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for the relationship of the children to theirvisiting real mothers. Curiously enough no signsof such changes have so far appeared on thesurface.The occurrences in this group are at the sametime a clear demonstration of the known factthat children transfer their early relationship totheir families onto all the people who laterplay an important part in their lives. Thistransference of feeling is responsible, on the oneh<strong>and</strong> for the stormy <strong>and</strong> conflicting nature ofthe attachment of the child to the nurseryworker, for the mixture of love <strong>and</strong> hate, possessiveness<strong>and</strong> jealousy. It explains, on theother h<strong>and</strong>, why the consequences of such attachmentsare so far reaching where education<strong>and</strong> development is concerned. With the fullreturn to the type of attachment which hadbeen interrupted by the separation from thefamily, the child resumes his steady progresstowards the formation of a normal personality.He overcomes his childish habits <strong>and</strong> there unfoldsthe functions which belong to that particularstage of his individual development.161

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