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has at some former time been employed ascharwoman in a day Nursery, the paid post ofemergency night nurse in our two shelters.That means that she still spends five nightsweekly in the same house with Patrick, theother two at home or in the Tube station withher husb<strong>and</strong>. But it does not seem to affectPatrick now whether she sleeps in or out.The interesting point about that story isthatit does not seem to be the fact of separationfrom the mother to which the child reacts inthis abnormal manner, but the traumatic wayin which this separation takes place. Patrickcan dissociate himself from his mother whenhe is given three or four weeks to accomplishthis task. If he has to do it all in one dayit is a shock to which he answers with the productionof symptoms. That means that evenchildren with the neurotic possibilities of Patrick'skind could be spared much unnecessarysuffering <strong>and</strong> symptom formation by more carefulh<strong>and</strong>ling.April 1041FURTHER OBSERVATIONSAn outst<strong>and</strong>ing event during this month wasthe big air attack on London on the night ofWednesday, 16th of April. Even for peoplewho had gone through the period of so called103

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