Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


Cleveland Clinic Health SystemConsolidating Balance SheetsDecember 31, 2006(In Thousands)AssetsCurrent assets:Cash and cash equivalents 341,610ConsolidatingObligated Non-Obligated Adjustments &Group Group Eliminations Consolidated$ $ 119,022 $ – $ 460,632Patient receivables, net 432,264 55,809 – 488,073Due from affiliates 284,766 4,200 (288,966) –Investments for current use 23,871 37,855 – 61,726Other current assets 337,058 62,746 (2,837) 396,967Total current assets 1,419,569 279,632 (291,803) 1,407,398Investments:Investments 1,310,493 92,565 – 1,403,058Funds held by bond trustees 236,376 3,802 – 240,178Assets held for self-insurance – 250,527 – 250,527Donor restricted assets 270,177 9,118 – 279,2951,817,046 356,012 – 2,173,058Property, plant, and equipment, net 1,867,473 307,358 – 2,174,831Other assets:Pledges receivable, net 138,792 1,628 – 140,420Trusts and interests in foundations 85,084 27,178 – 112,262Other noncurrent assets 209,954 7,431 (17,395) 199,990433,830 36,237 (17,395) 452,672Total assets $ 5,537,918 $ 979,239 $ (309,198) $ 6,207,95940

Liabilities and net assetsCurrent liabilities:Accounts payable 243,481Obligated Non-Obligated Adjustments &Group Group Eliminations Consolidated$ $ 29,463 $ (1,600) $ 271,344Compensation and amountswithheld from payroll 87,199 7,124 – 94,323Estimated amounts due tothird-party payors 28,584 7,510 – 36,094Current portion of long-term debt 7,375 2,555 (275) 9,655Due to affiliates 3,958 284,992 (288,950) –Other current liabilities 363,275 117,296 (175) 480,396Total current liabilities 733,872 448,940 (291,000) 891,812Long-term debt:Hospital revenue bonds 1,446,108 27,013 – 1,473,121Notes payable and capital leases 54,237 13,534 (5,000) 62,7711,500,345 40,547 (5,000) 1,535,892Other liabilities:Accrued self-insurance 82,370 182,875 – 265,245Accrued retirement benefits 365,243 – – 365,243Other noncurrent liabilities 240,454 8,859 (1,078) 248,235688,067 191,734 (1,078) 878,723Total liabilities 2,922,284 681,221 (297,078) 3,306,427Net assets:Unrestricted 2,068,089 259,520 (12,120) 2,315,489Temporarily restricted 398,347 18,093 – 416,440Permanently restricted 149,198 20,405 – 169,603Total net assets 2,615,634 298,018 (12,120) 2,901,532Total liabilities and net assets $ 5,537,918 $ 979,239 $ (309,198) $ 6,207,959See notes to consolidating financial statements.41 .

<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong>Consolidating Balance SheetsDecember 31, 2006(In Thousands)AssetsCurrent assets:Cash and cash equivalents 341,610Consolidating<strong>Obligated</strong> Non-<strong>Obligated</strong> Adjustments &<strong>Group</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Eliminations Consolidated$ $ 119,022 $ – $ 460,632Patient receivables, net 432,264 55,809 – 488,073Due from affiliates 284,766 4,200 (288,966) –Investments for current use 23,871 37,855 – 61,726Other current assets 337,058 62,746 (2,837) 396,967Total current assets 1,419,569 279,632 (291,803) 1,407,398Investments:Investments 1,310,493 92,565 – 1,403,058Funds held by bond trustees 236,376 3,802 – 240,178Assets held for self-insurance – 250,527 – 250,527Donor restricted assets 270,177 9,118 – 279,2951,817,046 356,012 – 2,173,058Property, plant, and equipment, net 1,867,473 307,358 – 2,174,831Other assets:Pledges receivable, net 138,792 1,628 – 140,420Trusts and interests in foundations 85,084 27,178 – 112,262Other noncurrent assets 209,954 7,431 (17,395) 199,990433,830 36,237 (17,395) 452,672Total assets $ 5,537,918 $ 979,239 $ (309,198) $ 6,207,95940

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