Calendar 2008=9 - The School District of Philadelphia

Calendar 2008=9 - The School District of Philadelphia

Calendar 2008=9 - The School District of Philadelphia


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FAQsCan my child be barred fromcommencement exercises,a graduation trip and/orthe prom?Some students, due to their actions inand out <strong>of</strong> school, may lose the privilege<strong>of</strong> participating in commencementexercises, graduation trips, proms andother special activities. For more informationon this topic, and the specific criteria,please refer to your child’s 2008-2009school handbook, Student Code <strong>of</strong>Conduct or contact the school principal.If I won’t be home at the time, canmy child stay at the school afterthe school day ends?Parents need to exercise responsibility fortheir children’s welfare and whereaboutsafter school. Make standing contingencyarrangements with a relative or a neighborto be used in case <strong>of</strong> an emergency.Make sure your child knows where to goafter school if you or another responsibleadult will not be at home after schoolhours. <strong>The</strong> school will attempt to reachyou using the information you provide.<strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> Police Dispatcher will notifythe City Department <strong>of</strong> Human Services(DHS) or the <strong>Philadelphia</strong> Police Departmentif negligence or abuse is indicated.What is the process forhome schooling a child?To begin the process, contact yourRegional Office (see pages 37 and 38).<strong>The</strong> documents you will be asked toprovide to complete this process include:a copy <strong>of</strong> the parent’s high schooldiploma; immunization records for thechild; the proposed curriculum; and asigned and notarized affidavit.What are alternativediscipline schools?<strong>The</strong>y are schools with structured environments,designed to teach studentsappropriate and responsible behavior. <strong>The</strong>program models address the reason forthe referral. Parents cannot enroll theirchildren in this program. Students arereferred to alternative discipline schoolsas a result <strong>of</strong> Code <strong>of</strong> Student ConductLevel 2 violations. Alternative disciplineschools feature a higher ratio <strong>of</strong> adultstaff members to students; behaviormodification and character educationteaching that supports personal responsibilityfor behavior infractions; additionalsupport services for students and theirfamilies; and an academic programthat is aligned with the standards <strong>of</strong> both<strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philadelphia</strong> andCommonwealth <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania.What is the <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>’sattendance policy?<strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philadelphia</strong> iscommitted to providing a qualityeducation. A criticalcomponent <strong>of</strong> achievementis regular andprompt attendance. Itis mandated by thePennsylvania StateCompulsory <strong>School</strong> Attendancelaw which requires:• Students attend schoolevery day on time.• Parents/guardians notifythe school when their childmisses any instructionaltime. (Parents/guardians willbe notified from the localschool by phone and inwriting after their child’s unlawfulabsences.)• Students must submit a note from theparent/guardian to their teacher/advisorstating the date and reason for theabsence immediately upon their returnto school but no later than 3 days aftertheir return. (<strong>The</strong> <strong>District</strong> records lawful(excused) and unlawful (illegal) absencesdaily in compliance with thelaw.) A child who is absent from schoolwithout a valid written reason isconsidered truant. If a child is absentunlawfully (truant) the following eventswill take place:• Parents/guardians will receive telephoneand written notification, beinvited to attend a parent teacherconference, be invited to participate ina Comprehensive Student AssistanceProcess (CSAP) Team meeting, orreceive a visit from Parent TruancyOfficers to determine the nature <strong>of</strong> theabsences.• At sixteen (16) or more unlawful(unexcused) absences a referral will beforwarded to the Department <strong>of</strong> HumanServices, Office <strong>of</strong> Truancy andDelinquency Prevention and to TruancyCourt.• <strong>The</strong> student as well as the parent/guardian will be compelled to complywith the procedures and orders <strong>of</strong> theFamily Court’s Truancy Program.• Parents/guardians may be subject to afine, community service or parentingclasses.Under what circumstances canI transfer my child out <strong>of</strong> theneighborhood school?<strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> has separate processesby which children may be transferredto schools other than theirneighborhood schools.ExtenuatingCircumstancesA parent may obtain fromthe neighborhood school acopy <strong>of</strong> the form EH-36E, fill itout and return it to the neighborhoodschool, along with documentation that:there is physical/psychological danger tothe child in the current school; there is a<strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Serious Incident reportthat justifies this move; there is a record<strong>of</strong> past efforts by the school and parentsto remedy the situation, with valid39

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