Eosinophilic Esophagitis - Healthcare Professionals

Eosinophilic Esophagitis - Healthcare Professionals Eosinophilic Esophagitis - Healthcare Professionals

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GERD vs.EoE• Recommendation to eliminate GERD whenthere is eosinophilic esophagitis– PPI dosage is 1 mg/kg per dose, twice dailyfor 8 to 12 weeks in children– Can also perform a pH probe• Repeat endoscopy after this time toassess• Hence the cutoff of 15 eos/hpf

GERD vs. EoE• 4 groups of EoE– GERD with more eosinophils than usual,has abnormal pH monitoring results anda clinicopathologic response to PPIs– PPI-responsive esophageal eosinophilia,has normal pH study results butnevertheless shows a clinicopathologicresponse to PPIs– PPI-unresponsive esophagealeosinophilia with less than 15 eos/hpf– PPI-unresponsive esophagealeosinophilia with more than 15 eos/hpf

GERD vs.EoE• Recommendation to eliminate GERD whenthere is eosinophilic esophagitis– PPI dosage is 1 mg/kg per dose, twice dailyfor 8 to 12 weeks in children– Can also perform a pH probe• Repeat endoscopy after this time toassess• Hence the cutoff of 15 eos/hpf

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