Le Bruyn, Lieven; Necklace Lie algebras and noncommutative ...

Le Bruyn, Lieven; Necklace Lie algebras and noncommutative ...

Le Bruyn, Lieven; Necklace Lie algebras and noncommutative ...


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NECKLACE LIE ALGEBRAS AND NONCOMMUTATIVE SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 3An early indication that a decomposition into moduli spaces might be possiblecan be found in the paper [15] of the second author. Recently, a similar idea waspursued by A. Kapustin, A. Kutzetsov <strong>and</strong> D. Orlov [11].If we trace the action of Aut A 1 (C) on Weyl n through all the identifications,we get a transitive action of Aut A 1 (C) on Calo n . However, this action is nondifferentiablehence highly non-algebraic. Berest <strong>and</strong> Wilson asked whether it ispossible to identify Calo n with a coadjoint orbit in some infinite dimensional <strong>Lie</strong>algebra.This conjecture was proved by V. Ginzburg [8] using <strong>noncommutative</strong> symplecticgeometry as sketched by M. Kontsevich [14]. After reading his preprint it becameclear to us that his method could be used almost verbatim for the quotient varietiesof representations of deformed preprojective <strong>algebras</strong>. The two crucial stepsare (1) invariants of quiver representations are generated by traces along orientedcycles, proved in [17] <strong>and</strong> (2) acyclicity of the relative (!) <strong>noncommutative</strong> deRhamcohomology for path <strong>algebras</strong> of quivers.In the first sections of this paper we carry out the second project in some detail.When applied to the double Q of a quiver, the <strong>noncommutative</strong> functions acquirethe structure of an infinite dimensional <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q which we call the necklace <strong>Lie</strong>algebra of a quiver. A major result asserts that this <strong>Lie</strong> algebra is a central extensionof the <strong>Lie</strong> algebra of symplectic derivations, that is the <strong>Lie</strong> algebra corresponding tothe vertex-preserving automorphisms of the path algebra CQ preserving the momentelement m = ∑ a [a, a∗ ].Recall that the deformed preprojective algebra Π λ is defined to be the quotientof CQ by the twosided ideal generated by m − λ. Our generalization of Ginzburg’sresult on the coadjointness of Calogero space can then be stated as :Theorem 1.4. The variety iss α Π λ of isomorphism classes of semisimple α-dimensional representations of the deformed preprojective algebra Π λ is a coadjointorbit of the necklace <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q whenever α is a minimal non-zero element ofΣ λ the set of dimension vectors of simple representations of Π λ .W. Crawley-Boevey has given a combinatorial description of the set Σ λ in [4]. Werecover the Calogero case back <strong>and</strong> prove that the spaces appearing in a conjecturalextension to arbitrary extended Dynkin quivers (conjectured by M. Holl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> W.Crawley-Boevey) are all coadjoint orbits.In the last two sections we try to explain why precisely these (α, λ) couplesappear from the viewpoint of <strong>noncommutative</strong> geometry. As the path algebra CQis a formally smooth algebra as in [7], its representation spaces rep α Q are smoothvarieties <strong>and</strong> the <strong>noncommutative</strong> functions <strong>and</strong> differential forms induce invariantclassical functions <strong>and</strong> forms on these varieties <strong>and</strong> their quotient varieties. On theother h<strong>and</strong>, we will show that the deformed preprojective algebra Π λ is not formallysmooth <strong>and</strong> so should be viewed as a singular subvariety of the <strong>noncommutative</strong>manifold corresponding to CQ. As such, the <strong>noncommutative</strong> vectorfields on CQ(the <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q ) have rather unpredictable behavior on the singular closedsubvariety Π λ . However, for those dimension vectors α such that rep α Π λ is smooth(that is, Π λ is an α-smooth subvariety of CQ) things should work out. We conjecturethat the corresponding α are precisely the minimal elements in Σ λ (the coadjointorbits). We prove this for the preprojective algebra Π 0 <strong>and</strong> prove a variation (usinghyper-Kähler reductions) for Π λ . These results are based on the calculation ofExt 1 ’s of representations of Π 0 due to W. Crawley-Boevey [5].2. <strong>Necklace</strong> <strong>Lie</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>.In this section we introduce the main object of this note in a purely combinatorialway. Recall that a quiver Q is a finite directed graph on a set of vertices Q v ={v 1 , . . . , v k }, having a finite set Q a = {a 1 , . . .,a l } of arrows, where we allow loops as

4 RAF BOCKLANDT AND LIEVEN LE BRUYN• •• • • •• • ∑a∈Q aw1• • u • • a• • • v a ∗ • −• •w 2• u • a• • • v a ∗ • • ••w 2 ••• • ••w 1 ••• Figure 1. <strong>Lie</strong> bracket [w 1 , w 2 ] in N Q .well as multiple arrows between vertices. An arrow a with starting vertex s(a) = v i<strong>and</strong> terminating vertex t(a) = v j will be depicted as aj i . The quiverinformation is encoded in the Euler form which is the bilinear form on Z k determinedby the matrix χ Q ∈ M k (Z) withχ ij = δ ij − # { a ∈ Q a | j a i }The symmetrization T Q = χ Q + χ tr Q of this matrix determines the Tits form of thequiver Q. An oriented cycle c = a iu . . . a i1 of length u ≥ 1 is a concatenation ofarrows in Q such that t(a ij ) = s(a ij+1 ) <strong>and</strong> t(a iu ) = s(a i1 ). In addition to thesethere are k oriented cycles e i of length 0 corresponding to the vertices of Q. Alloriented cycles c ′ obtained from c by cyclically permuting the arrow componentsare said to be equivalent to c. A necklace word w for Q is an equivalence class oforiented cycles in the quiver Q.The double quiver Q of Q is the quiver obtained by adjoining to every arrow (orloop) j a i in Q an arrow in the opposite direction a ∗ j i . That is,χ Q = T Q − k .The necklace <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q for the quiver Q has as basis the set of all necklacewords w for the double quiver Q <strong>and</strong> where the <strong>Lie</strong> bracket [w 1 , w 2 ] is determinedas in figure 1. That is, for every arrow a ∈ Q a we look for an occurrence of ain w 1 <strong>and</strong> of a ∗ in w 2 . We then open up the necklaces by removing these factors<strong>and</strong> regluing the open ends together to form a new necklace word. We repeat thisoperation for all occurrences of a (in w 1 ) <strong>and</strong> a ∗ (in w 2 ). We then replace the rolesof a ∗ <strong>and</strong> a <strong>and</strong> redo this operation with a minus sign. Finally, we add up all theseobtained necklace words for all arrows a ∈ Q a . Using this graphical description itis a pleasant exercise to verify the Jacobi identity for N Q .3. An acyclicity result.The path algebra CQ of a quiver Q has as basis the set of all oriented pathsp = a iu . . . a i1 of length u ≥ 1 in the quiver, that is s(a ij+1 ) = t(a ij ) together withthe vertex-idempotents e i of length zero. Multiplication in CQ is induced by (left)concatenation of paths. More precisely, 1 = e 1 + . . . + e k is a decomposition of 1into mutually orthogonal idempotents <strong>and</strong> further we define• e j .a is always zero unless• a.e i is always zero unless j a in which case it is the path a, a i in which case it is the path a,

