Individuals - Part 1 - Harding University Digital Archives

Individuals - Part 1 - Harding University Digital Archives

Individuals - Part 1 - Harding University Digital Archives


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To think that God made everyperson and thing on this planetand made each unique in its ownway is amazing. He made us individualsand that we are.People come in various shapes,sizes and colors. The very differencesthat separate anddistinguish us are the foundationsupon which we build our individuality.What makes us individualsare the talents andabilities the Lord has given us andthe way we put those to use.<strong>Individuals</strong> is designed torecognize those people who learn·ed effectively to use their uniquetalents.Each person expresses his individualityin his own unique way.For some, personality expressionfound its vent in relationshipswith other personalities. Othersgained satisfaction from academicallyoriemed activities: somemotivated by achievement poten·lial, some by the intrinsic satisfac·tion of learning. A few expressedthemselves through positions ofresponsibility and leadershiproles.The sudents selected in Who'sWho were chosen for their leader·ship, scholarship, and service.They were individuals with poten·lial in action.Royalty did not denote just"another pretty face" at <strong>Harding</strong>.The queens and their courl werechosen by their peers in recogni·tion of their outgoing personalities,social finesse, and thatelusive quality charm.Alpha Chi honors those indivi·duals who are motivated. forwhatever reason. to maintain ac·ademically high standards whiledeveloping a well roundedlifestyle.Though many deserving ofhonor are not pictured in the three<strong>Individuals</strong> catagories, they donot pass unnoticed. Wherever in·dividuals walk, there are alwaysnew paths.Susan R. Pryor, se('liun editor132Honors Introduction

American International College transferSue Baj was active in journalism through~out much of her college career. She servedas the 1980-81 BIson editor, as the PetitJe8n section editor in 1979-80, and thepresident of the Society of Collegiate Journalists.She was also a member of the PublicRelations Club and chairwoman of thecommittee for Arkansas First AmendmentCongress. A member of Psi Chi. Sue alsoenjoyed playing the violin in the<strong>University</strong>'s orchestra."Editing the Bison has been the mostbeneficial experience in my time here at<strong>Harding</strong>," stated the Agawam, Massachu~seUs native. "It has given me the chance togrow spiritually and sociaJJy while itprepared me for the professional world ofprint journalism. ,.Sue hopes to work for a newspaper.magazine or advertising firm after completionof her journalism degree.David Bedgood, a Senior speech majorfrom Bossier City, Louisiana concentratedin drama. David competed in the 1978American College Theater Festival and wonthe properties award for the Rainmaker. Healso was awarded the Best Back·StageTechnician Award 1980-81. In addition, hespent time in Reader's Theater productions.KHCA, and <strong>University</strong> Singers.A member of Titans, David explained hisgoals for the future, "I hope to work eitherIn the area of broadcasting as a newscasteror in the area of theater as a costumedesigner. Later, I want to go ahead andwork on my master's degree or maybe evenmy doctorate."""I'm getting married in May so myfuture plans are to be a housewife and eventuallya mother!" said dietetics majorLynne Beeson. "But I do plan to work in ahospital in some aspect of diet therapy for afew years."Lynne has served as devotional chairman,secretary, and president of OEGE socialclub, is a member of the Dietetics Club,JOY, the nag corps, and has traveled onNortheast campaigns. She is a native ofNashville, Tennessee.Textile merchandising major CherylBallinger was active in many ways duringher years at <strong>Harding</strong>. In addition to beingan al.:tive member of AHEA, she served asvice·prcsident, secretary, and devotionaldirector of her dub Alpha Alpha Alpha.She participated is Spring campaigns, andwas a member of ACCUS."Growing up near <strong>Harding</strong> has allowedme to .~ee true Christians live and work on adaily basi!'.. The Christians in this area havehelped me in many way!'. that arc above andbeyond the I.:all of duty for a university."Serving as captain of the bowling team,special education major Mike Bedwellwas also named three times to the AIl·AICand the NAJA District 17 for swimming. Inaddition, he was a member of Delta Omegasocial club."After graduation in May, I plan towork on my master's degree in specialeducation here at <strong>Harding</strong>," he stated. HIwill then pursue a doctorate degree. Uponcompletion of this, I would like to be ableto help other prospective teachers learn tograsp the concepts needed to be a specialeducation teacher.135Who'. Who

Serving as Student Association presidentior 1980-81 was Walt Buce, an accountingmajor from Bartlesville. Oklahoma. Walt,who had previously worked on the S.A. astreasurer in 1979-80, was a member ofAlpha Chi, the American Studies program,Delta Mu Delta, the Free EnterpriseEconomics Team, Intercollegiate Debate,and Pi Kappa Delta, and King's Men socialclub. He was also a member of theorganization of Students for Reagan."My goal in life," Buce stated, "Is to bea successful Christian professional."Barbara Cash, a nursing major and atransfer from Columbia Christian College,was a member of Phi Delta social club,Alpha Chi, Chorale, Conquerors, AustrianCampaigns, the Student Nurses Association,the Nursing Honor Society. JOY, andserved both as May Fete royalty andHomecoming Class Representative for theseniors.HOne goal I have had all of my life is todo missions work in another country," shestated. I< Although I don't know where, I'vethought about going to Ireland. With mynursing I can do medical mission work withMike Cunningham following our marriagein August of 1981."Skip Bradley, a native of Cincinnati,Ohio, was a journalism major with thedistinction of maintaining a 4.0 grade pointaverage. He was a member of Alpha Chi, areporter for the Bison staff, a member ofFraters social club, the Society of CollegiateJournalists, and the Timothy club. He wasa sports writer for the Searcy Daily Citizenand a ninth-grade teacher at the CollegeChurch of Christ. He also participated inintramurals and in Spring break campaigns.An elementary major from Searcy,Arkansas, Kathleen Cannon served invarious clubs. She was a member of ChiAlpha Rho, Alpha Chi, and Kappa DeltaChi. Intellectual and spirilual clubs inwhich she was involved were the AmericanStudies program, the May Campaigns, andthe World Evangelism Forum. JOY also en·joyed her membership. "The friends I havemade and the experiences I have had at<strong>Harding</strong> are the biggest blessings the Lordhas ever given me. As a teacher. I want thechildren to see Jesus living in me and whenthey begin to search for meaning in theirlives, to remember the life of Jesus,"remarked Kathleen as she considered herlife at <strong>Harding</strong>.Lis ChaIenberg, a native of Star·buck, Minnesota, was a piano major and amember of Alpha Chi, the concert band,marching band and stage band, ChamberSingers, and Chorale. In addition, she participatedin both International and MayCampaigns."<strong>Harding</strong> is a great place," she commented."In the time I've spent here I'vebeen blessed more than I ever would havethought possible. The opportunities tobuild relationships - with the Lord andwith people - are priceless."136Who'sWho

"I have found being S.A. treasurer thisyear a very enjoyable task," said WadeCoggins, a business major from HotSprings Village, Arkansas. Wade served asjunior class vice-president, was a memberof the S.A. Academic Affairs committee,and played in club sports for his social club,King's Men.H] hope to get a job in business," commentedWade. "I think my time at <strong>Harding</strong>has prepared me well for a career inbusiness."Nursing major Wendy Dahlstrom, a:ransfer student, was active in serving' hrough JOY, Big Sisters, and May Campaigns.Wendy also participated in CampusPlayers, <strong>University</strong> Singers, and the Nurs~ing Honor Society.Wendy is uncertain as to where she will~o after graduation, but she has thoughtlbout going to Guatemala to work in thehealth clinic or going to the Northwest."Being at <strong>Harding</strong> has been a very growlngexperience for me. I thank God for allowingme to be a part of many people'sijves here at <strong>Harding</strong>, and for the blessings I"::ontinue to receive from Him through peo~pie here."Spiritual involvement plays a vital rolefor Monte Cox, a Bible major fromNewman. Georgia. He served as SpiritualLife Committee Chairman, World EvangelismForum President, and Timothy Clubgroup leader. Preaching at CulpepperChurch of Christ, he participated in Iowacampaigns and led Irish campaigns.He served as news announcer on KHCAradio staff, beaux for Regina social club,president of Chi Sigma Alpha social club,and was a two-year member of the A CappellaChorus. Being named to the Dean'sList, Monte received the Hammond Scholarshipand the World Evangelism Scholarshipand award.Regarding his plans for the future,Monte hopes to attend graduate sChool toobtain his Missions degree and then hisMasters of Theology degree. "I'm excited!I'm ready to be about the Father'sbusiness.""After graduation, I plan to obtain ajobin selling or management," stated businessmanagement major Tad Danner. Tad, anative of Coltlmbia, Missouri, served asStudent Association vice-president. He wasalso on the Food Services Committee, theStudent Activities Committee, and was amember of King's Men social club. He wasnamed as an intramural All-Star, and was aBig Buddy for two years and a beaux toOEGE social club for three years. DuringSpring break, he went on campaigns in Columbus,Ohio.Chris Dell, a native of Freeport, Illinois,was a psychology major and a member ofChi Sigma Alpha social club. He served asSpring Sing director for his club in 1981,and was a member of A Cappella and AlphaChi. He participated in dramatics andReader's Theater, was a resident assistant,and a beaux for Regina social club. Chriswas a Spring Sing host for both 1980 and1981-.. After getting married in December andgraduating this summer, I would like to goon to do graduate work in either clinicalpsychology or administrative social work,"he commented.137Who's Who

•Economics major Sally Florence ofWorthington, Ohio plans to work in aforeign country in international businessand for the church. While attending <strong>Harding</strong>she was a member of the award winningEconomics Team, the AmericanStudies Program, and Delta Mu Delta.As a Spanish minor Sally was active inthe Spanish Club and participated inVenezuelan Campaigns and was a memberof the World Evangelism Forum and JOY.She was a member of Tri-Sigma Deltasocial club, and served in the office of vicepresident and treasurer. Sally also was onthe Traffic Appeals Committee and in thecast of "Midsummer Night's Dream."Sharon Goetting was an English majorand a member of Tri Sigma Delta socialclub. She was also a member of Alpha Chi,Sigma Tau Delta, and a reporter for theBlson_ She was a queen for Delta Omegaand spent one Spring Break in St. Louis oncampaigns. She was in two homecomingplays: The Sound of Music" and" A MidsummerNight's Dream." Sharon wasselected Most Valuable Player for basketballin Intramural sports and was also onthe Intramural All-Star basketball team.The native of Mammoth Spring, Arkansasstated, ". plan to teach secondaryEnglish . I think this is a good way for me toserve God because of the innuence 1 canhave on my students."David Dowson, a native of Byron,Georgia, was a Bible major and a memberof the Timothy Club, and played intercollegiatefootball for the Bisons."My future plans," Dowson stated, "areto attend <strong>Harding</strong> Graduate School ofReligion and preach the Word until I die.""<strong>Harding</strong> has been very beneficial to myspiritual growth and to the understandingof myself and my personality," statedmusic education major Joli Gibbs. She is anative of S. Ouirino. Italv.JoU was a member of A Cappella and ATempo. She was also active in dramatics asshe was a cast member in "Brigadoon,""The Sound of Music," and" A MidsummerNight's Dream."With a French education major, jolj wasa member of the French club. She was alsoan active member in JOY, Alpha Chi,Regina social club. and participated inAustrian and International Campaigns.9~§~With a double major in history andspeech, Philip Gould plans on entering lawschool after graduation from <strong>Harding</strong>. Aspart of the Debate and Speech Arts teams,he has won awards in contests at universitiesthroughout the country. He served onthe KHCA staff and the Petit Jean Staff.He was also a member of Pi Alpha Theta,Pi Kappa Delta, and Sigma Tau Delta. Hebelonged to the Frater Sodalis men'.., duband the Spanish Club.After graduation from law school Philipwould like to establish a legal practice andeventually get involved in politics on thestate and national level.138Who'. Who

Little Rock native, Bill Hefley was abiochemistry major who planned to entermedical schonl after graduation.In addition to his studies, he was vicepresidentof Kappa Sigma social club in1978-79 and social affairs director in1979-80. He served as a beaux for Ju Go Jusocial club as a sophomore, for Ko Jo Kaias a junior, and for KKK as a senior. Heparticipated in intramural athletics and wasa member of Chorale.The chairman of the Good Services Committee,Bill was a member of the Pre-MedClub, served as president of Alpha Chi. Hereceived the Duane Priest Memorial PremedicalScholarship, the Alfred H. NollAlpha Chi Scholarship, and was named tothe Outstanding Young Men of Americaand to the National Dean's List.Jay Justu s, a transfer from SouthwestMississippi Junior College believes that"without a serving heart no one will everlead successfully." During his fou r years heserved as vice president of the junior classand senior class and was Sophomore andJunior Men 's Representative on the S.A.With a double major in History andBible, Jay was inducted into Phi AlphaTheta, the International History Society,American St udies, Barristers, and YoungRepublicans. He has been to London oncampaigns, was a member of TimothyClub, World Evangelism Forum, Sirea, andthe S.A. Spiritual Life committee.The Magnolia, Mississippi nalive was anintramural All-Star and Jacket winner, abeaux for Shantih and a member of TNTsocial club.A native of Red Falls. Minnesota, CindyLapp majored in nursing and plans to bepart of a self-supporting team to the Northeast.She was active in Alpha Chi. the StudentAssociation, Spiritual Life Committee,Student Affairs Committee, JOY, andthe Venezuelan Campaigns.Cindy was especially active in band. Sheparticipated in the concert and marchingbands, pep band, and the stage band.She served in OEGE social club as president.secretary. treasurer, and devotionalchairman. She was also involved in Intramuralsports.Phyllis Higgins, who transfered in hersophomore year from Memphis State <strong>University</strong>,was a marketing major from Tennessee.She was a member of the AmericanStudies program, Delta Mu Delta, and theFree Enterprise Economics Team. of whichshe was chairman on 1980. She also participatedin the Reader's Theater in the fallof 1978, and was the student speaker forboth the Youth Seminar Weekend andSchool of Business Freshmen-SophomoreRetreat. She was a member of Zeta Rhosocial club.HI plan to return next year to certify inEnglish and to work on my master's," commentedsocial science major Denise Kay.The Lubbock, Texas native was a memberof Alpha Chi and the American Studiesprogram. Denise participated in both Internationaland May Campaigns. She was amember of Chorale, Young Republicans,and Regina social club.139Who's Who

Melanie McMillen, a psychology major,in addition to editing the 1981 Petit Jeanedited the Psychology Bulletin and worked.as a Bison reporter for the Student Association.She was awarded membership in PsiChi, Sigma Tau Delta, and the Society ofCollegiate Journalists.Melanie was involved in Young Republicans,Biology Club and was a member ofAlpha Chi. She sang in A Cappella, theWomen's Ensemble, and in two HomecomMing musicals: "Brigadoon" and "TheSound of Music." She was a member of KaRe Ta social club.She was active on the S.A. Academic AffairsCommittee.A transfer student from Alabama ChriSMtian College, Beth Parker majored inEnglish and Journalism. Beth served ashistorian of Kappa Phi. president of SigmaTau Delta, Vice president of the Publicrelations club, was a member of the PetitJean staff, Society for Collegiate Journalists,Student National EducationAssociation and acted as editor of the Bisonher senior year.A native of Monroe, Georgia, Beth plansto teach in high school, possibly write for anewspaper or magazine and ultimatelybecome, lOa free-lance writer sharing withothers the humor, the insights, and thegrowth in simple living. Whatever I do ismy service to God."Memphis native, Monty Lynn was apsychology and social work double major,and a chaplain for TNT social club. He wasa member of Psi Chi. the National Associationof Christians in Social Work, and wasthe Spiritual Life Committee chairman forthe Student Association in 1980. He alsopaTlicipated in intercollegiate swimming.140Who'. WhoSpeech major "Boo" Mitchell from Texarkana,Texas, was al.:tive in journalism,drama. and spee..:h. Boo was associate editorfor the Bi~on, wrote the ..:olumn "FromThe Inside Looking Out," and was amember of Sodety for Collegiate Journalist!t.Boo panidp.ucd in inter..:ollegiatedebate, Forensics, and several one-actplays. He was a member of TNT socialclub, Pi Kappa Delta, and served on theS.A. Movie Committee.Boo saY!t he has plam. for the fUlUrc I.:on­..:crning hi!' major. "With my speel.:h majorI plan on being unemployed."A special education major from An~chorage, Alaska. Pam was very active durMing her <strong>Harding</strong> years. On the Dean's Listfour years, she was also a member of AlphaChi. She participated in Iowa campaigns,was a member of Campus Players. Dramatics,Reader's Theater, and was selectedbest supporting actress twice. She wassenior women's S.A. class representative,and was secretary of the S.A. Spiritual LifeCommittee. Also active in JOY, KappaDelta Pi and Chorale, Pam is known for beingan effective member of anything shejoins.======:::11

Vice-president of Chi Sigma Alpha socialclub, Scott Perkins was a native of Liverpool,New York. His majors includedBiblical languages and psychology. Amember of Alpha Chi, Scott was also veryactive in the music department at <strong>Harding</strong>.He sang in A Cappella, Chamber Singers,and Chorale. He also used his musicaltalents in the concert band, pep band,and orchestra. A Kirei club beaux, Scottwas also an intramural All-Star, a residentassistant and also a member of Psi Chi andTimothy Club.Scott spent time on Northeast campaignsand was a member of the Chicago team.After graduation Scott would like to spenda few years "somewhere in the Northeastworking with an effectively growing congregationand attending graduate school tobecome a clinical counselor."Art major Carla Phillips was a transferfrom Michigan Christian College. A memberof the Art Guild and Kappa Pi, Carlaserved as the secretary for the StudentAssociation for 1980-81. She also workedon the S.A. Election Committee and theS.A. Intercollegiate Women's Sports Committee.She was an active participant in clubsports as well.HI plan to live in the south," said theFreeland, Michigan native when askedabout her plans after graduation, "and gointo commercial art, or teach art in anelementary school.""As a teacher I don't want to just impartknowledge but rather convey Christ tothe students and show He can meet alltheir needs," commented senior mathmajor Christie Privett from Jacksonville,Arkansas.Christie was involved extensively in campaignefforts in the Northeast, International,May and Spring Break campaigns'78-'80. She also served as JOY secretary,and was a member of the Spiritual LifeCommittee and World Evangelism Forum.A member of Theta Psi social club,Christie was athletic director and also participatedin Intramurals. In addition, sheserved as president of Kappa Delta Pi andtreasurer of SNEA and was on the Dean'sList.,Before transferring from Ohio ValleyCollege, Terri Rine was in A Cappella.Iowa Campaigns, and intramural sports.While at ove, Terri was also a S.A. clubrepresentative, homecoming queen allendant,winter festival queen, and a clubqueen.In relation to her vocational homeeconomicsmajor, Terri participated inAHEA at <strong>Harding</strong>. She was on the Dean'sList and the National Dean's List.Besides being a wife and a mother, Terriwould like to teach foods home-economicsin college.Teaming up Bible and medicine. seniorMike Rivas wants to practice medicine in anunderdeveloped country such as Mexico. Anative of Corpus Christie, Mike was on theBison Football Team, athletic director ofChi Sigma Alpha and participated in the IntramuralAll-Star program.He was a member of the Pre-Med Club,American Studies. (he Timothy Club, and abeaux for GATA.As a goal for his life Mike replied, "Iwould lik~ to work as a medical missionaryin a place where the people do not havemuch. I'd like to let these people know andfeel thai they are loved and they are veryspecial. 1 would then like to teach themabout God so thaI they will both hear aboutGod and see God in His people."141Who', Who

