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ing underneath, tried to drop a heavy ironshoe scraper onto them, which they had removedfrom the doorstep <strong>and</strong> carried up to theheights. When warned not to do this, theyproudly asserted that this was a bomb whichthey were about to drop.Little Barbara who had not been big orstrong enough to join in the game, suddenlybrought a h<strong>and</strong>ful of s<strong>and</strong>, threw it onto theothers <strong>and</strong> declared it was a "gas bomb". Sincethe s<strong>and</strong> got into the children's faces <strong>and</strong> eyes,this game was not found to be enjoyable.Nothing further of an unusual kind happenedduring the rest of the day. Also the childrenshowed no anxiety when they were putto bed in the evening.Only three days later, on Saturday night,when again a bigger raid seemed to develop,little Jill suddenly asked: "Are the Germanscoming again?"But she did not pursue the subject nor didfear develop.IdentificationIris, three years ten months old, had beensent tous originally partly because her familyhad been bombed out, partly because of anervouscough which she had started soon afterher father died as the result of lung trouble.When living with us her nervous symptom?106

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