NECKLACE LIE ALGEBRAS AND NONCOMMUTATIVE SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 5• a i .a j is always zero unlessa i a j .a ia jin which case it is the pathPath <strong>algebras</strong> of quivers are the archetypical examples of formally smooth <strong>algebras</strong>as introduced <strong>and</strong> studied in [7].In this section we will generalize Kontsevich’s acyclicity result for the <strong>noncommutative</strong>deRham cohomology of the free algebra [14] to that of the path algebraCQ. The crucial idea is to consider the relative differential forms (as defined in [7])of CQ with respect to the semisimple subalgebra V = C × . . . × C generated by thevertex idempotents. The idea being that in considering quiver representations oneworks in the category of V -<strong>algebras</strong> rather than C-<strong>algebras</strong>.For a subalgebra B of A, let A B denote the cokernel of the inclusion as B-bimodule. The space of relative differential forms of degree n of A with respect toB isΩ n B A = A ⊗ B A B ⊗ B . . . ⊗ B A B} {{ }nThe space Ω • B A is given a differential graded algebra structure by taking the multiplicationn∑(a 0 , . . . , a n )(a n+1 , . . . , a m ) = (−1) n−i (a 0 , . . . , a i−1 , a i a i+1 , a i+2 , . . .,a m )i=0<strong>and</strong> the differential d(a 0 , . . .,a n ) = (1, a 0 , . . . , a n ), see [7]. Here, (a 0 , . . . , a n ) is arepresentant of the class a 0 da 1 . . . da n ∈ Ω n B A <strong>and</strong> we recall that Ω• B A s generatedby the a <strong>and</strong> da for all a ∈ A. The relative cohomology HB n A is defined as thecohomology of the complex Ω • B A.For θ ∈ Der B A, the <strong>Lie</strong> algebra of B-derivations of A (that is θ is a derivationof A <strong>and</strong> θ(B) = 0), we define a degree preserving derivation L θ <strong>and</strong> a degree −1super-derivation i θ on Ω • B Aby the rulesΩ n−1dBA Ω n B A Ωn+1 BAL θi θ L θi θ L θ{L θ (a) = θ(a)i θ (a) = 0dL θ (da) = d θ(a)i θ (da) = θ(a)for all a ∈ A. We have the Cartan homotopy formula L θ = i θ ◦ d + d ◦ i θ as bothsides are degree preserving derivations on Ω • B A <strong>and</strong> they agree on all the generatorsa <strong>and</strong> da for a ∈ A.<strong>Le</strong>mma 3.1. <strong>Le</strong>t θ, γ ∈ Der B A, then we have on Ω • B A the identities of operators{L θ ◦ i γ − i γ ◦ L θ = [L θ , i γ ] = i [θ,γ] = i θ◦γ−γ◦θL θ ◦ L γ − L γ ◦ L θ = [L θ , L γ ] = L [θ,γ] = L θ◦γ−γ◦θProof. Consider the first identity. By definition both sides are degree −1 superderivationson Ω • B A so it suffices to check that they agree on generators. Clearly,both sides give 0 when evaluated on a ∈ A <strong>and</strong> for da we have(L θ ◦ i γ − i γ ◦ L θ )da = L θ γ(a) − i γ d θ(a) = θ γ(a) − γ θ(a) = i [θ,γ] (da)A similar argument proves the second identity.

6 RAF BOCKLANDT AND LIEVEN LE BRUYNSpecialize to the quiver-case with A = CQ the path algebra <strong>and</strong> B = V = C kthe vertex algebra.<strong>Le</strong>mma 3.2. <strong>Le</strong>t Q be a quiver on k vertices, then a basis for Ω n V CQ is given bythe elementsp 0 dp 1 . . . dp nwhere p i is an oriented path in the quiver such that length p 0 ≥ 0 <strong>and</strong> length p i ≥ 1for 1 ≤ i ≤ n <strong>and</strong> such that the starting point of p i is the endpoint of p i+1 for all1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1.Proof. Clearly l(p i ) ≥ 1 when i ≥ 1 or p i would be a vertex-idempotent whence inV . <strong>Le</strong>t v be the starting point of p i <strong>and</strong> w the end point of p i+1 <strong>and</strong> assume thatv ≠ w, thenfrom which the assertion follows.p i ⊗ V p i+1 = p i v ⊗ V wp i+1 = p i vw ⊗ V p i+1 = 0Proposition 3.3. <strong>Le</strong>t Q be a quiver on k vertices, then the relative differentialform-algebra Ω • V CQ is formal. In fact, the complex is acyclic{HV 0 CQ ≃ C × . . . × C (k factors)CQ ≃ 0 ∀n ≥ 1H n VProof. Define the Euler derivation E on CQ by the rules thatE(e i ) = 0 ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ k <strong>and</strong> E(a) = a ∀a ∈ Q aBy induction on the length l(p) of an oriented path p in the quiver Q one easilyverifies that E(p) = l(p)p. By induction one can also proof that L E (p 0 dp 1 . . . dp n ) =l(p 0 ) + · · · + l(p n ). This implies that L E is a bijection on each Ω i V CQ, where i > 1<strong>and</strong> on Ω 0 V CQ, L E has V as its kernel. By applying the Cartan homotopy formulafor L E , we obtain that the complex is acyclic.The complex Ω • VCQ induces the relative Karoubi complexdR 0 V CQ d ✲ dR1V CQ d ✲ dR2V CQ d ✲ . . .withdR n V CQ = Ω n V∑ CQni=0 [ Ωi VCQ, Ωn−iVCQ ]In this expression the brackets denote supercommutators with respect to the gradingon Ω • V CQ. In the commutative case, dR0 are the functions on the manifold <strong>and</strong>dR 1 the 1-forms.<strong>Le</strong>mma 3.4. A C-basis for the <strong>noncommutative</strong> functionsdR 0 CQV CQ ≃[ CQ, CQ ]are the necklace words in the quiver Q.Proof. <strong>Le</strong>t W be the C-space spanned by all necklace words w in Q <strong>and</strong> define alinear map{CQ n ✲p ↦→ w p if p is a cycleWp ↦→ 0 if p is notfor all oriented paths p in the quiver Q, where w p is the necklace word in Q determinedby the oriented cycle p. Because w p1p 2= w p2p 1it follows that the commutatorsubspace [CQ, CQ] belongs to the kernel of this map. Conversely, letx = x 0 + x 1 + . . . + x m

