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*\0 u 1 1 e t in PhantasyAs has already been said, conscious phantasiesare used largely to embellish <strong>and</strong> maintainthe positive side of the child-parent relationship.In early childhood conscious phantasiesare not restricted to the realm of thought.They go over into action <strong>and</strong> fill a large part ofthechild's life in the form of phantasy games.Conscious phantasy in its pure form—daydreams—findsits fullest expression only at alater stage of development.There is one child who firmly refuses to joinin any games where phantasy is used, whereimpersonations play a part, etc. Bertie getsfrightened <strong>and</strong> anxious when he isother children tourged by thebe a rabbit, a dog, a wolf, toplay the role of another child, of one of theteachers or whatever the game dem<strong>and</strong>s. Hisphantasy is exclusively reserved for dealingwith the tragic story of his parents; it is inhibitedin all other ways.Return to Infantile Modesof Behaviour (Regression)Every step in early education is closely connectedwith one of the phases of the child's attachmentto some living object in the outerworld. During the firstyears of life every childshould make steady <strong>and</strong> uninterrupted progresstowards social adaptation. It is egoistic73

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