Fibre Reinforced Compressed Gas Cylinders to ISO 11119-2 (pdf ...

Fibre Reinforced Compressed Gas Cylinders to ISO 11119-2 (pdf ...

Fibre Reinforced Compressed Gas Cylinders to ISO 11119-2 (pdf ...


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Luxfer <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Cylinders</strong>PO Box 6204Wetherill ParkNSWAustralia<strong>Fibre</strong> <strong>Reinforced</strong> <strong>Compressed</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><strong>Cylinders</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2Approved Code of PracticeUnder the Hazardous Substances and NewOrganisms (HSNO) Act 1996Code of Practice: 41-1Version: 04-10Date of Approval: 16 April 2010

Approval of Code of PracticeThis Code of Practice <strong>Fibre</strong> <strong>Reinforced</strong> <strong>Compressed</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Cylinders</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2 isapproved as a Code of Practice No. HSNOCOP 41-1, pursuant <strong>to</strong> Sections 78 and 79of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act. The Environmental RiskManagement Authority has delegated the power <strong>to</strong> approve Codes of Practice <strong>to</strong> theChief Executive of ERMA New Zealand, and this code is approved in accordancewith that delegation. It is confirmed that the requirements of Sections 78 and 79 havebeen met.This publication is approved as a means of compliance with the requirements ofRegulation 10(c) of the Hazardous Substances (<strong>Compressed</strong> <strong>Gas</strong>es) Regulations 2004.Pursuant <strong>to</strong> Section 80 (1) (a) of the Act, a copy of this Code of Practice may beinspected at the Welling<strong>to</strong>n office of ERMA New Zealand.Pursuant <strong>to</strong> Section 80 (1) (b) of the Act, a copy of this Code of Practice is availablefrom the ERMA New Zealand website.Approved this 16th day of April 2010.Rob ForlongChief ExecutiveERMA New ZealandPage 2 of 6

Contents1. Purpose2. Scope of this Code3. The HSNO Act and the Place of Codes of Practice4. Definitions5. Design and Construction RequirementsPage 3 of 6

1 PurposeThe purpose of this Approved Code of Practice is <strong>to</strong> provide a standard for the design andconstruction of fibre reinforced compressed gas cylinders with seamless metallic liners andwhich are used for the transport and use of compressed gases.This code approves the <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2 <strong>Gas</strong> cylinders of composite construction – specificationand test methods – Part 2: Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders with loadsharingmetal liners as a design standard and also sets additional requirements.2 Scope of This CodeThis Code of Practice applies <strong>to</strong> the design and construction of composite cylinders that aredesigned <strong>to</strong> meet the requirements of <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2.This Code of Practice is approved by the Environmental Risk Management Authority(Authority) pursuant <strong>to</strong> Sections 78 and 79 under the HSNO Act as a means of compliancewith regulation 10 (c) of the Hazardous Substances (<strong>Compressed</strong> <strong>Gas</strong>es) Regulations 2004.Compliance with this Code does not obviate the requirement <strong>to</strong> comply with other sections ofthe HSNO legislation (or related regulations) or other legislation such as the Health andSafety in Employment Act 1992.3 The HSNO Act and the Place of Codes of PracticeThe HSNO regulations are largely performance based, that is, they specify a desired outcomewithout necessarily prescribing how <strong>to</strong> achieve it. They do not require that a single specificmeans be used <strong>to</strong> comply with any regulation and this allows for variations in method usedfor compliance.The HSNO Act provides for Codes of Practice approved by the Authority <strong>to</strong> identifyacceptable solutions <strong>to</strong> comply with the specified regula<strong>to</strong>ry requirements. An ApprovedCode of Practice provides users with a method of meeting the control requirements with adegree of prescription and assistance.In addition, specific provisions of the HSNO regulations and Gazetted transfer notices permitCodes of Practice <strong>to</strong> be approved by the Authority as alternatives <strong>to</strong> other specifiedrequirements provided they can be shown <strong>to</strong> provide an equivalent level of safe management.Clause 10 (c) of the Hazardous Substances (<strong>Compressed</strong> <strong>Gas</strong>es) Regulations 2004 specifiesstandards for the design of cylinders. Sub clause (c) of this regulation enables the Authority<strong>to</strong> approve a code in addition <strong>to</strong> the nominated standards.Page 4 of 6

4 DefinitionsAll definitions are as per <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2 with the addition of:Inspec<strong>to</strong>r means an agency approved as a recognised inspection agency as defined inregulation 3 of the Hazardous Substances (<strong>Compressed</strong> <strong>Gas</strong>es) Regulations 2004.5 Design and Construction Requirements5.1 StandardsEvery cylinder designed and constructed under this Code of Practice must be designed andconstructed in accordance with the standard <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2 <strong>Gas</strong> cylinders of compositeconstruction – specification and test methods – Part 2: Fully wrapped fibre reinforcedcomposite gas cylinders with load-sharing metal liners.In addition <strong>to</strong> <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2 every gas cylinder designed under this Code of Practice mustmeet the requirements in this Code of Practice.Where this code of practice amends the requirements of the <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2, the affected clauseof <strong>11119</strong> Part 2 is shown, e.g. ( Application of StandardsThis Code enables the standard <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2 <strong>to</strong> be used in New Zealand. This standard forthe design and construction of cylinders is in addition <strong>to</strong> the currently approved standards.5.3 Contained <strong>Gas</strong>esThe gas cylinders manufactured <strong>to</strong> this Code of Practice are limited <strong>to</strong> the gases which do nothave class 6 or class 8 hazard classifications.5.4 Cylinder LifeThe life of the cylinder is limited <strong>to</strong> 15 years. This may be extended upon application <strong>to</strong> theAuthority who may approve an extension for whatever period it deems fit.5.5 Design VerificationAll designs must be verified in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Hazardous Substances(<strong>Compressed</strong> <strong>Gas</strong>es) Regulations 2004 in addition <strong>to</strong> the requirements of clause 7.1.4 of <strong>ISO</strong><strong>11119</strong>-2.Page 5 of 6

5.5 Design VariantsA new stress analysis is required for any design variant that alters the input parameters <strong>to</strong> thestress analysis, specified in clause 7.2.5 of <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong> Part 2, that are different <strong>to</strong> those used<strong>to</strong> analyse the approved cylinder design.5.6 Manufacturing Quality AssuranceThe inspection agency must approve the manufacturer’s quality assurance system andprocedures.The inspection agency may reject the selection of cylinders submitted for type testing if thereare concerns regarding the selection’s ability <strong>to</strong> represent typical cylinders from themanufacturing process. In such circumstances the inspection agency may select their ownrepresentative sample (8.1 & 8.2).5.7 Salt Water Immersion TestThe salt water immersion test is manda<strong>to</strong>ry for all cylinders i.e. it is not limited <strong>to</strong> cylindersintended for underwater applications.5.8 Inspec<strong>to</strong>rs ReportsThe design approval certificate must be signed off by the inspection agency confirming thatthe design meets the requirements of <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>11119</strong>-2 (Annex A). This may provide a testcertifier with sufficient evidence <strong>to</strong> issue a design verification certificate under Regulation15(3) of the Hazardous Substances (<strong>Compressed</strong> <strong>Gas</strong>es) Regulations 2004.Page 6 of 6

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