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cause a meal is later than its appetite dem<strong>and</strong>s,we have a right to feel that it is "childish".The temper tantrums which are so frequentin all the residential war nurseries seem to bethe combined expression ofthe regressive processalong the whole line of educationalachievement. The children throw themselveson the floor, kick with their feet, hammer withtheir fists, scream at the top of their lungs <strong>and</strong>then suddenly turn "good" again, peacefullysuck their thumbs or get up as if nothing hadhappened. It means that they have returnedfrom the sensible active attitude possible forthe growing individual tothe helpless <strong>and</strong> despairingpassivity of their infant stage.Abnormal Withdrawal of theEmotional Interest from theOutside WorldWith our presentexperience we expect thestate of homesickness to last any length oftime from a few hours to several weeks or evena few months. When this period is over thechild finds itself attached to new people in itsnew surroundings. The new ties may be lesssolid <strong>and</strong> more superficial than the originalones. As already described, the child startsits new relationships on a more primitive level,<strong>and</strong> some valuable achievements are lost duringthe process of adaptation. But however79

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