booklet - CUMC - Canadian Mathematical Society

booklet - CUMC - Canadian Mathematical Society

booklet - CUMC - Canadian Mathematical Society


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1.2 Comprehensive ScheduleThursday, July 11 th , morningTime Speaker and Title Room9:009:30JOHN CAMPBELL - A Schur-Like Basis of NSym Defined by aPieri RuleDANIEL PALMARIN - Generating Fractals Using Iterated FunctionSystemsNATHAN MUSOKE - Holonomy of 4-Dimensional MetricsCHRISTOPHER MAHADEO - Blow Up Solutions to the Non-Linear Schrödinger EquationALEXANDRE LAVOIE - Introduction to Game TheoryRAYMOND VAN - construction of natural numbers to real numbersusing set theoryDARIO BROOKS - Local equivalence of 3-dimensional Godel spacetimesMARC-ANTOINE FISET - Pelure de clémentineSUKHREET SANDHU - Solving <strong>Mathematical</strong> Programs withEquilibrium Constraints via Genetic AlgorithmJULIA TUFTS - Mathematics in MusicERIC NASLUND - Roth’s Theorem in the PrimesEHSAAN HOSSAIN - Geometric group theory and Gromov’s TheoremMAXIMILIAN KLAMBAUER - Basics of the Representation Theoryof C*-algebrasADITYA KUMAR - An Invitation to Functional AnalysisMASHBAT SUZUKI - Questions in Spectral Theory and DynamicalSystemsMORIAH MAGCALAS - Investigations of Hyperviscous TurbulenceAUDREY MORIN - The geometry of musical chordsWILLIAM RUTH - Introduction to Statistics: Classical andBayesianJEAN-FRANÇOIS ARBOUR - Introduction to the Ricci FlowANDRÉANNE LAPOINTE - Les symétries de l’équation deHelmholtzZ-205 McNicollZ-209 McNicollZ-210 McNicollZ-215 McNicollZ-220 McNicollZ-245 McNicollZ-255 McNicollZ-260 McNicollZ-300 McNicollZ-305 McNicollZ-205 McNicollZ-209 McNicollZ-210 McNicollZ-215 McNicollZ-220 McNicollZ-245 McNicollZ-255 McNicollZ-260 McNicollZ-300 McNicollZ-305 McNicoll10:30 COFFEE BREAK André-Aisenstadt11:00Christiane RousseauParcourir le système solaire en économisant l’énergieS1-151 Jean-Coutu7

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