Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


• Increasing use of health savings accounts or high deductible health insurance plans byconsumers that may be inadequate to pay the ultimate cost of caring for patients whoparticipate in such accounts or plans.• Cost increases without corresponding increases in revenue could result from, amongother factors: increases in the salaries, wages, and fringe benefits of hospital and clinicemployees; increases in costs associated with advances in medical technology or withinflation; or future legislation which would prevent or limit the ability of the ObligatedIssuers to increase revenues.• Any termination or alteration of existing agreements between an Obligated Issuer andindividual physicians and physician groups who render services to the patients of anObligated Issuer or any termination or alteration of referral patterns by individualphysicians and physician groups who render services to the patients of an ObligatedIssuer with whom such Issuer does not have contractual arrangements.• Future contract negotiations between public and private insurers, employers andparticipating hospitals, including the Obligated Issuers’ hospitals, and other efforts bythese insurers and employers to limit hospitalization costs and coverage could adverselyaffect the level of reimbursement to the Obligated Issuers.• An inflationary economy and difficulty in increasing room charges and other feescharged while at the same time maintaining the amount or quality of health services mayaffect the Obligated Issuers’ operating margins.• The cost and effect of any future unionization of employees of the Obligated Issuers.• The possible inability to obtain future governmental approvals to undertake projectsnecessary to remain competitive both as to rates and charges as well as quality and scopeof care could adversely affect the operations of the Obligated Issuers.• Imposition of wage and price controls for the health care industry, such as those that wereimposed and adversely affected health care facilities in the early 1970s.• Limitations on the availability of and increased compensation necessary to secure andretain nursing, technical or other professional personnel.• Changes in law or revenue rulings governing the not-for-profit or tax-exempt status ofcharitable corporations such as the Obligated Issuers, such that not-for-profitcorporations, as a condition of maintaining their tax-exempt status, are required toprovide increased indigent care at reduced rates or without charge or discontinue servicespreviously provided.• Continued spread of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or the mutation and spreadof the avian influenza virus may cause increases in operating costs and increase theincidence of bad debts.• Trends in delivery of health care services with more procedures becoming noninvasiveand not requiring inpatient care. This creates an increased focus on delivery of outpatientcare which typically is a more competitive environment for hospitals.• A decrease in population or change in demographics in the service areas of the ObligatedIssuers.• Efforts by taxing authorities to impose or increase taxes related to the property andoperations of non-profit organizations or to cause non-profit organizations to increase theamount of services provided to indigents to avoid the imposition or increase of suchtaxes.54

• Proposals to eliminate the tax-exempt status of interest on bonds issued to finance healthfacilities, or to limit the use of such tax-exempt bonds, have been made in the past, andmay be made again in the future. The adoption of such proposals would increase the costto the Obligated Issuers of financing future capital needs.• Increased unemployment or other adverse economic conditions which could increase theproportion of patients who are unable to pay fully for the cost of their care. In addition,increased unemployment caused by a general downturn in the economy of the ObligatedIssuers’ service areas or by the closing of operations of one or more major employers insuch service areas may result in a significant change in the demographics of such serviceareas, such as a reduction in the population.In the future, other events may adversely affect the operations of the Obligated Issuers, as well as otherhealth care facilities, in a manner and to an extent that cannot be determined at this time.TAX MATTERSIn the opinion of Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P., Bond Counsel, under existing law: (i) interest on theSeries 2008A Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes under Section 103 of theInternal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and is not an item of tax preference for purposes of thefederal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations; and (ii) interest on, and any profit madeon the sale, exchange or other disposition of, the Series 2008A Bonds are exempt from the Ohio personal incometax, the Ohio commercial activity tax, the net income base of the Ohio corporate franchise tax, and municipal,school district and joint economic development district income taxes in Ohio. Bond Counsel expresses no opinionas to any other tax consequences regarding the Series 2008A Bonds.The opinion on tax matters will be based on and will assume the accuracy of certain representations andcertifications, and continuing compliance with certain covenants, of the Commission and the Obligated Groupcontained in the transcript of proceedings and that are intended to evidence and assure the foregoing, including thatthe Series 2008A Bonds are and will remain obligations the interest on which is excluded from gross income forfederal income tax purposes. In addition, Bond Counsel has relied on, among other things, the opinion of DavidRowan, Chief Legal Officer of the Cleveland Clinic, regarding the current status of each member of the ObligatedGroup as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, which opinion is subject to a number ofqualifications and limitations. Bond Counsel also has relied upon representations of the members of the ObligatedGroup concerning the Obligated Group’s “unrelated trade or business” activities as defined in Section 513(a) of theCode. Neither Bond Counsel nor the Chief Legal Officer has given any opinion or assurance concerning Section513(a) of the Code or the effect of any future activities of the Commission or the Obligated Group. Failure of themembers of the Obligated Group to maintain their status as organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of theCode, or to operate the facilities financed by the Series 2008A Bonds in a manner that is substantially related to theObligated Group’s charitable purpose under Section 513(a) of the Code, may cause interest on the Series 2008ABonds to be included in gross income retroactively to the date of the issuance of the Series 2008A Bonds. BondCounsel will not independently verify the accuracy of the Commission’s and the Obligated Group’s certificationsand representations or the continuing compliance with the Commission’s and the Obligated Group’s covenants andwill not independently verify the accuracy of the opinion of the Obligated Group’s counsel.The opinion of Bond Counsel is based on current legal authority and covers certain matters not directlyaddressed by such authority. It represents Bond Counsel’s legal judgment as to exclusion of interest on the Series2008A Bonds from gross income for federal income tax purposes but is not a guaranty of that conclusion. Theopinion is not binding on the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) or any court. Bond Counsel expresses no opinionabout (i) the effect of future changes in the Code and the applicable regulations under the Code or (ii) theinterpretation and the enforcement of the Code or those regulations by the IRS.The Code prescribes a number of qualifications and conditions for the interest on state and localgovernment obligations to be and to remain excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, some ofwhich require future or continued compliance after issuance of the obligations. Noncompliance with theserequirements by the Commission or the Obligated Group may cause loss of such status and result in the interest on55

