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the child had had all by himself during themother's illness.We quote the following from the mother'sletter:"... John hasn't had any complaints, only measleswhich he had last December, they lasted aweek, but nothing else whatever, he has alwayseaten well <strong>and</strong> slept well, when John was 8months old his daddy was called up for the Army,up tillhe was two years of age there was just John<strong>and</strong> I on our own so of course he had his freedom,was allowed to play in the garden, etc <strong>and</strong> was ahappy, carefree little boy, but last year we decidedto go to Yorkshire to his daddy for a while, I wasonly there quite a short time when I had an haemorraghe,of course it came quite a shock to me whenI learned what was wrong as I had felt so well,I never had the slightest suspicion of it or I shouldnot have gone all those miles from home to leave mybaby at the mercy of strangers, however, I went intothe Sanatorium in December 1940 <strong>and</strong> the womanwho we were staying with said she would take careof John during the time she had him his daddy usedto go to see him <strong>and</strong> he said it got on his nervesto hear her keep saying to the child, "Don't dothis <strong>and</strong> don't do that" <strong>and</strong> as time wore on henoticedJohn was being cowled down <strong>and</strong> when hisdaddy took him sweets he would give them to thislady <strong>and</strong> sit there <strong>and</strong> wait for her to give him one,he was never allowed to play out in the garden <strong>and</strong>when his father went on Sunday mornings to takehim out she always made the excuse that he was notbathed, <strong>and</strong> then on evenings she would put himto bed just before his dad arrived, this went on for 6145

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