NECKLACE LIE ALGEBRAS AND NONCOMMUTATIVE SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 7be in the kernel where x 0 is a linear combination of non-cyclic paths <strong>and</strong> x i for1 ≤ i ≤ m is a linear combination of cyclic paths mapping to the same necklaceword w i , then n(x i ) = 0 for all i ≥ 0. Clearly, x 0 ∈ [CQ, CQ] as we can write everynoncyclic path p = a.p ′ = a.p ′ −p ′ .a as a commutator. If x i = a 1 p 1 +a 2 p 2 +. . .+a l p lwith n(p i ) = w i , then p 1 = q.q ′ <strong>and</strong> p 2 = q ′ .q for some paths q, q ′ whence p 1 − p 2 isa commutator. But then, x i = a 1 (p 1 − p 2 ) + (a 2 − a 1 )p 2 + . . . + a l p l is a sum of acommutator <strong>and</strong> a linear combination of strictly fewer elements. By induction, thisshows that x i ∈ [CQ, CQ].<strong>Le</strong>mma 3.5. dR 1 VCQ is isomorphic as C-space toj⊕a iv i .CQ.v j da =j⊕a ii jd ja iProof. If p.q is not a cycle, then pdq = [p, dq] <strong>and</strong> so vanishes in dR 1 V CQ so we onlyhave to consider terms pdq with p.q an oriented cycle in Q. For any three paths p, q<strong>and</strong> r in Q we have the equality[p.qdr] = pqdr − qd(rp) + qrdpwhence in dR 1 V CQ we have relations allowing to reduce the length of the differentialpartqd(rp) = pqdr + qrdpso dR 1 V CQ is spanned by terms of the form pda with a ∈ Q a <strong>and</strong> p.a an orientedcycle in Q. Therefore, we have a surjectionΩ 1 V CQ ✲ ⊕v i .CQ.v j dajBy construction, it is clear that [Ω 0 V CQ, Ω1 relCQ] lies in the kernel of this map <strong>and</strong>using an argument as in the lemma above one shows also the converse inclusion.Using the above descriptions of dR i V CQ for i = 0, 1 <strong>and</strong> the differentialdR 0 V CQ d ✲ dR1V CQ we can define partial differential operators associated toaany arrow j i in Q.a i∂∂a : dR0 rel CQ ✲ v i CQv j by df = ∑a∈Q a∂f∂a daTo take the partial derivative of a necklace word w with respect to an arrow a, werun through w <strong>and</strong> each time we encounter a we open the necklace by removingthat occurrence of a <strong>and</strong> then take the sum of all the paths obtained.Defining the relative deRham cohomology HdR n CQ to be the cohomology of theKaroubi complex <strong>and</strong> observing that the operators L θ <strong>and</strong> i θ on Ω • V CQ induceoperators on the Karoubi complex, we have the acyclicity resultTheorem 3.6. The relative Karoubi complex is acyclic. In particular,{HdR 0 CQ ≃ VCQ ≃ 0 ∀n ≥ 1H n dR

8 RAF BOCKLANDT AND LIEVEN LE BRUYN4. Symplectic interpretation.In this section we use the acyclicity result to give a Poisson interpretation to the<strong>Lie</strong> bracket in N Q . This generalizes the Kontsevich bracket [14] in the free case topath <strong>algebras</strong> of doubles of quivers. If Q is a quiver with double quiver Q, then wecan define a canonical symplectic structure on the path algebra of the double CQdetermined by the elementω = ∑a∈Q ada ∗ da ∈ dR 2 V CQAs in the commutative case, ω defines a bijection between the <strong>noncommutative</strong>1-forms dR 1 V CQ <strong>and</strong> the <strong>noncommutative</strong> vectorfields which are defined to be theV -derivations of CQ. This correspondence isDer V CQ τ ✲ dR1V CQ given by τ(θ) = i θ(ω)In analogy with the commutative case we define a derivation θ ∈ Der V CQ to besymplectic if <strong>and</strong> only if L θ ω = 0 ∈ dR 2 V CQ <strong>and</strong> denote the subspace of symplecticderivations by Der ω CQ. It follows from the homotopy formula <strong>and</strong> the fact thatω is a closed form, that θ ∈ Der ω CQ implies L θ ω = di θ ω = dτ(θ) = 0. That is,τ(θ) is a closed form which by the acyclicity of the Karoubi complex shows thatit must be an exact form. That is we have an isomorphism of exact sequences ofC-vectorspaces0 ✲ V ✲ dR0V CQ d ✲ (dR1V CQ) exact✲ 0=❄❄0 ✲ V ✲CQ[CQ, CQ]≃τ −1 ❄✲ Derω CQ✲ 0The symplectic structure ω defines a Poisson bracket on the <strong>noncommutative</strong> functions.Definition 4.1. <strong>Le</strong>t Q be a quiver <strong>and</strong> Q its double. The Kontsevich bracket onthe necklace words in Q, dR 0 V CQ is defined to be{w 1 , w 2 } K = ∑( ∂w 1 ∂w 2∂a ∂a ∗ − ∂w 1 ∂w 2∂a ∗ ) mod [CQ, CQ]∂aa∈Q aBy the description of the partial differential operators it is clear that dR 0 V CQ withthis bracket is isomorphic to the necklace <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q .The symplectic derivations Der ω CQ have a natural <strong>Lie</strong> algebra structure bycommutators of derivations. We will show that τ −1 ◦ d is a <strong>Lie</strong> algebra morphism.For every necklace word w we have a symplectic derivation θ w = τ −1 dw definedby{θ w (a)θ w (a ∗ )= − ∂w∂a ∗= ∂w∂aWith this notation we get the following interpretations of the Kontsevich bracket{w 1 , w 2 } K = i θw1 (i θw2 ω) = L θw1 (w 2 ) = −L θw2 (w 1 )where the next to last equality follows because i θw2 ω = dw 2 <strong>and</strong> the fact thati θw1 (dw) = L θw1 (w) for any w. More generally, for any V -derivation θ <strong>and</strong> anynecklace word w we have the equationi θ (i θw ω) = L θ (w).

