on file at the office of The Huntington National Bank,Columbus, Ohio, 44 South High Street, Columbus Ohio 43215.The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> has furnished information in this Offering Circular relating to the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>and each other <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuer has furnished information in this Offering Circular relating to such <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuer.The Commission has furnished only the information included in this Offering Circular under the heading “THECOMMISSION” and under the heading “LITIGATION — The Commission.” All estimates and other statements inthis Offering Circular involving matters of opinion, whether or not expressly so stated, are intended as such and notas representations of fact. This Offering Circular is not to be construed as a contract or agreement between theCommission or the <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuers and the purchasers, holders or beneficial owners of any of the Series 2008ABonds.63

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