Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


“Moody’s” means Moody’s Investors Service, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of theState of Delaware, its successors and assigns, and, if such corporation shall be dissolved or liquidated or shall nolonger perform the functions of a securities rating agency, “Moody’s” shall be deemed to refer to any othernationally recognized securities rating agency designated by the Obligated Group Representative by notice to theBond Trustee, the Commission.“Mortgage” means any mortgage, deed of trust, collateral assignment of lease or other lien, charge, securityinterest or encumbrance on or pledge of Property given as security for the payment of Indebtedness or theperformance of other obligations.“Net Income Available for Debt Service” of any specified Person or group of Persons means, for any period,the excess of Revenues over Expenses of such Person or group of Persons.“Net Proceeds” when used with respect to any insurance or condemnation award, means the gross proceedsfrom the insurance or condemnation award (with respect to which that term is used) remaining after payment of allexpenses (including attorneys’ fees, to the extent permitted by law, and any extraordinary expenses of any ObligatedIssuer and the Master Trustee) incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.“No Adverse Effect Opinion” means an Opinion of Bond Counsel, addressed to the Commission and theBond Trustee to the effect that a certain action or combination of actions, or the failure to take a certain action orcombination of actions, (i) is authorized or permitted in the case of an action or actions to be taken, or will notconstitute a breach of or default in the case of the failure to take an action or actions, under the instrument pursuantto which the opinion is to be delivered, taking into account any consent or waiver provided by a party entitled togive or withhold consent or to grant a waiver, and (ii) will not, in and of itself or themselves, affect adversely either(a) the validity of the Series 2008A Bonds, or (b) any then applicable exclusion of interest on the Series 2008ABonds, if they are tax-exempt bonds, from gross income of Bondholders for federal income tax purposes or any thenapplicable exemption of interest on those Series 2008A Bonds from treatment as an item of tax preference forpurposes of the alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations under the Code.“Non-Recourse Indebtedness” means Indebtedness: (i) the principal amount of which does not exceed theFair Market Value of the Property which is acquired, constructed or improved from the proceeds of suchIndebtedness; (ii) which is evidenced by an instrument which affirmatively recites that (a) only the Property which isacquired, constructed or improved from the proceeds of such Indebtedness and the revenues produced by suchProperty are pledged for the payment of such Indebtedness and the holder of such Indebtedness shall have recourseto no other assets, revenues or Property of any member of the Obligated Group for the payment of suchIndebtedness, (b) no payment shall be made on such Indebtedness from sources other than those referred to in clause(a) unless the provisions of the Master Indenture governing transfers of assets are satisfied prior to such payment;and (iii) upon any default in payment of such Indebtedness, the remedy of the holder thereof is limited to foreclosureor taking possession of such Property with no right to seek payment of any deficiency from any member of theObligated Group or from any other Property of any member of the Obligated Group.“Noteholder” or “holder” as applied to Master Notes means the Person in whose name a Master Note isregistered.“Obligated Group” means, collectively and from time to time, those Persons that are Obligated Issuersunder the Master Indenture.“Obligated Group Representative” means the Cleveland Clinic or such Person or Persons, including analternate or alternates, designated pursuant to a written notice to the Master Trustee executed by the ClevelandClinic, or if the Cleveland Clinic is no longer an Obligated Issuer, then by a majority of the then Obligated Issuers.“Obligated Issuer” means (i) the Cleveland Clinic, (ii) CCHS−East Region, Fairview, Lutheran andMarymount, and (iii) CCF Florida Clinic, together with any Person that from time to time becomes, but excludingany Person the status of which is terminated as, an “Obligated Issuer” under the Master Indenture in accordance withthe terms thereof.C-14

