Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

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EUROPE AND COLONIES: German AreaGERMAN AREA301 302301 Ger man States: Prus sia, 1861, 1/2 Sgr or ange (13), hor i zon tal pair tied on folded let ter by Coblenz 5/6dou ble-ring cir cu lar datestamps, and ad dressed to Mulheim; stamps with some faults due to rough sep a ra tion fromthe sheet, Fine, scarce frank ing. Michel 13a; €1,000 ($1,310). Estimate $200 - 300302 Ger man States: Prus sia, 1850, 1/2 Sgr or ange & 2 Sgr black (2,4), for mer tied on re verse of folded let -ter by nu meral can cel “1354”, lat ter tied on front by same nu meral can cel, ad ja cent Schonwalde rect an gu larhandstamp & red “2” manu script mark ing, date lined in 1850, and dis tri bu tion backstamp; small faults not af fect ingstamps, Fine, scarce frank ing. Michel 1,3. Estimate $200 - 300303 Ger many, 1889, 50pf brown ish car mine (51 var.), light Blumenthal c.d.s.; slightly nibbed lower rightcor ner perf, Fine and rare; 1995 Zenker cer tif i cate not ing nibbed cor ner. Michel 50aa. Michel €2,000 ($2,620).Estimate $350 - 50070 <strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> info@kelleherauctions.com Sale 638 - Aug. 19, 2013

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