West Des Moines, Iowa native ClarkRoush was active in the Music Departmentfor four years. During this time he was vicepresident of A Cappella, conductor ofWomen's Ensemble, Outstanding MaleMember during 1979-80, in A Tempo asoioisl in the orchestra and SlUd~ntAssociate conductor of Univeristy Singers.The Vocal Music Education major wasvice president of Alpha Chi and has beennamed to the Dean's List. In addition to theNational Dean's List. he also was awardedthe L. O. Sanderson Scholarship Award.Clark has spent summers and spring breaksin campaign work overseas and in Iowa.A member of Chi Sigma Alpha socialclub. Kappa Delta Pi and Jntramurals par·(!cipant. Clark described his philosophy oflife. "Develop the talents and abilities theLord has given to their fullest and returnthem to Him in His service."." . ".-.­.- --'.. -.. -.:Searcy native. Belinda Segraves was anHome Economics' major and a member ofZeto Rho social club. She was queen forKing's Men social club, a Winter FestivalClass Representative, and both sophomoreand junior Homecoming Class Representative."I plan to do work in the field of HomeEconomics, for instance as a home extensio~agent or home economist," saidBehnda, when asked about future plans."My greatest joy in life has been tellingthe story I love best through the means Ilove best - acting," says speech educationmajor Julie Swan.A member of honor societies, Alpha Chi,Alpha Psi Omega, and Sigma Tau Delta,Julie also was active in Dramatics, CampusPlayers, Readers Theater and "HisPlayers." She won Best Actress for her performanceof Raina in Arms and the Manand was in the Homecoming play "MidsummerNight's Dream."The Bloomington, Illinois native furthercommented on her dramatic experiences,"<strong>Harding</strong> has provided me with the opportunityto spread the gospel through dramaby participating in such groups asTroubadours and His Players."~ichard Teixeira, an Auburn, Indiananative, was an accounting major. He was amember of Alpha Tau Epsilon social cluba~d the American Studies program.Richard participated in such intercollegiate~thletics as cross country and track. It was10 these sports that he received the awardsAll-Ale, AII·NAIA in District 17, and AII­American.142Wloo'.Who

Mass Communications major E. C.Umberger, a native of Princeton, WestVirginia, found that serving as KHCA StationManager, along with assistant newsdirector and newscaster, helped him gainexperience for his chosen field. "I want towork in religious broadcasting because thepower of the media is tremendous in America,"he commented. "Christian leadershave just scratched the surface in realizingand utlizing radio and television time. Ihope to eventually become a religious consultantfor the church; in addition, I wantto do broadcasting missions work in Australiawith a team of <strong>Harding</strong> graduates. "E. C., who went on both Australian andMay campaigns, served as Spring Sing Directorfor Galaxy and Ju Go Ju social clubsin 1981. He participated in IntercollegiateDebate, Intercollegiate Speech Arts, PiKappa Delta, the Society for CollegiateJournalists. Club Beaux for Regina socialclub. and Senior Men's Representative tothe Student Association."My long-range goals include servingGod as a public accountant and perhapslater as a lawyer," said accounting majorHal West, a Nashville, Tennessee native. Inaddition to serving Kappa Sigs social clubas secretary for two years and Spiritual Lifedirector, he was a member of Alpha Chi,American Studies program, Barristers,French club, and was treasurer and latervice-president of the Society for CollegiateJournalists. He was business manager forthe Petit Jean, was president of Pi GammaPsi, a member of the Reno Business Teamand the Nashville Business Team, presidentof Delta Mu Delta, and was a club beauxfor KKK social club. He also served on theCollege Church of Christ Worship Committee."I believe in getting involved in allaspects of campus life," he stated."Limiting your friendships and associationsto only certain groups of peoplemakes you predictable. I enjoy surprisingpeople - why. I've even eaten with Sub-Tbefore. Shocking, Huh? I think it's sad toallow barriers to new friendships remainstanding. I enjoy looking for a person'spoteIitiilr strengths to help them exploitthem. 'Iron sharpens iron; so one mansharpens another! (Prov, 27:17) That is myfavorite scripture; I try to use it as a guide."A business and journalism major, JonWoodroof wants to be involved with people,but is not sure where that will lead him. Jonstated, " I have thought about going toBoston to work with Terry Smith. I reallybelieve there is a need for young Christiansin the Northeast. I would also like to beinvolved with the program 'Heartbeat' inwhatever way I can . But whatever 1 do, Iwant to give my life for people because Ithink they are worth it."Jon was very active during his years at<strong>Harding</strong>. He was a member of the tennisteam, TNT social club, and sang with the"Time of Day_" He was the voice of "TimeOut" while on the KHCA staff. Furthermore,Jon was involved in 1979 on the summercampaign to Tabernacle. New Jersey.A transfer from the <strong>University</strong> of Tennesseeat Nashville, Mark Zuccolo was amajor in international trade. He was amember of Alpha Chi, American Studiesprogram, the World Evangelism Forum,Delta Mu Delta, a copywriter for the PetitJean, and vice-president of Phi , AlphaTheta. He also was a C. K. HammonScholar for 1980, the editor of a campuswidenewsletter, a member of the Mission'Committee and the Finance Committee atthe College church. and was listed in the1980 National Dean's List.Concerning future plans. Mark commented,"I plan to work in internationaltrade and investments. II143Who'. Who

Mass Communications major E. C.Umberger, a native of Princeton, WestVirginia, found that serving as KHCA StationManager, along with assistant newsdirector and newscaster, helped him gainexperience for his chosen field. "I want towork in religious broadcasting because thepower of the media is tremendous in America,"he commented. "Christian leadershave just scratched the surface in realizingand utiizing radio and television time. Ihope to eventually become a religious consultantfor the church; in addition, I wantto do broadcasting missions work in Australiawith a team of <strong>Harding</strong> graduates."E. C., who went on both Australian andMay campaigns, served as Spring Sing Directorfor Galaxy and Ju Go Ju social clubsin 1981. He participated in IntercollegiateDebate, Intercollegiate Speech Arts, PiKappa Delta, the Society for CollegiateJournalists, Club Beaux for Regina socialclub, and Senior Men's Representative tothe Student Association."My long-range goals include servingGod as a public accountant and perhapslater as a lawyer," said accounting majorHal West, a Nashville, Tennessee native. Inaddition to serving Kappa Sigs social clubas secretary for two years and Spiritual Lifedirector, he was a member of Alpha Chi,American Studies program, Barristers,French club, and was treasurer and latervice-president of the Society for CollegiateJournalists. He was business manager forthe Petit Jean, was president of Pi GammaPsi, a member of the Reno Business Teamand the Nashville Business Team, presidentof Delta Mu Delta, and was a club beauxfor KKK social club. He also served on theCollege Church of Christ Worship Committee."I believe in getting involved in allaspects of campus life," he stated."Limiting your friendships and associationsto only certain groups of peoplemakes you predictable. 1 enjoy surprisingpeople - why, I've even eaten with Sub-Tbefore. Shocking, Huh? I think it's sad toallow barriers to new friendships remainstanding. I enjoy looking for a person'spotentiaI' strengths to help them exploitthem. 'Iron sharpens iron; so one mansharpens another! (Prov, 27:17) That is myfavorite scripture; I try te use it as a guide."A business and journalism major, JonWoodroof wa'rits to be involved with people,but is not sure where that will lead him. Jonstated, "1 have thought about going toBoston to work with Terry Smith. I reallybelieve there is a need for young Christiansin the Northeast. I would also like to beinvolved with the program ' Heartbeat' inwhatever way I can. But whatever I do, Iwant to give my life for people because Ithink they are worth it."Jon was very active during his years at<strong>Harding</strong>. He was a member of the tennisteam, TNT social club, and sang with the"Time of Day." He was the voice of "TimeOut" while on the KHCA staff. further- ·more, Jon was involved in 1979 on the summercampaign to Tabernacle, New Jersey.A transfer from the <strong>University</strong> of Tennesseeat Nashville, Mark Zuccolo was amajor in international trade. He was amember of Alpha Chi, American Studiesprogram, the World Evangelism Forum,Delta Mu Delta, a copywriter for the PetitJeao, and vice-president of Phi, AlphaTheta. He also was a C. K. HammonScholar for 1980, the editor of a campuswidenewsletter, a member of the Mission'Committee and the Finance Committee atthe College church, and was listed in the1980 National Dean's List.Concerning future plans, Mark commented,"I plan to work in internationaltrade and investments."143Who'. Who

144Homecoming Royalty

Coming Home:Texan Lynn Watson isQueenfor-a-week as theBisons celebrate Homecoming." As the crowd watched, LynnWatson of Marshall, Texas wascrowned Homecoming Queen onNovember 6 at the HomecomingPep Rally.On Saturday, the queen and hercourt were presented in the paradeand during the halftime activitiesat the football game.Sophomore Sue Rhoten of Ft.Worth, Texas and freshman KristiMorgan, native of Sherwood,Arkansas served as attendants toLynn.When asked about the significanceof queen contests, Lynnsaid, " I am not sure why weshould have queen contests, but Ilook forward to seeing anothergirl experience the honor and excitementthat I was able to enjoyfor the weekend."The senior physical educationmajor was, active in PEMM Club,intramural sports and worked asan intramural assistant. She alsoserved as athletic director for herclub, Tri Sigma Delta.CLASS REPRESENTATIVES: I.Senior Barb Cash from Vancouver.Washington. is escorted by fianceMike Cunningham. 2. Kim Adams, ajunior from Dallas. Texas. is presentedby Charlie Carroll. 3. During a windyhalftime. sophomore Susan Parkeyof Franklin, Tennessee, is presentedby her father. 4. Kelly Van Paller,freshman representative from LillieRock, is escorted by her father., _ Don HQlhmd145Homecoming Royalty

Kim AdamsWinter Festival Queen146Winter Festival Royalty

warms up Winter Festival<strong>Harding</strong> has a queen for every season, itseems. This wi nter the basketball teamnominated its favorites, and the lOP honorwent to junior Kim Adams. Discussing themerits of the queen tradition, WinterFestival Queen Kimberly Adams of Dallas,Texas, had some interesting comments." ) don't really know why we should havequeens except maybe for the tcam's benefit.Some girls consider it important, I know,but personally I feel that it's given toomuch emphasis. I am honored that thebasketballieam chose me lO represem them- and I was equally surprised!"A Physical Education/ Health major,Kim has served as treasurer of the PEMMclub, played imramurals and participated inSpring Sing wit h her social club. Zeta Rho.She was active in the Studenl Association,working as a member of the Student ActivitiesCommillee, and managed her time wellenough to be a Bison cheerleader, also. Kimwas honored by her classmates in beingse lected c lass representative to theHomecoming court in her sophomore andjunior years. In her spare time she playedtennis, raised plants and allended Life sessionsof the College church congregation.Kim's final comments of her latesthonor? "I believe that any hall or, whetherit's a nomination or being part of anorganization, etc., should be used to theglory of God; not for o ne's personalglorification. "Attending Kim were junior C harlotteYingling of Searcy and Kim Shackelford, asenior from Shreveport."I Charlotte YinglingAttendant147Winter Festival Royalty

Reigning over the festivites ofMay Fete was Redwood Falls,Minnesota native Cindy Lapp." I was both surprised andhonored" to be elected queen, thesenior nursing major said. Sherepresented OEOE where she hasheld the offices of devotionalchairman, treasurer, secretary,and president."I have especially enjoyed theopportunity to both bestrengthened and to strengthen myChristian friends" whi le at <strong>Harding</strong>,Cindy said. And manyfriends she has as a result of hermemberships in Alpha Chi andthe Nursing Honor Society.Cindy plans " if it is God's will,to be a part of a permanent, selfsupportingmission team to a cityin the Northeast without a body ofGod's family."Attending Cindy were juniorhome economics major GloriaAllen and Darlene Hodges, asenior political science major.Cindy Lapp reigns over Spring Rite148May Fete Royalty

ABO VE: May Queen Cindy Lapp gelS some exerciseduring :vomen '5 intercollegiate softballpractice.149May Fete Royalty

Belinda Segraves issecond generationPetit Jean queenLike mother - like daughter;such is the case of -the 1981 PetitJean Queen Belinda Segraves.Belinda's mother, Shirley (Fort)Segraves was crowned Petit JeanQueen in 1957. The Nashvillenative represented the Mohicans.Representing King's Men,Belinda joins the list of honoreesat <strong>Harding</strong>,Belinda likes the people at <strong>Harding</strong>"because there are all kindsof people here, with their own personalities.It has been fun gettingto know a variety of people," shecommented.The senior home economics majorwas active in Zeta Rho. Herhobbies, she said, are " sewing,cooking, and Wade Coggins."Cherie Canohy. Chi SigmaAlpha's club queen and Titan'squeen Janet Kirby were Belinda'sattendants. Cherie is a seniorelementary education major and aRegina, hailing from New Fair·field, Connecti cut. A member ofKo Jo Kai, Janet is a nursi ng majorfrom Jackson, Tennessee.150Petit Jean Royalty

151Petit Jean Royalty

A Ipha Chi - bookworms, high waterpants, crewcuts? Not hardly. Whether ornot you know it, members of Alpha Chi includepeople just like you.The Arkansas Eta Chapter of Alpha Chiwas installed in 1957. It is just one of 211chapters in the U.S. The organization wasestablished in 1922 to promote andrecognize superior academic achievementand those elements of character that makescholarship effective for good. At <strong>Harding</strong>,the qualifications for membership require a3.70 cumulative average on 80 to 103 hoursor a 3.50 average on 104 or more hours.During the school year, <strong>Harding</strong>'sWhat is Alpha Chi?chapter sponsors its annual seminar ongraduate study. Also, they sponsored aworkshop dealing with effective studymethods.Opportunities are given each member ofAlpha Chi to present scholarly and creativeworks at the regional or national meetings.Since the. spring semester of 1958, <strong>Harding</strong>has been represented at these conventionsby at least one member a year. This year'snational convention was held April 2-4 atthe Maxwell House in Nashville, Tenn.- Susan PryorDR. JOE PR YOR wotches the procession of newmemtiers as they enter the Heritage Auditorium.Bill F. Heney, Jr., Pres. - BiochemistryClark Roush, VI« Pm. - Music EducationKatharina Reichel, Sec. - AnWalter Smith. Tmu. - Computer ApplicationsColleen Mansel, Rep. - NursingGary Lynn Adams - AccountingRuth Adele Aebi - SpanishRandal Mark Albers - AccountingWarren Alkire - Bible & MathematicsCatherine Lynne Anderson - NursingRussell Lynn Anderson - Social ScienceKerri Lou Anthony - Elementary EducationLana Carnne Austin - Elementary EducationSle"en L. Barnhart - AccoumingBarry Paul Barrell - Biblical LanguagesPatricia Darnell Barren - HistoryKevin Charles Bishop - BibleLinda Polk Blackard - Special EducationMargaret Irene Boersma - Office AdministrationRonald A. Bower - PhysicsDarryl "Skip" Bradley - Bible & JournalismApril Jackson Brasher - NursingGeorge Wayne Braun - SpanishAlesa M. Bristow - Office AdministrationBarbara Lee Brown - Home EconomicsLoni Gayle Brown - Elementary EducationWaller I'. Bu« - Accounting & ManagementLuanne E. Bukowlch - Elementary EducationJohn Man: Burkell - AccountingAnita Denise Burks - AccountingRobert F. Cam - Psychology & BibleKathleen Cannon· Elementary EducationBarbara Lee Cash - NursingRhonda Cash· Biology & Medical TechnologyLisbeth Chalenburg - PianoGreg L. Clayton - ArtMark Rondell Clement - ManagementPamela Loraine Collins - NursingSusan Kay Collins· AccountingSteven Lynn Combs - Biblical LanguagesJoann Adele Cornell· HistoryMichael R. Cross - Public AdministrationWendy Sue Dahlstrom - NursingChris Alan Dell - PsychologyJudy Carolyn Donnell - Elementry EducationI)avid Michael Enlow - Physical EducationCurrice Anne Evans - Voc. Home EconomicsSheila Kay fancher - Special EducationPamela Sue hrmer • Elememary Education152Alpha Chi

Melanie McMillen ~ PsychologyJudy Gay McNeese * ManagementJohnny D. McQuain - Speech TherapyCatherine Sue Miller - DieteticsJessica Moore ~ Physical EducationMarcia Janine Noell - NursingBetSY Noland - MathematicsBrenda Elizabeth Parker - EnglishJanet Sue Parkey - Special Education)Jennifer Let: Pawloski - EnglishGlenn M. Payne - BiologyCharla Ann Pearson ~ Social WorkJames Michael Penrod - ManagementKeith David Percell - Biblical LanguagesPamela Lynn Perkins - Special EducationRobert Clyde Perkins - SpeechSCOIt Perkins - Psychology & Biblical LanguagesLisa Jill PeUie ~ Business Education,Julia Rose Phelps - Elementary Education & SpanishJohn 8. Pickhardt - BiologyMark Leland Piller - Sible & PsychologyPamela Gail Presson * NursingMartha S. Purdom - Physical EducationJoel David Ragland - Music EducationMack Yates Ramsey - Social ScienceJudith Ann Riley - Special EducationTamie Rene Rix - Art & Elementary EducationUnda Ann Roberts - ChemistryJennifer Anne Robison - Elementary EducationTim D. Sain - MathematicsL::::~=====:::==::::==:::::::::=== __ DUllHulloll(/154Alpha Chi

Alpha ChiCultusTwice each year. selected <strong>Harding</strong>students have the opportunity to view a reallive cult. These people burn candles, recitephrases, receive a symbol (could it be themark of the beast), and receive their instructions.A robed man presides over theceremony, and is assisted by two men, theirfaces all in the glow of flickering candles.Before you caU home or report a new cultto Ed Sanders, Jet it be known that theabove mentioned is out of proportion.These things happen, but not within a cult.Jt is the installation of new members intoAlpha Chi.The candlelight ceremony is to impresson the students the need to search forknowledge and truth. The lighting of theircandles shows the realization of the beginningof knowledge, not the end.If you have a chance to observe the nextinstallation, please do so. Hopefully youcan be one of those to light a candle. If not.at least you'll understand the pictures in theyearbook.- Clark RoushMarcella K. Salmon - Special EducationDennis Sandt'rs - Computer Applic. & Biblical Lang.David Thomas Sayle - NursingGary Steve Selby - Social ScienceAle-x Dale Shelton - AccountingSara Anne Sheridan - MusicJon Alan Sherrod - BiologyEdith Melinda Simpson - Music EducationSusan ROChelle Skipper - MathematicsCarol Ann Smilh - AccounlingEugene S. Smilh III - Chemistry & MathematicsLois ~n Smilh - FrenchRandall J . SmUh - AccountingSlanlt'y J. Smith - Elemenlary EducationSleven Lee Smilh • MusicJohn Randal Sianley - AccountingJacki Jeanelle Sturgeon - Elementary Educat ionDaniel Phillip Summers - AccountingElaine M. SUIIOR - Special EducationJulie L)·nn Swan - SpeechDt-nnis A. Swayne· Social ScienceJanel L. Tallman - Elementary EducationRichard Paul Teixeira - AccountingJohn Henry Thee, Jr. - General ScienceRobert Cliflon Thompson - DramaJoyce- Annelle Tucker· Speech TherapyTamara Suzanne Tucker - BiologyDavid A. Verret - DibleJames H. Wamack, Jr. - ChemistryWendy Suzanne Waterman - Elemenlary EducationLori Jenel Wells· FrenchHarold E. West - AccouOling'- - Ih!l/ ""I/Uti"1. A FIRING squaa? No, the future members ofAlpha Chi wail paliently for their (urn in (he induclionceremony. 2. SPONSOR Dr. DonEngland congrafulates a new inductee. J.ANOTHER step in the induction ceremony isdepicted by the lighting of candles.Mark Charles Wilmoth - AccountingGary Paul Wihmn - MusicSandra Kay Wilson· Office AdministrationKalherine Wood· EnglishMelissa Jane Word - NursingDavid Lynn Wrighl - MuskGregory S. York - Biblical languagesMark Renzo Zutcolo - International Trade155Alpha Chi

