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PDF Brochure - CMT Conferences PDF Brochure - CMT Conferences

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A 2-day IntensiveImplementation-Based Workshop OnStrategic Thinking& Implementation17-18 December 2008• JW Marriott Hotel • Kuala LumpurCourse Highlights:• Strategic Thinking Defined• Determining The Direction• Who Are We? The First Step• Peering Through The Fog & Clouds• Reality Check: Identifying The Contradictions• Creative, Alternative Approaches• From Plan To Implementation• Crafting Creative Strategies“Action leads us toward solutions.Inaction at best does nothing and holds us in the past”v i s i t u s a t w w w . c m t e v e n t s . c o m

A 2-day IntensiveImplementation-Based Workshop OnStrategic Thinking& Implementation17-18 December 2008• JW Marriott Hotel • Kuala LumpurCourse Highlights:• Strategic Thinking Defined• Determining The Direction• Who Are We? The First Step• Peering Through The Fog & Clouds• Reality Check: Identifying The Contradictions• Creative, Alternative Approaches• From Plan To Implementation• Crafting Creative Strategies“Action leads us toward solutions.Inaction at best does nothing and holds us in the past”v i s i t u s a t w w w . c m t e v e n t s . c o m

INTRODUCTIONChange happens all the time, whether we chooseto do something about it or do nothing. Changesoccur in a plethora of arenas including: technology,competitive environment, political, economic, society,technology, legal, environment, and business, amongothers. Some changes occur in gradual fashion,and we may not even notice it creeping up on us.Other changes occur in quantum leaps, such as intechnology (witness Moore’s Law). Unless we areaware of the changes taking place around us, we runthe risk of being left behind and playing catch-up orworse still, becoming irrelevant.An important element in our desire to remain relevantand ahead of the ‘pack’ will be the need to have acurrent analysis and “future focus.” The one to providea reality check and the other for looking forward,spotting emerging and waning trends, identifyingtrigger or inflection points, creating strategies andimplementing them. The use of various managementanalysis and other tools will assist towards this aim.With this in mind, this workshop is designed toprovide a structure against which the group would beable to rate their change quotient in terms of changereadiness, create a scenario of change and its impacton the organization, acquire and practice appropriateskills while developing and implementing strategiesto enable them to anticipate and be prepared to seizethe opportunities that present themselves our way.“Action leads us toward solutions. Inaction atbest does nothing and holds us in the past”.THE APPROACHThis will be a highly participative and interactive andhands-on workshop where learning new approachesand sharpening skills is mainly by action learningthrough exercises and workshops. This will besupplemented by appropriate lecture/discussion, andvideos as applicable.The frequent use of reflection at the end of each majoractivity will help enhance understanding and measureparticipant’s learning. Participants will find that theybenefit from the workshop in direct proportion to theirinvolvement.Day 1Wednesday, 17 December 2008Module 1STRATEGIC THINKING DEFINED• Introductions• Definition of Strategic Thinking• Strategic Thinking process• Why Strategic Thinking?Module 2DETERMINING THE DIRECTION• Operating Vision clarification• Core Value Drivers driving the Vision• Stakeholder ExpectationsModule 3WHO ARE WE? THE FIRST STEP• Identifying our purpose• Creative Expressions• Change Readiness InventoryModule 4PEERING THROUGH THE FOG & CLOUDS• Scenario Analysis – best case, worstcase, most likely• Trends Analysis – boundary,emerging, established, dying• Mining the available resource –bottom-up approachMETHODOLOGY• Use of presentations to set up the context• Exercises to enable participants to apply theirlearnings• Left & Right Brain activities to enable wholebrainlearning• Video presentations as a learning tool• Brainstorms to generate ideas and involveparticipation

Day 2Thursday, 18 December 2008Module 5REALITY CHECK: IDENTIFYING THECONTRADICTIONS• SWOT Analysis• Identifying the StrategicContradictions – gaps, blocks,barriers• PESTLE analysisModule 6CREATIVE, ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES• Inside-Out & Outside-in Thinking• Strategic Thinking Exercise• Spirit and StrategyModule 7FROM PLAN TO IMPLEMENTATION• Developing creative Strategies• Identifying critical success factors• KPI settingModule 8CRAFTING CREATIVE STRATEGIES• Prioritising the Strategies• Creating Practical, Creative Action Plans• Presenting the Plans• Small group discussions and deliberations tosynthesize data• Plenary sessions for presenting the workshopoutputs• Participatory, action-learning approachto make work lively and engaging• Group work is an important element of theworkshop.AFTER ATTENDING THIS WORKSHOP,YOU WILL RETURN TO YOUR JOB…1. Appreciating and understanding thedefinition and practice of StrategicThinking, Planning & Implementation.2. Understanding the vital role ofstakeholders in the creation of strategies.3. Creating an analysis of past trends and aprojection of future scenarios as theyimpact your business strategies.4. Understanding and applying concepts forsituational (contradiction) analysis ininternal as well as external environments.5. Applying the strategic thinking process ofvision, contradictions, strategies andaction planning.6. Adopting the use of Key PerformanceIndicators & Critical Success Factors instrategy implementation.7. Understanding and applying actionplanning in a work situation.WHO SHOULD ATTENDSenior and Middle Managers will benefitmost from this workshop as it allows themto see things from different perspectives anddimensions using the relevant tools available.They will be able to apply the learnings fromthe workshop to create a strategic plan for theirrespective organisations. All personnel whoneed to appreciate and understand the need forPlanning and its implications.Program topics, speakers and schedules publishedherein are confirmed as at printing time. Please refer to theevent’s timetable page at www.cmtevents.comfor the most up-to-date information.© Copyright, All Rights Reserved Centre for Management Technology S.B. 2008

