Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


(ii) Master Notes for the payment or redemption of which sufficient cash orEscrow Obligations to the extent permitted in the Master Indenture shall have theretofore beenirrevocably deposited with the Master Trustee; provided that if such Master Notes are to beredeemed prior to the maturity thereof, notice of such redemption shall have been given orarrangements satisfactory to the Master Trustee shall have been made therefor, or waiver of suchnotice satisfactory in form to the Master Trustee shall have been filed with the Master Trustee; andprovided further that prior to such redemption or payment, the Master Notes to be paid orredeemed shall be deemed to be Outstanding for the purpose of replacement under the MasterIndenture and transfer and exchange under the Master Indenture;(iii) Master Notes issued under the Master Indenture in connection with theissuance of a series of Related Bonds, to the extent that such Related Bonds are no longer deemedto be outstanding under the provisions of the Related Bond Indenture;(iv) Master Notes in lieu of which other Master Notes have beenauthenticated under the Master Indenture; and(v)the Master Indenture.Master Notes owned by members of the Combined Group, subject to(b) when used in connection with Indebtedness not evidenced by Master Notes, all suchIndebtedness except:(i) Indebtedness with respect to which the obligation of any member of theCombined Group to make payments has been discharged or Indebtedness which is no longerdeemed to be outstanding, in accordance with the terms of the instrument or instruments creatingor evidencing such Indebtedness;(ii) Indebtedness, provision for the payment of which has been made by thedeposit in trust of cash or investment securities, not redeemable at the option of anyone other thanthe holder thereof, the principal of and interest on which will be sufficient to pay, when due(whether at maturity or by redemption), amounts due with respect to such Indebtedness; and(iii) Indebtedness owing by one member of the Combined Group to anothermember of the Combined Group.“Outstanding Series 2008A Bonds” or “Series 2008A Bonds Outstanding” means all Series 2008A Bondsthat have been duly authenticated and delivered by the Bond Trustee under the Bond Indenture, except:(a) Series 2008A Bonds cancelled after purchase in the open market or because of paymentat or redemption prior to maturity;(b) Series 2008A Bonds for the payment or redemption of which cash or Escrow Obligationsshall have been theretofore deposited with the Bond Trustee (whether upon or prior to the maturity orredemption date of any such Series 2008A Bonds) in accordance with the Bond Indenture; provided that, ifthose Series 2008A Bonds are to be redeemed prior to the maturity thereof, notice of their redemption shallhave been given, or arrangements satisfactory to the Bond Trustee shall have been made therefor, or waiverof such notice satisfactory in form to the Bond Trustee shall have been filed with the Bond Trustee;(c)Indenture; andSeries 2008A Bonds in lieu of which others have been authenticated under the Bond(d) after the Fixed Rate Conversion Date applicable thereto, for the purpose of all consents,approvals, waivers and notices required to be obtained or given under the Bond Indenture, a Series 2008ABond held or owned by the Cleveland Clinic or any Affiliate thereof;C-16

provided, however, that Series 2008A Bonds with respect to which provision for payment is made inaccordance with the provisions of the Bond Indenture summarized under the caption “SUMMARY OF BASICDOCUMENTS – THE BOND INDENTURE – DEFEASANCE” in this Appendix C shall be deemed to be outstandingfor the purposes of applying the interest rate setting provisions thereof and the transfer, registration and paymentprovisions of the Bond Indenture.“Paying Agent” means the bank or banks, if any, designated pursuant to the Bond Indenture to receive anddisburse payments of principal of and interest on the Series 2008A Bonds.Person:“Permitted Encumbrances” means, for purposes of the Master Indenture, with respect to any specified(a) any lien securing all Master Notes created by the Master Indenture or any lien created inaccordance with the provisions of the Master Indenture summarized under paragraph (g) under the caption“SUMMARY OF BASIC DOCUMENTS — THE MASTER TRUST INDENTURE — NEGATIVE LIENCOVENANT” in this Appendix C;(b) liens arising by reason of good faith deposits by or with such Person in connection withtenders, leases of real estate, bids or contracts (other than contracts for the payment of money), deposits byany such Person to secure public or statutory obligations, or to secure, or in lieu of, surety, stay or appealbonds and deposits as security for the payment of taxes or assessments or other similar charges;(c) any lien arising by reason of deposits with, or the giving of any form of security to, anygovernmental agency or any body created or approved by law or governmental regulation for any purposeat any time as required by law or governmental regulation (i) as a condition to the transaction of anybusiness or the exercise of any privilege or license in the ordinary course, or (ii) to enable such Person tomaintain self-insurance or to participate in any funds established to cover any insurance risks or inconnection with workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, pensions or other social security, or toshare in the privileges or benefits required for companies participating in such arrangements;(d) liens created by or existing from any litigation or judicial or administrative proceedingwhich is then being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings;(e) such defects, irregularities, patent reservations, utility easements, access and othereasements and rights-of-way, rights of possession or use, party walls, rights of lateral support, restrictions,licenses, exceptions, clouds on title or other encumbrance on Property as do not materially impair the valueof such Property or the use of such Property in the operation of the business of such Person and withrespect to which the Person which owns the encumbered Property has delivered an Officer’s Certificate tothe Master Trustee evidencing that the Governing Body of such Person has determined that suchencumbrance will not so impair such value or use;(f) encumbrances arising from grants or loans from, or guarantees of Indebtedness by,federal, state and local governments or agencies thereof;(g) liens for taxes, assessments or other governmental charges or levies to the extent notrequired to be paid pursuant to the provisions of the Master Indenture;(h)liens resulting from governmental regulations on the use of Property;(i) any lease, assignment of lease, sublease, guaranty, sale or similar agreement of which theMaster Trustee is the beneficiary for all Master Noteholders and entered into in connection with theissuance of and providing for or securing the payment of Related Bonds;(j) the Lease and leases made or existing on Property acquired in the ordinary course ofbusiness, any lease, assignment of lease, sublease, lien, charge or encumbrance permitted by the provisionsC-17