NECKLACE LIE ALGEBRAS AND NONCOMMUTATIVE SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 9When we look at the image of the Kontsevich bracket under τ −1 d, we obtain thefollowingτ −1 d{w 1 , w 2 } K = τ −1 dL θw1 w 2= τ −1 L θw1 dw 2= τ −1 L θw1 i θw2 ω= τ −1 ([L θw1 , i θw2 ] + i θw2 L θw1 )ω= τ −1 i [θw1 ,θ w2 ]ω= [θ w1 , θ w2 ]Above we made use of the fact that L θ commutes with d, <strong>and</strong> the defining equationdw 2 = i θw2 ω. In the fourth line we omitted the last term because θ w1 is a symplecticderivation. Finally lemma 3.1 enabled us to transform the commutator in i <strong>and</strong> Lto of commutator of the derivations θ w1 <strong>and</strong> θ w2 . This calculation concluded theproof of :Theorem 4.2. With notations as before, dR 0 rel CQd with the Kontsevich bracketis isomorphic to the necklace <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q , <strong>and</strong> the sequence0 ✲ V ✲ NQτ −1 d✲ Derω CQ ✲ 0is an exact sequence (hence a central extension) of <strong>Lie</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>.5. Coadjoint orbits.Consider a dimension vector α = (n 1 , . . . , n k ), that is, a k-tuple of natural numbers,then the space of α-dimensional representations of the double quiver Q, rep α Qcan be identified via the trace pairing with the cotangent bundle T ∗ rep α Q of thespace of α-dimensional representations of the quiver Q, see for example [4], <strong>and</strong> assuch acquires a natural symplectic structure. The natural action of the basechangegroup GL(α) = GL n1 × . . . × GL nk on rep α Q is symplectic <strong>and</strong> induces a Poissonstructure on the coordinate ring as well as on the ring of polynomial quiverinvariants, which are generated by traces along oriented cycles by [17].The symplectic derivations Der ω CQ correspond to the V -automorphisms of thepath algebra of the double CQ preserving the moment elementm = ∑[a, a ∗ ] ∈ CQa∈Q aFor this reason it is natural to consider the complex moment maprep α Q µ C✲ M0α (C) V ↦→ ∑a∈Q a[V a , V a ∗]where Mα 0(C) is the subspace of k-tuples (m 1, . . .,m k ) ∈ M n1 (C) ⊕ . . . ⊕ M nk (C)such that ∑ i tr(m i) = 0, that is Mα 0 (C) = <strong>Lie</strong> PGL(α) where PGL(α) =GL(α)/C ∗ ( n1 , . . . , nk ).For λ = (λ 1 , . . .,λ k ) ∈ C k such that ∑ i n iλ i = 0 we consider the elementλ = (λ1 n1 , . . .,λk nk ) in Mα(C). 0 The inverse image µ −1C(λ) is a GL(α)-closedaffine subvariety of rep α Q.In [9] V. Ginzburg proved the following coadjointness result using the results ofthe preceding sections.Theorem 5.1 (Ginzburg). Assume that µ −1C(λ) is irreducible <strong>and</strong> that PGL(α)acts freely on µ −1C(λ), then the quotient variety (the orbit space)µ −1C (λ)/GL(α)is a coadjoint orbit for the necklace <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q .

10 RAF BOCKLANDT AND LIEVEN LE BRUYNUsing results of W. Crawley-Boevey [4] we will identify the situations (α, λ)satisfying the conditions of the theorem. For λ ∈ C k as above, W. Crawley-Boevey<strong>and</strong> M. Holl<strong>and</strong> introduced <strong>and</strong> studied the deformed preprojective algebraΠ λ =CQ(m − λ)where λ = λ 1 e 1 + . . . + λ k e k ∈ CQ. From [6] we recall that µ −1C(λ) is the scheme ofα-dimensional representations rep αΠ λ of the deformed preprojective algebra Π λ .We recall the characterization due to V. Kac [10] of the dimension vectors ofindecomposable representations of the quiver Q. To a vertex v i in which Q has noloop, we define a reflection Z k r✲ iZ k byr i (α) = α − T Q (α, ǫ i )ǫ iwhere ǫ i = (δ 1i , . . .,δ ki ). The Weyl group of the quiver Q Weyl Q is the subgroupof GL k (Z) generated by all reflections r i .A root of the quiver Q is a dimension vector α ∈ N k such that rep α Q containsindecomposable representations. All roots have connected support. A root is saidto be{real if χ Q (α, α) = 1imaginary if χ Q (α, α) ≤ 0For a fixed quiver Q we will denote the set of all roots, real roots <strong>and</strong> imaginary rootsrespectively by ∆, ∆ re <strong>and</strong> ∆ im . With Π we denote the set {ǫ i | v i has no loops }.The fundamental set of roots is defined to be the following set of dimension vectorsF Q = {α ∈ N k − 0 | T Q (α, ǫ i ) ≤ 0 <strong>and</strong> supp(α) is connected }Kac’s result asserts that{∆ re∆ im= Weyl Q .Π ∩ N k= Weyl Q .F Q ∩ N kExample 5.2. The quiver Q <strong>and</strong> double quiver Q appearing in the study ofCalogero phase space (see [20] <strong>and</strong> [8]) which stimulated the above generalizationsarea b <strong>and</strong> aa ∗bb ∗The Euler- <strong>and</strong> Tits form of the quiver Q are determined by the matricesχ Q =[ ]1 −10 0<strong>and</strong> T Q =[2]−1−1 0

