Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


maturity of United States Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of thirty (30) years aspublished by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; or(b) The rate per annum set forth in a certificate or opinion of a nationally recognized firm ofinvestment bankers or financial consultants delivered to the Master Trustee (and dated within 90 days priorto the date of delivery) as being the lowest rate of interest (which may be a rate which reflects the exclusionof such interest from the gross income of the holder for federal income tax purposes if that exclusion is thenavailable) at which Indebtedness having comparable terms and security, amortized on a level debt servicebasis over a period of time equal to the Assumed Amortization Period, and issued or incurred by health careinstitutions of comparable credit standing would, if being offered as of such last day of the calendar month,be marketable on reasonable and customary terms.“Authenticating Agent” means the Bond Trustee and the Registrar for the Series 2008A Bonds and anybank, trust company or other Person designated as an Authenticating Agent for those Series 2008A Bonds, by or inaccordance with the Bond Indenture; provided in each case that the Authenticating Agent shall be a transfer agentregistered in accordance with Section 17A(c) of the Exchange Act.“Authorized Denomination” means $5,000 and integral multiples thereof.“Authorized Lessee Representative” means the individual designated from time to time as the representativeof the Cleveland Clinic under the Lease. The designation shall be made in a written certificate furnished to theCommission and the Bond Trustee containing the specimen signature of the Authorized Lessee Representative andshall be signed by, when used with respect to the Master Indenture, the Executive Vice President, Treasurer or theSecretary of the Cleveland Clinic, and when used with respect to the Bond Indenture, the Chief Executive Officer orChief Financial Officer of the Cleveland Clinic. The certificate may designate an alternate or alternates who shallhave the same authority, duties and powers as the Authorized Lessee Representative. In the event that allindividuals so designated become unavailable or unable to act and the Cleveland Clinic fails to designate at least onereplacement within 20 days after that unavailability or inability, the Bond Trustee may appoint an interimAuthorized Lessee Representative to act until the Cleveland Clinic designates a replacement.“Balloon Debt” means Put Indebtedness or Long-Term Indebtedness the principal of (and premium, if any)and interest and other debt service charges on which in any Fiscal Year either are equal to at least 25% of the totalprincipal of (and premium, if any) and interest and other debt service charges on such Long-Term Indebtedness orexceed by more than 50% the greatest amount of principal of (and premium, if any) and interest and other debtservice charges on such Long-Term Indebtedness due in any preceding or succeeding Fiscal Year.“Bankruptcy Affiliate” means an “affiliate” as defined in the United States Bankruptcy Code.“Base Lease” means the Base Lease dated as of September 1, 2008, between the Cleveland Clinic, as lessor,and the State, acting by and through the Commission, as lessee, as it may be amended or supplemented from time totime in accordance with its terms.“Basic Rent” means the rent payable by the Cleveland Clinic under the Lease summarized under thecaption “SUMMARY OF BASIC DOCUMENTS – THE LEASE – RENT” in this Appendix C.“Board Resolution” of any specified Person means a copy of a resolution certified by the Personresponsible for maintaining the records of the Governing Body of such Person to have been duly adopted by theGoverning Body of such Person and to be in full force and effect on the date of such certification, and delivered tothe Master Trustee.“Bond Counsel” means any nationally recognized municipal bond counsel acceptable to the ClevelandClinic, the Commission and the Bond Trustee.C-2

“Bond Indenture” means the Bond Indenture dated as of September 1, 2008, between the State, acting byand through the Commission, and the Bond Trustee, as it may be amended or supplemented from time to time inaccordance with its terms.“Bond Legislation” means:(a) when used with reference to the Series 2008A Bonds, the resolution adopted by theCommission providing for the issuance of the Series 2008A Bonds;(b) when used with reference to an issue of Additional Bonds, that resolution, to the extentapplicable, and the legislation providing for the issuance of those Additional Bonds; and(c) when used with reference to Bonds when there are outstanding Additional Bonds, theresolution adopted by the Commission providing for the issuance of the bonds, the legislation providing forthe issuance of the outstanding Additional Bonds, and the legislation providing for the issuance of theproposed Additional Bonds;in each case, including without limitation, any certificate of award that may be required to be executedprior to the issuance of the Series 2008A Bonds or Additional Bonds by the applicable Bond Legislation; all as dulyamended or supplemented from time to time.“Bond Register” means the registration books of the Commission kept by the Bond Trustee or the TenderAgent to evidence the registration and transfer of Series 2008A Bonds.“Bond Service Charges” means, for any period or date, the principal of and interest and any premium onthe Series 2008A Bonds or accruing for that period or due and payable on that date. In determining Bond ServiceCharges accruing for any period or due and payable on any date, Mandatory Sinking Fund Requirements accruingfor that period or due on that date, as applicable, shall be included and there shall be excluded all amounts to beretired by Mandatory Sinking Fund Requirements prior to such period or date.“Bond Trustee” means, initially, The Huntington National Bank, a national banking association organizedand existing under the laws of the United States and authorized to exercise corporate trust powers in the State,together with its successors and permitted assignees as Bond Trustee under the Bond Indenture.“Bondholder” means the Person in whose name a Series 2008A Bond is registered on the Register and hasthe same meaning as “Holder” and “Registered Owner.”“Bonds” means each series of bonds issued and outstanding pursuant to the Bond Indenture, including theSeries 2008A Bonds and any Additional Bonds.“Book Value” when used in connection with Property of a specified Person, means the cost of suchProperty, net of accumulated depreciation, as it is carried on the books of account of such Person which are used inthe preparation of the financial statements required by the Master Indenture.“Book Entry Form” or “Book Entry System” means a form or system, as applicable, under which (i)physical Series 2008A Bond certificates in fully registered form are issued only to a Depository or its nominee, withthe physical Series 2008A Bond certificates “immobilized” in the custody of the Depository and (ii) the ownershipof book entry interests in the Series 2008A Bonds and Bond Service Charges thereon may be transferred onlythrough a book entry made by persons or entities other than the Commission, the Bond Trustee or the BondRegistrar. The records maintained by those Persons or entities other than the Commission, the Bond Trustee and theBond Registrar constitute the written record that identifies the beneficial owners, and records the transfer, of bookentry interests in those Series 2008A Bonds and Bond Service Charges thereon, the Commission, the Bond Trusteeand the Registrar having no responsibility therefor.C-3