provided, however, that Series 2008A Bonds with respect to which provision for payment is made inaccordance with the provisions of the Bond Indenture summarized under the caption “SUMMARY OF BASICDOCUMENTS – THE BOND INDENTURE – DEFEASANCE” in this Appendix C shall be deemed to be outstandingfor the purposes of applying the interest rate setting provisions thereof and the transfer, registration and paymentprovisions of the Bond Indenture.“Paying Agent” means the bank or banks, if any, designated pursuant to the Bond Indenture to receive anddisburse payments of principal of and interest on the Series 2008A Bonds.Person:“Permitted Encumbrances” means, for purposes of the Master Indenture, with respect to any specified(a) any lien securing all Master Notes created by the Master Indenture or any lien created inaccordance with the provisions of the Master Indenture summarized under paragraph (g) under the caption“SUMMARY OF BASIC DOCUMENTS — THE MASTER TRUST INDENTURE — NEGATIVE LIENCOVENANT” in this Appendix C;(b) liens arising by reason of good faith deposits by or with such Person in connection withtenders, leases of real estate, bids or contracts (other than contracts for the payment of money), deposits byany such Person to secure public or statutory obligations, or to secure, or in lieu of, surety, stay or appealbonds and deposits as security for the payment of taxes or assessments or other similar charges;(c) any lien arising by reason of deposits with, or the giving of any form of security to, anygovernmental agency or any body created or approved by law or governmental regulation for any purposeat any time as required by law or governmental regulation (i) as a condition to the transaction of anybusiness or the exercise of any privilege or license in the ordinary course, or (ii) to enable such Person tomaintain self-insurance or to participate in any funds established to cover any insurance risks or inconnection with workers’ <strong>com</strong>pensation, unemployment insurance, pensions or other social security, or toshare in the privileges or benefits required for <strong>com</strong>panies participating in such arrangements;(d) liens created by or existing from any litigation or judicial or administrative proceedingwhich is then being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings;(e) such defects, irregularities, patent reservations, utility easements, access and othereasements and rights-of-way, rights of possession or use, party walls, rights of lateral support, restrictions,licenses, exceptions, clouds on title or other encumbrance on Property as do not materially impair the valueof such Property or the use of such Property in the operation of the business of such Person and withrespect to which the Person which owns the encumbered Property has delivered an Officer’s Certificate tothe Master Trustee evidencing that the Governing Body of such Person has determined that suchencumbrance will not so impair such value or use;(f) encumbrances arising from grants or loans from, or guarantees of Indebtedness by,federal, state and local governments or agencies thereof;(g) liens for taxes, assessments or other governmental charges or levies to the extent notrequired to be paid pursuant to the provisions of the Master Indenture;(h)liens resulting from governmental regulations on the use of Property;(i) any lease, assignment of lease, sublease, guaranty, sale or similar agreement of which theMaster Trustee is the beneficiary for all Master Noteholders and entered into in connection with theissuance of and providing for or securing the payment of Related Bonds;(j) the Lease and leases made or existing on Property acquired in the ordinary course ofbusiness, any lease, assignment of lease, sublease, lien, charge or encumbrance permitted by the provisionsC-17

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