Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


INVESTMENT OF FUNDSAt the oral or written direction of the Authorized Lessee Representative, money held for the credit of allSpecial Funds will be continuously invested and reinvested to the extent practicable by the Bond Trustee inPermitted Investments that mature not later than the respective dates when the money held for the credit of theSpecial Funds or Accounts therein will be required for the purposes intended. The Bond Indenture requires theBond Trustee to sell or redeem investments credited to the Debt Service Fund to produce sufficient money to and forthe purposes of paying Bond Service Charges when due, without necessity for any order on behalf of theCommission and without restriction by reason of any order. No Permitted Investments in any Fund or Account maymature beyond the latest maturity date of any Series 2008A Bonds Outstanding at the time such investments aredeposited. Any investment made pursuant to the provisions summarized under this caption must comply with therepresentations and covenants that the Cleveland Clinic and the Commission made in Section 5.7 of the Lease thateach has taken and caused to be taken, and covenants that it will take and cause to be taken, all actions that may berequired of it for the interest on the Series 2008A Bonds to be and to remain excluded from gross income for federalincome tax purposes and from treatment as an item of tax preference for purposes of the alternative minimum taximposed on individuals and corporations under the Code.Amounts contained in any Debt Service Reserve Fund may be invested only in the instruments set forth inparagraphs (a), (b) and (e) of the definition of Permitted Investments, with maturities of not longer than five years.Subject to the provisions of the Bond Indenture summarized under this caption, the Authorized LesseeRepresentative may at any time give to the Bond Trustee written directions respecting the investment of any moneyin the Special Funds required to be invested under the Bond Indenture, and the Bond Trustee must invest suchmoney as so directed by the Cleveland Clinic. The Bond Trustee may request, in writing, direction or authorizationof the Cleveland Clinic with respect to the proposed investment of money under the provisions of the BondIndenture. Upon receipt of such request, accompanied by a memorandum setting forth the details of any proposedinvestment, the Authorized Lessee Representative will either approve such proposed investment or give writtendirections to the Bond Trustee respecting the investment of such money, and, in the case of such directions, theBond Trustee must then, subject to the provisions of the Bond Indenture summarized under this caption, invest suchmoney in accordance with such directions.Permitted Investments credited to any Special Fund established under the Bond Indenture will be held by orunder the control of the Bond Trustee and while so held are deemed at all times to be part of such Fund or Accountin which such money was originally held.Any profit or loss realized from such investment in any Account or subaccount of the Project Fund will becredited to the respective Account or subaccount of the Project Fund. Any profit or loss realized from suchinvestment in the Rebate Fund will be credited to the Rebate Fund. Profit realized from investment of the DebtService Reserve Fund together with profit realized on investment of the Debt Service Fund will be credited first tothe Principal Payment Account of the Debt Service Fund until the balance therein equals the amount of principalpayable within the next thirteen months and thereafter will be credited to the Interest Payment Account of the DebtService Fund. The Bond Trustee must sell at the best price obtainable or present for redemption any obligations sopurchased whenever it shall be necessary to do so in order to provide money to make any payment or transfer ofmoney from any such Fund or Account.The Bond Trustee will not be liable or responsible for any loss resulting from any such investment.The Bond Trustee may make any investments permitted under the Bond Indenture through its own bonddepartment or the bond department of any bank or trust company that is an affiliate of the Bond Trustee.EVENTS OF DEFAULTThe following are Events of Default under the Bond Indenture:(a)Default in the payment of any interest on any Series 2008A Bond when due and payable;C-40

(b) Default in the payment of the principal, or any redemption premium on, any Series2008A Bond when due and payable, whether at stated maturity, upon acceleration or redemption;(c) The Commission for any reason is rendered incapable of fulfilling its obligations underthe Bond Indenture, or the Commission defaults in the due and punctual performance of any of the othercovenants, conditions, agreements and provisions contained in the Series 2008A Bonds or in the BondIndenture or any Supplemental Bond Indenture on the part of the Commission to be performed, and suchincapacity or default continues for 60 days after written notice specifying such default and requiring thesame to be remedied given to the Commission and the Cleveland Clinic by the Bond Trustee (which noticemay be given by the Bond Trustee in its discretion and must be given at the written request of the Holdersof not less than 25% in aggregate principal amount of the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding); providedthat, if any such default is correctable but is such that it cannot be corrected within such period, it will notconstitute an Event of Default if corrective action is instituted by the Commission or the Cleveland Clinicwithin such period and diligently pursued until the default is corrected; and(d)been waived.An Event of Default specified in the Lease has occurred and is continuing and has notThe Bond Trustee is not required under the Bond Indenture to take notice or is not deemed to have noticeof any Default or Event of Default unless the Bond Trustee shall be specifically notified in writing of such Defaultor Event of Default by the Commission, the Cleveland Clinic or the Holders of at least 10% in principal amount ofall Series 2008A Bonds Outstanding, and in the absence of such notice so delivered, the Bond Trustee mayconclusively assume there is no Default. Not later than the 30th day following the occurrence of any Event ofDefault of which the Bond Trustee is required to take notice or has received notice, the Bond Trustee must givewritten notice of such Event of Default by first-class mail to all Holders of Series 2008A Bonds as shown on theBond Register maintained by the Bond Trustee, unless such Default has been cured or waived; provided that, exceptin the case of a default in the payment of the principal of or interest or any premium on any Series 2008A Bond, theBond Trustee shall be protected in withholding such notice from Bondholders if and so long as the Bond Trustee ingood faith determines that the withholding of such notice is in the interests of the Bondholders.ACCELERATION, ANNULMENT AND RESCISSIONIf an Event of Default under the Bond Indenture occurred and is continuing, the Bond Trustee may, andmust, at the direction of Holders of at least 25% in aggregate principal amount of the Outstanding Series 2008ABonds, by written notice to the Commission and the Cleveland Clinic, declare the principal of all Series 2008ABonds then Outstanding and the interest accrued thereon immediately due and payable. Such principal and interestwill thereupon become and be immediately due and payable at the place of payment for which provision is made insuch written notice, anything in the Bond Indenture or in the Series 2008A Bonds to the contrary notwithstanding.Upon the acceleration of the principal and interest accrued on the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding,the Bond Trustee must immediately declare all Basic Rent payable under the Lease with respect to the Series 2008ABonds then Outstanding to be immediately due and payable.If, at any time after the principal of the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding becomes due and payablepursuant to the provisions of the Bond Indenture summarized under this caption, and before the entry of finaljudgment or decree in any suit, action or proceeding instituted on account of such acceleration or before thecompletion of the enforcement of any other remedy under the Bond Indenture, all arrears of interest, with interest (tothe extent permitted by law) at the rate borne by the Series 2008A Bonds on overdue installments of interest inrespect to which such Default has occurred, and all arrears of payments of principal when due, as the case may be,and all fees and expenses of the Bond Trustee in connection with such Default have been paid or provision for theirpayment has been made, then the acceleration of the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding and the consequences oftheir acceleration shall be annulled or rescinded; provided that, no such annulment or rescission will extend to oraffect any subsequent acceleration of the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding, or impair any right consequentthereon.C-41

