Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


Cleveland Clinic Health SystemNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)2. Affiliations (continued)Prior to October 1, 2006, the Foundation had a 49% interest in a partnership with TenetHealthcare Florida, Inc. (Tenet), a subsidiary of Tenet Healthcare Corporation. The partnership,TCC Partners (TCC), was formed to construct, own and operate a hospital in Weston, Florida(Weston Hospital), which opened in July 2001. On October 1, 2006, the Foundation exercised acontractual option to purchase Tenet’s 51% interest in TCC at a cost of $90.0 million, includingthe assumption of a note payable to Tenet of $51.2 million. The Foundation recorded anonoperating charge of $13.8 million related to a purchase option premium paid to Tenet inaccordance with the Partnership’s Definitive Agreement. The Foundation also recorded a chargeto other unrestricted revenues of $6.4 million comprised of a $9.0 million write-down of thebook value of the Foundation’s interest in TCC to fair value at the purchase date, less a$2.6 million reduction in noncurrent liabilities associated with the purchase transaction. Thetransaction was accounted for using the purchase method of accounting. The purchase price andthe Foundation’s equity investment in TCC of $49.0 million at the acquisition date wereallocated to property, plant, and equipment in the amount of $86.8 million, accounts receivableand other assets of $37.2 million, current liabilities of $17.3 million, and noncurrent liabilities of$57.7 million.Prior to October 1, 2006, the Foundation’s interest in TCC was accounted for using the equitymethod of accounting. Equity income of $4.9 million through the first nine months of 2006 wasbased on an earnings distribution formula as defined in the partnership agreement and is includedin other unrestricted revenues. The Foundation received a distribution of earnings from TCC of$1.2 million in 2006.3. Accounting PoliciesUse of EstimatesThe preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generallyaccepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affectthe reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities atthe date of the financial statements. Estimates also affect the reported amounts of revenue andexpenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.8

Cleveland Clinic Health SystemNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)3. Accounting Policies (continued)Net Patient Service RevenueNet patient service revenue is reported at the estimated net realizable amounts from patients,third-party payors and others, including retroactive adjustments under payment agreements withthird-party payors. The System has agreements with third-party payors that generally provide forpayments to the System at amounts different from its established rates. An estimated allowanceis recorded which results in accounts receivable being reported at the net amount expected to bereceived from third-party payors. In 2007, net patient revenue was increased by approximately$43.4 million related to a change in estimate for this allowance.The System is paid a prospectively determined rate for the majority of inpatient acute care andoutpatient, skilled nursing and rehabilitation services provided (principally Medicare, Medicaidand certain insurers). These rates vary according to a patient classification system that is basedon clinical, diagnostic and other factors. Medicare payments for capital are received on aprospective basis and on a cost reimbursement methodology for Medicaid. Payments arereceived on a prospective basis for the System’s medical education costs, subject to certainlimits. The System is paid for cost reimbursable items at a tentative rate, with final settlementdetermined after submission of annual cost reports by the System and audits thereof by theMedicare fiscal intermediary. Provision for estimated retroactive adjustments, if any, resultingfrom regulatory matters or other adjustments under payment agreements are estimated in theperiod the related services are provided. The System recorded an increase in net patient servicerevenue of $43.6 million and $41.1 million in 2007 and 2006, respectively, related to changes inestimates.Laws and regulations governing the Medicare and Medicaid programs are complex and subjectto interpretation as well as significant regulatory action, and in the normal course of business theSystem is subject to contractual reviews and audits. As a result, there is at least a reasonablepossibility that recorded estimates will change in the near term. The System believes it is incompliance with applicable laws and regulations governing the Medicare and Medicaidprograms and that adequate provisions have been made for any adjustments that may result fromfinal settlements.Under other arrangements with third-party payors, the System is paid prospectively determinedrates per discharge, at a percentage of established charges or at prospectively determined dailyrates.9

<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong>Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)3. Accounting Policies (continued)Net Patient Service RevenueNet patient service revenue is reported at the estimated net realizable amounts from patients,third-party payors and others, including retroactive adjustments under payment agreements withthird-party payors. The <strong>System</strong> has agreements with third-party payors that generally provide forpayments to the <strong>System</strong> at amounts different from its established rates. An estimated allowanceis recorded which results in accounts receivable being reported at the net amount expected to bereceived from third-party payors. In 2007, net patient revenue was increased by approximately$43.4 million related to a change in estimate for this allowance.The <strong>System</strong> is paid a prospectively determined rate for the majority of inpatient acute care andoutpatient, skilled nursing and rehabilitation services provided (principally Medicare, Medicaidand certain insurers). These rates vary according to a patient classification system that is basedon clinical, diagnostic and other factors. Medicare payments for capital are received on aprospective basis and on a cost reimbursement methodology for Medicaid. Payments arereceived on a prospective basis for the <strong>System</strong>’s medical education costs, subject to certainlimits. The <strong>System</strong> is paid for cost reimbursable items at a tentative rate, with final settlementdetermined after submission of annual cost reports by the <strong>System</strong> and audits thereof by theMedicare fiscal intermediary. Provision for estimated retroactive adjustments, if any, resultingfrom regulatory matters or other adjustments under payment agreements are estimated in theperiod the related services are provided. The <strong>System</strong> recorded an increase in net patient servicerevenue of $43.6 million and $41.1 million in 2007 and 2006, respectively, related to changes inestimates.Laws and regulations governing the Medicare and Medicaid programs are <strong>com</strong>plex and subjectto interpretation as well as significant regulatory action, and in the normal course of business the<strong>System</strong> is subject to contractual reviews and audits. As a result, there is at least a reasonablepossibility that recorded estimates will change in the near term. The <strong>System</strong> believes it is in<strong>com</strong>pliance with applicable laws and regulations governing the Medicare and Medicaidprograms and that adequate provisions have been made for any adjustments that may result fromfinal settlements.Under other arrangements with third-party payors, the <strong>System</strong> is paid prospectively determinedrates per discharge, at a percentage of established charges or at prospectively determined dailyrates.9

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