NECKLACE LIE ALGEBRAS AND NONCOMMUTATIVE SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 11The root-system for Q is easy to work out. We havenF Q ∆+im •∆ + re⎧⎪⎨ F Q = {(m, n) | n ≥ 2m}∆ + im= {(m, n) | n ≥ n}⎪⎩Π = ∆ + re = {(1, 0)}Fix λ ∈ C k <strong>and</strong> denote ∆ + λ to be the set of positive roots β = (b 1, . . . , b k ) forQ such that λ.β = ∑ i λ ib i = 0. With S λ (resp. Σ λ ) we denote the subsets ofdimension vectors α which are roots for Q such that1 − χ Q (α, α) ≥ (resp. >) r − χ Q (β 1 , β 1 ) − . . . − χ Q (β r , β r )for all decompositions α = β 1 + . . . + β r with the β i ∈ ∆ + λ. The main results of [4]can be summarized into :Theorem 5.3 (W. Crawley-Boevey). 1. α ∈ S 0 if <strong>and</strong> only if µ C is a flat morphism.In this case, µ C is also surjective.2. α ∈ Σ λ if <strong>and</strong> only if Π λ has a simple α-dimensional representation. In thiscase, µ −1C(λ) is a reduced <strong>and</strong> irreducible complete intersection of dimension1 + α.α − 2χ Q (α, α).Using the results of [17] one verifies that the set of dimension vectors of simplerepresentations of Q coincides with the fundamental set F Q . As any simple Π λ -representation is a simple Q-representations it follows that Σ λ⊂ ✲ FQ .Example 5.4. For the Calogero-example above, we have1. The set S 0 consisting of all (m, n) such that the complex moment map µ C issurjective <strong>and</strong> flat is the set of rootsS 0 = {(m, n) | n ≥ 2m − 1} ⊔ {(1, 0)}2. The set Σ 0 of dimension vectors (m, n) of simple representations of the preprojectivealgebra Π 0 is the set of rootsΣ 0 = {(m, n) | n ≥ 2m} ⊔ {(1, 0)}which is F Q ⊔ {(1, 0)}.3. For λ = (−n, m) with gcd(m, n) = 1, the set Σ λ of dimension vectors of simplerepresentations of the deformed preprojective algebra is the set of rootsΣ λ = {k.(m, n) | k ∈ N + }with unique minimal element (m, n).For the first two parts the essential calculation is to verify the conditions on thedecomposition (m, n) = (m − 1, n) + (1, 0).We obtain the following combinatorial description of the couples (α, λ) for whichGinzburg’s criterium applies.m

12 RAF BOCKLANDT AND LIEVEN LE BRUYNTheorem 5.5. µ −1C(λ) is irreducible with a free action of PGL(α) (<strong>and</strong> henceµ −1C (λ)/GL(α) is a coadjoint orbit for N Q) if <strong>and</strong> only if α is a minimal non-zeroelement of Σ λ .Proof. We know that µ −1C (λ) = rep α Π λ. By a result of M. Artin [1] one knows thatthe geometric points of the quotient scheme rep αΠ λ /GL(α) are the isomorphismclasses of α-dimensional semi-simple representations of Π λ . Moreover, the PGL(α)-stabilizer of a point in rep αΠ λ is trivial if <strong>and</strong> only if it determines a simpleα-dimensional representation of Π λ . The result follows from this <strong>and</strong> the resultsrecalled above.Example 5.6. Consider the special case when λ = (−n, 1) <strong>and</strong> α = (1, n) theunique minimal element in Σ λ , then it follows from [20] that we have canonicalidentifications of the quotient varietiesiss α Π λ ≃ Calo nwhere Calo n is the phase space of n Calogero particles. In particular, Calo n is acoadjoint orbit. Wilson [20] has shown thatGr ad = ⊔ nCalo nwhere Gr ad is the adelic Grassmannian which can be thought of as the spaceparametrizing isomorphism classes of right ideals in the first Weyl algebra A 1 (C) =C〈x, y〉/(xy − yx − 1) by [3]. In [2] it is shown that there is a non-differentiableaction of the automorphism group of A 1 (C) on Gr ad having a transitive action oneach of the Calo n . It was then conjectured by Y. Berest <strong>and</strong> G. Wilson that Calo nmight be a coadjoint orbit for a central extension of the automorphism group.Example 5.7. M. Holl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> W. Crawley-Boevey have a conjectural extensionof the foregoing example. <strong>Le</strong>t Q ′ be an extended Dynkin quiver on k vertices{v 1 , . . . , v k } with minimal imaginary root δ = (d 1 , . . . , d k ). A vertex v i is said tobe an extending vertex provided d i = 1. Consider the quiver Q on k + 1 vertices{v 0 , v 1 , . . . , v k } which is Q ′ on the last k vertices <strong>and</strong> there is one extra arrowfrom v o to an extending vertex v i . For a generic λ ′ = (λ 1 , . . .,λ k ) they defined a<strong>noncommutative</strong> algebra O λ′ extending the role of the Weyl algebra in the previousexample. They conjecture that there is a bijection between the isomorphism classesof stably free right ideals in O λ <strong>and</strong> points in⊔ n µ −1C (λ n)/GL(α n )where α n = (1, nδ) <strong>and</strong> λ n = (−nλ ′ .δ, λ ′ ). This remains to be seen but fromour theorem we deduce that each of the quotient varieties µ −1C (λ n)/GL(α n ) is acoadjoint orbit for the necklace <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q .If α ∈ Σ λ but not minimal, there are several representation types τ =(m 1 , β 1 ; . . .,m v , β v ) of semi-simple α-dimensional representations of Π λ with theβ i ∈ Σ λ <strong>and</strong> ∑ m i β i = α <strong>and</strong> the m i determine the multiplicities of the simplecomponents. With iss α (τ) we denote the subvariety of the quotient varietyiss α Π λ = rep α Π λ /GL(α) consisting of all semi-simple representations of type τ.Consider the algebra A Q = C[N Q ] ⊗ C CQ which has a natural trace map tr :A Q✲ C[NQ ] mapping an oriented cycle in Q to the corresponding necklace word<strong>and</strong> all open paths to zero. With Aut Q we denote the automorphism group of tracepreserving C-algebra automorphisms of A Q which preserve the moment elementm = ∑ a∈Q a[a, a ∗ ]. A natural extension of the above coadjoint orbit result wouldbe a positive solution to the following problem.Question 5.8. Does Aut Q act transitively on every stratum iss α (τ) ?

