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failure of billeting mothers on householders,that it is impossible for two women to shareone kitchen. This may be exaggerated. Butit is certainly impossible for two mothers toshare one child.There is a third, minor, problem which sofar has been less considered. It is the problemof jealousy <strong>and</strong> competition between brothers<strong>and</strong> sisters which is presented in evacuation inthe new form of jealousy of fosterbrothers<strong>and</strong> sisters. <strong>Children</strong> neverfeel friendly towards newborn additions totheir family. They sometimes pretend to doso; at other times they are mollified by thesmallness <strong>and</strong> complete helplessness of the newcomer.The newly billeted foster-brother, onthe other h<strong>and</strong>, isvery often neither small norhelpless. He usurps rights which the otherchild is unwilling to give up. The billetednewcomer for his part is deeply conscious ofhis second-rate position <strong>and</strong> is embittered by it.There are certainly all the elements for jealousy<strong>and</strong> discomfort given in the situation.These reactions are interesting enough tobe made the subject of surveys which are carriedout by child guidance clinics set up inreception areas <strong>and</strong> by consulting psychologistsattached to County Medical Offices. Theykeep an eye on trouble in the billets, smoothnut difficulties <strong>and</strong> remove the worst billeting41

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