156Classes Introduction

. AS FINALS draw near, TimAlexander and Betsy Nolandhit the books . and theM&M's! 2. YIELDING totemptation, Tom Alexander'sBible class abandons theclassroom for the great outdoors.3. CUBB YHOLES aresough/ and /reosured as a spotwhere studying can ac/uaJJy bedone. 4. ALL NIGHT studysessions produce weirdbehavior and mid-day gigglesessions in the cafeteria betweenHolly Clark and MarvinTopp.Classes? Well it could mean agroup of students taught togetheror the meeting of such a group. Itcould also mean a division ofsociety, a grade or quality,. or agroup of st udents graduatingtogether.In Jhis case, "Classes" is thedivision of students by means oftheir semester hours (freshmen 0to 27, sophomores 28-59, juniors60 to 89, seniors 90 to 128).Although the Classes portion ofa yearbook is the least favorite ofthe staff and one of rhe hardest toproduce, it is one of the most significantsections. II is used formany years to come as a referenceto <strong>Harding</strong> Alumni. Also, it giveseveryone an opportunity to be inthe yearbook. FealUres are includedto focu s on Ihe qualities andsignificance of several exceptionalpeople, places, and subjects.Along with the freshmen, sophomores,juniors, and seniors arethe students from the Graduateand Christian CommunicationPrograms' .There was an increase of 15students entering full-timegraduate work this year. Many ofthe 57 graduate students were pursuingthe certification for elementaryadminist ration.The Christian CommunicationsProgram enrolled 20 students thisfall to join with the 18 returningmembers from the 1979-80 class.This intensive two-year, noncreditprogram conducted by theBible Department is separate fromthe regular academic program ofthe university. II is limited tostudents 21 years of age or olderand is designed 10 prepare maturestudents for effective church workwith a primary emphasis onpreaching.Whatever else it may be, Classesis the convergence of the individualsthat attend <strong>Harding</strong><strong>University</strong>.- Susan R. Pryor,section editor157Classes Introduction

Looking toward life after <strong>Harding</strong>Senioritus ! A lthough notfound in Webster's Dictionary, itcan be defined as "that point inlife when one becomes disorientedto present surroundings andbegins to think of life beyondgraduation. "This year almost Y4 of<strong>Harding</strong>'s stuctenr body was forcedto prepare for that inevitablehOUf of passing from college studentlO college graduate. The anticipatedchange was a feeling ofapprehension combined with joy.Senior Eric Schol from PineBluff, Ark. , commented on histhought s about graduation,"Hallelujah! I'm glad to graduatebut not really sure about what I'llbe doing. It is searey since I'vebeen in school for so long anddon't know how I' ll make it. "Ji ll Pettie, senior from Huntsville,Ala., echoed his words, "It'sexciti ng and scarey. Excitingbecause you are starting a newpart of your li fe, but also scareysince you may not know what todo wit h [hat new start. It's hard toimagine doing something besidesgoing to school after 16 years of itevery day."Each senior will leave the<strong>University</strong> with different impressions,highlights and stories of thepast few years. Name after namewill be mentioned often from nowon as graduates look back on "thegood ole college days." PerhapsHomecomings wi ll then meanmore than just football games andQueens.In naming items of importance,people are always placed high oneach senior's list. Occasionally afavorite spot such as the lily poolor old gym carries a great deal ofemotion. Even such req'uirementsas cafeteria food and chapel are attimes called favorable memories.Joe Alexander, who lives inSearcy, served as the .class presidentthis year. Because of hiswork and a few money raisingprojects, the song books in theBenson Auditorium now include<strong>Harding</strong>'s Alma Mater. Perhapshe best summed up the thoughtsof most of the graduates, "<strong>Harding</strong>is a place for developing lotsof goods friends. I ' ll misseverybody. I especially hope all ofthe other graduating seniors willreach their goals. It was fun whileit lasted, but it 's time to be movin'on."-Jimmy AllenSENIOR CLASS OFFICERS: MattJohnson, vice-president; POllY Logan.secretary; David Garver, treasurer;Joe Alexander, president.Pamela Kay Aaron - Searcy, AR. Social Work. Theta Psi Officer; North e a ~ t andSpri ngbreak Ca mp a l gn~: JO Y; Na tional Association of Christians in Social Work: SpanishClub .Kimberely Alyn Abbolt - Paragould, AR. S~ial Ed.lL.D. Transfer fromCro .... le ys Ridge College. Reg ina; A Cappella: May Campaign; JOY; SNEA.Albert Acosta - EI Paso, TX. BibUcallanguages. Austrian and Venezuc1an Cam·p al gn.~ : R c~ide nt Assistant; World Eva ngelism Forum Officer; Scholarship for leadership inevangelism; Dean·s List.Mackie Gene Adams - Searcy, AR. Art. Transfer from B.M.A. Theo. Seminary.Art Guild.Ronald Joel Adams - Searcy, AR. Physical Education. King's Men; Northeast andSpringbreak

---------------------------------------------------Seniors--------------------------~Kern Lou Anthony - Searcy, AR. Elemelllary Education. PhiDelta; Alpha Chi.Ellis Augsburger - Benson, IL. Bible and Physical Education .TNT; May Campaign; :ata Rho Club Ikau; In tramurals. All-Star, JacketWinner, Sports Skills Champion; PEMM Club; Timothy Club, H eart~atAward on ski trip 1979.Alyson Austin - Huntsville, AL. Psychology. Zeta Rho; BigSisters; May Campai,n: JOY .Lana Carrine Austin - Paragould, AR. Elementary Education. Transfer from Crowleys Ridge College. Chi Alpha Rho: Big Sisters:May Campaign; JOY : SNEA: Kapii Delta Pi; Dean's List.Margaret Austin - Little ock, AR. Biology and Nursing.Transfer from Southwestern Christian College and <strong>University</strong> at PineBluff.Ste"e Awtrey - St. Louis, MO. Bible and Journalism. TNT; BigBuddies; Biron Staff, Reporter: May, Springbreak. and Operation Ta~r ­nacle Campaigns; Conquerors; Delta Theta Epsilon and Chi Alpha RhoClub Beau; Intramurals, All -Star. Jacket Winner; KHCA Staff; ReligiousStaff: Res ident Assistam; Society for Collegiate Journalists; TimothyClub; Who's Who: World Evangelism Forum Officer; Dean's List; PublicRelations Club.Jan Allison Ayer - Freeport, IL. Elememary Education.Transfer from Highland Community College. Tri-Alpha; IlIIernationalCampaign.Linda Jean Bainton - N:,Atlleboro, MA. Elemelllary Education.Transfer from Northea5lirn Christian College; Univen;ity Singen;.Judy Gale Baird - Bartles".lIe, OK. Social Work. Zeta Phi ;Springbreak Campaign; National Association of Christians in SocialWork ; Young Republicans.Sue Baj - Agawam, MA. Journalism. Transfer from American InternationalCollege; Biso. Starf Editor: Orchestra; Petit Jean Staff, SectionEditor: Psi Chi: Society for Collegiate Journalists Officer; Who'sWho; Public Relations Club Officer; Chair .... oman of the ACPA Council.Cheryl Ballinger ~ Marcy, AR. Telltile Merc handising. AlphaAlpha Alpha Officer; AHEA: Springbreak Campaign; ACCUS member;Arkansas Association for Children.Ricky Dean Bankston - Truman, AR. Marketing. KappaSigma Kappa; Intercollegiate Athletics, Tenn is.James Richard Barkalow, Jr. - Columbia, TN. Speech.Transfer from M.T.S.U. Chi Sigma Alpha; May Campaigns; CampusPlayers; Chorale; Sophomore Class Officer: Dramatics; KHCA Staff;Readers Staff; <strong>University</strong> Singers; Young Republicans.Stenn Barnhart - Williamsport, MA. Accounting. King'sMen; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Band, Marching; Delta Mu Delta; IntercollegiateTennis.Patricia Darnell Barrett - Searcy, AR. History. Transfer fromMiddle Tennessee. Sponsor - Phi Delta; Alpha Chi: American Studies;Assistant Director of Housing: Phi Alpha Theta.Ward Barllell • Pontiac, MI. Speech. Transfer from Gr~at LakesChristian College. Da vid Lipscomb and Universi ty of Tennessee.Thomas Jeffrey Balle· shrenport. LA. Accounting. TNT;Northeast Campaign: Kappa Delta Club !kaull; Intramurals.Vernon Beach - Searcy, AR. Computer Applications. Galuy; Intramurals;Intercollegiate Swimming.Da"id Allen Bedgood - Bossier City, LA. Speech. Titans;American Colltle Theater Festival; Dramati-cs; KHCA Staff; ReadersTheater; <strong>University</strong> Si ngers: Who's Who; Dean's List; American CollegeTheater Festival and Best Backstage Technician Awards.Michael Wade Bedwell - Searcy, AR. Special Education. DeltaOmega; Intercollegiate Bowling: All-Ale, All NAIA Disl. 17; Who'sWho.Debra Lynne Beeson - Dietetics. Transfer from Da vidLipscomb College. OEGE Officer; Flag Corps; May and SpringbreakCampaigns: Dactylology Club: Dietetics Club; JOY; Resident Assistant;Who's Who; Dean's List.Kathryn Ann Belew - Searcy, AR. Social Work. Transfer fromArkansas State <strong>University</strong> at !kebc. National Association of ChristianSocial Workers.Richard Blake Bentley - Yakima, WA. Social Science.Transfer from <strong>University</strong> of Washington. Chi Sigma Alpha; NortheastCampaign; Residence Assistant.Joy Michelle Belts· Memphis, TN. Elementary Education.Kappa Kappa Kappa; Titans Club Queen; May Fete Royalty; SNEA;Winter Festival Queen.Stephen Bible - Stone Mountain, GA. Business Management.Chi Sigma Alpha: Social Anairs Commillet.Brent Alan Billingsley - Tulsa, OK. Business Management.AGO; Springbreak Campaign: Dean's List.Suzanne Billingsley - Marcy, AR. Elementary Education.Regina; Band, Ftag Corps: Big Sisten; Springbreak Campaign; JOY;<strong>University</strong> Singers.Mark Bingman - McConnels"iIIe. OH. Marketing. KappaSip: Intramurals, All-Star, Jac ket Winner: SA Community Project;Young Republicans.Cathi Lynn Binns· Searcy, AR. Nursing. Kappa Kappa Kappaofficer; Panama/ Medical Campaign; JOY; Student Nurses AssociationOfficer.Donna Carol Birdwell - Searcy, AR. Social Work. Transferfrom Hanover College. Hot Lint Staff; National Association of Christiansin Social Work.Charles Knin Bishop - Dalhart, TX. Bible. Transfer fromWest Teus State <strong>University</strong>. Fraters; Timothy Club.Nathan Bryan Black - Valdosta, GA. Mass Communications.Beta Phi Kappa; A Cappella; Beta Phi Kappa Campaign; Dramatics;KH CA Staff; Production Manager; <strong>University</strong> Singers.Linda Carol Blackard - Searcy, AR. Special Education. KappaDelta Pi; Psi Chi.Matthew Todd Blake - Fayelle"ille, AR. Economics andManagement. Kappa Sigma Kappa; A Cappella; Venezuelan Campaign.Margaret Irene Boersama - Boones"iIIe, AR. Office Administration.Chi Alpha Rho: Alpha Chi; American Studies; French Club:JOY .159Aaron·Boersrna

Linda Denise Bolls - Belgrade, MO. Biolog~. Tore-bt Officer,Keith Edwin Book - Massillon, OH. Religious Education.Transfer from Michigan Christian College. Frater 5o

That's incredibleEach year the American publicturns to both television and thetheater for entertainment and, thisyear the typical <strong>Harding</strong> studentproved to be no exception.Many students argue that lastyears hit series "Dallas," is the alltime favorite. Others disagree andsuggest and oldy. like"Gunsmoke," or perhaps a gameshow like "Family Feud," or anews magazine "60 Minutes," butaccording to Newsweek Magazineone show with exceptional ratingsthat continues to baffle its viewersis "That's Incredible." The programcontinually shows somedeath-defying stunts. For example,when Stan Krumel decided torun through a 150 foot tunnel offire, whose temperatures exceeded1700 degrees, "he set the worldsrecord, but at the cost of per-SeniorsTina Leigh Burns - Tuscumbia, AL. Textile Merchandisina. Kirei Na Ai.Jo Ann Bush - Manchester, TN. Elementary Education. Transfer student fromMotlow State Junior College. OEGE, Devotional Chairman; Chamber Singers; Choraie;Conquerors; Spiritual Life Comminee.Jeff G. Butler - North Hollywood. CA. Special Education. Transfer studentfrom Los Angeles Pierce College. Theta Tau Della, Religious Director; Dactylolcgy Club;Kappa Delta Pi; Spiritual Life Committee; Dean's List.Robert R. Byrd - Troy. IN. Mathematics. Transfer student from York College.Alpha OmeSa, President; International Campaigns: Cenark Student Grouo; Chorale; DeltaChi Omega beau.James Thomas Cammack - Searcy, AR. Biochemistry. Transfer student from<strong>University</strong> of Maryland·Munich, Germany Campus. Sub T· 16; Arkansas Academy ofScience; Intrumurals; Pre·Med Club, President; Young Republicans; Dean's List.Karen Camp - Jackson, I N. Elementary Edocation. Ko Jo Kai , Devotional Chair·man, Sunshine Chairman; JOY; SNEA.Debra J. CampbeU - Chula Vista, CA. Nursing. Zeta Phi Zeta; Intramurals;Readers Theater; Resident Assistant; Student Nurses Association, Director of Recreation,Treasuret", <strong>Harding</strong> HSNA.Kathleen Cannon - Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. Chi Alpha Rho; AlphaChi; American Studies; May, Springbreak, SI. Louis& Iowa Campaigns; A Common Bond;JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; Spanish Club; Who'~ Who; World Evangelism Forum; recipient ofWorld EvanSelism Award.Robin Murray Cannon - Searcy, AR. Drama. Knights; Alpha Psi Omega; Cam·pus Players; Dramatics; Intercollegiate Speech Arts; Readers Theater; Campus Players,President; Thespian of the Year, 1980.Nancy Dawn Cantley· Elyria, OH. Nursing. Beta Tau Gamma: Band, FlagCorps; Iowa Campaigns; un i v,tt.,,,;,~,::S";"~'cm,, .•-;:,.",..""Paul Stephen Cantrell - Venetia, PA. 8.ible. King 's Men; Northeast, SpringbreakCampaigns; Omega Phi beau; Intramurals; Gymnastics Club, President; PEMM Club; Resi·dent Assistant; Timothy Club; World Evim, elism Forum.Connie Caplener - Forrest City. AR. Elementary Education. OEGE, Treasurer,Athletic Director; Intramural AlI·Star; SNEA.Kerry Beth Carter - Fort Wayne, IN . Music Education. Regina; InternationalCampaisns; Choraie; Oramalics; "Sound of Music."Phillip Ray Carter - St. Louis, MO. Biology. Theta Tau Della, Religious Director;BiS Buddies; Springbreak, SI. Louis Campaigns: TTi Sigma Delta beau; In tramural All·Star: Intercollegiate Athletics, Basketball; Psi Chi.Terry Allen Casey - Norcross, GA. Psycho!oSY. Chi Sigma Alpha: Senior Vice·President: Intramurals; Psi Chi; SA officer, SA Special Projects, SA Student Activities Committee.Barbara Lee Cash - Vancouver, WA. Nursing. Transfer student from ColumbiaChristian College. Phi Delta, Vice· President; Alpha Chi: Austrian Campaigns;ChoraJe; Con·queron; Dramalics, " Brigadoon"; Senior Homecoming Class Representative; JOY; MayFete Royalty; Nursing Honor Society; Student Nurses Association; Who's Who.Rhonda Lynne Cash • Siloam Springs, AR. Biology. Regina, President,Secretary, Spring Sing Director: A Cappella: Alpha Chi; International, May Campaigns:Freshman Class Treasurer; Dramatics; French Club; JOY.Wendell E. Cave ~ Gainesville, FL. AT! and Special Education. TNT; Art Guild;Bil Buddies; Miami Campaisns; Omega Phi beau: Intramural AlI·Star; Swimming, Cocaptain:KHCA Staff; Music Screener; SNEA, President; United States Racquetball Associa·tion, Arkansas Racquetball Association; A"istant Dorm Manager; Spiritual UfeCommillee.Lisbeth Daisy Chalenburg· Starbuck, MN . Piano. Alpha Chi; Band, Coocert,Marchini, Stage; International, May Campaigns; Chamber Singers; Chorale; Who's Who.James Maurice Chambers, Jr. - Somerville, TN. Marketina. Alpha Tau Epsilon,Secretary, Treasurer; Miami Campaigns; GATA beau; intramural Jackel Winner.Robert Curry Chandler - Fort Lauderdale, FL. Speech. Alpha GammaOmesa, charier member; Dramatics; Intercollegiate Debate; Intercollegiate Speech Arts; in·tramural Speech Arts; KHCA Staff; Pi Kappa Della, Sel.:retary·Treasurer, Vice-president,President, Arkansas State Ambassador; Young Democrats; American Forensic Association;Speech Communication Association; College Bowl Team.Peggy Ann Chesney · Baton Rouge, LA. Ekmenlary Education. Ko Jo Kai; SubT ·16 Queen.Janet Carol Chester - Memphis, TN. General Science. Shantih, Historian,Athletic Director; JOY.Kathryn Lavonne Clark - Orange, CA. Spanish. Venezuelan Campaigns;Spanish Club; Thursday School.Patti Dianne Clark - Lincoln, NE. Special Education-Learning Disablilities.Transfer student from York College. Shantih; Ireland Campaigns; Dactylology Club.manently injured hands."On another episode, in July, akarate expert, Steve Lewis, 25,leaped over two cars hurtlingtoward him at 100 mph - a splitse,cond too late. "His left footsmashed through the first car'swindshield, and the foot may haveto be amputated,"Yet the thrill and excitement ofthe series has continued to boostits ratings and make it popularwith the public.<strong>Harding</strong> has been a hot-spot for"incredible" happenings herselfdown through the years, In fact,"incredible" is the only word todescribe the famous Heritage foodfight of 1980.This year at good ole H. U. hashad its share of incrediblemoments too. It's not often thatone sees a male a la buff claimingto be Jesus walking through theAmerican Heritage. The traveler'snovel view bf Christianity includedthe idea that none should haveanything that can be called hisown. At least, he practiced whathe preached.Some feel it is rather incredibleto see any survivors of rag-tagfootball. Others think there couldbe nothing more unbelieveablethan <strong>Harding</strong>, yes <strong>Harding</strong>, sponsoringa women's intercollegiateteam. Your average day does notsee V. of the school call in sickwith the Bangkok flu, andperhaps most incredible of all isthe fact that people keep comingback for more after eating in PattiCobb cafeteria.Perhaps the public will ne\tefagree on an all-time favorite T. V.program, but if current trends areany indication, Americans, as wellas <strong>Harding</strong> students, will continuetheir love of the incredible thisyear and many more years tocome.- Greg Hurst,Jimmy A lien161Bolls-Clark

