Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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virartaabaMESSAGE OF PEACEradi-Allahu ‘anhu/‘anha/‘anhum, meaning ‘mayAllah be pleased with him/her/them’ is writtenafter the names of the Companions of the HolyProphet Muhammad sa or of the PromisedMessiah as .rahmatullah ‘alaih, meaning ‘may Allah showerHis mercy upon him’ is written after the namesof deceased pious Muslims who are notCompanions of the Holy ProphetMuhammad sa or of the Promised Messiah as .ayyadahullahu ta‘ala bi nasrihil ‘aziz, meaning‘may Allah support him with His Mighty Help’is written after the name of the current Khalifahof the Promised Messiah as .Please note that in referencing the Holy Qur’an, we havecounted ‘In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful’ asthe first verse of the Chapter in which it appears.We pray to God that this message may reach all peoplewho have a genuine desire to study these issues. May Allahmake this a source of guidance for them. Amin.Munir-ud-Din ShamsAdditional Vakil-ut-TasnifMarch 2007

about the authorThe worldwide Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at was founded in1889. Its founder, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as of Qadian,India, claimed to be the Promised Messiah and Reformerwhose advent was awaited under different names and titles bythe adherents of various religions. Under Divine guidance,Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as revealed that only one suchreformer was to appear and that his mission was to bringmankind into the fold of a single universal religion, Islam. Healso maintained that the Promised Reformer was to appear asa subordinate and follower of the Holy Prophet of Islam,Muhammad [may peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim]—in accordance with the prophecies by him about thesecond coming of Messiah and the appearance of al-Imam, al-Mahdi from among the Muslims. He claimed to be the personin whom these prophecies were fulfilled.

virartaabaMESSAGE OF PEACEradi-Allahu ‘anhu/‘anha/‘anhum, meaning ‘mayAllah be pleased with him/her/them’ is writtenafter the names <strong>of</strong> the Companions <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet Muhammad sa or <strong>of</strong> the PromisedMessiah as .rahmatullah ‘alaih, meaning ‘may Allah showerHis mercy upon him’ is written after the names<strong>of</strong> deceased pious <strong>Muslim</strong>s who are notCompanions <strong>of</strong> the Holy ProphetMuhammad sa or <strong>of</strong> the Promised Messiah as .ayyadahullahu ta‘ala bi nasrihil ‘aziz, meaning‘may Allah support him with His Mighty Help’is written after the name <strong>of</strong> the current Khalifah<strong>of</strong> the Promised Messiah as .Please note that in referencing the Holy Qur’an, we havecounted ‘In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful’ asthe first verse <strong>of</strong> the Chapter in which it appears.We pray to God that this message may reach all peoplewho have a genuine desire to study these issues. May Allahmake this a source <strong>of</strong> guidance for them. Amin.Munir-ud-Din ShamsAdditional Vakil-ut-TasnifMarch 2007

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