• Proposals to eliminate the tax-exempt status of interest on bonds issued to finance healthfacilities, or to limit the use of such tax-exempt bonds, have been made in the past, andmay be made again in the future. The adoption of such proposals would increase the costto the <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuers of financing future capital needs.• Increased unemployment or other adverse economic conditions which could increase theproportion of patients who are unable to pay fully for the cost of their care. In addition,increased unemployment caused by a general downturn in the economy of the <strong>Obligated</strong>Issuers’ service areas or by the closing of operations of one or more major employers insuch service areas may result in a significant change in the demographics of such serviceareas, such as a reduction in the population.In the future, other events may adversely affect the operations of the <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuers, as well as otherhealth care facilities, in a manner and to an extent that cannot be determined at this time.TAX MATTERSIn the opinion of Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P., Bond Counsel, under existing law: (i) interest on theSeries 2008A Bonds is excluded from gross in<strong>com</strong>e for federal in<strong>com</strong>e tax purposes under Section 103 of theInternal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and is not an item of tax preference for purposes of thefederal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations; and (ii) interest on, and any profit madeon the sale, exchange or other disposition of, the Series 2008A Bonds are exempt from the Ohio personal in<strong>com</strong>etax, the Ohio <strong>com</strong>mercial activity tax, the net in<strong>com</strong>e base of the Ohio corporate franchise tax, and municipal,school district and joint economic development district in<strong>com</strong>e taxes in Ohio. Bond Counsel expresses no opinionas to any other tax consequences regarding the Series 2008A Bonds.The opinion on tax matters will be based on and will assume the accuracy of certain representations andcertifications, and continuing <strong>com</strong>pliance with certain covenants, of the Commission and the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>contained in the transcript of proceedings and that are intended to evidence and assure the foregoing, including thatthe Series 2008A Bonds are and will remain obligations the interest on which is excluded from gross in<strong>com</strong>e forfederal in<strong>com</strong>e tax purposes. In addition, Bond Counsel has relied on, among other things, the opinion of DavidRowan, Chief Legal Officer of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>, regarding the current status of each member of the <strong>Obligated</strong><strong>Group</strong> as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, which opinion is subject to a number ofqualifications and limitations. Bond Counsel also has relied upon representations of the members of the <strong>Obligated</strong><strong>Group</strong> concerning the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s “unrelated trade or business” activities as defined in Section 513(a) of theCode. Neither Bond Counsel nor the Chief Legal Officer has given any opinion or assurance concerning Section513(a) of the Code or the effect of any future activities of the Commission or the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>. Failure of themembers of the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong> to maintain their status as organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of theCode, or to operate the facilities financed by the Series 2008A Bonds in a manner that is substantially related to the<strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s charitable purpose under Section 513(a) of the Code, may cause interest on the Series 2008ABonds to be included in gross in<strong>com</strong>e retroactively to the date of the issuance of the Series 2008A Bonds. BondCounsel will not independently verify the accuracy of the Commission’s and the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s certificationsand representations or the continuing <strong>com</strong>pliance with the Commission’s and the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s covenants andwill not independently verify the accuracy of the opinion of the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s counsel.The opinion of Bond Counsel is based on current legal authority and covers certain matters not directlyaddressed by such authority. It represents Bond Counsel’s legal judgment as to exclusion of interest on the Series2008A Bonds from gross in<strong>com</strong>e for federal in<strong>com</strong>e tax purposes but is not a guaranty of that conclusion. Theopinion is not binding on the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) or any court. Bond Counsel expresses no opinionabout (i) the effect of future changes in the Code and the applicable regulations under the Code or (ii) theinterpretation and the enforcement of the Code or those regulations by the IRS.The Code prescribes a number of qualifications and conditions for the interest on state and localgovernment obligations to be and to remain excluded from gross in<strong>com</strong>e for federal in<strong>com</strong>e tax purposes, some ofwhich require future or continued <strong>com</strong>pliance after issuance of the obligations. Non<strong>com</strong>pliance with theserequirements by the Commission or the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong> may cause loss of such status and result in the interest on55

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