To dreamthe impossible dreamWhether fact or fiction, theidea remains that many youngladies on the <strong>Harding</strong> campus arecandidates for a degree not listedin the <strong>University</strong>'s curriculumguide. They are enrolled in the"pre-wed" program, diligentlyworking toward the " M.R.S."degree.It is a fact, according to thealumni office, that approximately35 percent of <strong>Harding</strong>'s alumnifound their spouses on campus.Just in the last year, said Dr. JackThomas, director of counseling,more than 90 couples have soughtpre-marital advice at the campuscounseling center.Through the years, students andgraduates have wedded in thelocal church buildings, especiallythe College Church, and atfavorite campus sites. Ceremonieshave been conducted in ShoresChapel, in the Little Theater, inthe recording studio and on thefront lawn. A swim team member,in the late 60's, exchanged vowswith his bride beside the old pool.Consensus says that it's in theThomas Wayne Clark - Ontario, Canada. MassCommunications. Transfer Sll,l·dem from Great Lakes Christian College. TNT; Ireland Campaigns; Omeaa Phi ~au ; KHCAStaff. Sales D i r~lOr; World Evangelism Forum.Dick Alan Clay - Barllesville, OK. Bible. AGO; Band, Marching; International,Springbreak Anderson, IN Campaigns; Chorale.Greg Lee Clayton - Troy, Ml. Art and Pre-archit«ture. Theta Tau Delta; AlphaChi; An Guild; Kappa Pi.Mark Rondell Clement - Little Rock, AR. Business Manaaement. King's Men,Treas urer; Alpha Chi; Northeast Campaigns; Cellark Student Grotto; Delta Mu Delta.Judy Ann Cleveland - Judsonia, AR. Nursing. Transfer student from ArkansasState <strong>University</strong> at Bc1:~. Nursing Honor Societ y; Student Nurses Association.Jonathan Ivan Cloud - Wmston-Salem, Nc. Bibk and Psychology. Transferstudent from Atlanta Christian College. Alpha Gamma Omc-ga; DramatiQ; In tercollegiateDebate; Intercolkigate Speech Am; Pi Kappa Delta; SA Spiritual Ufe Committee Chairma n;Timothy Club; Who's Who; World Evangelism Foru m.Wade Coggins - Hot Springs Village, AR. Businm Management. King's Men;Ju nior Class Vice-preside nt; Student Association Treasurer; Who's Who; SA Academic Af·fairs Co mmittee. .John Richard Collin - Norman, OK. Business Management. Galax y; Track; Fen·cin/l Club. President.Pamela Loraine Collings - Norton, KS. Nursing. Tofebt; Alpha Chi; Band.Marc hing; Northeast, Springbreak Campaigns; Student Nurses Association; YoungRepublicans; Dean's List; PEMM Club.Steven Lynn Combs - West Mem~his. AR. Biblical Languages. Timothy Club.Scott Dean Conner - Cahmesa, C. Bible. Transfer student from California State<strong>University</strong>, San·Bernandino. Alpha Tau Epsilon, Club Chaplain, D e ~ o ti o nal Director; BigBuddies; Conquerors; Dactylology Club; Intramural All-Star; Pre·Med Club; Reno BusinessTeam; Resident Assistant; Timothy Club; Young Republicans.Cherie Lynn Conolly - New Fairfield, CT. Ekmentary Education. Regina; ACappella; Band, Concert, Marching, Pep; Chi Siama Alpha Queen; A Cappella Women'sEnsemble.Brenda Lou Coomes - Bel Air, MD. Social Work. Cenark Student Grotto.S«rNary; Hot Line Staff; National Association of Christians in Social Work.Cindy Lynn Cooper - Paragould, AR. Speech Education. Transfer Stl.ldent fromCrowleys Ridge College. Kappa Delta Kappa; Big Sisters; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; SNEA.John Leonard Cooper - Parkersburg, WV. Journalism. Transfer student fromOhio Valley College. Bison Staff Reporter: May Campaigns; Dactylology Club; KHCA Staff;Society for Colleaiate Journalists; Tim()(hy Club; World Evangdism Forum; Public Rela.tions Club officer; Public Relations Student Society of America.Bruce Edward Cope - Eureka, MO. Accounting. Alpha Tau Epsilon. President;American Studies; Band. Concert. Marching; GATA ~au; Delta Mu Delta; Intramurals.Gena Kay Copeland - Coy, AR. Special Education·Learning Disabilities. Tri Kap·pa, &cretary; Austrian. lmernational Campaigns; Christian Schools Organization; JOY;SNEA.Marcus Eugene Copeland - Melbourne, AR. Elementary Education. AlphaTau Epsilon.Mary Ellen Copeland - East Point, GA. Nursing. Transfer student from Freed·Hardeman College. International, Panama Medical Missions Campaigns; Intramural SpeechArts; JOY; Nllrsina Honor Society; Resident Assistant; Sll,ldent Nurses Association StatePresidem; <strong>University</strong> Singers; Young Republicans; National Dean's List ; Outstanding YounaWomen of America; National Board of Director} SlI,Ident Nurse Assodation.Joann Cornett - Searcy, AR. Alpha''chi; American Studi es; Phi Alpha Theta.162Seniorsspringtime that delicate handsseem to sprout diamonds. Almostyear JiOund, though, talk of marriagemay be heard - from peers,from teachers, even from thepulpit.Some students have complainedthat the topic of marraige is grosslyover-emphasized on campus." They almost make me feel guiltybecause I'm not looking for a husband,"senior Debbie McCabe ofSalisbury, Rhodesia laughinglyasserted. But, she explained, thereare things she wants to do beforethinking about marriage, and sheknows others who feel the sameway.Yet the accusation has beenmade: •'Some of the girls whocome here have no intention ofgraduating. They just want to finda husband."One northern male added,"Southern girls are worse aboutit," explaining that regionaltrends are responsible. Singlewomen are accepted in the workingworld of the North, he said,while southern ladies think moreabout getting married and havinga family.Many have agreed that the campUSserves as an ideal gatheringplace for eligible youth who wouldhave little contact with marriageableChristians back home.Thus, <strong>Harding</strong> annually providestwo semesters of open seasonspouse-hunting."That's probably truer thanwe'd like to admit," Sheila Cox ofLebanon, Va. ventured. "We maynot even realize that we have anulterior motive for being here, butif we're honest with ourselveswe'll admit that deep down wehope to meet somebody whoshares our beliefs - someone wecan spend our life with ." Thejunior nursing major hastened toadd that husband-hunting is not avalid primary purpose for attendingcollege. "I'm here to get adegree. But if I get a diamond togo along with it, that's okay too."Logic suggests that with a 35percent marriage rate, <strong>Harding</strong>also has a few male students whomust be wife-hunting."Sure, there are some guys hereto find wives," one male reported."They're ready to settle down.Some of them try to get seriouswith every girl they date."Others may be looking, but on aless serious scale. FreshmanRobert Collins of Abingdon, Va.picturesquely described the PattieCobb dormitory as a great big,wonderful library "where guyscan go to check out the girls, oneat a time." Now classified as asenior, he may be a bit moreserious minded, but he's still takinghis time.If a man takes too much time,however, he may suddenly findhimself stricken by "seniorpanic," the fear of going out intothe world alone. This legendaryphenomenon may be partiallyresponsible for the many weddingsscheduled within a two-weekperiod surrounding every graduationdate.Junior Marvin Hill of Flushing,Mich . acknowledged that seniorpanic 'is a threat. But he's alert,and it won't affect him. Thoughhe wouldn't mind to find his wifeat <strong>Harding</strong>, .. I'm just sitting backand taking it easy. If I get within afew weeks of graduation anddon' t have any wedding plans,I'm not going to rush to my PetitJean and start looking up facesand phone numbers!"Without a doubt, a <strong>Harding</strong>student who dreams of sharing hisor her life with a Christian mat~

----------------------------------------------------Seniors--------------------------{I1... ; -Peggy Sue Coucke - Searcy, AR. Math. Transfer student fromJoliet Junior College. Kappa Delta Kappa.Mary Beth Harp Cox - Des Moines, IA. Elementary Education.ReJina, President; A Cappella; International Campaisns.Monte Bret Cox - Newman, GA. Bible. Chi Sisma Alpha,President; A Cappella; Iowa Campaigns, Irish Campaisn Leader; ReginaClub beau; KHCA Staff; SA Spiritual Life Committee Chairman;Timothy Club Group Leader; Who's Who; World Evangelism Forum,President; Preach at Culpepper Church of Christ; Hammond Scholarship;World Evanaelism Scholarship; World Evangelism Award; Dean's List.Michael Ray Cross - Glen Burnie, MD. Public Administr.·tion. Knights, Spring Sing Director; A Cappella; Barristers; Cenark Stu·dent Grollo; Col1e,e Bowl.Michael Ray Cunningham - Gahanna, OU. Bible. Transferstudcnt from Onondaga Community Col1e,c. Alpha Gamma Omega,President, Hislorian, Pledse Week Chairman; Big Buddies; Ireland Campaians,Stepping Out to Vancouver, WA.; Timothy Club; WorldEvanselism Forum; Writer for "Crucible."Belinda Irene Curtis - Fort Smith, AR. Special Education­Learning Disabilities. Zeto Rho, Devotional Director; May, Ireland Cam·paigns; JOY; Publicity Chairman; SNEA; Univcrsity Singers.- Dol! HoIlul!dENCOURAGING the discussion ofweddings by passers-by, Darrell'sFlorist displays catch the eye of a planneror a dreamer.has an ideal environment in whichto find one, and that's probablywhat makes <strong>Harding</strong> a "marriagefactory ...But for those who haven'tfound what (or whom) they'relooking for by graduation: Don'tworry, there's always grad school!- Snippi SchrammNancy Jean Dabbs - Jefferson ClIy, MO. Social Work. ZetaPhi Zeta, President; Contact; National Association of Christians in SOtialWork, Treasurer .Wendy Sue Dahlstrom - Farmington, CT. Nuning.Transfer student from David Lipscomb Colle,e and Central ConnecticutState College. Alpha Chi; Big Sisters; May Campaigns; Campus Players;JOY; Nursin, Honor Society; <strong>University</strong> Sinaers; Who's Who.Tad Danner - Columbia, MO. Business Manager. King's Men;Bia Buddies; Sprin,break Columbus, OH. Campaign; OEGE beau; In·tramural AIl·Star; SA Vice·president; Who's Who; Student ActivitiesCommittee.Diana Lynn Davis - St. Louis, MO. Elementary Education .Omega Phi.Dianna Lynn Davis - Parkersburg, WV. Nursina. Transferstudcnt from Parkersbura Community College. Delta Chi Omega; LondonCampaign.Daniel Keith Dawson - San Jose, CA. Chemistry. Fraters,Treasurer, Viee·president, Spring Sina Director, Sprina Sina TechnicalDiredor; Alpha Chi; Dramatics; Pre·Me

Karen Denise Edwards· Wynne, AR. Elementary Equcation. Rel ina,Treasurer, Vice·president; A Cappella; International Campaigns-haly; Chorale;SNEA ; <strong>University</strong> Singers.Jacqueline Ann Emison - Millington, TN. Elementary Educatio n. TriKappa; Alpha Tau Quc:c:n; SNEA; PEMM Club.LaDonna Kay England - DeSoto, TX. Elementary Education. Transferfrom UTA. GATA; Student Life CommiHC:C:; SNEA.Sharon Ann Estep - Hazelwood, MO. Nursing. Phi Delta. Historian;Chicago Campaigns; Hot Line Staff; Resident Assistant; Dean's List; SpringbreakCampaign.Curtice Ann E"ans - Hatboro, PA. Vocational Home Economics. TriSigma Delta; Alpha Chi; AHEA; Kappa Delta Pi; May Fde Quc:c:n; Resident Assistant;SNEA.Deborah Kaye Fagan - Young Harris, GA. Nursing. Tri Kappa .Sheila Kaye Fancher - Omaha, AR. Special Education. Transfer fromCrowleys Ridge College and Freed-Hardeman College. Kappa Delta Kappa; AlphaChi; May Campaign; JOY; Resident Assistant; SNEA.Pamela Sue Farmer - SI. Louis, MO. Elementary Education. Chi AlphaRho. Vice-president; Alpha Chi; Kappa Deha Pi, Sc:cretary; SNEA.Henry C. Farrar - Searcy, AR. Chemistry. Beta Phi Kappa; ArkansasAcademy of Science; Chemistry Laboratory Assistant; Orchestra; Pre-Mc:d Club.Elizabeth Ann Fane - Campbell, CA. Special Education. Regina;European Campaigns;Stephanie SusanElementary Education.Omega Phi, Treasurer, Athletic Dirtttor; 11

______________________________________________________ ~SeniorsRicbard Antbony Foster - Memphis, TN. EnaJish. Chi Sit;maAlpha; Alpha Chi; International, May Campaians; Dactyloloay Club;French Club; Prtlt JNa Staff; Sit;ma Tau Delta; SNEA; <strong>University</strong>SinaCfs.Perry Jay Fraley - Scottsdale, AZ. Marketina. Sub T-16,Chaplin; Intramural All-Star; Interoollqiate Athletics, Football, Swimmina,Track ; All-AIC; AIl·NAIA Dist. 17; AII·American; PEMM Club;School Record Holder; Dca.thalon Pok Vault , Swimmina 1 Meter Divina.Harold Gene Franklin - Oceanside, CA. Bible. Campai,nSecurity officer; Timothy Club.George Kennedy French - Lakeland, FL. Accountinl. SubT-16, Treasurer; Intramural Ail-Star; Resident Assistan!.WIlliam Nash Gammill - Earle, AR. Marketinl. Sub T-16,Vice-president, President; American Studies; Ko Jo Kai beau; FrenchOub; 1980 Recipient or. the Utley Reward.Cheryl Lea Gardner - searcy, Ak. Accountina. Torebt;American StlKlies; Pi Gamma Psi.Vicki Lynn Gamer - Dexter, MO. Office Administration. KappaDella Kappa, Vice-president, Treasurer; May Campaigns; Sigma TauSigma Quccn.Pbillip Wayne Garnett - Hereford, TX. Accounting. SubT-16, Vice-president, Athletic Director; American Studio: Delta MuDelta: Intramural AJI-Star; Interoollqiate Athletics, Baseball, Golf: SACommittcc Athletic Chairman.Regie Garrett - Benton, AR. Missions. Titans, Chaplin: May,South Dakota Campaians; c,nark Student Grotto, Vice-Chairman; Intramurals;Resident Assistan't; Timothy Club; Dean's List; Spiritual LifeCommiucc; Lilly Pool Devotional Committcc Chairman; National Dean'sLis!.David K. Garver - Rolla, MO. Business Systems Analysis. AlphaTau Epsilon, Secretary, Treasurer; Bi, Buddies; Scnio£ Class Treasurer;GATA beau; Intramurals; Academic Affairs Commincc.Ann Gates· Scranton, pA. Special Education. Transfer fromNortheastern Christian Collcae. DaetylolOlY Club; JOY; SNEA.Mlcbael Ray Gates - Webster City, IA. PsychololY . B6IoaStaff, Columnist; KHCA Staff, Record Screener: Psychology NewsletterEditor; Spiritual Life Commiuee; Retreat Committee; Dean's List.JoU Gibbs - S. Quirino, Italy. Music Education. Reaina, DevotionalDirector; Kappa Delta Kappa; A cappella; Alpha Chi; A Tempo;Australian, International Campaians; Dramatics; French Club; JOY;Who's Who; "Brijadoon;" "Sound of Music;" "Midsummer Ni,hl'sDream."Daniel Ray Gilbert - Searcy, AR. Music. Transfer student fromUpper Iowa Univttsity. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Band, Concert, Marchin"Pcp; Barristers.Leonardo Demetrius Gilbert - Chicalf IL. Bioloay.Estber Sbarlene Ciles - paragould,i. BioIOlY. Transferstudent from Arkansas State Univttsity.Randall Cbartes Gillman - Pataskala, OH. Marketin,.Transfer student from Ohio Valley Collqe. Northeast Campai,ns; Intramurals.Sbaron Ellen Goetting - Mammoth Springs, AR. English.Tri Siama Delta; Alpha Chi; abo_ Staff, Reporter: Spinabreak St. LouisCampaigns; Delta Orne,a Queen; Dramatics; MVP Basketball Intramurals,Intramural All-Star Basketball; Si,ma Tau Delta; Who's Who;"Sound of Music;" "A Midsummer Ni,ht's Dream."Gilbert Gonzalez - Vineland. NJ. Accountin, and YouthMinUtry. TrlllIsler student from Nonheastcm Christian Collqe; AGO;Northeast, Steppin, Out Campaians; Phi Delta beau; Conquttors; Intramurals;Univttsity Sin,ers.Norma Gan Goodin - Roselle, IL. Manaaement. Transfer studentfrom Collcae of DuPa,e. Kirei Na Ai: JOY; <strong>University</strong> Singe!,.Philip Doyle Gould - Searcy, AR. History and Speech. English.Frater Sodalis; Intercollqiate Debate; Intercollqiate Spcco;:h Arts; KHCAStaff; Prdt JaB Starr, Section Editor, Academics; Phi Alpha Theta,History; Pi Kappa Delta; Spcccb; Si,ma Tau Delta; Spanish Oub; Who'sWho.Ja~es Terrance Grady -.Elba, AL. Art. TNT; Alpha Chi; ArtGuild; Beta Tau beau; Kappa P,; AT! Student of the Year.Dorcas Marie Grabam - Richardson, TX. Bioloay. ThetaPsi.Barbara Ann Gray - Dallas, TX. Nursin,. Tri Sit;ma Delta;AJpha Chi; International Campai,ns; May Fete Royalty; Nursin, HonorSociety.SlISIn Marie Griffin - Hambura, AR. Physical Education.Kappa Phi; Intramurals; PEMM Oub.Betty D. Griffith - Searcy, AR. Nursin,. Delta Chi Orne .. ;Resident Assistant.Jerry Wayne Gripon - EI Dorado, AR. Accountin,. KappaSiama Kappa.Terry Jackson Gross - GalUons, AL. Bible. Transfer Itudentfrom Livinaston <strong>University</strong>. Kni,hts; Northeast Campai,n; ResidentAssistant; Timolhy Oub.165Edwards-Gross

