Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 1 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

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ASIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST: EgyptPlating Studies and Collections567 / Egypt, 1867, 1pi rose red, the mag nif i cent spe cial ized plat ing study, an ex traor di nary, nearly im pos -si ble to du pli cate col lec tion formed by the fore most ex pert of this is sue, beau ti fully dis played and keenly an no tatedin one Scott binder, com prised of over 2,000 an a lyzed ex am ples, in clud ing ap prox i mately 900 mint ex am ples. In -cluded are plate re con struc tions by stone types X, Y, D & C, plus ex haus tive cov er age in Nile Post listed con stantplate va ri et ies, wa ter mark on face types, etc. We also note many imperfs, in clud ing 42 sin gles, 4 pairs and a block of4, 15 black die proofs in clud ing a pair, 4 nice cov ers and much, much more, far to ex ten sive to elab o rate upon. Trulya unique, one of a kind col lec tion, the re sult of a life time of study; must be viewed to be fully ap pre ci ated, inspectioninvited, F.-V.F. or better (photo on web site). Estimate $3,000 - 4,000568 / Egypt, 1867, 20pa green, plat ing study, an ex traor di nary, keenly as sem bled 15 page study of the 1867print ing, rich in mul ti ples and mint ex am ples, plus in for ma tion re gard ing sheet po si tions, con stant and non-con stantplate flaws, etc. In cludes ex ten sive cov er age in mint, which cat a logs over $18,000 by cur rent Scott val ues, in clud -ing 2 rare mint blocks of 6, 4 blocks of 4, a strip of 4, plus ap prox i mately 105 mint sin gles. Truly an amaz ing study,cer tainly not eas ily du pli cated, in spec tion invited, generally F.-V.F. (no photo). Estimate $2,500 - 3,500569 / Egypt, 1867, 10pa li lac, plat ing study, a fan tas tic, keenly as sem bled col lec tion on 18 al bum leaves, bytypes, col umn po si tions, mul ti ples, etc. In cludes 112 mint ex am ples, in clud ing a rare block of 6 and 3 blocks of 4along with 94 sin gles plus a used block of 4, 3 pairs and 50 sin gles. Many pho tos and il lus tra tions in cluded as well, awon der ful study of the 1867 print ing, F.-V.F. (no photo). Estimate $1,500 - 2,000570 / Egypt, 1869, 20pa green, plat ing study, a truly re mark able keenly as sem bled study of hun dreds ofstamps as sem bled on 35 al bum leaves, with em pha sis on po si tion ing within the sheet types, con stant and non-con -stant plate flaws, etc. What is quite ex traor di nary are the sheer num ber of mint mul ti ples in clud ing 8 pairs, 6 strips of3, 3 strips of 4, 2 strips of 5, 1 strip of 6, 2 blocks of 4, 2 blocks of 8 and a very rare block of 20. In ad di tion, there areap prox i mately 90 mint sin gles and at least a like num ber of used ex am ples, with the cur rent Scot cat a log value ofthe mint items only in ex cess of $25,000! Nu mer ous Nile Post listed va ri et ies are noted as well; a won der ful studyfrom the fore most stu dent of the Sec ond Is sues, in spec tion invited, generally F.-V.F. (no photo).Estimate $4,000 - 6,000571 / Egypt, 1869, 10pa vi o let, plat ing study, a mar vel ous, 18 page, nicely an no tated col lec tion by types,con stant plate flaws, non-con stant plate flaws, etc. In cludes 148 mint ex am ples, in clud ing strips of 4, 5 (2), 6 and 7,eight blocks of 4, a block of 5, 9 pairs and a rare block of 6, plus some lovely used ex am ples with mul ti ples as well.We also note sev eral wa ter mark on face va ri et ies etc; aside from the study it self, there is a very con sid er ableamount of cat a log value here, spe cial ist's de light, generally F.-V.F. (no photo). Estimate $2,000 - 3,000572 // Egypt, 1867-69, the spe cial ized as sem blage of the Sec ond Is sue, an in ter est ing and di verse hold ing,in clud ing 5pa and 20pr (7) trial color proofs, a 1pi rouletted ex am ple, 1pi imperf hor i zon tally, var i ous mis placed anddou ble per fo ra tions, perf or imperf, Nile Post listed “print ers waste” items in var i ous listed com bi na tions, a won der -ful group of well-forged post marks, a fas ci nat ing page of stamps used in Jan. 1872, the last month of va lid ity, plus 2cov ers of same, an orig i nal 1868 Post Of fice an nounce ment and lots more. Fan tas tic spe cial ist lot, in spec tioninvited, F.-V.F. (photo on web site). Estimate $1,500 - 2,000573 / Egypt, 1867, 5pi brown, plat ing study, mounted col lec tion of 7 items, in clud ing 3 mint/un used ex am -ples, plus noted plate flaws, etc. Ideal spe cial ist group of this scare value, gen er ally F.-V.F. (photo on web site).Estimate $400 - 600574 / Egypt, Mag nif i cent and Enor mous Stock to 1957. As sem bled over de cades by Feltus, all care fully ar -ranged by Scott num bers packed into a mas sive Elbe Stockbook. It be gins with a small sec tion of first is sues from1-3 on, with in cred i ble cov er age from the 1867 sec ond is sue on, with just a mint sam pling show ing Scott 8 (30), 9(7), 11, 14, out stand ing “a” num ber perf va ri et ies like 25b (16), 43-49, prob a bly a dozen sets, and good runs fromthere, with nu mer ous sets of 50-59, 61-74, crown over print types, out stand ing early com mem o ra tive sets from105-07 on in quan ti ties, plus con trol num ber blocks, semi-post als, airs, dues, wa ter mark va ri et ies, Brit ish Forces is -sues, of fi cials, Oc cu pa tions and much, much more. A truly re mark able lot, un likely to be du pli cated any time soon,must be in spected to be fully appreciated, F.-V.F. or better (no photo). Estimate $4,000 - 6,000130 <strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> info@kelleherauctions.com Sale 638 - Aug. 19, 2013

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