NECKLACE LIE ALGEBRAS AND NONCOMMUTATIVE SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 136. The smooth locus of Π 0 .In this section <strong>and</strong> the next we try to explain why exactly the couples (α, λ) withλ.α = 0 <strong>and</strong> α a minimal non-zero element of Σ λ give rise to coadjoint orbits.The path algebra CQ of the double quiver Q is formally smooth in the sense of[7], that is, it has the lifting property with respect to nilpotent ideals. Hence, CQis the coordinate ring of a <strong>noncommutative</strong> affine manifold <strong>and</strong> has a good theoryof differential forms (acyclicity).On the other h<strong>and</strong>, we will see that the deformed preprojective <strong>algebras</strong> Π λ arenever formally smooth. For this reason, the differential forms of CQ when restrictedto Π λ may have rather unpredictable behavior.Still, it may be possible that certain representation spaces rep α Π λ are smooth<strong>and</strong> we need a notion of <strong>noncommutative</strong> (formal) smoothness depending on thedimension vector α. This notion is Cayley-smoothness as introduced by C. Procesiin [19] <strong>and</strong> studied in detail in [16].<strong>Le</strong>t α = (n 1 , . . . , n k ) <strong>and</strong> set n = ∑ i n i. With alg @ α we denote the categoryof all V -<strong>algebras</strong> A equipped with a trace map tr : A ✲ A (that is, such thatfor all a, b ∈ A we have tr(a)b = btr(a), tr(ab) = tr(ba) <strong>and</strong> tr(tr(a)b) = tr(a)tr(b))satisfying tr(1) = n <strong>and</strong> the formal Cayley-Hamilton identity of degree n, see [19]such that tr(e i ) = n i . Morphisms in alg @ α are trace preserving algebra morphisms.An α-Cayley smooth algebra A is an algebra in alg @ α having the lifting propertywith respect to nilpotent ideals in alg @ α . That is, every diagramBπ ✲ B I■ . . ............✻φ∃˜φwith B, B I in alg @ α, I a nilpotent ideal <strong>and</strong> π <strong>and</strong> φ trace preserving maps, canbe completed with a trace preserving algebra map ˜φ. It is proved in [16] that A isα-Cayley smooth if <strong>and</strong> only if the scheme rep αA of α-dimensional representationsof A is a smooth GL(α)-variety.In particular, if (λ, α) is such that λ.α = 0 <strong>and</strong> α is a minimal non-zero vector inΣ λ , then the level α approximation Π λ @ α (which is the ring of GL(α)-equivariantmaps from rep αΠ λ to M n (C) with the induced trace from M n (C[rep αΠ λ )) is α-Cayley smooth. In fact, Π λ @ α is an Azumaya algebra over the coadjoint orbit. Aneat explanation for the description of the coadjoint orbits would be provided by apositive solution to the following problem.Question 6.1. Conversely, if Π λ @ α is α-Cayley smooth, does it follow that α isa minimal non-zero vector in Σ λ ? More generally, does the α-smooth locus ofΠ λ @ α , that is the locus Sm α Π λ in iss α Π λ such that rep αΠ α is smooth alongπ −1 (Sm Π λ ), coincide with the Azumaya locus ?We will give an affirmative solution in the special case of the preprojective algebraΠ 0 . By a result of W. Crawley-Boevey [5], we can control the Ext 1 -spaces ofrepresentations of Π 0 . <strong>Le</strong>t V <strong>and</strong> W be representations of Π 0 of dimension vectorsα <strong>and</strong> β, then we havedim C Ext 1 Π 0(V, W) = dim C Hom Π0 (V, W) + dim C Hom Π0 (W, V ) − T Q (α, β)For ξ ∈ iss α Π 0 to belong to the smooth locus ξ ∈ Sm α Π 0 it is necessary <strong>and</strong>sufficient that rep αΠ 0 is smooth along the orbit O(M ξ ) where M ξ is the semisimpleα-dimensional representation of Π 0 corresponding to ξ.A

14 RAF BOCKLANDT AND LIEVEN LE BRUYNAssume that ξ is of type τ = (e 1 , α 1 ; . . .;e z , α z ), that is,M ξ = S ⊕e11 ⊕ . . . ⊕ Sz⊕ezwith S i a simple Π 0 -representation of dimension vector α i . Then, the normal spaceto the orbit O(M ξ ) is determined by Ext 1 Π o(M ξ , M ξ ) <strong>and</strong> can be depicted by a localquiver setting (Q ξ , α ξ ) where Q ξ is a quiver on z vertices having as many arrowsfrom vertex i to vertex j as the dimension of Ext 1 Π 0(S i , S j ) <strong>and</strong> where α ξ = α τ =(e 1 , . . . , e z ). Applying the Luna slice theorem [18] we have<strong>Le</strong>mma 6.2. With notations as above, ξ ∈ Sm α Π 0 if <strong>and</strong> only ifdim GL(α) × GL(α ξ) Ext 1 Π 0(M ξ , M ξ ) = dim Mξ rep αΠ 0As we have enough information to compute both sides, we can prove :Theorem 6.3. If ξ ∈ iss α Π 0 with α = (a 1 , . . . , a k ) ∈ S 0 , then ξ ∈ Sm α Π 0 if<strong>and</strong> only if M ξ is a simple n-dimensional representation of Π 0 . That is, the smoothlocus of Π 0 coincides with the Azumaya locus.Proof. Assume that ξ is a point of semi-simple representation type τ =(e 1 , α 1 ; . . . ; e z , α z ), that is,M ξ = S ⊕e11 ⊕ . . . ⊕ S ⊕ezz with dim(S i ) = α i<strong>and</strong> S i a simple Π 0 -representation. We have{dim C Ext 1 Π 0(S i , S j ) = −T Q (α i , α j )dim C Ext 1 Π 0(S i , S i ) = 2 − T Q (α i , α i )i ≠ jBut then, the dimension of Ext 1 Π 0(M ξ , M ξ ) is equal toz∑i=1(2 − T Q (α i , α i ))e 2 i + ∑ i≠jfrom which it follows immediately thate i e j (−T Q (α i , α j ) = 2dim GL(α) × GL(α ξ) Ext 1 Π 0(M ξ , M ξ ) = α.α +On the other h<strong>and</strong>, as α ∈ S 0 we know thatz∑e i − T Q (α, α)i=1z∑e 2 i − T Q(α, α)dim rep αΠ 0 = α.α − 1 + 2p Q (α) = α.α − 1 + 2 − 2χ Q (α, α) = α.α + 1 − T Q (α, α)But then, equality occurs if <strong>and</strong> only if ∑ i e2 i = 1, that is, τ = (1, α) or M ξ is asimple n-dimensional representation of Π 0 .In particular it follows that the preprojective algebra Π 0 is never formally smoothas this implies that all the representation varieties must be smooth. Further, as⃗v i = (0, . . .,1, 0, . . .,0) are dimension vectors of simple representations of Π 0 itfollows that Π 0 is α-smooth if <strong>and</strong> only if α = ⃗v i for some i.Example 6.4. <strong>Le</strong>t Q be an extended Dynkin diagram <strong>and</strong> δ the minimal imaginaryroot, then δ ∈ S 0 . The dimension of the quotient varietyi=1dim iss δ Π 0 = dim rep δ Π 0 − δ.δ + 1= 2so it is a surface. The only other semi-simple δ-dimensional representation of Π 0 isthe trivial representation. By the theorem, this must be an isolated singular point ofiss δ Q. In fact, one can show that iss δ Π 0 is the Kleinian singularity correspondingto the extended Dynkin diagram Q.

