Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...

Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...

Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...


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8. <strong>The</strong> host site will provide a minimum performance area of 40’ x 20’ with adequate general lighting. An electrical systemcapable of four outlets will be available.9. In addition to IHSMA Constitution Article VI, Section 1 (<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. <strong>235</strong>, p. 42), participation is restricted to studentsfrom member schools of the <strong>Iowa</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Music</strong> Association and enrolled in grades 7-12. Participatingstudents must be in good standing in their school and currently enrolled and eligible in the respective high school ensembleeligible for participation in the Large Group <strong>Music</strong> Festival (i.e., Mixed Chorus, Bass Clef Chorus, Treble ClefChorus). To be considered a member of the respective ensemble, a student must be enrolled and in attendance at aminimum of 50% of the scheduled rehearsal sessions. <strong>The</strong> majority of the ensemble must be of at least 9th gradestatus. Students enrolled in 7-8 grade chorus and in attendance at 50% or more of the rehearsals meet the enrollmentrequirement for participation in Show Choir.10. Show Choirs must perform copyrighted arrangements or provide written proof for the exceptions employed. Thisdoes not pertain to ad-libbed solo sections.11. Complete three adjudication forms per entry and mail them to your site manager at least ten days prior to the festivalto avoid penalty.12. Admission will be charged for this festival for all non-participants. Adults - $5, K-12 students - $2.JAZZ CHOIR REGULATIONS1. Jazz Choirs: minimum of 4 singers. Groups may perform with or without rhythm section.2. All groups should sing at least one song in swing, and one accompanied OR a cappella jazz ballad. Groups are encouragedto perform literature that allows for improvisation.3. <strong>The</strong>re will be a sound system with on-stage monitors and 16 microphones provided for use by all groups. <strong>School</strong>smay use their own sound technician or provide a soloist list for the host school sound technician to use. Jazz Choirswho do not use a sound system are also allowed to participate. <strong>The</strong>y are encouraged to use the sound systemprovided for solos.4. <strong>The</strong>re will be a piano, drum set and bass amp provided by the host school on stage available for use. Large JazzChoirs requiring choral risers for their performance should inform the host school of this two weeks prior to the festivaland they will be provided.5. Minimum performance time 5 minutes, maximum performance time 15 minutes. Once sound checks are completedand the group is announced, time will start at the beginning of the group’s first song.6. All accompanists must be high school students with the exception of one school-approved adult in the rhythm section.All Accompaniments must be produced live.7. All vocal music must be performed from memory.8. If a school enters multiple entries, no singing personnel may be duplicated.9. In addition to IHSMA Constitution Article VI, Section 1, participation is restricted to students from member schools ofthe <strong>Iowa</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Music</strong> Association and enrolled in grades 7-12. Participating students must be in good standingin their school and currently enrolled and eligible in the respective high school ensemble eligible for participation inthe Large Group <strong>Music</strong> Festival (i.e., Mixed Chorus, Bass Clef Chorus, Treble Clef Chorus). To be considered amember of the respective ensemble, a student of the ensemble must be of at least 9 th grade status. Studentsenrolled in 7-8 grade chorus and in attendance at 50% or more of the rehearsals meet the enrollment requirementsfor participation in Jazz Choir.10. Jazz Choirs must perform copyrighted arrangements or provide written proof for the exceptions employed. Thisdoes not pertain to ad-libbed solo sections.11. Complete three adjudication forms per entry and mail them to your site manager at least ten days prior to thefestival to avoid penalty.12. Admission will be charged for this festival for all non-participants. Adults - $5, K-12 students - $2.JAZZ BAND FESTIVAL REGULATIONS1. Jazz Bands: minimum of 9 performers - maximum of 25 performers. “Minimum” and “maximum” number of performersare interpreted to mean “at any one time”. Students may alternate between selections. <strong>No</strong>n-participating studentsmust remain an appropriate distance from the performing ensemble.2. Jazz Bands MUST perform a minimum of three selections of three contrasting styles, one of which must be swing.Maximum performance time -17 minutes.3. Directors must submit four lists of soloists prior to their performance (one for each adjudicator and one for the soundengineer).4. <strong>The</strong> rhythm section must set-up on the band’s right.5. In addition to IHSMA Constitution Article VI, Section 1 (<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. <strong>235</strong>, p. 42), participation is restricted to studentsfrom member schools of the IHSMA and enrolled in grades 7-12. Participating students must be in good standingin their school and currently enrolled and eligible in the respective ensemble eligible for participation in Large20

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