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of our own. This training scheme is strictlylimited in several directions:A Wc can give no certificate at the end apart from aprivate letter of recommendation in cases where theyoung worker has been found satisfactory.B We spend no money on our training scheme justas we dem<strong>and</strong> no fees for our children.CDWe are not able to teach everything that the curriculumof a children's nurse or nursery school teachershould include. We simply utilise whateverknowledge <strong>and</strong> experience we find among the eldermembers of the staff to teach the younger ones.Our task is very much facilitated by the fact thatnearly all our heads of departments have in theirformer professional life taught either at a University,a training college or at welfare institutions.The hours used for theoretical instruction were formerlyrest hours for the staff which the girls wereglad to give up for the purpose of learning. Thepractical instructions form part of the regular workingday. Each girlis supposed to spend a fixed time(at least 3 months) in each department (babies,junior toddlers, nursery, sickroom. -Milk kitchen,shelter duty, kitchen <strong>and</strong> household come in forslightly shorter periods of duty.—The whole trainingis supposed to last for the duration of the war.148

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