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are supposed to return home at the end of thewar.But also with mothers of this type the unconsciousattitude, in their case the positiveone, has to be reckoned with <strong>and</strong> can bebrought into play by change of circumstances.When the mother's hostility has been expressedin the initial separation from the child, whenfurther, the economic threat which the childmeans to her has been removed through theoutside help represented by the billet ornursery, the motherly feelings can in their turnrise to consciousness. Since under the new conditionsthey meet no condemnation from theconscious personality of the mother, it is sometimespossible against all expectations to establishgood relations between these mothers <strong>and</strong>their children just under the conditions ofnursery life.August—December 1942CHILDREN'S REACTIONS TO WARThere were only two daylight alarms <strong>and</strong>one night alarm in London during the lastmonth. Neither the day nor the night routinewere much disturbed by them. In obedience tothe warnings issued by the government we keep175

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