REGISTRATIONStrategic Thinking& ImplementationNamePositionEmailNamePositionEmailTelFaxCompanyAddressCity/PostcodeApproving Manager’s NamePositionE-mailCountryUpdate your details atwww.cmtevents.com081299A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZR e g i s t e rTO REGISTEROnline : www.cmtevents.comEmail : adminkl@cmtsp.com.sgFax : (603) 2162 6393Tel : (603) 2162 7322Post to : Lot 7.03, 7th Floor, North Block, The Ampwalk,218 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala LumpurCERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONA Certificate of Completion will be awarded upon successfulcompletion of each course. This serves as evidence of your personaland professional commitment to you career.COURSE TIMINGRegistration: 8.30 am, Course Begins: 9.00 am,Morning Coffee: 10.30 am, Lunch: 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm,Tea Break: 3:30 pm, Course Ends: 5.00 pmFees: The full Registration Fee includes cost of all sessions, luncheon, coffee/tea & documentation.Regular Fee* Terms and conditions apply.Cancellations, Refunds & Transfers: A full refund will be promptly made for all writtencancellations 3 weeks before the meeting. Thereafter, cancellations are not refundable. Asubstitute may be made at any time.Cheques :1 PersonRM1,895Group fee for 3 or more*(from the same company)RM1,595(MIN SAVINGS OF RM900)Crossed & payable to“Centre for Management Technology Sdn Bhd”Photocopy Registration Form to Preserve <strong>Brochure</strong> Copy. December 2008TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERAccount Name: Centre for Management Technology Sdn BhdA/C No: 3 - 0903390 - 12Bank:Public Bank BerhadBranch:Grd Floor, Menara Public Bank Jalan AmpangSwift Code:PBBEMYKLTT must include additional RM10 for Beneficiary’s Bank charges. Delegates mustbear all bank charges and local taxes (if applicable). Fees must be NETT ofALL charges.<strong>CMT</strong> into our 25th year is a global conference organizer HQ in Singapore.<strong>CMT</strong>’s dedicated team works closely with market leaders to analyzethe latest industry trends and provide information supporting yourdecision making. Our annual 60 events encircle the globe from AsiaPacific to the Middle East to New Europe/Russia and Latin America.o n l i n e ~ w w w . c m t e v e n t s . c o mLEARN FROM THE BESTSYED HAMID ALHABSHI,Principal Consultant, SHAConsultingMMIM, MIM-CPTSyed Hamid Alhabshi graduated from UniversityMalaya with a Bachelor of Economics in 1972.He joined Lever Brothers (M) Sdn Bhd (Unilever)the same year in the marketing department andworked there for six years. During this period,as Brand Manager, he handled major householdbrands like Lux, Lifebuoy, Planta, Vim, Omo inaddition to other brands. The exposure gave hima solid grounding in marketing, advertising andpromotions.He next moved to Dutch Baby Milk Industrieswhere he was supervising the whole milk, infantformula and Agency lines for four years. Inaddition, as the Marketing Services Manager hewas also supervising the advertising and marketresearch functions of the company.Following this he joined Amway Malaysia SdnBhd as Marketing & Sales Manager where he wasin charge of marketing and sales in addition tocorporate communications. He also had valuableexperience in Public Relations working closelywith a major PR firm for over 7 years. He wasexposed to Strategic Thinking since 1985 and hasled workshops within the company and appliedStrategic Thinking in the workplace from then on.He joined Citibank as Vice President MarketingResearch & Communications, tasked withintroducing marketing to the corporate bankingarm of the bank. During his tenure there, newproducts were supported by a full marketinglaunch, and became the norm and also extendedto other markets in the region.He then went to the New Straits Times Groupas Senior Group General Manager and helpedintroduce significant system changes to themarketing department in relation to productlaunches, competitors monitoring and AgencySales approaches including the Berita Hariansales team turnaround.He left the NST group and went into consulting in1992, during time he has consulted with over 40different organisations in various fields includingStrategic Thinking, Team Building, CorporateCulture Development, Executive & ManagementDevelopment, Customer Service and many otherarenas.SHA Consulting’s client base includes the Banking& Finance, Oil & Gas, Insurance, PropertyDevelopers, IT Services, Manufacturing industries.With 20 years’ experience in line management andover 14 years experience in consulting.He is an MIM Certified Professional Trainer andregularly trains and facilitates both public as wellas in-house programmes with the MalaysianInstitute of Management (MIM).Syed Hamid Alhabshi is trained in the Technologyof Participation (ToPâ) in the USA and othercountries. He has also consulted in Singapore,Thailand, Sudan and Indonesia. With his widerange of experience in diverse industries, heis able to bring to bear in his consultations andtraining the valuable experience and perspectivesfrom both sides of the industry.

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