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SURVEY OFPSYCHOLOGICAL REACTIONSAll our bigger childrenhave had their fairshare of war experiences. All of them havewitnessed the air raids either in London orin the provinces. A large percentage of themhas seen their houses destroyed or damaged.All of them have seen their family life dissolved,whether by separation from or by deathof the father. All of them are separated fromtheir mothers <strong>and</strong> have entered communitylife at an age which is not usually consideredripe for it. The questions arise which partthese experiences play inthe psychological lifeof the individual child, how far the childacquires underst<strong>and</strong>ing of what is going onaround it, how it reacts emotionally, how farits anxiety is aroused, <strong>and</strong> what normal orabnormal outlets it will find to deal withthese experiences which are thrust on it.It can be safely said that all the childrenwho were over two years at the time of theLondon "blitz" have acquired knowledge of15

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