Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...

Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...

Fall Bulletin No. 235 - August 2009 - The Iowa High School Music ...


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school and the name of the soloist(s) in order of appearance. Students must introduce himself/herself by saying ON-LY their name.Audition SelectionsGloria – m.30-m.58<strong>The</strong> audition must be a capella.<strong>The</strong> accompanist may give the beginning pitch and chord.Let Everything That Hath Breath – m.78-m.96 (4x repeat 93)<strong>The</strong> solo line is found on page 14 of the octavo. Soloists can use the written solo line as a guide.<strong>The</strong> solo should be sung in Gospel style – not the current pop or R&B style.This audition MAY BE accompanied using only the written piano part – starting in m.76 – m.96(4x repeat 93)<strong>The</strong> finalists will be posted on the IHSMA website by Wednesday, <strong>No</strong>vember 11 th . Dr. Boers will listen to all the finalistson Thursday, <strong>No</strong>vember 19 th . <strong>The</strong> site and time will be posted on the website with the names of the finalists.20. “Gloria” PercussionistsAll-State Chorus members will play the percussion parts for “Gloria”. A conga and a large drum will be used. Interestedchorus members need to submit a tape or CD to Mary Citta, 2405 Rownd, Cedar <strong>Fall</strong>s, IA 50613. <strong>The</strong>setapes/CDs must be postmarked by Wednesday, October 28 th . Interested students will need to play the entire songwith the piano track available on the IHSMA website. <strong>The</strong> percussion parts are on the last 2 pages of the octavo. Selectedpercussionists will be responsible for bringing their own percussion instruments. Selected percussionistswill be posted on the IHSMA website by Wednesday, <strong>No</strong>vember 11 th . Percussionists will rehearse with Dr. Boerson Thursday evening, <strong>No</strong>vember 19 th . Time and place will be posted with the accepted percussionists.ALL-STATE PIANISTS<strong>The</strong> <strong>2009</strong> festival will need 2 piano players. Students auditioning for All-State Pianist must be an eligible member of theschool’s band, chorus or orchestra. One pianist will be selected as the accompanist for the All-State Chorus; the otherpianist will play with the All-State Band. <strong>The</strong> registration fee of $14.00 DOES NOT cover the cost of the music for accompanistcandidates. <strong>School</strong>s will need to make their own arrangements for the music performed by the chorus, includingthe patriotic numbers. <strong>The</strong> music for the All-State Band may be obtained from the IHSMA office.FIRST ROUND AUDITIONS:<strong>The</strong> first round auditions will be held at each of the six district audition sites. Registration can be completed online. Auditionsare SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, <strong>2009</strong>, AT 9:00 A.M.Following are the requirements for the first round auditions:1. <strong>The</strong> excerpts of the keyboard parts, which are to be played, will be posted at 8:00 a.m.2. Each candidate MUST prepare all of the keyboard parts of each All-State chorus selection, including the patrioticnumbers AND the music for the All-State Band. Candidates are to take all selections into the audition center.3. <strong>The</strong> candidate MAY use a STUDENT PAGE-TURNER in the audition.4. <strong>The</strong> candidate may take 5-10 seconds to familiarize him/herself with the piano in the audition center.5. <strong>The</strong> auditor will conduct the candidate on the designated excerpts.6. <strong>The</strong> ability to play the keyboard parts ACCURATELY and at the REQUIRED TEMPO plus the ability to FOLLOW ACONDUCTOR will account for 75% of the final score.7. For the remaining 25% of the final score, candidates will be evaluated on their facility to serve as a REHEARSALACCOMPANIST. Each will be tested on the ability to quickly locate and to accurately play, pitches (bottom to top).8. <strong>The</strong> candidate will not be required to play the open score.9. <strong>The</strong> auditor is not REQUIRED to select any candidate for the second round, but may select one, two, or three pianistsif the quality exists. Candidates selected on the first round will be posted during the morning session.16

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