Beverly Ann Gulley - Coolidge, AZ. En,lish. Transfer Jlucienl(rom York College and Tlrt Colltle. Beta Tau Gamma; Alpha Chi; DaclylololYOub; Dean's List.Roberta Dawn Gulley - Taft, CA. Journalism. Transfer studentfrom Tift College. Bet. Tau Gamma; OaaylololY Club; KHCA Stlrf,Sales; Society for Collqiatc JournaliSt!; Spanish O ub; Public RclatiomOub.ADn L. Haas - Roanoke, IL. Elementary Education. Torcb!; BigSisters; May Campti,n!; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; SNEA.Sheila J. Hackman - Bloomington, IN. Music Educalion. ATempo; Coru:ert Band; Inlernaltonai CampaiJn; ChoI"a1c; DactylologyOub; Orchestra; UniversilY Singcf$.Timothy Haddock - Searcy, AR. PsychololY. Alpha GammaOrne,. officer; Bi, Buddin; May Campai,n!: IDlrlmurals: Timothy Club.Edward Arley Hale - Deoon, WV. Bible. Transfer studenlfrom Ohio Valley Colles,e. Northeast Campaiansj Timothy Club.David Russell HaU - Franklin, WI. History. Koinonia officer;Phi Alpha Theta.Josepb C. Hamilton - Scotia, NY. Bible. Transfer student fromNorthern Christian Junior Conqe. Alpha Gamma Omqa; May Campaigns;Chi Lambda Chi beau; Resident Assistant; TimO(hy Oub; <strong>University</strong>Sinlers.Sandra Kay Hammond - Oregon, OH. Nunina. Transfer studentfrom David lipscomb Collele. Shantih orficer; Alpha Chi; BilSisters; May Fete Royalty; Nursina Honor Society.P.m~la Aaa Harmon - Bat~S\'lIIe, AR. Medical TtchnoiOlY.Phi Delli. Viet-president; Alpha Chi; May Campailns; Dtau's list.Robert William Harrington - Calgary Alberta, Canada.Bible. Transfer student from <strong>University</strong> of Callary; King's Men;Dramatics; Iniramurals; RFI(!ers Tbtater; Resident Assistant; TimothyOub; S.A.C.; Soccu Team.Jobn R. Harris - Hobbs, NMo Marketina and Accountng.Transfer student from Hardin-Simmons <strong>University</strong>. Chi Siama Alpha;American Studies.Patti Lynn Harv~y - Bald Knob, AR. Elementary Education.o.i Lambda Chi, vi~-president, Stcrttary; JOY; SNEA.Connie Kay Hayes - Conroe, TX. Elementary Educalion.Realna; Marchina Band; Chorale; JOY; Third World Missions.Billy G. Haynes - Pedro, OH. Social Science. Transfer studentfrom Muskinlum Collqe. Galllty.George Wesley H~ad, Jr. - Nasbvill~, TN. Business Manlltmen\.Siama Tau Siama, Treasurer, President; Intercollealate Athletics,Golf.'Bill F. Hefley - LiUle Rock, AR. Biochemistry. Kappa SigmaKappa, Viet-president; Alpha Chi; President; Chorale; Ju Go Ju beau; KoJo Kai beau; Tri Kappa beau; Intramurals; Pre-Med Club; SA CommitteeChairman. Food Services Committee; Who's Who; Duane PriestMemorial Premedi~al Scholarship; Alfred H. None National Alpha ChiAward Scholarship; Outstanding Youna Men of Amerka; National Dean'slist.Stepb~n David Hudricks - Sbreveport;LA. Manqement.Sub T-16; Omqa Phi beau; Intramural Jacket Winner; IntercollqiateGolf.Sandra Lynn Hlckinlbottom - Trussville, AL. MusicEducation. Kappa Delta Kappa, Historian; A Cappella; A Tempo; Band,Concert. Marchi"" Pep, Staae; International CampaiJns; Softball Intramurab;KHCA Staff; <strong>University</strong> Si",ers.Pbyllls LeAnna Hlains - M~mpbis, TN. Marketin,.Transfer student from Memphis Slate Univesity. American Studies; CampaiJns;Della Mu Delta; Free Enterprise Economics tea; Readers Theater;Who's Who; Student Speaker, Youth Forum '80; Student Speaker, School.of Business.Melinda Ann Hilbun - Bartlett, TN. Journalism. Ko Jo Kai:Band, Concert, Marchina; lito. Starr, Sports Editor; Society for ColleaiateJournalists.Ricbard H. Hiley - Randolph, WI. A«OlInti",. Theta TauDelta; Alpha Chi; Delta Mu Della; Intercollqiate Bowlina; Pi GammaPsi.Lori Denise Hili - Sand SprtalS, OK. Spetial Education. kappaDella Kappa; Band, Concert, Marchina; Spri",break Iowa Campaian;JOY; Orchestra; SNEA: <strong>University</strong> Si",ers.Jennif~r Lyan Hobbs - Fay~ttevllle, ARo Elementary Education.Debate; Pi Kappa Della.Geoffrey Holmes Hodles· St~pbenvlll~, TX. Music Education.Koinonia, President, Secretary; A Tempo, Viet-president; Band,Concert, Marchi",; Honor Guard; Chamber Sinaers; o.orale, Viccpresident;Orchestra ofnc-cr; Resident Assistant; SNEA; AmericanChorale Dirtcton Association; Music Educators National Confermcc;Outstandina Senior of Chorale.Jan~t Ellea Hold~n - Toledo, OH. Social Work. Omtp Phi,Vicc·presidrnt. Dtv()(ional Director; CampaiJIlS; National Association ofo.ristians in Social Work; Public Relations Office; Resident Assistant.Katby Bail~y Holland - Searcy, AR. Nursina. Transfer studentfrom Freed-Hardeman Collqe; TAG; Australian, Northeast/Southeast,Northwest CampaiJIlS; Resident Assistant; Arkansas State NllninaAssociation, Board of Directors; ~hool of Nunina Curriculum Committee,Student Rtpfesentat,;',,',. c::;:r--..,.,,-,---'-Luann~ Holland - Columbia, MO. Nunina. OEGE, Treasurer;Concert Band; Northeast Campaians: Ki",'s Men Queen; French Club;JOY; Resident Assistant; Student Nurses Association.Meliada Keele Hollimaa - 5ean:y, AR. Elementary Educalion.Tri Kappa, Viet-president, Sunshine Chairman, President; SNEA.Jewel Elisbaba Holloway - Pine Bluff, AR. BusinessManqement and Business Education. Kappa Delta Kappa, President,Historian; American Studies; May CampaiJIlS; JOY; Who's Who.Wilma Fay~ Holloway .- Grlffitbville, AR. Special Education.Transfer student from Arkansas Stale <strong>University</strong>; Alpha Chi; KappaDelta Pi; SNEA; Dean's List.Kay Lynn Horsman - Scott City, KSo BiolOl)'. Transfer studentfrom York CoUqe. Intramura1s; JOY; You", Democrats.Double visionMARVIN AND MELVIN Hill discusstheir last class (or is it Melvin andMarvin? - You decide!)166Seniors

--------------------------------------------------Seniors--------------------------~iAt a school with 3,

Homemade Sidewalks'There's a mathematical principlethat goes something like this:"The shortest distance betweentwo points is a straight line." Itcan safely be said that this principleis appreciated to the utmost bythe stutlents and faculty of <strong>Harding</strong>Uni versity.To wit: <strong>Harding</strong>'s homemadesidewalks - or the "Where is thesidewalk when I need one?"dilemma.I've often wondered why <strong>Harding</strong>'sc hief~ planners didn't makeone gigantic sidewalk for thewhole campus. Surely it couldn'thave taken too many more bags ofconcrete mix. But even as blessedwith the cement walkways as thestudents are, there are still thosepioneering. spirits who choose todo without these silly inventionsand strike out on their own. Thus,we have "homemade" sidewalks.They are quite primitive in appearance,but they serve their purpose- apparently very well. Thetrack that runs between Kendalland Cathcart dorms is a perfectspecimen of what I am writing.There are two sidewalks that runparallel about thirty feet apartfrom each other. One leads to thefront door of Kendall and theother goes between Kendall andCathcart, and on to the parkinglot. To connect these twosidewalks, we have a course that iswell-trodden.Another fine model is the trailthat runs parallel to the side of theMedia Center. It was amusing tonote that this footpath is within afew feet of a network on connectingconcrete walkways. Approximatelyfive sidewalks cometogether in this spot, but duringthe pre- and post-chapel "rushhour," the footpath becomes thepopular alternative for the feet ofthe mobs.Admittedly, this subject is not ofsufficient importance to merit aninvestigation from administrativeauthorities, but it is an interestingphenomena. As I was thinking ofthe irony of it all, 1 strolled slowlyalong, books in hand, toward myroom. Suddenly, I looked down,and 10 and behold ...- Vernon ThompsonONE small step for man, one giantstep for the invention of a newsidewalk.ue Ann Jones - Ringling, OK. Public Relations. GATA; May Cam·paigns; Big Sisters; Alpha Tau Epsilon Club Queen; lOY; Young Republicans.Michael Carrol Jones - Searcy, AR. Music Edu,ation. A Cappella; ATempo; Band. orfieer, COntert, Marching, Pcp; Irnemational Campaign; SNEA;World Evangelism Forum.Michael Melborn Jones - N. Lillie Rock, AR. Bible. Transfer stu·dent from <strong>University</strong> of Arkansas. King's Men; May Campaign; Timothy Club;Dean's Li ~t.Thomas Gregory Jones - Humble, TX. Accounting. Delta Omega, of·ficer; American Studies; Theta Psi beau; Delta Mu Delta; Jnnamurals; KHCAStaff; Pi Gamma Psi officer; Frater Sodalis ExecU{ive Council Member.William Boyd Jones - Columbia, TN. Journalism and Public Relations.Knights; Alpha Chi; Bison Staff Reporter; Campus Players; Tofebt beau;Dramatics; Readers Theater; Student An odation, Secretary; SA Sophomore Men'sRepresentative; SA Advertising and Public Relations Chairman; Who's Who;Young Republicans; SA E l ection~ Comminee.Byron Robert Jordan - Denver, CO, Marketing. Transfer st udent fromYork College. Beta Phi Kappa officer; Alpha Chi.Darrell William Jordan - Cleveland, OH. Sodal Work and Bible.Contact; Timothy Club; National Association of Christians in Social Work.Rebecca Susan Jordan - Graham, NC. Nursing. Phi Delta; Alpha Chi;NorthC25t Campaign; National Delln's Ust.Gregory Alan Justice - Searcy, AR. Busin~s Systems Analysis. TAG of.ficer.Jay Dean Justus - Magnolia, MS. Bible and History. Transfer studentfrom Southwest Mississippi lunior College. TNT officer; American Studies; Bar.risters; London Campaign; Shantih beau; All·Star, lacket Winner Intramurals; PhiAlpha Theta; SA Class Representative; SA Comminee Projects; SNEA; TimothyClub; World Evangelism Forum; Young Republicans.Denise Kay - Lubbock, Tx. Sodal Science. Regina; Alpha Chi; AmCTicanStudi~; Boon Staff Reporter; International, May Campaigns; Chorale; Phi AlphaTheta; Who's Who; Young Republicans.Mark Nelson Kay - Welling, OK. Marketing. Sub T. 16; IntercollegiateBaseball. All-AIC, All_NAJA Dis!. 17.Larry Kee - Searcy, AR. General Business. Sigma Tau Sigma; Big Buddi~;European Campaigns; Dramatics; Intramurals; R~identAssistant; <strong>University</strong>Singers; World Evangelism Forum.Robin Lynn Keith - Ann Arbor, MI. Computer Applications. Transferstudent from <strong>University</strong> of Michigan. Shantih.Jerry Keller - Oshkosh, NB. Art. Transfer student from York College.TAG; Art Guild; Intramurals; Intercollegiate Athletics; Tennis.Kelly Kemp - Rockledge, t L. Marketing. Transfer student from BrenvardCommunity College. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Intercollegiate Cross Country, Track.Elizabeth Ellen Kidd - Clinton, AR. Business Management. Ko 10 Kai.David Randall Kiihnl - Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. Titans;Shantih beau; Intramurals; Intercollegiate, Football.Susan Thomas Killen - Shawnee Mission, KS. BiolollY. Transfer stu·dent from York College. Tri Sigma Delta; May Campaigns; Intramurals All·Star;<strong>University</strong> Singers.David Glen Killman - Searcy, AR. Biblical Languages. Transfer studentfrom Arkansas Polyttthnic College. Northwest Campaigns; Timothy Club; WorldEvangelism Forum.Gwynne Borman King - Springfield, IL. Secretarial Scien«. Zeta PhiZeta; Alpha Chi.Sarah Elizabeth King - Ferriday, LA. Biology. Ju Go Ju; Alpha Chi;lntramurals.Timothy Ray King - Warren, OH. Public Relations. "lpha Tau Epsilon;Bison Staff, Business Manager; Intercollegiate AIl·Star.Chris Don Kinney -Indianapulis, IN. Biology. Chi Sigma Alpha; AlphaChi; Pre·Den.al Club.Timothy Lee Kirksey - Houston, TX. Beta Phi Kappa officer; SpringbreakCampaigns.Samuel Fletcher Kitching, Jr. - Bay City, TX. Biology andChemistry. Sub T· 16; Intramurals; Pre-Dental Club; SA Movie Commillee; Dean'sUSt; R~ident Anistan!.Alice Kumpf - Bossier City, LA. Home Economics. AHEA.Sharon Lafever - Kensett, AR. Nursing.Ruth Ann Lamb - Garland, TX. Elementary Education. Tri Sigma Delta;Australian Campaians; SNEA.Cynthia Louise Lapp - Redwood Falls, MN. Nursing and Bible.OEGE ofncer; Alpha Chi; Band, Concert, MJrching, Pcp, Stage; Big Sisters; SpringbreakCampaigns; Operation Tabernacle; Intramurals; lOY; Nu rsing HonorSociet y; Resident Assistant; Student Nurses Association; Who's Who; StudentAssociation; Student Affairs Commillee; Spiritual Ufe Commiuee; Nursing Stu.dent Affairs Commiltee; May Queen.168Seniors

----------------------------------------------------Seniors------------------------~,Kirk Allen Latson - Houston, TX. Management.Stenn Andrew lAath - Paragould, AR. Management.Transfer student from Crowleys Ridie Colleae.Luanne Kay Lee - Waterville, OH. NUrsing. OEGE.Kimberely Kay lAonard - England, AR. Art. Tri kappa,Athletic Dire

Jeffrey Lee McKune - Rolla, MO. Business Systems Analysis.Transfer student from <strong>University</strong> of Mi s!;Ouri at Rolla. Beta Phi Kapp.a;American Studies: Delta Mu Delta: Dramatics; Computer Center Staff.Transfer studentBrian E. McLain - Glendale, AZ. Ph~ s ic s.from Phoenix College. Chi Sigm Alpha; International Campaigns;Chorale.Lee Kemp McLane - Beebe, AR. Managemellt.Bobby Lynn McLaughlin. Nashville, AR. History. lambdaSigma. Secretary; Barristers; Phi Alpha Theta.Melanie Susan McMillen - Monroe, LA. Psychology. Karela;A Cappella; Alpha Chi; Behavioral Science Club; Psi Chi; Bison Staff,Reporter: Dramatics; Petit Jean, Assistant Editor, Editor; Pre·Med Club;Sigma Tau Delta; Society for Collegiate Journalists; Women's Ensemble;SA Academic Commi ¥""«~.;---.-.,.7C~"=Danny Joe McNeal - Ashland City, TN. Music. Kapp.aSigma; Band, Concert, Marchi ng, Pcp, Stage; Orchestra; Heritage DormRepresentative.Judy G. McNeese - Searcy, AR. Management. Zeta Phi Zeta;Alpha Chi; American Studies; Delta Mu Delta: Dean's List.Kyle E. McNeese - Searcy, AR. Accounting. American Studies;Delta Mu Delta.Johnny Dale McQuain - Clinton, AR. Specth Therapy. SigmaTau Sigma, Treasurer; Alpha Chi.Gary Edwards McReynolds - Mt. Juliet, TN. Management.Pamela Jo Meddress - Jacksonville, AR. Acem.lnting andBusinu s Systems Analysis. Theta Psi; American Studies; Delta Mu Delta;Pi Gamma Psi.Stephen Edward Meiners - E. Alton, IL. Biology. AlphaTau; Miami, FL Campaign; Cenark Student Grotto, Vice-president; Intramurals; Sigma Epsilon Chi; Na tional Speological Sotiety.Larry Don Meissner - Lathrop, CA_ Bible_ Transfer studentfrom York College_ TAG; Iowa Campaigns; Dactylology Club; KH CAStaff; Timothy Club.Arnold Ray Merrell - Bald Knob, AR. Accounting. TransferSlUdent from L'nivCTSity of Arkansas at Fayetteville.Carol Ann Michael- Cape Fair, MO. Elementary Education.Omega Phi, Historian . President ; Band, Concert. Marching; InternationalCampaigns; Dactylology Club; <strong>University</strong> Singers; World EvangelismForum.Connie Miller - Stamps, AR. Physical Edu

-----------------------------------------------------Seniors----------------------------~Timothy Robert Nichols - Searcy, AR, Bible. Transfer ~tudent fromUniver~i t yof Maryland. TNT; Big Buddies; Proj ~t Italy Campaign; Timothy Club.Jeffrey Duane Nixon - Morrilton, AR. Political Science. LambdaSigma, Treasurer, Vice·president; Art Guild; Barristen; Biro" Sian, Cartoonist;Young Republicans.Betsy A. Noland - Tinton Falls, NJ. Mathematics. Transfer studentfrom Brookdale Community College. R~ina; A Cappella; Alpha Chi; Band, Con·cert, Marching.Renee Elaine Norman - Sarasota, FL, Marketing. Transfer studelllfrom Freed·Hardeman College and <strong>University</strong> of South Florida.James Richard North - Wolcoth'ilIe, IN. Religious Education. King'SMen; Band. Concert, Marching, Pcp, Stage, Band Council; In ternational Cam·paigns; Junior Class Treasurer; ResideRt Assistant; SA EI~tions Commil\~;Timothy Club; YounS RepublicaRs; College Students for Reagan.Greg Norton - Oxnard, CA. Accounting. Transfer student from VenturaJunior College. Sub T·16; Intercollegiate Athletics, Swimming; Pi Gamma Psi.Diane Rose Oberholzer - Kouts, IN. Accounting. Transfer studelll fromPurdue <strong>University</strong>. Chi Alpha Rho ... Devotional Dirc.:tor; Northwest Campaigns; PiGamma Psi.Megumi Oguro - Hiroshima City; Japan. Speech. Transfer studeRtfrom Hiroshima Josakuin College. Campus Players; Dramat ic~; KH CA Staff.Brell David Organ - Bay City, TX, Chemistry. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cap·pella; Intramural AII·Star; Student Affiliate American Chemical Society.Loyal Ernest Osterhoudt -Roseville, MI . Bible. Transfer student fromMichigar. Christian College and Oklahoma Christian College. Gala~y; Big Buddies;Intramurals; Timothy ClUb. ::::_ .. ~'::::::-;"".,,--Brenda Elizabeth Parker - Monroe, GA. English and Journalism.Transfer student from Alabama Chrisitan Co ll~e . Kappa Phi, Historian; 8 1100"Staff Editor; Pelll J t'ln Staff; Sigma Tau Delta, President; Society for CollegiateJournalists; SNEA; Who's Who; Public Relations Club. Vice·president.Pamela Kay Parker - Kennett, MO. Music Education. R ~ina; A Cap·pella; A Tempo; Band, Concert, Marching, Pep; Chamber Signers; Chorale;Uni\'ersity Signers; A Cappella Womens' Ensemble.Janet Sue Parkey - Memphis, TN. Spa:ial Education. ZCIa Rho.Se!;rctary, President; Alpha Chi; International Campaigns; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi;Resident Assistant; SNEA.Robin M. Parsley - Seoul, Korea. Vocational Home Economics. ChiAlpha Rho; AHEA; In ternational, May, Korean Campaigns; Chorale; Hot LineStaff; JOY; Residellt Assistant; SNEA; World Evangelism Forum.Paul Davis <strong>Part</strong>en - Houston, TX. Managemellt. Mohican; Intramurals.Lisa Kaye Pale - Jonesboro, GA. Elementary Education .Patricia Gayle Patrick - Flal Rock, MI. Social Work. Transfer studentfrom Michigan Christian Junior College. Shalltih, Historian; Hot Line StafF; Na·tional Association of Christians in Social Work.Amy Suzanne Pallon - Aliquippa, PA . Nu rsing. Transfer student fromOhio Valley College. Regina; Student Nurses Association.Jennifer Rose Pawlowski - Searcy, AR. English . Crusaders; AlphaChi; Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Tau Delta; SNEA.Glenn Morris Payne - Bedford, TX. Biology. TNT; Alpha Chi; In·tramurals; Pre· Dental ClUb.Philip Jonathon Peacock - Searcy, AR. Mathematics. Alpha EpsilonChi; Ru s~i an Campaigns; Alpha Alpha Alpha beau; Intercollegiate Athletics, Bowl·ing.Charla Ann Pearson - Melbourne, AR. Social Work. Shantih,SC"cretary, President; Alpha Chi; May Campaigns; Hot Line Staff; JOY, ElderlyCommill~; National Association of Christians in Social Work; Psi Chi; AlphaDelta Mu; Women's Judicial Board, Member, Spokesman.Donna kay Peebles - PorlSmith, VA. Special Education and Elemen.tary Education. Omega Phi, Athletic Director, Vice·president; Dean's List.James 'Michael Penrod - Granada Hills, CA. Business Management.Transfer student from Pepperdine <strong>University</strong>. Sigma Tau Sigma, Athletic Director;Alpha Chi; American Studies; Kappa Delta Kappa beau; Intramurals: CollegeBowl.James Irvin Pentecost. Jackson, TN. Management. Transfer st udentfro m Tenness~ Tc.:hnical <strong>University</strong>.A clown of sortsWhether it means suiting up asa clown for the Homecomingparade, working with the Big BuddyProgram, attending WorldEvangelism Forum meetings, orcoaching Chi Alpha Rho, SteveAwtrey is actively involved,Awtrey, or "Fuzz" as he is appropriatelynicknamed because ofhis natural fro , is a man of manytalents and interests, The St.Louis native, who has been inSearcy for five years, has a doublemajor in Bible and Journalism,PREPARING for the MetropolitanOpera tryouts. Steve A wtrey bellows"Come to Taste of Culture . ..He is a part of the TNT socialclub, the World EvangelismForum and the Society for CollegiateJournalists.Aside from his many school activities,Awtrey enjoys workingwith wood and leather. The lankySenior also spends a great deal oftime fixing his car, which he calls"a forced hobby."Awtrey's future seems to be inthe Northern United States. Aftertwo full summers of campaignwork in Tabernacle, New Jersey,he has decided to join a team inserving Christ. About the year1985, Awtrey hopes to settle in aselected northern city workingwith the church as a vocationalmissionary. This will probablyfollow some graquate study in thefield of Public Relations,The joy of Awtrey's life is hisfour nephews and three nieceswho range in ages from onemonth to eight years. In speakingof them Awtrey smiled and said," Justin prays every night that UncleSteve will do good in school.They' re all what keep me going."Awtrey looks back over hisyears at <strong>Harding</strong> with a sincerefondness. He has learned from histime here and said, "The key tobeing successful at <strong>Harding</strong> is toput people first and schoolworksecond. Of course, that can't beused as a cop-out for not studying,but the needs of people arethe most important thingsaround,"So Fuzz is rushing off to anothermeeting, or another ballgameor another person.- Jimmy AllenIt is because of his love for people, enthusiastic spirit, and involvementat <strong>Harding</strong> that Steve was awarded the 1981 ReginaSpirit A ward. -171McKune-Pentecost

