Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -

Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group - Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group -


Year Ended December 312007 2006Operating activities and net nonoperating gains and lossesIncrease in net assets $ 528,507 $ 653,673Increase in net assets from discontinued operations – (28,479)Increase in net assets from continuing operations 528,507 625,194Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash providedby operating activities and net nonoperating gains and losses:Cumulative effect of change in accounting for income taxes 8,282 –Minimum pension liability adjustment (94,725) (37,628)Adjustment to adopt FASB Statement No. 158 141,771 –Net increase in investments classified as trading (364,695) (70,769)Change in unrealized investment net gains for nontrading securities (8,261) –Impairment of investments carried at cost 578 257Depreciation and amortization 211,307 194,919Provision for uncollectible accounts 147,161 99,308Restricted gifts, bequests, investment income, and other (135,921) (110,175)Donated capital (404) (477)Accreted interest and amortization of bond premiums (651) (651)Change in value of derivatives 18,185 (7,515)Changes in operating assets and liabilities:Patient receivables (211,358) (143,577)Other current assets (163,458) (75,535)Other noncurrent assets 114,579 45,317Accounts payable and other current liabilities 168,388 (66,717)Other liabilities (110,635) 155,068Net cash provided by operating activities and net nonoperating gains andlosses from continuing operations 248,650 607,019Financing activitiesPayments on short-term borrowings – (38,413)Proceeds from long-term borrowings 1,272 109,800Payments to redeem long-term debt – (9,252)Principal payments on long-term debt (9,767) (11,140)Debt issuance costs – (3,004)Change in pledge receivables, trusts and interest in foundations (23,620) 3,309Restricted gifts, bequests, investment income, and other 135,921 110,175Net cash provided by financing activities from continuing operations 103,806 161,475Investing activitiesExpenditures for property and equipment, net (506,709) (458,824)Increase in non-trading investments, net (38,298) (347,142)Net cash used in investing activities from continuing operations (545,007) (805,966)Net cash provided by discontinued operations – 67,145(Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents (192,551) 29,673Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 460,632 430,959Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ 268,081 $ 460,632See notes to consolidated financial statements.Cleveland Clinic Health SystemConsolidated Statements of Cash Flows(In Thousands)6 .

Cleveland Clinic Health SystemNotes to Consolidated Financial StatementsDecember 31, 2007 and 20061. Organization and ConsolidationThe Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Foundation) is a nonprofit tax-exempt Ohio corporationorganized and operated to provide medical and hospital care, medical research, and education.The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Foundation andits controlled affiliates, d.b.a. Cleveland Clinic Health System (System).The System is the leading provider of healthcare services in northeast Ohio. The System operateseleven hospitals with more than 3,400 staffed beds. Ten of the hospitals are operated in theCleveland metropolitan area, anchored by the Foundation. In addition, the System operatessixteen Family Health Centers, including five ambulatory surgery centers, and many additionalphysician offices over a six-county area of northeast Ohio. In South Florida, the System operatesa hospital and a clinic on the east coast in Weston.All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.2. AffiliationsIn prior years, the Foundation had an affiliation agreement with Comprehensive Health Care ofOhio, Inc. (CHC), the sole voting member of Amherst Hospital (Amherst). Pursuant to theagreement, the Foundation had a 49% membership interest in Amherst, which was accounted forusing the equity method. In 2006, the Foundation recorded a loss of $0.5 million, included inother nonoperating gains and losses, and the investment in Amherst was $0 at December 31,2006. In May 2007, the Foundation terminated its affiliation with CHC.The Foundation has an affiliation agreement with Ashtabula County Medical Center (Ashtabula).The carrying value of the investment ($12.0 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006) is recordedin other noncurrent assets and is accounted for using the cost (lower of cost or fair value) methodof accounting.7

<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong>Notes to Consolidated Financial StatementsDecember 31, 2007 and 20061. Organization and ConsolidationThe <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Foundation (Foundation) is a nonprofit tax-exempt Ohio corporationorganized and operated to provide medical and hospital care, medical research, and education.The ac<strong>com</strong>panying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Foundation andits controlled affiliates, d.b.a. <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong> (<strong>System</strong>).The <strong>System</strong> is the leading provider of healthcare services in northeast Ohio. The <strong>System</strong> operateseleven hospitals with more than 3,400 staffed beds. Ten of the hospitals are operated in the<strong>Cleveland</strong> metropolitan area, anchored by the Foundation. In addition, the <strong>System</strong> operatessixteen Family <strong>Health</strong> Centers, including five ambulatory surgery centers, and many additionalphysician offices over a six-county area of northeast Ohio. In South Florida, the <strong>System</strong> operatesa hospital and a clinic on the east coast in Weston.All significant inter<strong>com</strong>pany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.2. AffiliationsIn prior years, the Foundation had an affiliation agreement with Comprehensive <strong>Health</strong> Care ofOhio, Inc. (CHC), the sole voting member of Amherst Hospital (Amherst). Pursuant to theagreement, the Foundation had a 49% membership interest in Amherst, which was accounted forusing the equity method. In 2006, the Foundation recorded a loss of $0.5 million, included inother nonoperating gains and losses, and the investment in Amherst was $0 at December 31,2006. In May 2007, the Foundation terminated its affiliation with CHC.The Foundation has an affiliation agreement with Ashtabula County Medical Center (Ashtabula).The carrying value of the investment ($12.0 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006) is recordedin other noncurrent assets and is accounted for using the cost (lower of cost or fair value) methodof accounting.7

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