Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

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BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: Great Britain4 5 74 Great Brit ain, 1840, 2d blue (2), po si tion RD, full o.g., bright, fresh color; cut just in on all sides with hid -den flaws, but a rea son ably at trac tive ex am ple of this ex ceed ingly rare mint stamp. SG 5; £35,000 ($53,200). Scott$32,000. Estimate $1,000 - 1,5005 Great Brit ain, 1840, 2d blue (2), plate 2, po si tion SE, bold Mal tese Cross can cel, bright and fresh, VeryFine. SG 5; £1,000 ($1,520). Scott $700. Estimate $250 - 3506 Great Brit ain, 1841, 1d red brown, re con struc tion of all 240 plate po si tions (3), mounted and writ tenup on four blank al bum leaves; sev eral 4-mar gin cop ies, but the ma jor ity are 2- or 3-mar gins, gen er ally Fine. SG 8;£7,200 ($10,940). Scott $5,760 (photo on web site). Estimate $500 - 7507 E Great Brit ain, 1850, 1d Prince Con sort es say by Henry Ar cher (S.G. Spec. DP71 (2)), fin ished de -sign, im per fo rate in brown, with out gum, three full mar gins, just shaved at top, fresh, Fine. S.G. Spec. £3,000($4,560). Estimate $750 - 1,0008 S Great Brit ain, 1857-67, Queen Vic to ria, 4d rose, 4d red & 5s rose, plate 2 over printed “Spec i men”(25S, 34S, 57aS), with out gum, over print types 4, 5 & 9 re spec tively, bright and fresh; av er age cen ter ing, aboutFine. SG J52s, J54t, J122s; £2,950 ($4,480). Estimate $350 - 5009 / Great Brit ain, 1864, Queen Vic to ria, 1d rose red, 150 dif fer ent plate num bers (33), mounted on fourblank al bum leaves, iden ti fied as a com plete set of 152, but plates 77 & 225 are in cor rectly iden ti fied; in cludes 26mint/un used, gen er ally F.-V.F. SG 43. (Photo on web site). Estimate $500 - 75010 1110 S Great Brit ain, 1867, Queen Vic to ria, 5s rose, over printed “Spec i men” type 9 (57aS), plate 2, with outgum, bright and fresh, Very Fine. S.G. Spec. J122s. S.G. Spec. £1,100 ($1,670). Estimate $350 - 50011 S Great Brit ain, 1878, Queen Vic to ria, 10s green ish gray, over printed “Spec i men” (74 var.), MalteseCross wa ter mark, o.g., rich color; light di ag o nal gum crease, oth er wise Fine, a very rare spec i men. SG 128 var.;£3,500 ($5,320). Estimate $800 - 1,200<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 638 - Aug. 19, 2013 3

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