Keith D."id Percell · Bethany, MO. Biblical Languages. Transferstudent from David Lipscomb College. Theta Alpha Gamma, Vic e -pr~s ident;Alpha Chi; Springbreak Iowa Campaign; Timoth~ Club.Pamela Lynn Perkins - Anchorage, AK. Spe

Seniors--------------------------~Icy ironyHA VING had warm weather inJanuary. bitter cold and ice inFebruary surprised the budding rosebush.Julie Randolph - Lubbock, TX. Nursing, Ju Go "JI,I; Student NursingAssociation.Jay Brooks Reese - Searcy, AR. Accounting. Sub T-16 officer; AmericanSHldies; Delta Mu Della; Intramural All-Star; Pi Gamma Psi; Pre-Mcd Club;Young Republicans.George Bryan Reeves - Vicksburg, MS. Mass Communications. BetaPhi Kappa officer; Springbreak Campaign; Intercollegiate Speech Arts; KHCAStaff; Program Director.Rebecca Kathleen Reinhardt· Sacramento, CA. Nursing. KappaPhi officer. International, Springbrcak Campaigns; Intramural Jacket Winner;JOY.Michelle i Education. Transfer~~~~~~~,,'S 'NEA.Delta; Art Guild;Kappa Pi.Lynette Marie Richardson· Schiedam, Holland. An. Kirei Na Ai;Art Guild; Big Sisters; International, Eastern European Campaigns; Intramurals;JOY; Resident Assistant: World Evangelism Forum.Anita Gayle Riffle· Southaven, MS. Nursing. Kirei Na Ai; Mal' Campaign.Ronald Riffle - Heber Springs, AR. Physical Education. Transfer studentfrom Riverside Cit~ College. Beta Phi Kappa; Intramurals: PEMM Club.John Carrol Riggins - Searcy, AR. Biology. Theta Tau Delta, officer:Cenark Student Grotto; Swimming; Pre-Med Club; Psi Chi.George Keith Riley· Searcy, AR. Physical Education. Theta Tau; LondonCampaign; Delta Chi beau; Intramurals, All-Star, Jacket Winner; PEMMClub, officer; Timothy Club.Penny Lou Rine - Wheeling, WV. Vocational Home Economics.Transfer student from Ohio Valley College. Regina; AHEA; JOY.Terri Lynn Rine - Proctorville, OH. Vocational Home Economics.Transfer student from Ohio Valle~ College. Phi Kappa Gamma, officer; AHEA;Iowa Campaign; Who's Who.Tamie Rene Rix - Marion, IL. Art. Kappa Phi; Alpha Chi; Art Guild;May Campaign; Kappa Delta Pi; Kappa Pi, officer.Sandra Yvonne Roberts· Searcy, AR. Business Education. Theta Psi,officer; American Studies; May, Ireland Campaigns; Kappa Delta Pi; ResidentAssistant; SNEA; Dean's Lis\. ==~~~~~ __ _Kathy Ann Robinson - Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. Delta Chi,officer; Ma~ Campaign; SNEA; G~mnastic Team.Laurie Jean Robinson - King of Prussia, PA. Social Work. Shantih;Chorale; Dramatics; Orchestra; String Ensemble; Spring Sing Hostess: Universit~Singers.Jennifer Anne Robison - Moundsville, WV. Elementary Education.Transfer student from Ohio Valley College. Beta Tau: Alpha Chi; Concert Band;AGO Club Queen; Dact~lology Club; Kappa Delta Pi; SNEA.Clark Alan Roush - W. Des Monies, IA. Music Education. Chi SigmaAlpha; A Cappella, officer; Alpha Chi, officer: A Tempo; International, IowaCampaigns; Intramurals; Kappa Delta Pi: SA Committee, Chairman; <strong>University</strong>Singers; Who's Who: Academic Affairs Committee; Spiritual Life Committee;Womens' Ensemble Conductor.Robert Ralph Rowand - Lake City, FL. Social Science. Transfer studentfrom Lake City College. Alpha Tau Epsilon; American Studies; Intramurals:Phi Alpha Theta; Young Repub"lic~.~"~'."'==_,"'__,~"George Barnes Rowlett - batesville, AR. Business SYStemS Anal~sis.American Studies.Steven Albert Russell· Houston, TX. Bible. Alpha Epsilon Chi; SpringbreakCampaign; Timoth~ Club.Tim Sain - Eads, TN. Math. TNT: International Campaign: Theta Psi Clubbeau; Inuamurals; Pi Gamma Psi; Dean's List.Marcella Kimberly Salmon - Naples, FL. Special Education. Tofebt;Alpha Chi; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi: SNEA.Charles Benjamin Sanders, Jr. - Memphis, TN. Bible. AGO officer;Northeast, Operation TabernacleClub beau; Intramurals:David EdwardBeta Phi Kappa officer; International, SpringbreakDelta and Beta Tau Gamma: Timotl\)' Club.tercoJlegiate Debate; Pi Kappa Delta; Young Republicans.Karen Lea Scharnagel • Lompoc, CA. Social Work. Kirei Na Ai officer;Hot Line Staff: National Association of Christians in Social Work.Sharon Kay Schirer - Roanoke, IL. Speech Therap~. Omega Phi officer;International, May Campaigns; Intramurals; JOY; World Evangelism Forum; StudentSpeech and Hearing Association.Belinda Lee Segraves - Searcy, AR. Home Economics. Zcta Rho; King'sMen Club Queen: Homecoming Queen Attendant; Homecoming Class Representativc:Who's Who; Winter Festival Class Representative; Petit Jun Queen.Lisa EII~n Sewell - St. Charles, MO. Math. Chi Alpha Rho; Class Officer:JOY.i173Percell-Sewell

Pied Piper of the Thundering HerdMusic soothes the savage beast;music lifts spirits of those whohear it, and music requires immensetalent on the part of thosewho perform it. <strong>Harding</strong> has beengraced by such talent, and amongthe talented is the extraordinaryMark Hudson.Mark, a senior music majorfrom Gainesville, Florida was thefield commander for the marchingband, director of the stage band, amember of the A Cappella Chorus,TNT-Zeta Rho's Spring SingDirector, and is a member of theMusic Educators' National Conference.Mark credits his interest in music10 the fact that he is from amusical family. Both of his parentsperform in a bluegrass band,and his mother plays the piano aswell. Consequently, he decided topursue music at an early age."When I heard our high schoolband play at my elementaryschool in sixth grade, I decided Iwanted to be in band."Hence, Mark's career as an instrumentalistbegan. French Hornis his speciality. but he is alsocapable of playing trumpet andtrombone. Although instrumentalmusic IS Hudson's major interest,he also enjoys vocal music. Heparticipated in high school marchingband, concert band, pep band,stage band, concert choir,madrigals, barbershop quart~t ,and mixed vocal ensemble. .As a high school musician,Mark was honored with membershipin the Florida All-State Choirfor two consecutive years, and hewas awarded superior medals forsolo and ensemble performance(vocal and instrumental), and superiormedals for band and choralconducting. To top off his honors,the City of Gainesville honoredHudson with "Youth of theMonth" in 1975.For Mark, choosing a collegewasn't too difficult. Although heconsidered Florida State <strong>University</strong>.<strong>University</strong> of Florida, andmembership in the Air ForceBand, <strong>Harding</strong> was chosen becauseMark "was impressed withthe teachers and their personal interestin their students." Theclosely knit group of students inthe music department, • 'almostlike a family," also made <strong>Harding</strong>attractive to him.At <strong>Harding</strong>, Hudson has been amember of the marching band,concert band, pep band, stageband, Chorale, Chamber Singers,and A Cappella Chorus. In hisyears here, he has been honoredwith Outstanding Junior BandStudent (78-79), OutstandingBand Member (79-80), OutstandingMusic Student (79-80), and174SeniorsKimberly Hawkins Shackelrord - Shreveport, LA. ElementaryEducation. GATA; SNEA.Robert Earl Shackelford - Searcy, AR. Physical Education.Knighls; International. May Campaigns; Intramurals; Intercollegiate Athletics.Football; PEMM Club; Resident Assistant; Soccer Team.Alex Dale Shelton - Swarlz Creek, MI. Accounting and Bible.Alpha Tau Epsilon; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Kappa Phi Club btau; PiGamma ·Psi.Jon Alan Sherrod - Relle Mead, NJ .. Biology. TNT; Alpha Chi; BigBuddies; French Club; Pre·Mtd Club; SA Committee Chairman Academic Affairs.Loy Shetllesworth - Miami. FL. Psychology. Transfff student fromMichigan Christian Col1eae. Aljha Tau; Intramural AII·Slar.Jack Shock - North Lltl e Rock, AR. Marketing. Transfer studentfrom Briarcliff College. Alpha Tau Epsilon; American Studies; Big Buddies;Augusta Campaigns; Delta Mu Dtlta; KHCA Staff, Advertising Director;Timothy ClUb.Richard Gale Shores - Searcy, AR. Religious Educativn. TimothyClub.Linda DiAnn Shumale • Sherwood, AR. Elementary Education.lu Go lu; Chorale; 10V.John Elliotl Sills - Eads, TN. Biology. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Intramurals;Il1tercollegiale Cross Country. Track; AIl-AiC. AII-NAIA Dis\. 17.John Van Simpson - Sear~ AR. Marketing. American Studies.Sleven Langdon Sims - M omb, MS. ACI:Ountina. Transfer studemfrom&>uth .... est Mississippi lunior College. TNT; American Studies; IowaCampaigns; Zeta Rho btau; Delta Mu Delta.Susan Rochelle Skipper - Tyler, TX. Mathematics. Chi Alpha Rho;Alpha Chi.Hermelte Keona Smith - Searcy, AR. Physical Education andHealth. Tofcbt; Spring Campaians; Beta Phi Club Queen; lntramurals; PEMMClub; SA Movie Committee; Band. Concert. Marching_Lois Ann Smith - Baldwinsville, NY. French. Transfer studemfrom Onondaga Community College. Alpha Chi; Northwest. French Campaigns;French Club; JOV; Resident Assistan\.Rubin Carol Smith - Norcross. GA. PsychololY. Tri Sigma Delta;Psi Chi.Sleven Lee Smith· Washington, PA. Music. A Cappella.Steven Michael Smith - Montgomery, AL. Nursina. Mohican; In·tramurals.Sue Ellen Smith - England, AR. Physical Education. Tofebt; Band;May Campai~ns; Intramurals; JOY; PEMM Club.Tanya Michelle Smilh - Tabernacle, NJ. Special Education.OEGE; A Cappella; Band. Concert , Marching; Flag Corps; Big Sisters; Spring.Operation Tabtrnacle Campaigns; Chambtr Singers; Dactylology Club; FrenchClub; Intramurals; JOY; PelitJfan Staff; SNEA; <strong>University</strong> Singers; Women'SEnstmble.Waller Ray Smith - Searcy. AR. Compultf Applications. Alpha TauErsilon; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Springbrtak Campaigns; Cenark StudentGrouo; Jnlramurals; Intercolltg:iate Swimming; Reno Business Team;Who's Who.Norwood Square· Richmond. CA. Biblical Languages and Bible.Transfer studel1t from York College. Knights; Big Buddies; Iowa Campaigns:Theta Psi btau; Timothy Club; <strong>University</strong> Singers; Young Dtmocrats.Tamela Joan Stahl - Harrah, OK. Computer Application. Transferstudent from Freed·Hardeman College. Northwest Campaigns; MissionsTtam.Larry Dale Stamps· Searcy, AR. Physical Education. Alpha Tau;Omega Phi beau; Intramural All-Star; Intercollegiate Swimmina; PEMM Club;SNEA.Elizabeth Anne Stanfill- Memphis, TN. Ellllish. Ju Go Ju; MayFetc.)(oyally; Sigma Tau Dtlta; Spanish Club; Who's Who; Dean's List.Michael Dean Stanley - Parkersburg, WV. Physical Education.Transfer student from Ohio Vality College. Chi Sigma Alpha; InternationalCampaigns; Intramural All-Star; ..I.ntercollegiate Basketball; PEMM Club;SI~EA.

----------------------------------------------------- Seniorsthe E. B. Baggett Memorial Scholarship.Mark is very satisfied with hisyears here. "<strong>Harding</strong> has morethan fulfilled my expectations, givingme opportunities for advancement,recognition, and leadership.More important, though, I'vebeen blessed with many valuablerelationships and experiencedmuch spiritual growth."Looking past graduation, Hudsonhopes to work in secondarymusic education while working onhis Masters degree, and he plansto continue work toward a doctoraldegree. The young lives that hewill come in contact with will notonly benefit from his musicalknowledge and talent, but will receivea far greater blessing fromhis positive attitude and Christianexample.- Byron Carlock"FOLLOW the Leader" continues tobe Mark Hudson's favorite game,--;::::::::::::::;_----------------------------------------------------~~::::::::::::::::;_--~::;:~~~~::~:-~~~~~~~~::. ---slaff PhoIOMaureen Sue Stanton - Nashville, TN. Business Systems Analysis. GATA officer.Jonathan Mark Sieffins - West Monroe, LA. Missions. Transfer student fromBob Jones <strong>University</strong>. Chi Sigma Alpha; Band, Concert, Marching, Pcp, 3tage; VenezuelanCampaigns; Intramurals: Spanish Club: Timothy Club: World Evangelism Forum.John Mark Stinnell - Jackson, MO. Bible. Kni gh ts; Northwest Campaigns:Timothy Club.William Robert Stokes - National City, CA, Elementary Education. SNEA.Rick Scott Straker - Bozeman, MT. Psychology. Iowa Camp .. igns; Chorale; ChiAlpha Rho beau: Hot Line Staff; Psi Chi, President: World Evangelism Forum; Member of"A Common Bond;" Editor of "Crucible. "Fred Hubert Strasser - W""y~n:;n2.c."An,R ••"B"i~bl;:, ~'O"d""E;:lem entary Education. Knights officer;Northwest Campaigns; Intramurals: Timothy Club; World Evangelism Forum.Jacki Jeanette Sturgeon - Paragould, AR. Elememary Education andKindergarten. Transfer student from Crowleys Ridge College. Chi Alpha Rho; Alpha Chi;May Campaigns; Kappa Delta Pi; Residem Assistam; SNEA.Jeffrey Lester Sublett - Searcy, AR. Business Management. Lambda Sigma;Band, Concert, Marching, Pep; IntramUlals.Kathryn Mari Summitt - Falls Church, VA. Social Work. Transfer studentfrom Northern Virginia Community College. Art Guild: May Campaigns: Conquerors: DactylologyClub: Hot Line Staff: National Association of Christians in Social Work.Julie Lynn Swan - Bloomington, IL. Speech Education. Beta Tau Gamma; AlphaChi; Alpha Psi Omega; Campus Players; Dramatics; [mercollegiate Speech Arts; lmramuralSpec-ch Arts: Kappa Delta Pi: KHCA Staff: Readers Theater; Sigma Tau Delta; Who's Who;Best Actress 1979-1980 Arms and The Man; Traveled with "His Players" 1980: <strong>Harding</strong><strong>University</strong> in Florence, Italy, Sp",ic"grn1geg~I". ;;-T

Richard Delton Treadway - North Little -Rock, AR.Physical Education. inl(Tcollcgiatc Alhlclks, Basketball; lmraml,lrals.Joyce Annette Tucker - Toney, AL. Speech Pathology.Transfer student from Alabama Christian College. GATA officer; AlphaChi.Howard V. Tyree - MI. Morris. MI. Mass Communications.Transfer student from Michigan Christian College. Dramatics: SwimTeam; Imcrcollcgialc Spe«h Arts; KHCA Stafr, Station Manager, ProgramDirector. Sales Oir«tor.Ke"in C. Uebelein - Hollywood, MD. Ac.:;ounling. A Cappella;Campus Players; Opera; Dramatics.Sinen A. Ulrich - Hanford, CA. Physical Education. ThetaTau Delta officer; Big Buddies; Irmamurals; Intramural All-Slar, JackelWinne-To Intercollegiate Athletics, Baseball, All-AIC; PEMM Club;SNEA.Ernest Crabtree Umberger III - Princeton, WV. MassCommunications. Galaxy; Australian, May Campaigns; Cheerleader;Regina beau; Intercollegiate Debate; Intercollegiate Speech Arts; KHCAStaff. Statiol1 Mal1ager, Assistant News Director; Pi Kappa Delta; Societyfor Collegiate Journalists; SA Class Repre sen tati~ e:Senior Men 'sRepresentative; Who's Who.Ricky Lynn Underwood - Florence, AL. Accounting.Galaxy; American Studies; Ka Re Ta beau; [ntramurals.Amy Vawter - McKenzie, TN. Management and Public Relations.Shanlih officer; American Studies; Big Sisters; Intramurals; JOY;Readers Theater; Young Republicans.David Nichols Vehon - Dallas, TX_ Music. Alpha GammaOmega; A Tempo; Chorale.David Alfred Verret - Lake Charles, LA. Bible. Transfer studentfrom McNeese State Uni versity and the Univeristy of Guam, Agana,Guam. Alpha Chi; May Campaigns; Timothy Club; Dean's List; NationalDean 's List; Outstanding Young Men of America.William ScoU Vredmgburgh - Trumann, AR. Marketing.Kappa Sigma Kappa o fficer; Intramurals.James A. Wade - Memphis, TN. Accounting. Kappa SigmaKappa: American Studies.Carl Dennis Waites - Dearborn, MI. Management. Titans.Danny Joe Walker - Searcy, AR. Bible. Transfer student fromTexas Tech <strong>University</strong>. TAG; Timothy Club.Ellen Ruth Walker - Searcy, AR. Speech. A Cappella; AlphaPsi Omega officer; American College Theater Festival; AHEA; International,May Campaigns; Campus Players; Dramatics; Hot Line Staff; IntercollegiateSpeech Arts; Intramural Speech Arts: KH CA Staff; ReadersTheater; World Ev'!'~"~"~h~'m!!!.!F~Oe'~"m",. ==-Ti.-::-Vera Kaye Wallis - Jonesboro, AR. Business Education.Transfer student from Cro" ·leys Ridge College. Kappa Delta Kappa; MayCampaigns; JOY: SNEA.Randy Scott Walters - Southaven, MS. Bible. Transfer Stu·dent from Delta State <strong>University</strong>. King·s Men officer; Northwest, SpringbreakCampaigns; Junior Class Se1::retary: Phi Delta beau: Conquerors:Timothy Club: Young Republicans.Patricia Kay Ward - Searcy, AR. Special Education. OmegaPhi: Northwest. Springbreak Campaigns; Campus Players; Dramatio.Wendy Suzanne Waterman - Aurora, CO. ElementaryEducation. Transfer student from York College, Lubbock Christian Col·lege. Pi Kappa Della : SNEA.Vicky Fay Watkins - Sturkie, AR. Special Education andElementary Education. Tri Sigma Delta; Australian Campaigns; SNEA.John Mark Watson - Paragould, AR. Business Management.Transfer student from Crowleys Ridge College. Galuy officer.John Coplin Weaver - Huron, SD. Public Relations. Kn ights:Tri Alpha beau: Intramurals: Spansih .Club.Nancy Jo Weaver - Newton, MS. Elementary Education. ChiLam bda Chi.Darrell Gene Webb - Silvis, IL. Psychology and Physical Education. Transfer student from York College. King's Men: Big Buddies;NOrthwest Campaigns; Theta Psi beau; Intramurals; Intramural All-Star,Jacket Winner: lnterl:ollegiat e Athlelics, Baseball: Intramural High-PointMan.Charles Leslie Weeks, Jr. - Greenville, MS. Management .Transfer student from Delta State Universit y, Mississippi Delta JuniorColle"e. Kappa Sigma Kae.£a: Intramurals.Lori Jenell Wells - Anchorage, AK. French. Shantih; FrenchClub: JOY.Hal West - Nashville, TN. Accounting. Kappa Sigma Kappa of·fi cer; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Barristers; Junior Class Presidem; TriKappa beau; Delta Mu Delta, Presidem: French Club; Petit Jnn Staff,Business Manager; Pi Gamma Psi, President; Reno and Nashvi lle BusinessTeams: Society for Collegiate Journalists officer; Who's Who.Ellen Joy Westmoreland - Wynne, AR. Office Administ ralion.OEGE officer; Marching Band; Intramurals; JOV.Timothy Edward Wiblin - Marietta, OH. Math. Transferst ud ent from Muskingum College. Chi Sigma Alpha; Chicago Campaig ns·Chi Alpha Rho beau; PEMM Club; SNEA.'Kenneth D. Wiles - Fort Smith, AR. Bible. Transfer studentfrom Universit y of Arkansas. TNT; Australian, May Campaigns; In.tramurals.Philip Clay Wilkerson. North Little Rock, AR. ReligiousEducalion and English. Transfer student from Freed·Hardeman College.Alpha Tau Epsilon; Timothy Club; World Evangelism Forum."oun,:c 18U)' : ati. a. . oeaUntul aon:ella.' (;arty,,,.doodle-bug (dWdl.bug), II. L The lurva ot Any,·i, · ill,,11