NECKLACE LIE ALGEBRAS AND NONCOMMUTATIVE SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 157. A sheaf of <strong>algebras</strong>.We will prove that α-Cayley smoothness of a closely related sheaf of <strong>algebras</strong>is equivalent to α being a minimal non-zero vector of Σ λ . Recall that rep α Qadmits a hyper-Kähler structure (that is, an action of the quaternion algebra H =R.1 ⊕ R.i ⊕ R.j ⊕ R.k) defined for all arrows a ∈ Q a <strong>and</strong> all arrows b ∈ Q a by theformulae, see for example [5](i.V ) b = iV b(j.V ) a = −V † a ∗ (j.V ) a ∗ = V a†(k.V ) a = −iV † a ∗ (k.V ) a ∗ = iV a†where this time we denote the Hermitian adjoint of a matrix M by M † to distinguishit from the star-operation on the arrows of the double quiver Q. <strong>Le</strong>t U(α) be theproduct of unitary groups U n1 × . . . × U nk <strong>and</strong> consider the real moment maprep α Q µ ✲ R∑ i<strong>Lie</strong> U(α) V ↦→2 [V b, V †b ]For λ ∈ R k , multiplication by the quaternion-element h = i+k √2gives a homeomorphismbetween the real varietiesµ −1C(λ) ∩ µ−1R (0) bb∈Qah. ✲ µ−1C(0) ∩ µ−1R (iλ)Moreover, the hyper-Kähler structure commutes with the base-change action ofU(α), whence we have a natural one-to-one correspondence between the quotientspaces(µ −1C(λ) ∩ µ−1R (0))/U(α)h. ✲ (µ−1C(0) ∩ µ−1R (iλ))/U(α)see [5] for more details. By results of Kempf <strong>and</strong> Ness [12] we can identify theleft h<strong>and</strong> side as the quotient variety iss α Π λ <strong>and</strong> by results of A. King [13] wecan identify the right h<strong>and</strong> side as the moduli space Mα ss (Π 0 , λ) of λ-semistableα-dimensional representations of the preprojective algebra Π 0 . Recall that a representationV ∈ rep α Q is said to be λ-(semi)stable if <strong>and</strong> only if for every propersubrepresentation W of V say with dimension vector β we have λ.β > 0 (resp.λ.β ≥ 0). The scheme rep ss(Πα0, λ) of λ-semistable α-dimensional representationsof Π 0 is the intersection of µ −1C(0) with the subvariety of λ-semistable representationsin rep α Q. The corresponding moduli space Mα ss (Π 0 , λ) classifies isomorphismclasses of direct sums of λ-stable representations of Π 0 of total dimension α. Inview of the explicit form of the hyper-Kähler structure it follows that the deformedpreprojective algebra Π λ has semi-simple representations of dimension vector α ofrepresentation type τ = (e 1 , β 1 ; . . . ; e r , β r ) if <strong>and</strong> only if the preprojective algebraΠ 0 has λ-stable representations of dimension vectors β i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ r. In particular,Π θ has a simple representation of dimension vector α if <strong>and</strong> only if Π 0 has aθ-stable representation of dimension vector α.Taking locally the <strong>algebras</strong> of GL(α)-equivariant maps from rep ss(Πα0, λ) toM n (C) defines a sheaf of <strong>algebras</strong> in alg @ α , A λ,α on the moduli space Mα ss(Π0, λ).The main result of this section asserts the following.Theorem 7.1. With notations as above, for α ∈ Σ λ the following are equivalent :1. A λ,α is a sheaf of α-Cayley smooth <strong>algebras</strong> on the moduli space M ssα (Π 0, λ).2. α is a minimal non-zero vector in Σ λ (<strong>and</strong> hence the quotient variety iss α Π λis a coadjoint orbit for the necklace <strong>Lie</strong> algebra N Q ).Proof. As α ∈ Σ λ we know that iss α Π λ has dimension 1 + α.α − 2χ Q (α, α) −dim PGL(α) which is equal to 2 − T Q (α, α). By the hyper-Kähler correspondence