maturity of United States Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of thirty (30) years aspublished by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve <strong>System</strong>; or(b) The rate per annum set forth in a certificate or opinion of a nationally recognized firm ofinvestment bankers or financial consultants delivered to the Master Trustee (and dated within 90 days priorto the date of delivery) as being the lowest rate of interest (which may be a rate which reflects the exclusionof such interest from the gross in<strong>com</strong>e of the holder for federal in<strong>com</strong>e tax purposes if that exclusion is thenavailable) at which Indebtedness having <strong>com</strong>parable terms and security, amortized on a level debt servicebasis over a period of time equal to the Assumed Amortization Period, and issued or incurred by health careinstitutions of <strong>com</strong>parable credit standing would, if being offered as of such last day of the calendar month,be marketable on reasonable and customary terms.“Authenticating Agent” means the Bond Trustee and the Registrar for the Series 2008A Bonds and anybank, trust <strong>com</strong>pany or other Person designated as an Authenticating Agent for those Series 2008A Bonds, by or inaccordance with the Bond Indenture; provided in each case that the Authenticating Agent shall be a transfer agentregistered in accordance with Section 17A(c) of the Exchange Act.“Authorized Denomination” means $5,000 and integral multiples thereof.“Authorized Lessee Representative” means the individual designated from time to time as the representativeof the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> under the Lease. The designation shall be made in a written certificate furnished to theCommission and the Bond Trustee containing the specimen signature of the Authorized Lessee Representative andshall be signed by, when used with respect to the Master Indenture, the Executive Vice President, Treasurer or theSecretary of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>, and when used with respect to the Bond Indenture, the Chief Executive Officer orChief Financial Officer of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>. The certificate may designate an alternate or alternates who shallhave the same authority, duties and powers as the Authorized Lessee Representative. In the event that allindividuals so designated be<strong>com</strong>e unavailable or unable to act and the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> fails to designate at least onereplacement within 20 days after that unavailability or inability, the Bond Trustee may appoint an interimAuthorized Lessee Representative to act until the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> designates a replacement.“Balloon Debt” means Put Indebtedness or Long-Term Indebtedness the principal of (and premium, if any)and interest and other debt service charges on which in any Fiscal Year either are equal to at least 25% of the totalprincipal of (and premium, if any) and interest and other debt service charges on such Long-Term Indebtedness orexceed by more than 50% the greatest amount of principal of (and premium, if any) and interest and other debtservice charges on such Long-Term Indebtedness due in any preceding or succeeding Fiscal Year.“Bankruptcy Affiliate” means an “affiliate” as defined in the United States Bankruptcy Code.“Base Lease” means the Base Lease dated as of September 1, 2008, between the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>, as lessor,and the State, acting by and through the Commission, as lessee, as it may be amended or supplemented from time totime in accordance with its terms.“Basic Rent” means the rent payable by the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> under the Lease summarized under thecaption “SUMMARY OF BASIC DOCUMENTS – THE LEASE – RENT” in this Appendix C.“Board Resolution” of any specified Person means a copy of a resolution certified by the Personresponsible for maintaining the records of the Governing Body of such Person to have been duly adopted by theGoverning Body of such Person and to be in full force and effect on the date of such certification, and delivered tothe Master Trustee.“Bond Counsel” means any nationally recognized municipal bond counsel acceptable to the <strong>Cleveland</strong><strong>Clinic</strong>, the Commission and the Bond Trustee.C-2

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