------------------------------------------------Seniors----------------------------4Shirley Denise Wilkenion - Montgomery, AL. Special Education. TransferstudeM from Alabama Christian College. Delta Chi Omega; May Queen Attendant; SNEA.Debbie E. Williams - Plano, TX. Marketing. Regina; A Cappella; AmericanStudies; Women's Ensemble; Blackout '77.Leah Annelle Williams - Jackson"ille, FL. Nursing. Transfer studem fromf101"ida Junior College. Regina; Big Sister, Chairman; JOY; Student Nurses Association.Charline Willis - West Helena, AR. Secretarial Science. OEGE; May Campaigns:Universit y Singers.Katherine Y"onne Willis - Ft. Walton Beach, FL. Vocational HomeEconomics and General Science. Kirci Na Ai officer; AHEA; Big Sisters; In ternational Cam·paigns: Hot Line Staff; JOY; Resident Assistant; SNEA; World Evangelism Forum; Inter.Club Council Pr es ~;d~'~",!; . =:::;:'-"''''''''''w--;-'-''Mark Charles Wilmoth - Idabel, OK. Accounting. Kappa Sigma Kappa; AlphaChi; American Studies; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; Emery Business Team; Junior Ac­COUntilll Award.Sandra Kay Wilson - San Diego, CA. Office Administration. Ju Go J u officer;Alpha Chi: Americ .. ;: Studies: Galaxy Queen; Delta Mu Delta; Who's Who; Dean's Lis!.Dennis A. Winnett - Manchester, TN. Accounting and Public Relations. ChiSigma Alpha; A Cappella; American Studies; Barristers; Bison Staff, Reporter; InternationalCampaigns; Chorale: Pi Gamma Psi; Young Republicans,Joni Lee Wisenbaker - Valdosta, GA. Psychology. Kappa Phi officer; May Cam.paigns; Intramurals; Intramural All·Star; JOY ; Psi Chi .Jay Ross Witt - Groom, TX. Physical Education. Galaxy; Intercollegiate Athletics,FOCMba ll; KH CA Staffi PEMM Club.Melody Kay Witt - Houston, TX. Vocational Home Economics. Ju Go Ju officer;AHEA; SNEA: Dean's List.Karen Joyce Wood - Hot'Springs, AR. Accounting. Transfer student fromFreed·Hardeman College. Tofebt officer; American Studies; Northeast Campaigns; AlphaOmega Queen; Who's Who.Katherine Joy Wood - Hartville, OH. Secondary Education in English andSpc«h. TransfCT student from Freed·Hardeman College. Alpha Chi; Northwest Campaigns;Dramatics; Kappa Delta Pi; KH CA Staff: World Evangelism Forum.Jon Bradley Woodroof - Searcy, AR. Business and Journalism. TNT; Taber.nacle, New Jersey Summer '79 Campaians; In tercollrgiate Athletics, Tennis; KHCA Staff,Voice of "Time Out;" Time of Day: Who's Who.Gary Lee Woody - Gaines"ille, FL. Physical Education. Knights; May Cam·paisns; Beta Tau Gamma beau; Intramural All·Star, Jacket Winner, Athlete·of·the· Ycar,Sports Skills Champion; PEMM Club.Melissa Jane Word - Little Rock, AR. Nursing. Beta Tau Gamma officer;<strong>University</strong> Singers.Daniel Lee Wright - W~irton, WV. Business Systems Analysis. Transfer studentfrom Ohio Valley College. Theta Tau Delta officer; Intramurals.Linda Marie Wright - V~ntura, CA. Dietetics. Transfer student from Pepperdine<strong>University</strong>. AHEA; Dietetics Club.Martin Bradford Wright - Arlington, MA. Public Relations.John Layne Yeldell- DeSoto, TX. Business Management. Kappa Siama Kappa;1

The third year:Time tosettle downThe transition from asophomore to a junior. althoughnot terribly drastic, was one of"coming of age." As one juniorput it, "Now it's like running thesecond half of a race. The firsthalf was important but these twoyears determine how we willfinish. "With a majority of the generaleducation requirements long sincepast. the members of the juniorclass were forced to make somefirm decisions. Majors, classscheduling and plans for thefuture now took on mOTe importancethan the days of "just gettingby."Although not quite at the pointof desperation and panic, schoolwork was attacked with a newzeal. This awakening sometimescame about after finding outgraduate school requirements orreceiving cumulative grade pointaverages and threatening lettersfrom the folk s.Jan Johnson from Fort Worthsaid in reference to her junioryear, "When I was younger itseemed like I could sit around andtalk for hours. Now we've got tostudy about twice as much.There's just so much to do.Graduation becomes a reality."•Because of the increased studyload, many juniors were forced tomake the library their "homeaway from home." Their dormrooms became mere resting placesas research papers and otherassignments were furiously finishedbefore deadlines.The feeling of "having arrived"also hi t the juniors in a new way.Although still meeting people,junior class members had settleddown in their club and departmentalactivities.Junior David Daniel of Searcycommented: "By this time you'vemet so many people and havemade so many friends that you'vesort of found your place. Evenpeople that you barely knew as afreshman are now some of yourgood friends. 1 like being righthere in the middle. There's notgreat responsibility and pressure,- Slqff Pho{QJUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS: DobWaites, president; Patti Miller, vicepresident;Mark Rossio, secretary;Michelle Elliot, treasurer.and yet there is some."Now on their third rung of theladder. the juniors were forced tofind a bit of maturity. The reason- in only three short monthsthey will be on top.•- Jimmy AllenGary Adams - HouslOn, TXKimberly Adams - Dallas, TXJoy Aebi - Vincent, OHDaniel Alessio - West Chicago, ILDavid Alexander - San Leandro, CAJeannie Alexander - Starkville, MSTU110lhy AJexander - Adelaide, AustraliaGloria Allen - Atkins, ARJimmy Allen - Searcy. ARSteven Allen - Coolville. OHDaryl Anderson - Minneapolis, MNAngela Ange - Colonial Heights, V ARandall Anthony - Richardson, TXAnUa Antley - Monroe, LADennis Ard - Richardson, TXDeborah Arms - Charlotte, ARMargaret Arnot - ViclOria, TXWendy Ashland - Penacook, NHCarol Atchley - Berryhill, ARYvette Autrey - Yorba Linda, CABarbara Bachle - Houston, TX178Juniors

---------------------------------------------------------Junio~----------------~Trudy Baldwin - Claysville, PADebra Ball - McAlester, OKFrank Barker - Pratt, KSRobin Barker - Decatur, ALJanis Barnell - Greenville, TXJon Barry - Pine Bluff, ARBenjamin Bashaw - Waller. TXDeborah Baslln - Collingswood, NJSamuel Bates - Florissant, MODebra Beasley - McKenzie, TNRay Beaudry - South Hadley, MARegina Beck - Kennett, MOHelen Bedwell - Yorktown, VALee Ann Belew - Romance, ARDavid Bendickson - Crookston, MNMichael Bellis - Roosevelt, NYRodney Beus - Memphis, TNDennis Blake - Piggott, ARCyntbia Bland - Bedford, MAMark Bloss - Nashville, TNMarie Bobbitt - Memphis, TNLisa Bolding - Judsonia, ARSusan Bolding. Judsonia, ARAnthony Bond - Alton, ILCynthia Boustead - Searcy, ARRonald Bower - Lompoc, CAJudy Boyd - Cabot, ARJo Boykin - Antlers, OKCarla Brents - N. Little Rock, ARLinda Briggs - S1. Louis, MOMark Briggs - Crestwood, MOAlesa Bristow - Minden, LAKaren Brock - Monroeville, ALAnna Brown· Ravenna, OHDru Brown - Waupaca, WILisa Brown - N. Ridgeville, OHMichael Brown - Bridgeton, MORobert Brown - N. Haven, CTVivian Brown - Searcy, ARLori Browning - Arlington, TXThomas Bryant - Hope, ARJan Buchanan - Waxahachie, TXPatricia B~ford - Chesterton, INJeffrey Burdge - Haleyville, ALKathleen Burkett - Keller, TXRussell Burkett - Mobile, ALAnita Burks - Helotes, TXJill Burroughs - Memphis, TNRandy Burrus - Beebe, ARA t some point during everysemester, almost every student at<strong>Harding</strong> makes the decision tobranch out and indulge himselfin what is commonly called the "Ican't take cafeteria foodanymore" syndrome. When onereaches this point, Searcy rapidlybecomes the "home of finecuisine .••<strong>Harding</strong> students, while helpingsome of the many proprietors getrich, have many establishments toNUMEROUS neon signs mark alternativechoices for hungry Searcians.Delectable decisionschoose from. For those who missMom's cooking a little too much,there are kitchens like Mrs. Harris'or Landis Steak House. Theseplaces offer down home cookingwhich is truly Arkansan. You caneven get hominy. which is unheardof anywhere north of HeberSprings.However. the majority of studentsprefer the fast food chains.You can go to places that can fix ahamburger 256 different ways, ormaybe sit down under golden archesfor golden french fries. Thereare even chicken places nearby forthose who prefer the "barnyardbird." This variety allows for achange of pace and gives the folk sat home the impression that theirchildren are getting the balanceddiet that they need.Last, but certainly not least includesthose whose wallet weighsmore than they do. Since thesepeople drive Wells Fargo Trucks,they are easily recognized. Diningfor this elite group includes placessuch as Bonanza, Mazzio's or atrip to Little Rock's Casa Bonita.Perhaps David Jones, a seniorbusiness education major summedup the situation best by stating,"Searcy offers different foods fordifferent people, and that satisfieseverybody. "- Kenny Moorer,Kevin Cave179Adams-Burrus

Tamela Byers - Beaumont, TXRobert Cam - Vienna, V ACarol Camp - Amarillo, TXDaniel Campbell - Searcy, A RRandall Campbell - Memphis, TNChrislina Carriedo - Chula Vista, CADavid Carter - Mountain Home, ARKimberly Castle - Longmont, COAnthony Caton - Inola, OKJudy Chambers - Somerville, TNLori Chandler - Feeding Hills, MATracy Chaney - Memphis. TNRalph Chapman - Newport, ARDarrel Chavez - Ivanhoe, CAByron Childers· Searcy, ARRobert Childs - Escondido, CAShelia Choate - Winona, MSKim Clark - S. Orem, UTPamela Clark - Duluth, MNStanley Clark - Westminster, CASusanne Clark - League City, TXMichael aaossen - N. Little Rock, ARLewis Clay - Centreville, MITeddi Clifford - Memphis, TNAndrea Clonch - Missouri City. TXCathy Coburn - Harrisburg, ARHarvey Cody - Morrow, GAJoy Coker - Crofton, KYSusan Coker - Searcy, ARCynthia Cole - Searcy, ARKaren Cole - Rockford, ILNancy Colglazier - Searcy, ARJerry Collins - Searcy, ARRobert Collins - Abingdon, VASusan Collins - Doraville, GARoger Colvin - Dubach, LAMatthew Condon - Kansas City, MOKevin Conolly - Speedway, INBrent Cooper - Castro Valley, CARebea-.a Cooper - Webster Springs, WVRocky Cooper - Lake Charles, LAConnie Corbin - Searcy, ARTimothy Coucke - Cookeville, TNJim Counts - Pocahontas, ARJulie Cozort - Tulsa, OKMarcia Cozor. - Thayer, MOCherri Crabb - Rockford, ILBradley Craig - Sioux Falls, SOMary Sue Creel - Searcy, A RMelissa Crook - N. Little Rock, ARLinda Crooks - Oklahoma City, OKCharles Cross - Drayton Plains, MlRandall Crow - Cleveland, ARGwen Crownover· N. Little Rock, ARRodney Crownover - Little Rock, ARJoe Cumpian - Big Foot, TXRaymond Cumpian - Big Foot, TXCindy Cunningham - Memphis, TNRoger Cunningham - Harrison, ARRandall Curtis - Judsonia, ARDavid Cutler - Claremont, SOJoan Dabbs - Jefferson City, MOShawn Daggett - Auburn, NHDonald Dalton - Prosper, TXJames Daniel - Searcy, ARDeborah Daniel - Rockdale. TXPaula Danner - Poplar Bluff, MOJodi Davidson - Gainesville, FLBelynda Davis - Hurst, TXDayle Davis - Louisville, KY180Juniors

----------------------------------------------------------Juniors--------------------IGashouse Gang takes State- COl/rles)' Qf Searcy Doily CiliunTHE GASHOUSE GANG. Front Row: Danny Williston, Mark Ramsey,Benji Nail, Rees Lloyd. SIeve Marrs, Skilch Henderson. Back Row: TommyDossetl, Brad Stroud, Jimmy Allen, Jay Reese, Kenny Moorer, Mike Rivas.During the summer of 1980,fifteen softball players, all connectedwith <strong>Harding</strong> in some way,joined together to form the GasHouse Gang. After 47 games, thiscollection of teachers, studentsand coaches brought home thestate Class 0 championshiptrophy. The state championshipclimaxed a year in which the teamwon four tournaments, includingthe District III crown, as well asposting a 40-7 record.The slo-pitch team, officiallynamed the Gas House Gang, buteventually sponsored by BillyWeir Electric. played in Searcy'sCity League throughout the threemonths. The well-balanced clubmixed speed, power, defense andpitching in winning the league andqualifying for the district tournament.The district tourney, held inBeebe, saw the Gang rompthrough undefeated.!The victory in the district allowedthe team to compete in the statetournament held in Russellville.After losing one game to thepower-oriented Crossroads squad,the Gang bounced back and tookthe championship by outsluggingtheir opponents 22-15." The great thing about playingball this summer to me was thefact that we tried to show everyonewe came in contact with thatthere was something more to lifethan softball," said one memberof the Gas House Gang. Anotheradded, "Playing ball was thesalvation of my summer. Schoolgot awfl}lly tough, but just gettingto play with this group of classguys really helped me."Perhaps best of all, what startedout as a team just hoping to havesome fun for a few months, endedup as 15 men who grew close toone another as they won.-Jimmy AllenDonna Davis - N. Little Rock, ARDonna Lee Davis - Hoxie, ARJulie Davis - Trussville, ALPaul Davis - Rockford, ILThaddeus Dawkins - Ketchikan, AKLori Deacon - Waverly, OHSusan Deahl - Haughton, LARuth Decker - N. Little Rock, ARTammy DeGroat - Kensett, ARCynthia Deramus· Mena, ARShelia Deslauriers· Wynne, ARRobert Dingler· N. Little Rock, ARSusan Dismuke - Belleville, ILJean Dockery - Winston Salem, NCThomas Dockery· Fayetteville, ARDebra Dodds· Sikeston, MOCamilia Dot:gin • Dalhart, TXKim Donaldson. Bristol, EnglandMichael DouthiU • Neosho, MOJeraldine Dowson • Byron, GAWilliam Duff· Bloomington, INMichal Earnhart· Oklahoma City. OKPerry Eddins· Bagwell. TXDian Eddlt'man • Ripley, TNStephen Edelhuber • Paris. ARAnthony Effendi· Jakana. IndonesiaCharles Elkins· Stone Mountain, GA .Pamela Elkins· Hopkinsville, KYDanils EllioH - Madison, TNGregory Engel· Jacksonville, ARMalinda Erskin· Camden, ARCharles Evans· Greenway, ARLinda Ewing. Amarillo. TXLewis Fair. Lufkin, TXGlenda Faith. Mountain View, ARPatti Firmer· Florence, ALSherrill Farnstrom • San Ramon, CALee Farrar· Searcy, ARJenni Felps· Fort Worth, TXLouis Ferren· Judsonia, ARWesley Figgins· Mobile, ALMargaret Finch· San Jose, CA181ByerS-Finch

Mark. Finn - Sherwood, ARJames Fiorito - Spokane, WAVictoria Fiorito - Brunswick, METorie Flanagan - Muscle Shoals, ALDaniel Flatt - Memphis, TNLora Fleener - Summersville, MOCarolyn Flinchum - Sandnes, NorwayFrederick Ford· Searcy, ARJeffrey Fo~ - Hubertus, WITiny Fraley· Turrell, ARTerri Franks - Lake Charles, LAJulia Freeman - Slocomb, ALPatricia Freeman - Lexa, ARSteven Froehlich - Clay, NYJames Futrell - Pocahontas, ARJohna Futrell - Pocahontas, ARRebecca Ganus - Metairie, LAMark Garton - Virginia Beach, V ALillie Gaskin - Raymond, CAAnthony Gatlin - Paragould, ARChristopher Genry - Alabaster, ALSarah Gibbons - N. Little Rock, ARTimothy Gill - Dayton, OHCynthia Goldstein - Norcross, GAPatricia Gordon - Vilonia, ARBrenda Gossen - Bearden, ARKevin Granberg - Tacoma, WAAlan Green - Nashville, ARKathy Greene - Arlington. TNCheryl Gregg - Valparaiso, InMichael Gregory - Bentonville, ARMary Griffen - Fairfax, VAJohn Gross - .Pine Bluff, ARSabel Guifarro - Slidell, LAMichael Guy - Newhall, CABradley Haddix - Genesee. MIDonald Haddi~ - Savannah, TNTamara Hafner - Williamsport, pAKevin Hager - Ballwin, MOHelene Han - Columbia, MOJohn Han - Franklin, WIDavid Hanners - Sedgewickville, MOMelanie <strong>Harding</strong> - Glenwood, ARWilliam <strong>Harding</strong> - Glenwood. ARGregory Harris - Senath, MOJacqueline Har~s • Faribault, MNRicky Harrison - Mt. Vernon, ARKimberly Hart - Coolville, OHDeborah Haught - Stockport, OHTen Hazelip - Montgomery, ALCynthia Hearn - Harrison, ARJeffrey Hearn - Harrison. ARJoseph Henderson - Piggott, ARKendnl Henderson - Hendersonville, TNLaurie Henke - Spokane, WANancy Henley - Bridgeton, MOKeith Hensarling - Smithfield, TXDennis Hensley - East Peoria, IL182Juniors

