Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

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BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: Ascension - CameroonsASCENSION16 a As cen sion, 1938-53, King George VI plate flaws (40,42,42C,44A,46), com pris ing ½d black & vi o lettwo blocks of four, each de pict ing re-en try in sec ond stamp of the sec ond row (po si tion. 2/2), 1½d black & rose car -mine three blocks of four, each de pict ing "Da vit" flaw in first stamp of the fifth row (po si tion. 5/1, SG 40dda), 1½dblack & ver mil ion block of four & sin gle, each de pict ing “Da vit” flaw (po si tion 5/1, SG 40a & 40ba), 3d black & greyblock of four with re touches in po si tion. 10/2, 1s black & se pia block of six with rightmost ver ti cal pair de pict ing slightdou bling of the value tab let. Highly rec om mended for spe cial ist, o.g., lightly hinged, F.-V.F. (photo on web site).Estimate $500 - 750BERMUDA17 18 1917 Bermuda, 1875, Queen Vic to ria, 1d on 3d buff (14), barred can cel, F.-V.F.; signed Cham pion. SG 16;£350 ($530). Scott $425. Estimate $200 - 30018 Bermuda, 1910-24, King George V, 10s & £1 high val ues (53-54), key val ues to the set, o.g., lightlyhinged, Very Fine. SG 54-55; £505 ($770). Scott $625. Estimate $300 - 40019 Bermuda, 1937-51, King George VI, 10s va ri et ies (126(5) & 126a), com pris ing 10s per fo rated 14,chalky pa per and cor re spond ing to 1937 print ing, other per fo rated 13, or di nary pa per and cor re spond ing to 1951print ing, lat ter five stamps o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Ex tremely Fine. SG 119,119e; £690 ($1,050). Scott $340as hinged. Estimate $200 - 300CAMEROONS20 / Cameroons, 1915, “C.E.F.” and ½d on Ger man Cameroun 3pf brown and 5pf green, and 1d on 10pfcar mine (53-55), large mul ti ples in clud ing 97 of #53, 50 of 54, and 52 of 55, with some mar ginal in scrip tions, o.g.,most ap pear never hinged, great lot for re tail or for the col ony spe cial ist for plat ing and/or va ri et ies, F.-V.F., 1915,“C.E.F.” and. SG B1/3. Scott $1,835 (no photo). Estimate $600 - 800<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 638 - Aug. 19, 2013 5

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