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FIVE TYPES OF AIR RAID ANXIETYWhat is true about the child's attitude todestruction applies in a certain measure to thesubject of anxiety. <strong>Children</strong> are, of course,afraid of air raids, but their fear is neither asuniversal nor as overwhelming as has beenexpected. An explanation is required as towhy it is present in some cases, absent inothers, comparatively mild in most <strong>and</strong> ratherviolent in certain types of children.It will be easier to answer these practicalwe draw on our theoretical knowl-questions ifedge about the motives for fear <strong>and</strong> anxietyreactions in human beings. We have learnedthat there are three main reasons for thedevelopment of fear reactions:An individual is afraid quite naturally <strong>and</strong>sensibly when there is some real danger -present in the outside world which threatenseither his safety or his whole existence. Hisfear will be all the greater the more he knowsabout the seriousness of the danger. His fearwill urge him to adopt precautionary measures.Under its influence he will either fight it or ifthat is impossible, try to escape from it. Onlywhen the danger is of overwhelming extent<strong>and</strong> suddenness will he be shocked <strong>and</strong> paralysedinto inaction. This so-called "real "a n x i e t y " plays its part in the way in whichchildren are afraid of air raids. They fear25

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