-----------------------------------------------------------Juniors------------------~Pamela Hess - Lexington, KYKaren Hesler - Chattanooga, TNTammy Higdon - Wichita, KSRebecca Higgins - Jonesboro, ARAndra Highers - Germantown, TNPenny Hightower - Mt. Pleasant, TXDavid Hill - Union, NJKaren Hinton - Pine Bluff, ARGina Hodel - Naperville. ILDarlene Hodges - Starkville. MSLaJarle Hogan - Kotzebue, AKJoy Hogge - Ft. Collins, COGary Ho_lIiman - Bartlesville, OKBradford Holloway - Pine Bluff, ARTheodore Holmes - Ridgefield, CTJanice Holst - Clinton, IAMartha Holl - Richmond. MOKathy Honey - Newport, ARSteven. Honnen - Lincoln, NEDebbie Hooten - Amarillo, TXMark Horsley - New Boston, OHMillie Horsman - Florence. ALTerry Hostetler - La Grange. INPatricia Houser - Anchorage, AKGeorge Howell - Belgrade, MTRonda Huddleston - Hearne, TXBrenda Hudson - Moline, ILRuthann Hudson - Morton, PATerri Hughes - Caruthersville. MODeborah Hunt - Cypress. TXDebbie Hulsell - Fort Wonh, TXDavid Isenberg - S. Williamspon, PARandy IIson - Pelham, GACatherine Jackson - Williston, SCLeon Jackson - Concord , ARWilliam Jackson - McCrory, ARGretchen Jacobs - Ashtabula, OHGary James - Clinton, ARJoni James - Elizabeth, ARLisa James - Warrentown, PAJoann Jameson - Fort Worth, TXJohn Jaros - Baltimore, MDIdentical look alikesHave you found your look-alike?It has been stated that everyperson has someone that hasmany of the facial characteristicsas he. Some find each other andsome don't.For those of you who knowMark Rossio and think you'vebeen seeing him twice as much thissemester, you probably haven't.You have been seeing his look-alike."When Mark (Rosser) came toschool at the beginning of the yeareveryone was confusing us, " saidRossio. " Then everyone kept tellingme about him and how muchwe looked alike." After threeweeks, they finally met."Other people thought welooked more alike than we did,"MORE TWINS! No, Mark Rosserand Mark Rossio are just look olikes.said R9sser, "and since our namesare also very similar, many stilldon't realize that we are actuallytwo people."After being with both of themone could understand why. Theirsimilarities go much further 'thantheir physical appearance andnames. Both have green eyes, parttheir hair down the middle andthere is an inch difference in theirheight. Both enjoy boxing andthink "Rocky" ii one of the bestmovies ever.Both Rossio and Rosser wereaffiliated with the CatholicChurch earlier in life, both rancross country and were on thetrack team in high school andboth have similar tastes for theopposite sex. "We're both lookingfor a nice Christian fox," addedRosser.They both also love the <strong>University</strong>of Missouri football team andabsolutely hate the Dallas Cowboys.Of all the characteristics,the one that stands out the most isthey both think they' re romantic.Rossio and Rosser met in theHeritage cafeteria when Rossio invitedRosser to a Theta Tau mixer."At the mixer," Rossio said, "wetold everyone that we were twinsand they believed us. ""But when we told them myname was Mark also, they figuredout we weren't brothers," saidRosser.What would it be like havingsomeone on campus that lookedlike you? " It feels pretty good, ..If I do something wrong, I justsay Rossio did it. "If you see Rossio or Rosser oncampus and you get confusedsimply greet them with a "HiMark'"- Sieve A wlrey183Finn-Jaros

Robert Jean - Walnut Ridge, ARDavid Jenkins - Livermore, CABecky Johnson - Rock Falls, ILHarold Johnson - Harrison, ARJan Johnson - Wilmington, MARebecca Johnson - Cicero, NYScott Johnson - Lubbock, TXTerri Johnston - Rogers, ARBarbara Jones - Magee, MSBrenda Jones - Creve Coeur, MODouglas Jones - N. Little Rock, ARElizabeth Jones - Grovespring, MOStephanie Jones - Ed mond, OKStuart Jones - West Fork, ARTami Jones - Morrilton, ARJames Jordan - Denver, COPenny Jorgensen - Texas City, TXDenise Kays - Benton, ARKerry Keathley - N. Palm Beach, FLLinda Keathley - Riviera Beach, FLCarron Keith - Myrtle Beach, SCKarla Kell ->Lubbock, TXMary Ann Kellar - Searcy, ARBarry Kelley - South Point, OHChristopher Kelley - Owensboro, KYKeith Kelley - San Antonio, TXMary Kerns - Clarington, OHMichael King - Miami, OKBrad Kinser - Monticello, ILJanet Kirby - Jackson, TNRoy Kirkland - Ward, ARValerie Kitchens - Jackson, MSDavid Knight - Pearland, TXPamela LaFerney - Springfield, V ADonna Lafferty - Texarkana, TXKenneth Lake - Matteson, ILJanet Land - Gainesville, FLDennis Landis - Anchorage. AKGreta Lane - Guy. ARLoria Lane - Warner Robins, GAThomas Langley - Maynan~,ville, TNJoseph LaPlante - Se'arcy, ARLynn Latham - Durant, OKKimberty Lawrence - N. Forestville, MOCarole Lawson - Nicholasville. KYMark Lay - Crowder. OKJane Layne - Trenton, MIJoe Leal - Grant. MIRenda Leamons - Camden, ARIs <strong>Harding</strong> a concentrationcamp? Maybe not, but there issolitary confinement, commonlyknown as being dormed. Donnedstudents are required to be in theirdorm at 7:00 p.m. on Friday,Saturday and Sunday evenings.This incarceration is generally theresult of the aquisition of thirtylate minutes, or fifteen after thefirst infraction.When asked about conferringthe penalty, Mrs. Goin, dormmother for Pattie Cobb, essayed,HI just abide by the rules. I havealways felt that dorming was toemphasize that they need to bemore responsible. They have theopportunity to appeal , before theStudent Board if they feel it is un-The 30+ penaltyjustified. "How do most students feel?Many think it is a silly punishmentfor adults. As Chris Hawkins soaptly put, "I'm surprised theydon't send you to bed withoutsupper'" Rachel Travis exclaimed,"What can you say? It'sstupid. It's awful. It's like beinggrounded by your parents. "That may sound bitter, butthere is a funny side to the situation.The surreptitious smilesobserved at the mention of dormingindicate that, in some cases, aweekend of solitude was not toohigh a price to pay for those stolenmoments of freedom. The cliche"when you play, you've got topay" best describes the shrugyour-shouldersattitudes of manystudents. Jennifer Istre laughedand stated, "I didn't mind beingdormed so much because it wasworth the late minutes. What didbother me was the way they checkedon me. It seemed I had no levelof integrity left. especially whenshe walked in and checked on meevery few hours."Dorming is not a new phenomena.Dr. Joe Pryor recalled,"Several years ago we had to confineseveral boys to their roomsbecause they had taken anotherboy out, stripped him, and pouredmolasses and cornflakes on him,then left him. But, he was apparentlya supreme nuisance, sohe deserved it."The purpose of the curfew, thecause 0t. much of this agony I wasto see that students got in at areasonable time, settled down andbegan studying according to DeanCampbell.So, if the urge to do somethingwild and crazy hits you, and youdon't have time to sign out and getlate permission, be prepared to getto know the students on yourwing, very well. And take heart. .. you won't be the first to havebeen dormed, nor will you probablybe the last. this is, however,unlikely to· console you as youstand before the Student Boardlike a prisoner before a firingsquad.- Wendy ZeiglerDORMED. a college coed dreams ojwhat she could be doing iJ she were onthe other side of her window.184Juniors

Juniors------------------~Robert Lee • Jacksonville, NCDouglas Lester - Valdosta, GATine Jo Letcher - Vista, CALinda Lewis - Canton, OHWarren Lipscomb - Higginson, ARStephen Lomax - Potosi, MOGregg Lolane - Fairfax, VAVernon Lundquist - Rockford, ILLeAnn Lutrell - Russellville, ARMichael Lynch - Bivins, TXJoseph Mabry - Byron Center, MIRichard Machen - Slidell, LARandall Madddx - Sulphur Springs, TXMelody Mallicote - Irving. TXTammy Mallory - Clarksville, TNVrain Mangrum - Lafe, ARDavid Manley.- Caruthersville, MOSlevtn Marrs - Tulsa, OKCindy Martin - England, ARJulia Martin - Rosston, ARJo Matthews - Sumerco, WVKaren May - Parkersburg, WVFaye McClain - Little Rock, ARGary McClanahan - Ardmore, OKLisa McClendon - Su lphur, LAJane McCluggage - Greenwood, INJames McCoy - Ashdown, ARRandall McDonaki - Caruthersville. MOWendy McDonough - Selma. ALCharlotte McGee - Dallas. TXKatrina McKee - East Point, GARoger McKinley - Ada. OKPatricia McKinney - Memphis, TNLaura McKune -Rolla, MORonald McLaughlin - Step Rock. ARA_IlooemIIry McLaugNin - Addaide,Diane McQueen - Southfield, MISandy Meeker - Amarillo, TXJudy Meyer - Richmond. VAKevin Meyer - Montezuma, lAColleen Michael - Grubbs, ARAmy Miller - Elk ton, KYCarrie Miller - S1. James, MOCatherine Miller - Morganfield, KYClark Miller - Hot Springs, AREric Miller - Cambridge, OHGina Miller - Elkton, KYJannovie Miller - Newport. ARRonald Miller - Mihon, FLNanette Mitchell - Searcy, AREvelyn Moore - Marvell, ARLoy Moore - Russell, ARPhillip Moore - Rusell, ARSusan Moore - Steelville, MOShan Morgan - Alexandria, VAChrislye Morrison - Joplin, MOLeon Mullins - DeQueen, ARKandace Muncy - Searcy, ARJames Murphy - Florissant, MOMatthew Murray - Riverdale, GAKim Naff - Lawrence, KSTerry Neu - Dallas, TXJean Ney - Shreveport, LADouglas Nickerson - Queen City, TX185Jean-Nickerson

Marcia Noell· Visalia, CAWarren Nonell • San Augustine, TXValerie Nusbaum - Hialeah, FLFrancis Okoronkwo - Aba, NigeriaMichael Oliver - Royal Oak, MlJani Orr - Lillie Rock, ARShinobu Otsuka - Chiba City, JapanDavid Owens - FOri Worth, TXDavid Padgell - N. lillie Rock , ARAnthony Parham - MI. Pleasant, TXJeffrey Parsons - Zanesville, OHLisa <strong>Part</strong>ain - Stafford, TXVirginia <strong>Part</strong>en - Riverdale, GAGregory PaUerson - Baton Rouge, LADavid Payne - MI. Orab. OHMark Peacock - Memphis, TNBill Pearson - Amory, MSRicky Pearson - Greenville, MSJeffrey Perry - Vienna, V ASharon Perry - Monticello, ARCurtis Pettie - Marvell, ARTimothy Phillips - Lenoir. NCDaniel Pills - Grovespring, MONaDcy Poe - Syracuse, NYMitchell Porter - Terre Haute, INPhilip Porler - Cashmere, WARhonda Porter - Fayetteville, ARGregory Posey - Searcy, ARMadonna Pratt - Judsonia, ARSamuel Prall - Quincy, ILMelinda Preble - Houston, TXIlavid Presley - Harrison, ARJuanita Price - Germantown, NCMichael Price - Rolla, MOJanice Priestley - Houston. TXI..rrlJean Priestley - Houston, TXSusan Pryor - Searcy, ARLauri Pylkas - Ft. Lauderdale. FLSusan Quillen - Dover. DEJoel Ragland - Cookeville, TNJack Rawlings - Winfield, ILRita Rae - Idabel. OKMelissa Redding - Shively, KYWorld's smallestradio stationPaul Reding - Neosho, MODouglas Reed - Marietta, GALora Reed - Terre Haute. INKatherine Reeves - Mur~reesboro, INRebecca Reeves - Southaven. MSStephen Reeves - Memphis, TNRebecca Reid - C herokee. ALMichael Reynolds - Winston-Salem, NCMarlene Richards - Florence, ALSteven Richardson - Hot Springs. ARVan Rickard - Montgomery. ALEric Riley - Fort Worth, TX186Juniors

-----------------------------------------------------------JuniorsAmanda Risinger - Searcy, ARRachel Ritchie - Mons. BelgiumLinda Roberts - Houston, TXDonald Robertson - Booneville, ARJames Robertson - New Boston, TXJudy Robertson - Beebe. ARPatricia Robinson - Garland, TXTeresa Robinson - Birmingham, ALkenneth Rose - Dallas, TXMark Rossio - Florissant. MOKaren Roush· W. Des Monies, IATerry Rusk· Sioux City. IARhonda Rutledge· Searcy, ARLinda Sapio - Norcross, GACharles Savage - S. Zanesville. OHSarah Schlesier - Brinkley, ARLori Schloffman - Tulsa. OkRichard Schmill - Santa Rosa. CAMarilyn Sewell - EI Dorado, ARDavene Sexton - Detroit. MIDonna Shackelford - Searcy. ARJames Shelton - Kensett, ARSara Sheridan - Si lver Spring, MDMark Sherrill· Nacogdoches, TXTimothy Shoaf - Whites Creek. TNEdith Simpson - Tupelo, MSJohn Simpson - Memphis. TNMichael Sims - Livonia, MITomas Sitton - Avondale Estates. GALawton Skipper - Sarasota. FLCarol Smith - Dallas, TXCheri Smith - Little Rock, ARDam Paul Smith - Jeddah. Saudi AmbiaEmma Smith - Paragould, AREmmell Smith III - Paragould. ARDISC JOCKEY Tony Bono remarks."This really ;s my natural habitat. It'swhere I'm com/ortoblt!, You put a/ishin waler, you put me in my radio stolion."- ContribUfM"You can't see the Queen ofEngland and you can't win a freetrip to Mexico, but you can listento commercial-free music. Whatmore could you want?"That's the "No-Contest Contest"offered by WKMQ radio,FM %, according to Tony Bono,the station' 5 owner. manager andsingle-handed operator.Bono, a junior journalism majorand Bible minor at <strong>Harding</strong>,owns the world's smallest radiostation known to the FederalCommunications Commission.Set up in his parents' basement inAlton, Ill., Bono's station is aneighborhood tradition. Hisbroadcasts reach approximately15 houses, having a potential audienceof 50.Bono's father, a technicalengineer for a commercial radiostation, constructed the basicsystem in 1956. The younger Bonosaved his pennies and ordered additionalequipment, which wasmodified and used with thesystem. The station went on theair on June 21, 1971, when Bonowas 14.The present set-up, describedby Bono as a "simple monosystem," includes two reel-to-reeltape machines, two turntables,two c~rtridge machines, half adozen amplifiers, two high qualitystudio microphones, severalsmaller mikes and four or fivestudio headphone sets.Bono has "About 600 albums,100 cartridges, miles and miles ofreel tape and 45's all over theplace - probably a couple thousandof them." His entire inventoryhe estimates to be worth$5-10,000.His latest format, Bono calls"Beautiful Rock: KQ 96." Helikes to play mellow, contemporarysongs, especially soft rock."I choose my music carefully," hesays. "Not only can it not havebad words, it can'1 have..,. negativemeaning - not even a neutralmeaning. All of my songs have tohave something positive to say."Whatever the station's name,personality or position on the dial,Bono's programming is very professional.He includes news,sports, weather and public serviceannouncements, as well as music."The station sounds a lot likeanybody else's, except I don'thave to do commercials," he explains.The FCC places very fewrestrictions on the small station.Bono and his father have made afew adjustments through the yearssuch as installing a more accept-able antenna, but their major concernis that they not interfere witha larger station. At the beginningand end of each broadcasting session,Bono makes the follwing announcement:"This is a low power FM transmission,as authorized by theFederal Communications Commission,Washington, D.C. If thistransmission causes any interference,call us at 462-0181 andtransmission will cease. This isWKMQ in Alton, Ill., the world'ssmallest legal radio station. Weoperate on a frequency of 95.7megahertz with a power so lowyou can't even measure it."The last word Bono receivedfrom the FCC was "have fun."He is. He transmits when he'shome for vacations, and meanwhile,he has gained two semestersof experience at KHCA. Eventually,he would like to help set up aChristian radio station.What about his own station?"It's been a successful experimentfor ten years," he says. "I'll takeit with me wherever I go. I'll set itup where I hang my hat, and it'llcontinue to be the world's smallestradio station as long as the FCCallows it to exist."- Snippi Schramm187Noell-Smith

SilhouettedelineatedSHINING in the night, the AdministrationBuilding adorned withlights mokes a perfect frame for theChristmas Tree.Eugene Smith III - Dallas, TXHarry Smilh - Memphis, TNJeaRina Smith - Paragould, ARMark Smith - Libertyville, lLNancy Smith - Little Rock, ARShawna Smith - Searcy. ARKathy Smithbauer - Rochester, PASteven Smithbauer - Rochester, PAJanifer Smithey· Garland, TXDee Ellen Snook - Salem. LADaryl Soules - Anchorage, AKMelodie Sparks - Walls, MSMary Spencer - Lafayette, INMichael Spillman - Judsonia, ARMichael Spurlock - Searcy. ARGary Stailey - Glendorg, CAStenn Starnalis - Staten Island, NYHolly Stanger - Livonia. MIJohn Stanley - Nashville, TNKarla Starling - Arnold. MORandall Steele - Warren, MIBonnie Stevens - Marshall, TXRebecca Stewart - Powhaten, ARGregory Slone - Flint, MIRonda Street - Memphis, TNTeresa Stretch - Longmont, COLee Ann Stuart - Pine Bluff, ARClay Sturgeon - Phoenix, AZWilliam Sullinn - Overland, MOKaren Surber - Cincinnati, OHElaine Sulton - Sikeston, MOKilhy Swan - Balch, ARJanette Sykes - Paris, TNThomas Tabor - Tucker, GAJeffrey Tanner - Prattville, ALKimba Taylor - Jackson, TNTye Taylor - Norman, OKJohn Thee - Windermere, FICatherine Thompson - Davenport, NEDeAnne Thompson - Austin, TXKerry Thompson - Murray, KYNancy Thornton - Bolivar, TN188Juniors

--------------------------------------------------------------Juniors-------------------4Patricia Tidwell - Memphis, TNMary Tincher - At lanta, GASuzanne TolieU - Nashville, ARDavid Tomlinson - Judsonia, ARDenise Travis - West Covina, CATommy Treadway - Searcy, ARCharles Trotter - Memphis, TNMona TruUt - Dallas, TXMary Tucker - Arbyrd, MOTamara Tucker - Memphis, TNTimot,(ly Tucker - Nitro, WVDennis Turner - Jacksonville, FLRalph Tyree - St. Anthony, 10Joe Ultro - Lagos, NigeriaDarlene Vail - Clay, NYRolando Valls - Corpus Christi, TXMary Vaughn - Nashville, TNRobert Vawter - McKenzie, TNWenoka Verkler - Searcy. ARJohn Vlahakis - Nashville, TNJohn Wailes - At lanta, GAJohn Walker - Houston, TXSusan Wallace - Searcy, ARJewel Wallis - Jonesboro, ARCynthia Walls - Columbus, OHCynthia Walters - Monroe, LALarry Walters - Greenwood Spring, MSJames Wamack - Birmingham, ALAndrew Ware - Dinuba, CAStenn WlJrnick - Hoxie, ARlnita Watson - Nash, TXLori Watson - Terre Haute, INGlynn Weathersbee - Garland, TXTeresa Wells - Ashdown, ARKandi West - Fairmont, WVRonda West - Sanford, FLByron Westbrook - Centralia, ILMark Weston - West Memphis, ARJeffrey Westover - Sid ney, OHSharon Westover - Sidney, OHLowell Whited - Searcy. ARMelissa Wilemon - Memphis, TNGary Williams - Prince Albert, CanadaMark Williams - Bartlesville, OKRandall Willis - Lubbock, TXGary Wilson - Waco, TXGlenn Wilson - Shreveport, LAJoan Wilson - Ketchikan, AKDavid Wood - Paragould, ARJeaninne Wood - Pangburn, ARJeffrey Woods - Sf. Louis, MORandy Wooten - Turlock, CADavid Wright - Searcy, ARDebra Wright - Lakewood. COSherrie Wright - Wellsville. OHCindy Yaeger - Luck, WITrella Yates - Fayetteville. ARCharlotte Yingling - Searcy, AR189Smith-Yingling

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