(b) Default in the payment of the principal, or any redemption premium on, any Series2008A Bond when due and payable, whether at stated maturity, upon acceleration or redemption;(c) The Commission for any reason is rendered incapable of fulfilling its obligations underthe Bond Indenture, or the Commission defaults in the due and punctual performance of any of the othercovenants, conditions, agreements and provisions contained in the Series 2008A Bonds or in the BondIndenture or any Supplemental Bond Indenture on the part of the Commission to be performed, and suchincapacity or default continues for 60 days after written notice specifying such default and requiring thesame to be remedied given to the Commission and the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> by the Bond Trustee (which noticemay be given by the Bond Trustee in its discretion and must be given at the written request of the Holdersof not less than 25% in aggregate principal amount of the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding); providedthat, if any such default is correctable but is such that it cannot be corrected within such period, it will notconstitute an Event of Default if corrective action is instituted by the Commission or the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>within such period and diligently pursued until the default is corrected; and(d)been waived.An Event of Default specified in the Lease has occurred and is continuing and has notThe Bond Trustee is not required under the Bond Indenture to take notice or is not deemed to have noticeof any Default or Event of Default unless the Bond Trustee shall be specifically notified in writing of such Defaultor Event of Default by the Commission, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> or the Holders of at least 10% in principal amount ofall Series 2008A Bonds Outstanding, and in the absence of such notice so delivered, the Bond Trustee mayconclusively assume there is no Default. Not later than the 30th day following the occurrence of any Event ofDefault of which the Bond Trustee is required to take notice or has received notice, the Bond Trustee must givewritten notice of such Event of Default by first-class mail to all Holders of Series 2008A Bonds as shown on theBond Register maintained by the Bond Trustee, unless such Default has been cured or waived; provided that, exceptin the case of a default in the payment of the principal of or interest or any premium on any Series 2008A Bond, theBond Trustee shall be protected in withholding such notice from Bondholders if and so long as the Bond Trustee ingood faith determines that the withholding of such notice is in the interests of the Bondholders.ACCELERATION, ANNULMENT AND RESCISSIONIf an Event of Default under the Bond Indenture occurred and is continuing, the Bond Trustee may, andmust, at the direction of Holders of at least 25% in aggregate principal amount of the Outstanding Series 2008ABonds, by written notice to the Commission and the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>, declare the principal of all Series 2008ABonds then Outstanding and the interest accrued thereon immediately due and payable. Such principal and interestwill thereupon be<strong>com</strong>e and be immediately due and payable at the place of payment for which provision is made insuch written notice, anything in the Bond Indenture or in the Series 2008A Bonds to the contrary notwithstanding.Upon the acceleration of the principal and interest accrued on the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding,the Bond Trustee must immediately declare all Basic Rent payable under the Lease with respect to the Series 2008ABonds then Outstanding to be immediately due and payable.If, at any time after the principal of the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding be<strong>com</strong>es due and payablepursuant to the provisions of the Bond Indenture summarized under this caption, and before the entry of finaljudgment or decree in any suit, action or proceeding instituted on account of such acceleration or before the<strong>com</strong>pletion of the enforcement of any other remedy under the Bond Indenture, all arrears of interest, with interest (tothe extent permitted by law) at the rate borne by the Series 2008A Bonds on overdue installments of interest inrespect to which such Default has occurred, and all arrears of payments of principal when due, as the case may be,and all fees and expenses of the Bond Trustee in connection with such Default have been paid or provision for theirpayment has been made, then the acceleration of the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding and the consequences oftheir acceleration shall be annulled or rescinded; provided that, no such annulment or rescission will extend to oraffect any subsequent acceleration of the Series 2008A Bonds then Outstanding, or impair any right consequentthereon.C-41

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