“Officer’s Certificate” means, in the case of any Person which is a corporation, a certificate signed by theChairman, President, any Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Controller of such Person; in the case of the entireObligated Group, by the Obligated Group Representative; or in the case of any Person which is not a corporation, bythe managing partner or other person in which the power to act on behalf of such Person is vested by law, theorganizational documents of such Person or by subsequent action of its Governing Body.“Operating Assets” means, with respect to a specified Person, all tangible Property owned by such Personand used in the primary business of such Person.“Operation and Maintenance Expenses” mean the costs paid or incurred by an Obligated Issuer foroperating and maintaining its Property including, but not limited to (a) all costs of supplies in connection with theforegoing; (b) all costs and expenses of management of the Property; (c) all costs and expenses of maintenance andrepair, and other expenses necessary or appropriate in the judgment of the Obligated Issuer to maintain and preserve,the Property in good repair and working order; (d) all administrative costs of the Property, such as salaries andwages (including retirement benefits) of employees, overhead, taxes (if any) and insurance premiums; (e) paymentsin-lieu of taxes to the City or any other public agency in connection with the Electric System; (f) any cost or expensepaid by the Obligated Issuer to comply with requirements of law applicable to the Property or the Obligated Issuer’sownership or operation thereof or in any capacity with respect thereto or any activity in connection therewith; and (g)any other cost or expense which, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, is to be treated as acost of operating or maintaining the Property; but excluding in all cases depreciation, replacement and obsolescencecharges or reserves therefore, and amortization of intangibles.“Opinion of Bond Counsel” means, for purposes of the Bond Indenture, an opinion of Bond Counsel, whichcounsel and opinion, including the scope, form, substance and other aspects thereof, are acceptable to theCommission, the Cleveland Clinic and the Bond Trustee and which opinion may be based on a ruling or rulings ofthe Internal Revenue Service and, for purposes of the Master Indenture, an opinion in writing signed by legalcounsel which shall be nationally recognized as expert in matters pertaining to the validity of obligations ofgovernmental issuers (as such term is defined within the definition of the term “Related Bonds”) and the exemptionfrom federal income taxation of interest on such obligations.“Opinion of Counsel” means, for purposes of the Master Indenture, an opinion in writing signed by legalcounsel who may be an employee of or counsel to any Obligated Issuer and who shall be satisfactory to the MasterTrustee in its reasonable discretion.“Optional Redemption Price” means, (i) as to the Series 2008A Bonds, the principal amount thereof, and(ii) as to any Additional Bonds, the Optional Redemption Price determined or designated in or pursuant to theapplicable Bond Legislation or Supplemental Bond Indenture.“Original Master Indenture” means the Amended and Restated Master Trust Indenture dated as of April 1,2003, between the Cleveland Clinic, CCHS−East Region, Fairview, Lutheran, Marymount, CCF Florida Clinic andCCF Naples, and the Master Trustee.“Original Purchaser” means (i) as to the Series 2008A Bonds, J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc., and (ii) as to aSeries of Additional Bonds, the Person identified as such in or pursuant to the applicable Supplemental BondIndenture.“Outstanding”, as applied to Master Notes and as applied to Indebtedness, means,(a) when used in connection with Master Notes, all Master Notes which have been dulyauthenticated and delivered by the Master Trustee under the Master Indenture, except:(i) Master Notes theretofore cancelled by the Master Trustee or deliveredto the Master Trustee for cancellation;C-15

“Officer’s Certificate” means, in the case of any Person which is a corporation, a certificate signed by theChairman, President, any Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Controller of such Person; in the case of the entire<strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, by the <strong>Obligated</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Representative; or in the case of any Person which is not a corporation, bythe managing partner or other person in which the power to act on behalf of such Person is vested by law, theorganizational documents of such Person or by subsequent action of its Governing Body.“Operating Assets” means, with respect to a specified Person, all tangible Property owned by such Personand used in the primary business of such Person.“Operation and Maintenance Expenses” mean the costs paid or incurred by an <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuer foroperating and maintaining its Property including, but not limited to (a) all costs of supplies in connection with theforegoing; (b) all costs and expenses of management of the Property; (c) all costs and expenses of maintenance andrepair, and other expenses necessary or appropriate in the judgment of the <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuer to maintain and preserve,the Property in good repair and working order; (d) all administrative costs of the Property, such as salaries andwages (including retirement benefits) of employees, overhead, taxes (if any) and insurance premiums; (e) paymentsin-lieu of taxes to the City or any other public agency in connection with the Electric <strong>System</strong>; (f) any cost or expensepaid by the <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuer to <strong>com</strong>ply with requirements of law applicable to the Property or the <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuer’sownership or operation thereof or in any capacity with respect thereto or any activity in connection therewith; and (g)any other cost or expense which, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, is to be treated as acost of operating or maintaining the Property; but excluding in all cases depreciation, replacement and obsolescencecharges or reserves therefore, and amortization of intangibles.“Opinion of Bond Counsel” means, for purposes of the Bond Indenture, an opinion of Bond Counsel, whichcounsel and opinion, including the scope, form, substance and other aspects thereof, are acceptable to theCommission, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> and the Bond Trustee and which opinion may be based on a ruling or rulings ofthe Internal Revenue Service and, for purposes of the Master Indenture, an opinion in writing signed by legalcounsel which shall be nationally recognized as expert in matters pertaining to the validity of obligations ofgovernmental issuers (as such term is defined within the definition of the term “Related Bonds”) and the exemptionfrom federal in<strong>com</strong>e taxation of interest on such obligations.“Opinion of Counsel” means, for purposes of the Master Indenture, an opinion in writing signed by legalcounsel who may be an employee of or counsel to any <strong>Obligated</strong> Issuer and who shall be satisfactory to the MasterTrustee in its reasonable discretion.“Optional Redemption Price” means, (i) as to the Series 2008A Bonds, the principal amount thereof, and(ii) as to any Additional Bonds, the Optional Redemption Price determined or designated in or pursuant to theapplicable Bond Legislation or Supplemental Bond Indenture.“Original Master Indenture” means the Amended and Restated Master Trust Indenture dated as of April 1,2003, between the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>, CCHS−East Region, Fairview, Lutheran, Marymount, CCF Florida <strong>Clinic</strong> andCCF Naples, and the Master Trustee.“Original Purchaser” means (i) as to the Series 2008A Bonds, J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc., and (ii) as to aSeries of Additional Bonds, the Person identified as such in or pursuant to the applicable Supplemental BondIndenture.“Outstanding”, as applied to Master Notes and as applied to Indebtedness, means,(a) when used in connection with Master Notes, all Master Notes which have been dulyauthenticated and delivered by the Master Trustee under the Master Indenture, except:(i) Master Notes theretofore cancelled by the Master Trustee or deliveredto the Master Trustee for cancellation;C-15

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