Dr. Stafford Tick Management Handbook - Newtown, CT

Dr. Stafford Tick Management Handbook - Newtown, CT

Dr. Stafford Tick Management Handbook - Newtown, CT


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<strong>Stafford</strong>The Connecticut Agricultural Experimentation StationBrown dog tick, R. sanquineus, female dorsal view (left) and ventral view (right). Note hexagonalshape of the basis capituli behind the mouthparts.4243Winter <strong>Tick</strong>, Dermacentor albipictus (Packard)The winter tick, Dermacentor albipictus, is a one-host tick found commonly on moose (Alcesalces), elk (Cervus elaphus), and deer. Hunters will encounter this tick (as well as I. scapularis)on harvested deer, moose, and elk during the hunting season. Heavy tick infestations can causeanemia and other problems and death of the animal. Larval ticks infest animals in the fall and thendevelop into nymphs and adults without leaving the host. Engorged females will drop off the hostanimal in the spring. This tick is broadly distributed from Canada to Central America. This tick willoccasionally feed on humans.Western Blacklegged <strong>Tick</strong>, Ixodes pacificus Cooley and KohlsAlthough outside the scope of this handbook, readers should note that the western blackleggedtick, Ixodes pacificus, is the principal vector for Lyme disease to humans in the western UnitedStates. It looks just like the blacklegged tick in the east and only a specialist could tell them apart.It is found along the Paci. c Coast in the western half of Washington and Oregon, almost all ofCalifornia, and in parts of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. Infection rates with B. burgdorferi aregenerally low, 5-6% or less, because many of the immature I. pacificus ticks feed on the westernfence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), a reservoir incompetent host for B. burgdorferi whose bloodalso contains a borreliacidal factor that destroys spirochetes in I. pacificus nymphs. Several rodents(mainly woodrats) and a nest dwelling tick, I. spinipalpis, maintain the enzootic cycle of Lymedisease in California and other western states.Carios (Ornithodoros) kelleyi Cooley and KohlsThis tick feeds on bats and is found in homes, bat colonies,and other areas where bats may be found. It may occasionally bitehumans whose dwellings are infested by bats. Records from thenortheast include Pennsylvania, New York, and Connecticut.4418Bulletin No. 1010

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