Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


Cleveland Clinic Health SystemConsolidating Balance SheetsDecember 31, 2007(In Thousands)AssetsCurrent assets:Cash and cash equivalents 126,841ConsolidatingObligated Non-Obligated Adjustments &Group Group Eliminations Consolidated$ $ 141,240 $ – $ 268,081Patient receivables, net 498,553 53,717 – 552,270Due from affiliates 18,671 4,017 (22,688) –Investments for current use 43,563 57,889 – 101,452Other current assets 553,153 18,599 (1,310) 570,442Total current assets 1,240,781 275,462 (23,998) 1,492,245Investments:Investments 1,878,168 100,933 – 1,979,101Funds held by bond trustees 51,637 3,588 – 55,225Assets held for self-insurance – 171,403 – 171,403Donor restricted assets 327,589 10,690 – 338,2792,257,394 286,614 – 2,544,008Property, plant, and equipment, net 2,199,037 304,272 2,503,309Other assets:Pledges receivable, net 139,589 1,335 – 140,924Trusts and interests in foundations 87,476 33,895 – 121,371Other noncurrent assets 126,674 6,919 (58,544) 75,049353,739 42,149 (58,544) 337,344Total assets $ 6,050,951 $ 908,497 $ (82,542) $ 6,876,90638

Liabilities and net assetsCurrent liabilities:Accounts payable 260,866Obligated Non-Obligated Adjustments &Group Group Eliminations Consolidated$ $ 27,161 $ (1,072) $ 286,955Compensation and amountswithheld from payroll 93,840 7,662 – 101,502Estimated amounts due tothird-party payors 21,334 13,899 – 35,233Current portion of long-term debt 13,536 2,405 – 15,941Due to affiliates 1,022 21,666 (22,688) –Other current liabilities 541,236 112,592 (166) 653,662Total current liabilities 931,834 185,385 (23,926) 1,093,293Long-term debt:Hospital revenue bonds 1,443,660 24,820 – 1,468,480Notes payable and capital leases 44,108 64,577 (56,424) 52,2611,487,768 89,397 (56,424) 1,520,741Other liabilities:Accrued self-insurance 68,088 115,309 – 183,397Accrued retirement benefits 378,095 – – 378,095Other noncurrent liabilities 262,985 8,428 (72) 271,341709,168 123,737 (72) 832,833Total liabilities 3,128,770 398,519 (80,422) 3,446,867Net assets:Unrestricted 2,301,819 463,528 (2,120) 2,763,227Temporarily restricted 453,284 23,123 – 476,407Permanently restricted 167,078 23,327 – 190,405Total net assets 2,922,181 509,978 (2,120) 3,430,039Total liabilities and net assets $ 6,050,951 $ 908,497 $ (82,542) $ 6,876,906See notes to consolidating financial statements.39 .

<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong>Consolidating Balance SheetsDecember 31, 2007(In Thousands)AssetsCurrent assets:Cash and cash equivalents 126,841Consolidating<strong>Obligated</strong> Non-<strong>Obligated</strong> Adjustments &<strong>Group</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Eliminations Consolidated$ $ 141,240 $ – $ 268,081Patient receivables, net 498,553 53,717 – 552,270Due from affiliates 18,671 4,017 (22,688) –Investments for current use 43,563 57,889 – 101,452Other current assets 553,153 18,599 (1,310) 570,442Total current assets 1,240,781 275,462 (23,998) 1,492,245Investments:Investments 1,878,168 100,933 – 1,979,101Funds held by bond trustees 51,637 3,588 – 55,225Assets held for self-insurance – 171,403 – 171,403Donor restricted assets 327,589 10,690 – 338,2792,257,394 286,614 – 2,544,008Property, plant, and equipment, net 2,199,037 304,272 2,503,309Other assets:Pledges receivable, net 139,589 1,335 – 140,924Trusts and interests in foundations 87,476 33,895 – 121,371Other noncurrent assets 126,674 6,919 (58,544) 75,049353,739 42,149 (58,544) 337,344Total assets $ 6,050,951 $ 908,497 $ (82,542) $ 6,876,90638

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