16 RAF BOCKLANDT AND LIEVEN LE BRUYNso is the dimension of Mα ss (Π 0 , λ), whence the open subset of µ −1C(0) consisting ofλ-semistable representations has dimension1 + α.α − 2χ Q (α, α)as there are λ-stable representations in it (again via the hyper-Kähler correspondence).Take a GL(α)-closed orbit O(V ) in this open set. That is, V is the directsum of λ-stable subrepresentationsV = S ⊕e11 ⊕ . . . ⊕ Sr⊕erwith S i a λ-stable representation of Π 0 of dimension vector β i occurring in V withmultiplicity e i whence α = ∑ i e iβ i .Again, the normal space in V to O(V ) can be identified with Ext 1 Π 0(V, V ). Asall S i are Π 0 -representations we can determine this space by the knowledge of allExt 1 Π 0(S i , S j ).Ext 1 Π 0(S i , S j ) = 2δ ij − T Q (β i , β j )But then the dimension of the normal space to the orbit isr∑dim Ext 1 Π 0(V, V ) = 2 e i − T Q (α, α)By the Luna slice theorem [18], the étale local structure in the smooth point Vis of the form GL(α) × GL(τ) Ext 1 (V, V ) where τ = (e 1 , . . .,e r ) <strong>and</strong> is therefore ofdimension2∑α.α + e 2 i − T Q(α, α)i=1This number must be equal to the dimension of the subvariety of λ-semistablerepresentations of Π 0 which has dimension 1 + α.α − T Q (α, α) if <strong>and</strong> only if r = 1<strong>and</strong> e 1 = 1, that is if <strong>and</strong> only if V is λ-stable. Hence, if rep ssα (Π 0 , λ) is smooth,then α must be a minimal non-zero vector in the set of dimension vectors of λ-stable representations of Π 0 <strong>and</strong> hence by the hyper-Kähler correspondence, α is aminimal non-zero vector in Σ λ .Conversely, if α is a minimal vector in Σ λ , then iss α Π λ is a coadjoint orbit,whence smooth <strong>and</strong> hence so is Mα ss (Π 0 , λ) by the correspondence. Moreover,all α-dimensional λ-semistable representations must be λ-stable by the minimalityassumption <strong>and</strong> so rep ssα (Π 0, λ) is a principal PGL(α)-fibration over Mα ss(Π0, λ)whence smooth. Therefore, A λ,α is a sheaf of α-Cayley smooth <strong>algebras</strong>.Question 6.1 can be proved as in the case of Π 0 provided we know thatdim C Ext 1 Π λ(M, N) = dim C Hom Πλ (M, N) + dim C Hom Πλ (N, M)− T Q (dim M, dim N)for all (simple) Π λ representations M <strong>and</strong> N. Still, we can prove that Π λ can neverbe formally smooth <strong>and</strong> even that certain representation varieties are not smooth.Proposition 7.2. <strong>Le</strong>t α ∈ Σ λ such that 2α ∈ Σ λ . Then, rep 2αΠ λ is not smooth.In particular, Π λ is not formally smooth.Proof. As α ∈ Σ λ we know that the local quiver Q ξ in a simple representation Scorresponding to ξ is a one vertex quiver having 2 − T Q (α, α) loops. That is,i=1dim Ext 1 Π λ(S, S) = 2 − T Q (α, α)But then, for ξ ∈ iss 2α Π λ a point corresponding to S ⊕ S, the local quiver is stillQ ξ but this time the local dimension vector α ξ = 2. If ξ lies in the smooth locus,then by the Luna slice theorem we must havedim GL(2α) × GL2 rep αξ Q ξ = dim rep 2α Π λ

NECKLACE LIE ALGEBRAS AND NONCOMMUTATIVE SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 17The left h<strong>and</strong> side is 4α.α + 4 − 4T Q (α, α) whereas the right h<strong>and</strong> side is equal to(because 2α ∈ Σ λ ) 4α.α + 1 − 4T Q (α, α), a contradiction.References[1] M. Artin, On Azumaya <strong>algebras</strong> <strong>and</strong> finite dimensional representations of rings, J.Alg. 11(1969) 523-563[2] Yu. Berest <strong>and</strong> G. Wilson Automorphisms <strong>and</strong> ideals of the Weyl algebra preprint, London(1999)[3] R. Cannings <strong>and</strong> M. Holl<strong>and</strong> Right ideals of rings of differential operators J.Alg. 167 (1994)116-141[4] W. Crawley-Boevey Geometry of the moment map for representations of quivers preprint<strong>Le</strong>eds (1999)[5] W. Crawley-Boevey On the exceptional fibers of Kleinian singularities preprint <strong>Le</strong>eds (1999)[6] W. Crawley-Boevey <strong>and</strong> M. Holl<strong>and</strong> Noncommutative deformations of Kleinian singularitiesDuke Math. J. (1998) 605-635[7] J. Cuntz <strong>and</strong> D. Quillen Algebra extensions <strong>and</strong> nonsingularity Journal AMS 8 (1995) 251-289[8] V. Ginzburg Non-commutative symplectic geometry <strong>and</strong> Calogero-Moser space preprintChicago, preliminary version (1999)[9] V. Ginzburg Non-commutative symplectic geometry, quiver varieties <strong>and</strong> operads preprintChicago (2000)[10] V. Kac Infinite root systems, representations of graphs <strong>and</strong> invariant theory Invent. Math.56 (1980) 57-92[11] A. Kapustin, A. Kuznetson <strong>and</strong> D. Orlov Noncommutative instantons <strong>and</strong> twistor transformhep-th/0002193 (2000)[12] G.Kempf <strong>and</strong> L. Ness The length of a vector in representation space LNM 732, Springer-Verlag (1979) 233-244[13] A. King Moduli of representations of finite dimensional <strong>algebras</strong> Quat. J. Math. Oxford 45(1994) 515-530[14] M. Kontsevich Formal non-commutative symplectic geometry Gelf<strong>and</strong> seminar 1990-1992,Birkhauser (1993) 173-187[15] L. <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Bruyn</strong> Moduli spaces for right ideals of the Weyl algebra J. Alg. 172 (1995) 32-48[16] Noncommutative geometry @ n, AMS to appear[17] Semisimple representations of quivers Trans. AMS 317 (1990) 585-598[18] Slices etales Bull.Soc.Math. France Mem 33 (1973) 81-105[19] C. Procesi A formal inverse to the Cayley-Hamilton theorem J.Alg. 107 (1987) 63-74[20] G. Wilson Collissions of Calogero-Moser particles <strong>and</strong> an adelic Grassmannian Invent. Math.133 (1998) 1-41Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA), B-2610 Antwerp (Belgium)E-mail address: rbockl@wins.uia.ac.beURL: http://win-www.uia.ac.be/u/rbockl/Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA), B-2610 Antwerp (Belgium)E-mail address: lebruyn@wins.uia.ac.beURL: http://win-www.uia.ac.be/u/lebruyn/

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