Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...

Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...

Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...


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CONSTITUTION OF THE IOWA HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC ASSOCIATIONAmended April 2003ARTICLE INameSection 1. This Association shall be known as the <strong>Iowa</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Music</strong> Association.PurposeSection 2. It shall exist for the purpose of furthering interest and establishing standards in all forms of high schoolmusic.MembershipSection 3. Only high schools accredited or approved by the State Department of Education and meeting the requirementsof this Constitution are eligible for membership in this Association. Junior high schools are not acceptedfor membership in this Association. Students enrolled in a junior high school may participate under theauspices of the senior high schools of the school district in which it is located. In case the district includes morethan one senior high school, the Superintendent of the school shall designate the high school with which the juniorhigh school is to be affiliated for participation in the activities of the Association.Annual MeetingSection 4. <strong>The</strong> Annual Meeting shall be held during the month of July. Special meetings may be called by the ExecutiveCommittee.ARTICLE IIFestivalsSection 1. <strong>The</strong> Executive Committee shall have authority to arrange such festivals as they may deem necessary.ARTICLE IIIDuesSection 1. Annual dues of $25 shall be sent to the Executive Director of the Association on or before September 15.Dues shall be $37.50 ($25 dues plus $12.50 penalty) until January 1. After January 1, schools will not be admittedfor membership. <strong>The</strong> postmark on the envelope containing the letter shall determine the date the fee is received.ARTICLE IVAdministrationA. Executive Committee: <strong>No</strong>mination and election, powers and duties.Section 1. <strong>The</strong> Executive Committee composed of 5 members shall be elected at-large for a 5-year term: Threemembers of the committee shall be Superintendents or Principals of senior high member schools; one membershall represent the instrumental field and one member shall represent the vocal field of senior high memberschools. <strong>No</strong>te: <strong>The</strong> Executive Committee has an additional member appointed by the State <strong>School</strong> Board Association.This is to meet the new statute 257.25, Chapter 9.4, Code 1966. <strong>The</strong> total membership of the committeeis 6.Section 2. A member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible to succeed him(her)-self but once and serve a totalof two(2) terms (either partial or full).Section 3. Only the Superintendent or his/her designated senior high school Principal shall have the right to vote inthe nomination and election of Executive Committee members.Section 4. <strong>No</strong>mination and Election - When an election is to take place, the Executive Director of the <strong>Iowa</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>Music</strong> Association shall mail an official nomination ballot to each member school by September 10th.This ballot shall be a secret ballot enclosed in a blank envelope, sealed and mailed in an official mailing envelopeprovided for that purpose. <strong>The</strong>se sealed ballots, when voted, shall be mailed to the member of the District AdvisoryGroup from the <strong>No</strong>rth Central District, who shall serve as the chair of the Election Board. <strong>The</strong> election chairand the Executive Director shall select a music teacher or administrator from the chair’s school to complete theElection Committee.On or before September 15, the Election Board shall meet for the official canvass of the ballots. <strong>The</strong> officialmailing envelopes shall be opened in the presence of the Election Board and the sealed ballots removed andplaced in a ballot box. After having been thoroughly mixed, the sealed ballots shall be opened, counted and theresults announced. <strong>The</strong> two receiving the highest number of votes shall be considered the nominees. In case ofa tie of more than two, all those in the tie shall be considered nominees. In case the number of nomination ballotsfor any one of the nominees is a majority of the number of member schools, that candidate shall be declaredelected.A list of schools voting shall be made from the return on the official mailing envelopes, and together withthe results of the election, be certified by the Election Board conducting the election and forwarded to the Execu-40

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